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  1. Very nice opportunity for someone here... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/176342256496?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=jFXJ9uXjQ3S&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=7kyzjhu1syc&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  2. no pics unfortunately but it looks like it wasn't this one after all as it was slimmed to a B width...unless cameltoe knows any more. Could well be that it's a more common mod than I thought! Congrats on a very cool bass.
  3. There was one like that here on Basses For Sale a few years back. The BCer selling it had a luthier slim the neck down. Might be the same one?
  4. We should get a few Gs knocked off as it will probably stink of dead cousin. Maybe a couple more if we promise not to get the law involved... 🤔
  5. Top tip is don't play there ever again unless you want to die! The electricity may very well find it's way to ground through you 💀
  6. Can I vote for just upgrading myself and practise 8 hours a day on just the one bass, like the olden days? Looking back, being on the dole was a great career choice! 😄
  7. Same. Well, I'd have one anyway. Can't be doing with blocks on a P bass.
  8. Doh! I didn't see the weight on this one. My bad. If I had 2 grand...
  9. The late 70s Fenders that seem like bargains at the moment are usually the ones that weigh a ton. Well, 10+ lbs at least. I've done a fair bit of window shopping lately!
  10. Bass, Blackstar Fly Bass battery amp, headphones and phone for mp3s. Simple but all I need.
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