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About Daz39

  • Birthday August 24

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Community Answers

  1. Will the UK get fewer points than Israel?
  2. Now that’s what I call a hollow-bodied guitar!
  3. I'm of the '76 vintage. Wonder what would be available that was decent from that year?
  4. @stewblack - you have a marvellous mega-thang a bit like this don't you. Bonkers. The artwork is cool, but I'd forget what each knob does...
  5. No - they reissued the MP40 in the same branding as the YYZ - so mine includes the Boost switch and Shapeshifter button.
  6. Gah - if I didn't already have the standard branding version of this.... *shakes fist* You're right - they didn't make many of these and they're hard to find at a sensible price.
  7. There was a huge thread on the Becos comps (in addition to the review thread above) - (think it started with the CompIQ and covered the mini and whatever the biggest version is called eventually). Very highly specced pieces of kit and seem to do the business.
  8. Ooh - looks like a hill feature for a gaming table. Quick - someone roll for initiative.
  9. Max Webster - The Party (basically a compilation of their 6 studio albums, live album and assorted extra tracks that span their recording career 1976-81.) They were on the Anthem label with Rush, opened for the former for many years on Canadian tours, and I suppose are what Rush might have been if Rutsey had stayed in the band. Quite enjoying some of this - so much music that makes it in one place and nowhere else (5 Gold and 1 Platinum album in Canada).
  10. Yeah - I'm on your side here. I was trying to point out the reason that 'Made in the USA' is a bigger thing to your country than 'Made in *insert X nation*' is to many other countries - especially ours.
  11. it's a (mis)perception of quality (in some cases - I'm not for a second doubting Mesa are quality-kit) - but mainly a statement of patriotism. The US is a very patriotic sort of place. The 'regular, down-to-earth' citizen stands for the Anthem before ball games at their kids' little league, and probably has a modest-sized US flag hanging from their porch. They don't have attacks of existential dread about St Georges Day and whether we ought to encourage or discourage patriotism (just not too much, and especially not at football matches). They can be embarrassed about all sorts of things their Nation has done in the past (or present) yet still remain proud to be American and the not be afraid to show it. We're just more reserved and think it's weird
  12. Doesn’t need to be a ‘Business account’ just a named account. My Wife started with just using her current account with it, before opening one for the business and transferring the connection.
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