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  1. Very nice 😎. Liking the side carry handles.
  2. Spotted a new Reel for the Sting 3.0 Tour on Instagram. The new bass still hard to make out with the fast editing. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4ibECLs890/?igsh=MW4xbWFxOTk4bXdvOA==
  3. I had the VR micro stack and regret moving it on. This looks just as sweet though. 😎
  4. I had two custom made pickguards made for my lefty Squier 32" Scale mij p bass. Fantastic workmanship and great to deal with. They even made a wood template of my guard so I don't have to resend mine if want any further orders. Would absolutely recommend.
  5. Sweet. Can you still get the teacup controls that were on these basses originally? 😎
  6. These are lovely to play. I tried a few in the range when they first came out but being a lefty i prefer symmetrical basses if I'm flipping them upside down. Did borrow one with flats for recording a couple times. 😎
  7. Nice Aria Pro ii SB700 mij https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/395292288584?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ojwLfi25T-W&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media
  8. If I were rich I would snap this up even just to have on display as a wonderful piece of bass history.
  9. This paired with a Fender 500 head would be so sweet. 😎
  10. Here you are https://www.instagram.com/theofficialsting?igsh=MTlpcTk3YTlzejYzYw==
  11. Again another blurry image of the headstock. Can't see a Fender decal in this one so maybe a one-off by a luthier?
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