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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/01/18 in all areas

  1. It's been suggested that we get the site's profanity filter amended to turn the hackneyed and frankly boring 'snowflake' into something more innocuous and daft. I think it's a great idea, because quite frankly I am sick of the sight of that bloody word.
    4 points
  2. I went to see Public Service Broadcasting last year and they do a thing before the show starts; they played a pre-recorded thing saying 'a few photos is fine, but no one really wants to watch your blurry, distorted camera phone footage.' This met with a huge cheer. It was almost as if that statement simply ridiculed the proposed usage...I saw one or two people taking stills, but that was about it.
    4 points
  3. Its so you can prove to other people on social media that your life is better than theirs...? that's right isn't it?
    4 points
  4. OK guys, never mind all this idle gossip about gear - Mrs Scrumpy has asked me to post the important bit: Mrs Scrumpy’s kitchen is proud to present TBFS-W Bass Bash 2018 Menu Tea /coffee served all day with homemade oat biscuits & scones (just hang on to your mug for refills!) Breakfast frittata at 10:00 Lunch (served from 12:30-13:30): Chicken & Ham Pie Mediterranean vegetable quiche Curried eggs Coleslaw Salads Jacket tatties – plus other stuff!!!! Dessert: Fruit Crumble & Cream Fresh Fruit Salad Banana Loaf Chocolate cake….. and anything else I can make on the day Enjoy!! As last year, there will also be home-made ratatouille to offer our vegetarian and vegan friends a bit more variety.
    4 points
  5. I’m sure I could do better than that for us basschatters.
    3 points
  6. What makes you think I'm a snowflake, any posts in particular you'd like to quote or is it just something you (incorrectly) assumed? Have a little look through my posts on the thread eh? "Back in the day" people didn't bother about a lot of things - our nation did disgusting things in the name of colonialism, we didn't let women vote, our police force openly ignored racist violence because they themselves were influenced by institutionalised racism - these were all seen as normal. Things change, some things which middle aged white guys used to get away with at the expense of others are no longer acceptable, it's just something you're going to have to deal with. The good old days were only good for a certain demographic, no point romanticising over that. Where did I overreact again? You've quoted me twice now and still can't seem to articulate a specific point and resort to incorrect assumptions and generalisations. Why not have another go, third time lucky eh?
    3 points
  7. I really don’t understand why people are obsessed with filming everything in appalling resolution/sound whilst missing the live experience.
    3 points
  8. I think the problem with 'snowflake' as a term of of abuse is just that it's just a generic catch all term for anyone who challenges your opinion. It lacks imagination and creativity. Proper verbal abuse should be carefully and personally tailored to every individual you wish to insult.
    2 points
  9. How about changing 'snowflake' to 'ocelot'? Q: How do you titilate an ocelot? A: Oscillate its tits a lot.
    2 points
  10. Show us on the doll where the bad U-bass touched you...
    2 points
  11. I read this thread a week or so ago when I was looking to use something a bit smaller than my Vanderkley 1x15 for rehearsals. We have to go up a narrow set of stairs, and while the cab is light its a bit of a struggle if I’m carrying other things as well. I was going to buy a smaller cab, maybe a BF 1x10 or something like that, but didn’t really want to spend much money. So I dug out one of our db technology powered 1x15 PA cabs. I wasn’t sure how well it would work just going from my pedal boardi,, but it worked really well. In fact I much preferred the tone I had that night over anything I’ve had recently at rehearsals. It also made setting up much quicker.
    2 points
  12. Just in case anyone wants any further useful info, I did measure to the nearest bus stop, Guildford Civic Centre and various other variables, based on a location 8' 6" and 75 degrees from my television as the crow flies. Of course, none of this applies to the new 2018 Stingray which has 22 frets anyway 😏 😊👍
    2 points
  13. I can't believe that the NHS gets away scott free from this discussion , I mean, FFS, did they not notice the plastic spoon in his mouth at point of birth!!
    2 points
  14. Hi there, Thought you may be interested to hear about my latest job at 'Hamilton: An American Musical' which is playing at The Victoria Palace theatre, London. It's a hip hop musical and I get to play 4 instruments on it! My main bass is my trusty Overwater 5-String Jazz bass; I also play a 4-string Lakland Hollowbody bass strung with flatwounds and played with a pic; I play my double bass with it's newly fitted 'Low C Extension' (for the super low notes needed for this style of music) and also an Artruria Keylab 25 controller keyboard for the synth bass stuff. It's a demanding show but I'm really enjoying it, and the songs written by Linn Manuel Miranda! I'll upload a picture of my pit set-up.. It's a lot of fun! Cheers, Ian
    2 points
  15. Dear Blue, you're obviously a lovely guy, but.......................
    2 points
  16. have to say, not just with this, that people are worried someone will be offended when nobody actually is
    2 points
  17. No bass specific demos yet but with the 2.5 update both the Helix and Hx will have all the legacy fx from the M series of multi effects including loads more compressors and filters and synths. There’s tons of drives in there and the HX can load IRs as well. RRP is £540 GuitarGuitar are showing then at £440. Looks to be superb value. Nice and compact too.
    1 point
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-42851434 Absolutely agree with this; I've had more than enough of going to gigs and other events, and facing a sea of other peoples' mobile phone screens in front of me.
    1 point
  19. When people say tried and tested Stingray do they mean the slab three-bolt, the contiured four-bolt, the contoured six-bolt 2eq, the contoured six-bolt 3eq or the slab six-bolt 2eq? The Stingray has been continually improved since it was released, not one of them has been a let down. These are smart refinements by a company who don’t usually get it wrong, why such groundless negativity when none of us have even played one yet? Silly.
