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Showing content with the highest reputation on 31/12/17 in all areas

  1. I think it's just a question of where on the 'tin-foil helmet' scale one stands, really. Some folks are reticent by nature, and will only advance the minimum required, just because that's the way they're comfortable. Others are more 'devil may care', and some would even have their PIN code tattooed on their forehead with no qualms. There are those that dig atomic shelters, and others go naked, and all sorts in between. 'Nowt so queer as folks' covers much of these musings, in my view.
    2 points
  2. Lots of info on this topic on the Stagg mega thread on TalkBass.When I had a Stagg I used a piece of soft foam but others have tried everything from small stuffed toys(really!) to bits of cloth to various sponges.It does make a difference when you get the right material in the right location.My Yamaha SLB 200 came with a foam mute(from Yamaha) but I replaced it with a sturdier piece of foam with cuts in it to hold it on the strings.The depth of the cuts make a difference and it's easy and cheap to adjust. Good luck.
    2 points
  3. The rest of the house is her’s; but the garage is the one domain where I get to dictate the colour of my monitors! 😂 Nice choice! They certainly match the wallpaper Can’t go wrong with Yamaha in that price range. Solid value for money.
    2 points
  4. Hard to pick favorites! But I won competitions with both of these... http://www.soundcloud.com/enterwolfsaga/keep-dancing-skol-remix https://www.indabamusic.com/opportunities/conrad-clifton-nitemare-remix-contest/submissions/a0663a9c-279e-11e7-8fab-0ee95250b769 Don’t use these to make a judgement about whether or not to opt for Reason, of course. All DAWs ultimately sound the same, all things being equal. I’d probably sound the same on Logic, Reaper or whatever. Just might take me longer to get there EDIT to say you can demo Reason before you commit to buying it. I’d strongly recommend doing that and trying out some ‘beginners’ tutorials on YouTube before you take the plunge with that or any DAW. ...no rush, but Reason currently has a $100 discount until the end of the year.
    2 points
  5. I love the look of the body on these, but the headstock is so out of keeping. This bass inspired me to buy a Spector Spectorcore fretless with a similar pickup/piezo combination.
    2 points
  6. I've been in wedding & function bands for about the past 23 years. Anyone who's been in that type of band knows that you can be playing one style one minute and something completely different the next. In that time I've owned about 130 basses and the right bass for the band was the one I had at the time and to alter the sound I've moved my hand towards the neck or the bridge and played either heavier or lighter. My advice would be to find a bass that you really like to play, that feels good and you can comfortably play all night. Chances are the audience won't notice the difference anyway. Sometimes we get too caught up in trying to find something that we don't really need. I know that I was incredibly guilty of it in the past. When I change basses it's for the hell of it and not the sound. Any half decent bass will sound decent through the PA. Once I had it out of my system I started enjoying playing more instead of trying to find something that I thought I needed but had all along
    2 points
  7. Fodera custom shop Deluxe 5 model (dovetail neck joint, not the bolt-on cheaper model), rare AJ double cut shape - this is the real-deal custom Fodera, not the Standard model. Original owner, received the bass from Fodera in summer 2015. Ash body, ebony fb, dovetail 3-piece maple neck, "Presentation Grade" Buckeye top, Duncans duals, latest Pope preamp (see full specs below). With the dovetail neck construction and the AJ shaped lower horn you have full, unrestricted access to the last frets. The bass - which to my eyes was already in mint conditions - has been restored in new conditions by the Fodera shop in NY on mid May 2017, stayed in the Fodera HSC case and never been used since then. Completely original exactly as it came from Fodera, including the Hipshot A bridge which comes standard with the narrower spacing basses. Bass is strung B-G but you can easily restring it E-C if you prefer. String spacing is the same as it came shipped from Fodera, 2-3/4" at the bridge center to center B-G = 17.5mm string to string, but can go down to 16.5mm. Nut is a super comfy 45mm. Weight is around ~4.3kg ~9.5lbs on my bathroom scale and comes with the original Fodera OHSC, tools and paperwork. Personal considerations: Like most Foderas, this is really the most bass that human kind can have (or alien kind if you are extraterrestrial, lol). By adjusting the pickups balance, dual/single switch, and the preamp knobs, you basically can get 3 basses in one at once: a 1. 70' jazz bass (single coil), a... 2. Fodera (dual coil), and 3. slightly turning the blend knob toward the bridge pu in dual coil mode you can get a kinda "Ken Smith vibe" going on. Endless possibilities from the preamp, you can even configure the passive tone and the eq points (with jumpers inside the cavity). Asking price is 6800 EUR cash (was 7500) + shipping. Remember this is a custom Fodera Deluxe (full access, set-in neck) with a premium, Buckeye "Presentation grade" top (not the "regular" Buckeye top)... at the same price or less than a 5-string bolt-on "Standard" model, and at the fraction of a new "Custom" order. Not in a rush to sell, I can definitely keep this gem. Sorry no trades, cash sale only. Please don't hesitate to ask for any info I may be missing, Thank you! Description and specs from the Fodera newborn gallery: Buckeye Burl AJ Contrabass Shape 5 Deluxe Sound samples: Fingerstyle - 1st half: both pickups dual coil, passive tone rolled off, all flat - 2nd half: bridge pickup dual coil, passive tone rolled off, all flat Slap - both pickups single coil, all flat, passive tone full on Thank you for watching!
