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neepheid last won the day on December 22 2024

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  1. But we on the whole don't want your stupid big cars... tariffs aren't going to change that. Hey, America - make better/more appropriate stuff that we'd want to buy if you're so concerned about a trade deficit, you dunces!
  2. 2025 Gear Abstinence Squid Games innit?
  3. Depends which ones you're talking about. The GB350 (GB707 sized) Res-o-Lite have plastic buttons and I ain't touching that with a barge pole - I don't care how smooth they turn and how light they are. That's Lotus levels of "add lightness" for me.
  4. Sell you my EHX Battalion...
  5. Sorry, I'd love to be in a position to help you out, but I do not possess such a device. If they're difficult to source then you could argue for buying something that's as similar as possible (same power rating, similar dimensions, similar way of working (solid state/valve etc)) and see what we think? I mean we're obviously going to call shenanigans if you replace your broken MB500 with some 2000W behemoth. But we're fair - try us!
  6. You're a bass player, of course it is
  7. Indeed, the way some people bang on, you'd think I have the only good example of bass X in my hands right now. So effing what? I've got it, so sucks to be you
  8. 100% agree, and have thought this way for a long time - but it has never been truer these days. It's getting really difficult to eff up making solid body instruments.
  9. Welcome to February, those who remain chaste. If you score another GK MB500 then you'd be fine? Like for like replacement of a faulty thing?
  10. Last year - 3rd Jan This year - 31st Jan I'd call that progress
  11. Hee hee, that's my T-bird!
  12. Yes, changing them from left handed to right handed and vice versa.
  13. Ahem, yes, I'm the OG SB14 thankyouverymuch!
  14. The licenced ones are slightly heavier than the USA ones. The main difference is that the licenced ones are not reversible, unlike the USA ones. So if you're confident you won't ever need this feature, then crack on and save some money (and still lots of grams off your headstock) and go for the licenced tuners, they're still top notch.
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