    1 point
  20. Yeah he seemed a really genuine friendly bloke, he is bringing the bass back to me at a gig in North Shields so my first play of it will be at volume through the Hartke Kilo and i`ll be able to try it against my Quarter Pounder equipped Ibanez Destroyer. Good times!
    1 point
  21. I wouldn’t trust specs from a retailer, here’s something from the Truetone site:
    1 point
  22. I agree - you pedantic mammothrept.
    1 point
  23. But surely that offending line was actually written about Ryan Giggs?
    1 point
  24. I find it far easier to simply not take my phone with me when I go to big(ger) gigs. Since I'm not obsessed with recording every concert experience, I don't really need it with me. If it don't want to leave it with my coat in the cloakroom I'll need to find somewhere in my gig-going clothes to put it and TBH there isn't anywhere where it isn't going to be either a nuisance or a liability at a gig. Besides I'm at a gig, enjoying myself. I'm not going to answer your phone call, read your messages or comment on your Facebook post so there is absolutely no point in me having my phone on my person. If anything important comes up I'll deal with afterwards when I'm back home and I've finished having fun.
    1 point
  25. I`d look at a Mex Fender Precision, then swap the tuners to Hipshots. Better tuners, plus lighter too. Should be able to do that within budget pretty easily (I did).
    1 point
  26. I normally don’t post these but today is a bit different. Oh yes, Moog phatness! @CameronJ, @Al Krow, @GisserD, @lee650, @Bo0tsy, @tonyxtiger
    1 point
  27. Have you even tried it with the CS12? VisualSound, the manufacturer of the 1 Spot Pro, say each socket is capable of delivering far more than the labels suggest and that you can ignore the labels on the individual outputs as long as you don't exceed the total for the entire brick.
    1 point
  28. Oh no, absolutely, Jah Wobble and JJ Burnel are, between them, the reason I picked a bass up, Metal Box and early Stranglers albums were likewise massively bass formative for me, but Jah Wobble is the pinnacle for me. I am beginning to realise that the reason I left the gig vaguely dissatisfied is because regardless of how much I try to appreciate the man and his current music I can’t help but want something of the past that’s now unobtainable. I suppose instead of trying to recapture something historical by attending such gigs I should maybe make something current that gives me the same or similar vibe.
    1 point
  29. Unless you particularly need it to be passive, I'd be tempted to spend a tenner more and get a Micro DI from Orchid -- http://www.orchid-electronics.co.uk/micro.htm -- active, more robust connectors and case, and fewer switches to go wrong.
    1 point
  30. The DFAM is now on my list to go with my Mother 32
    1 point
  31. And to think none of the musicman experts here picked you up on the fact the twin pickup Rays have a compensated nut hence all 4/5 strings are different at the nut so you are in fact totally incorrect, any chosen fret would be the ONLY datum point Come on guys you can do better than this
    1 point
  32. Thanks guys. I will be creating a build thread soon on the JB Special - it's been properly abused but I think I can save it. It looked like this when I got it! Yes that is white emulsion - about 4mm thick in places..
    1 point
  33. Well we all know who that was. I puzzled over it as well. What he seems to be saying is, that he is racist.....but just a little bit racist.
    1 point
  34. and if my grandma had wheels she'd have been a bicycle...
    1 point
  35. Just spent a few idle minutes on the configurator..... Erm..... anyone got a spare couple of grand kicking about......??!?😆
    1 point
  36. I'm certainly going to order an SR5, possibly HH in that turquoise green/blue colour with the black hardware and scratch plate. But I like the dark blue sparkle greatly as well - maybe an SR4 in that........ I can forsee a likely depletion of funds on the horizon 🤑
    1 point
  37. I'm not sure about my cab but my amp is an '81 - possibly the first year of the Black Face style 135.. Matching 135 grill by VTypeV4, on Flickr Most of the silver face versions I've seen have the silver grille cloth but I've seen a few black grille ones too although not with the ali trim. They probably went through a transitional stage around that time? Sorry I can't be more definitive..
    1 point
  38. Are they trying to win the "ugliest bass ever made" competition contest at the Namm ?
    1 point
  39. Whats wrong with your dad being black? All he was saying is, he is not entirely what he seems. Get over it. Bloody PC brigade.
    1 point
  40. Blimey i thought i was on facebook for a minute then,i take none of you are sex pistols fans,The lyrics should remain how they were written and if some snowflake is offended then so be it,some people are taught to feel offended nowadays but be the lefty schooling kids get now get on with life and stop trying to change history the Lyrics are what they are so what.
    1 point
  41. They look like really bad (Ali-Baba) Chickenbackers. I'm assuming they're not NAMM prototypes/vanity pieces or anything? We're drawn to things visually, by association, by memory. Those are horrific. If I saw one of those hanging in a shop I think it would be difficult not to laugh out loud. They look like toys. I reckon there'll be some hardcore Rickenbacker nuts that'll buy these and retrofit them with stuff to at least make them look like their 4001/4003 brethren.
    1 point
  42. Holy 5h1t that’s completely ridiculous. looks like a really bad rockinbetter/Shine. so so bad. 😂🤮
    1 point
  43. A different bridge too, so they've obviously made an attempt to deal with some of the concerns people had (as voiced above). Visually, it's not doing it for me though, in fact I think they would have been better doing this on the 4004.
    1 point
  44. Doesn't matter what it's worth. If it's your go to bass, it's your go to bass!
    1 point
  45. Oh my God, something's happened in my trousers - at the front, this time.
    1 point
  46. When it's a bass synth...
    1 point
  47. My Custom shop Streamer Stage 1, had a few good years with her, but now for sale at the Bass Gallery in Camden! :-)
    1 point
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