    1 point
  8. Markbass Nano Mark 300, 15 anniversary. 300w/4 ohm, 1.45 kg. New head, recently purchased, with original package. Very loud, great little head for first option or for backup. 260GBP, shipping included. Pics: https://www.flickr.com/photos/126869451@N08/shares/dW2ovC
    1 point
  9. Surely you could just conjure somebody up?
    1 point
  10. It's not like you can just pull one out of a hat I guess :).
    1 point
  11. Would it have been too much for them to put the graphic along the bottom so you could make a face with those meters!
    1 point
  12. The police said it was ‘sinister’ but what do they know.
    1 point
  13. I've amassed some light entertainment stage props including a music stand but haven't run to a pullover and rocking chair yet (or stool) or to 1970s light entertainment wear (brown was clearly in during 1975)
    1 point
  14. Quick print of first prototype minus the polycarbonate screen (I've still got the original film on the screen hence the bubbles). I'll be making a few tweaks to the design (mainly so the lettering prints better) but it fits well and doesn't look too out of place.
    1 point
  15. There’s one on Facebook for £600 at the mo.... edit - here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/689090051102626/permalink/1760003814011239/?sale_post_id=1760003814011239
    1 point
  16. Yeeeeeeeeah Would swap a kidney?
    1 point
  17. Indeed you could if the logo was worth a few hundred quid to you. Probably also good when you want to sell it for people who want that. I picked a CV P bass over a Mexican P bass as it was the better bass, but then the logo doesn't mean that much to me.
    1 point
  18. No - it will be fine. Feels quite light on the strap, although there is not a huge amount of reduced weight... There is still lots of spaghetti sticking out of the back, but the front view won't change from this other than the lipsticks height balanced during the set up: Looks nice, doesn't it Just the pickup wires to resolder to the switch, the magnets to put onto the hatches and then the final set-up.
    1 point
  19. Those Wharfedales will blow any of the other speakers you are looking at out of the water (both for sound levels and quality) and will take bass at semi acoustic duo levels all day. The Thumps are 6dB down on them in terms of sound output. The only problem is the weight (I use the active versions) and the need for a power amp but with an active desk you have that covered. There really is no point in taking a sub to reduce weight or trips to the car, a dedicated bass amp for these medium levels is likely to be lighter and smaller as well as more versatile. Save your money towards a better PA like RCF or QSC, until then the Wharfedales will do you proud.
    1 point
  20. Have a look in the market place under other musical items. Someone is selling a couple of Mackie active subs (says he will sell one or both). I don't know or have any connection with the seller, but one or both of those combined with your existing PA ought to do the job.
    1 point
  21. I have those in black with white speaker , they are very sonically transparent , and don't upset my good lady .......too much
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Nice one. Just went and looked this up. Interesting stuff re: everything getting double checked and it being the same components. I'm the happiest I've been for years with my latest setup which is 100% Indonesian Markbass.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Sounds like you're almost there. Slowing down the tremolo speed should just be a matter of increasing the value of those three .02uF capacitors in the tremolo circuit. It may take some trial and error because if you go too large on the value the oscillator can stall and stop working. I'd perhaps try .033uF and see how that goes. The volume control issue may just be a worn out pot. Regarding the reverb, I'd check the DC resistance of the tank itself first - if the amp is the same as the schematic Mr Del Var posted, it should be roughly equivalent to an Accutronics AB type tank - the input coil should measure very low DC resistance (like 1-2 ohms) and the output coil in the hundreds of ohms. If the tank turns out to be OK, I'd then try to isolate the problem to the driver or recovery stage. If you can hear crashing through the amp when the reverb is turned up and the tank is tapped, the recovery stage is OK. If the recovery stage is OK, I'd first check the driver transformer wasn't shorted or open, and check that the cathode resistor in the driver stage is OK (reverb drivers pull quite a lot of current, so can be hard on parts). If all of that is OK, try a new valve in the driver stage.
