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Mykesbass last won the day on October 1 2024

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About Mykesbass

  • Birthday 05/05/1964

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  1. Had this at a large venue in Hackney where I was meeting the band before they went on (record company days). We went around in circles for ages until we finally got to where they were, but we're still blocked by a bi-folding door. We all managed to somehow squeeze through a very tight gap - not the best entrance when you're hoping to impress a band you want to sign 😎
  2. Very 6 Music friendly. They often pick tracks up through the BBC local radio "introducing" initiative, so, naff as they may seem, don't ignore BBC Radio Rutland or whichever is your local!
  3. Sorry, no footage, but heard an amazing busker in Stourbridge today. Singing to high quality backing tracks, he had a fabulous voice. Comes from Birmingham so if anyone is local look out for a guy called Toney T. He's also a bass player! Rubbish post I know, but had to share 😎
  4. Having a bit of an Otis Redding moment. Just done Otis Blue, now on to the posthumous compilation, Dock of the Bay. Amazing body of work for anyone let alone someone who died aged 26.
  5. Currently listening to the bells of Holy Trinity Church, Wordsley. I guess that's what you get for living in an old rectory. They are sounding very lovely.
  6. Chuck Mangione, Feels So Good. Rest of the album not quite up to the amazingly high standard of the title track, but still very enjoyable.
  7. I never found it again, but I saw/heard a demo of the 1605 with Big Singles, and it was one of the nicest bass sounds I've ever heard. No idea if it sounded how an Ibanez is supposed to sound though.
  8. Deceptive. I've played there, and believe me, getting two kits on stage is quite a feat.
  9. Much older, and more Soul/Funk than pop, but I reckon that Cissy Strut by the Meters would sound amazing on baritone sax.
  10. It likes the three point bridge. Nuff said.
  11. Looks like Tauzero has hit the nail on the head here. It is amazing how few combos have a speaker output.
  12. The term is blooming awful, and coined some 40/50 years after the music was first made. I'm totally with him on this.
  13. I wouldn't worry, that carpet takes the win for sins committed 😎
  14. There will be posts about you on HarmonicaChat!
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