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About Chienmortbb

  • Birthday 01/12/1951

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  • Location
    Poole, Dorset

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  1. Allen and Heath CQ20. It’s a bit expensive compared to the others but you get a great digital mixer included. Sorry😉
  2. I have a set of USA ones and to be honest, they are not a patch on the Gotoh Res-O-Lites.
  3. Funnily enough the Nexus was the only valve amp that intrigued me. How do you find it ( under the Ashdown is not a valid answer).
  4. You have done all you could, return it.
  5. Try putting the EBs back on? Coated strings can cause shielding problems.
  6. I think you have to ask what exactly is expected of you. With all due respect, are the band just background music too? If so just go with what you have, If you are expected to really entertain, you may need more kit. Of course you need to be aware of the cost, are the company happy to fund it or is that within your fee?
  7. The trouble is that with multilayers boards, you cannot always see the connections. There should be a law that manufacturers MUST provide circuit diagrams and other service information. Otherwise more and more kit ends up in land fill much earlier. I remember the old HH VS amps had a valve sound module, a potted module hiding all the components. However, it was a spare part that could be purchased and it did not cost as much as a new amp.
  8. Although I am too waiting for the revelation by @stevie, I had a preview a while ago. The weight is a game changer. How did it sound with the ABM? I wish Ashdown would make them in a smaller form factor.
  9. I do agree that we have unto keep an open mind, taking in from those that know more than us. The trick is to find out who that is.
  10. My band is quite wide spread. All over Dorset so someone has at least a 1 hour journey to rehearsals. Is JamKazam any good and is there anything better out there?
  11. You sir, are a mere youngster. You repost should be, “ I hope they can wait until the break until I have to change a nappy/diaper”
  12. The Estate Agents? https://hotblackdesiato.co.uk/
  13. At least it is only 28 days.
  14. There are three units in that Thomann DSP range. The middle one, price wise, has XLR inputs and outputs plus three recallable memories. I think that is worth the extra cost https://www.thomann.co.uk/the_t.racks_dsp_4x4_mini_pro.htm
  15. Is there an overhead shot of that PCB?
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