    1 point
  26. Agreed. Dave's a great musician and an all round sound chap. Where's his gong?
    1 point
  27. I think Ringo's got his gong for being an all round good geezer, not for being a a drummer, singer or whatever. I'm fine with that. He certainly deserves it a hell of a lot more than Clegg, Brady and all those political a r s e kissers.
    1 point
  28. Yes, I think I saw that listed on You Tube. That might be tonight's entertainment sorted. Thanks 👍
    1 point
  29. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road/Elton John.......Dee Murray,bass.
    1 point
  30. Rick Nielsen can't be spinning in his grave for two reasons : 1. He is not dead. 2. Impossible to do with such an instrument without lifting the stone.
    1 point
  31. I hear their Fridge Raiders are popular too.......
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. If you look at the Markbass Facebook thread, Marco has been very vocal about the Italy/Indonesia (non)issue in the last few days... I've used both for years (since 2009), and couldn't tell you the difference in sound or quality. Completely moot, old and irrelevant point now. Their unquestionably high quality and low failure rate speaks for itself. There is always going to be someone with an unlucky story to add to this (and I've had issues myself), but UK support/service is strong (as long as you didn't buy from Germany/Holland; wrong power rating for the UK), and compared to many manufacturers, far, far less issues of pro use with Markbass in my 40 years of bass amps... Oh, and my back stopped complaining a while back too!!
    1 point
  34. Don't worry, I'll put my logo on it.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Recently watched Alan Partidge and thought it was time to share this Pino Transcription. It's been a good 7 years since I transcribed this when I owned a Musicman Fretless, Music For Chameleons RW.pdf
    1 point
  37. Ha, yeah I count myself as very lucky but like all jobs, it has its ups and downs. I’m going to prototype one of the screen protectors over the next few days and when I’m happy with it, I’ll post some pics. After that, I’ll probably make a few to send out for testing / feedback so I’ll let you know.
    1 point
  38. With all due respect to TH, given the three options in the original post I’m guessing that a barefaced cab north of a grand is probably not going to be an option? For what it’s worth, Alex, I have a TS210 which we use as a monitor in our pub band, where we use Yamaha DBR12s as mains and just put keys and vocals through the PA. A bit different from your situation, I know. I was a bit disappointed with the Alto - the way I set it up (high pass filter taking out everything below about 100Hz, and compression to take out the peaks) it sounds okay, but it’s only just loud enough as a monitor for the keys player and his backing vocals, and the peak light is almost constantly on. The Yamaha’s are barely ticking over at similar volume. I wouldn’t consider putting bass through it, though a pair for guitar and vocals as an acoustic duo would probably be fine. I don’t think you’ll be able to daisy chain your bass cab from any of the common active speakers. What PA and bass gear do you use at the moment, and do you have a budget in mind?
    1 point
  39. There are powered and unpowered versions. I have the unpowered one, which I picked up mint for £150 on the Bay. See http://www.allen-heath.com/ahproducts/pa12/. The PA12 CP is the powered one.
