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About MoonBassAlpha

  • Birthday May 2

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  • Location
    Didcot, Oxfordshire

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  1. No tweeter. It hasn't been used much though as I did get the later Midget T model and always used that one. It's not the very oldest version as those had plastic corners. I can't remember when I got it but it was pretty new then. I'll have a dig around for clues!
  2. Yes Paul, still available! Sorry for the late reply, I haven't been on BC much lately.
  3. My bridge went the other way, and I miss that very bridge-ey element blended in for fretless. It's just more mellow now
  4. I fitted a 30" neck on my 34' fretless. I had to move the bridge back about 15mm only, due to a difference in neck designs , but it did mean the pickups were in slightly different relative positions, which I haven't altogether learned to love yet, most noticeably the bridge pickup.
  5. I've just heard that Dan Coggins (Lovetone pedals and some Thorpy Pedals designs) is taking on amp, pedal and synth repairs again. Oxfordshire He is incredibly knowledgeable in these fields, with the focus on vintage valve and solid- state gear, but won't touch digital or much surface mount gear. If permitted, I will add contact details, or will provide them by pm
  6. Thanks folks! Just seen all this, was feeling rather sleepy today! Glad I didn't have to go to the faff of coming up with a picture too! Thanks again to friends Dan Coggins and Matt Sewell for guitars and lead vocals respectively!
  7. I've always found your stuff sounds great. I miss it from the composition challenge
  8. I wiped it on. Used Screwfix No-nonsense stuff, cheap as chips. Took a bit of sanding back. I don't think wear will be a problem as I put on tape wound nylons after trying a Rob Allen Mouse in Bass Direct..
  9. I did exactly this a couple of weeks ago. Makes one feel a proper ninny!
  10. Probably not the best time of year for a bump...
  11. This tune is for the BassChat December 2024 Cover Challenge. Fire Brigade is a tune I've known and loved since it came out. I would have been 6 or 7 This year I have enlisted the help of the following lovely friends: Dan Coggins, pedal designer extraordinaire, 12 string Electric guitars (Rickenbacker and Gordon Smith), Godin and Eggle Electric guitars. Matt Sewell, Lead vocals x3 Phil Beavis, Piano glissando I did the drums, bass, backing vocals and Tambourine myself. You can tell! I had a poorly wrist. 60s psychedelia, love it!
  12. I was wondering why my cover sounds so different to the 1968 original ( apart from the obvious), then it struck me. The original is in MONO! So, should I go MONO or bring it up to 70s modernity and be all stereo and that?
  13. I've got one in progress. For a short tune it's got a lot in it. I thought it would be quick and simple. Nah , 'taint!
  14. Additional information, I have a small rehearsal space where you can try this out making as much noise as you like!
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