    1 point
  40. Dear Basschatter, Welcome to the new updated website. I just wanted to mention a few things you might like to read before getting stuck in. Please read on to find out more - and as ever, ask us if you have any questions! Enjoy! Here are some of the main new features: You'll find things are easier to keep track of, using the 'Activity' tab. You can even save your own custom streams such as 'New topics in Basses for sale in the last 7 days' as well as your standard options for new content, replies to your own topics and followed threads. A better search. Fine tune your results and find what you're after. The search is now 100% reliable whereas the old site had some issues with indexing. The BC shop. Here you can buy marketplace subs - you can manage your purchases to see when they expire. Having a sub will allow you to create marketplace posts as before, but now it'll say how long you have left (on a £20 sub) or how many single use (£7) tokens you have left. Renewal prices have been dropped for returning customers. We'll be offering special discounts at various times of year and give away subscription voucher codes to members for contributing to the community, for example b organising a Basschat Bash. We're working on a system where you'll be rewarded for referring a new user to the forum. The BC shop will be selling a whole range of items at exclusive BC prices - coming soon. We now accept PayPal and Stripe (card payment gateway, soon after launch) All new user support system for getting help when you need it Attachments have been totally revised - now you have 500MB of space to upload pictures. No faffing about, you can upload by drag+drop. Attachments are displayed at full resolution, scaled for the browser. Notifications now appear in real time (if you grant permission). Notification emails (if chosen) are sent when a reply is made to a topic you've subscribed to, not every single time someone replies - although you can adjust your preferences to suit your own working method. New tagging system. We'll encourage people to add a few tags to their post, because the system will find similar content and display it at the side for further reading. Tag a user into a conversation and they'll get an alert to come and have a look. Simply use @ followed by their username, like on Facebook etc Improved mobile interface. Also, resizing the window on a computer will bring up the mobile site if you make it narrow enough - ideal for multiple window viewing or less than obvious use at work! Send sticky notes to other members, or yourself Have a play, get stuck in and please be patient whilst the site gets back up to speed Cheers ped A quick note about PMs Unfortunately PMs couldn't be ported to the new site because they're in a completely different format. Whilst we did everything we could to tell people, it appears some had not seen the announcements and the email we sent in the two weeks leading up to the move. The email was sent to every active member (logged in during the last 365 days) on the 18th October. There were also threads in Off Topic and the new 'Please Read' category with information in there. My actual words were probably not strong enough because at that point I wasn't 100% sure and nobody seemed to raise any issues about it during the few weeks it was running, but I said "I'm Pretty sure PMs will transfer no problem, but probably a good idea to get copies of anything important just in case". The other message I posted in Off Topic was more directed very clear but it was only a couple of days before we moved so possibly too late for some. Again, I probably perceived the lack of replies as it not being an issue. Looking back, that probably wasn't good enough and I'm sorry. One of the main reasons we had to migrate was that the old software stopped being supported in 2014, so behind the scenes we were pasting over cracks and you will have noticed things like spam appearing on the site. Frankly we're all surprised the site wasn't badly compromised by a bot but we go lucky but we were on borrowed time. There was a massive lack of options for us to get in touch with everyone. We couldn't make an announcement (the best I could do was make a new forum at the top of the site with the 'Please Read' title) and the mass email system may not have reached everyone if they opted out of emails. I know it reached lots of people because many replied, but still. Now, we can post a note and everyone sees it when they visit. So given the options I did all I could. Again I'm really sorry if you missed it, and I fully appreciate why you might have done so. All I ask is that you please try and empathise with Rik and I who have been working tirelessly to bring you the best we can. Rik in particular has been doing nothing else for months now and has managed an incredible amount in very difficult circumstances, going form an old unsupported platform without support to a new piece of software. So please consider this a personal apology about the PM thing. I hope most of you can simply strike up conversations again and pick up where you left off, but if you did lose anything really critical, let us know and we can dig around in the old database and see if we can find it. You never know, once we've got a bit of time to work on it we may yet find a way to bring them back. On a more positive note we're getting better speed and reliability (we know some people aren't so hang in there) - there are lost of processes going on in the background so please be patient and send us positive vibes, we could use them! Cheers ped
    1 point
  41. All this talk about Ringo and his drumming abilty really gets away from me. Anyone can be a good competent drummer. Ringo was first and foremost a Beatle. Being a Beatle was his job and nobody did or does it better than him. I say there's never too many hounors if you were a part of a band that changed the world for the better. Blue
    1 point
  42. Nick popped around to buy my Gibson 5 String, thoroughly good bloke and recommended without hesitation! Cheers Nik!!
    1 point
  43. Limelight 62-ish Jazz. Bought from someone who knew it wasn't a real Fender, sold to me who knew it wasn't a real Fender, then sold it on to someone who kew it wasn't a real Fender. Such a trail of destruction.. so many suffering kittens and puppies. I'm going to hell.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. G&L L-2000 covers most things IMO. USA used or Tribute brand new meet the budget. good luck!
    1 point
  46. So let me think... 'A' list session player with a colossal live and studio CV spanning mainstream pop to the left field, hip-hop originator, industrial dub legend who has worked with Jeff Beck, Mick Jagger, James Brown, Madonna, and George Clinton. 'Not a great player'? Spare me.
    1 point
  47. with the overwhelming consensus being that acoustic basses just aren't loud enough perhaps a (rechargeable) battery operated combo might do it
    1 point
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