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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/01/18 in all areas

  1. Nah, it's just a pathetic cliched insult thrown around by (usually) right wing pseudo-macho keyboard warrior types in a fit of pique at their inability to deal with the rapidly changing modern world, which they perceive as threatening their way of life, their fragile little egos, and ultimately their complete lack of self worth. It probably gives them a little frisson of excitement when the say it, they may even become mildly aroused and as they verbally lay into someone they perceive as being less tough than them, in the same way they probably enjoyed pulling the wings off flies when they were an unhappy child. That's the problem I have with it.
    6 points
  2. When people say tried and tested Stingray do they mean the slab three-bolt, the contiured four-bolt, the contoured six-bolt 2eq, the contoured six-bolt 3eq or the slab six-bolt 2eq? The Stingray has been continually improved since it was released, not one of them has been a let down. These are smart refinements by a company who don’t usually get it wrong, why such groundless negativity when none of us have even played one yet? Silly.
    4 points
  3. Here you go chaps... wanted some new driving playlists! Will try and keep it updated!
    3 points
  4. And you have come back with the perfect example of why we call people like you snowflakes...
    3 points
  5. Most of us can manage to understand things without the need for signs everywhere, I like the grumpy guy and would have been thinking the same as him but wouldn't have been brave enough to ask you to stop
    3 points
  6. One does not simply 'move along' from a marmalade sandwich.
    3 points
  7. Lots of people have lots of things going on in their lives, it doesn't matter if people want to text all night as long as they're not holding their phone aloft all night does it?
    3 points
  8. It's been suggested that we get the site's profanity filter amended to turn the hackneyed and frankly boring 'snowflake' into something more innocuous and daft. I think it's a great idea, because quite frankly I am sick of the sight of that bloody word.
    3 points
  9. None here, either. I'm not keen on any notices at all, in fact.
    2 points
  10. I have a Line 6 Sonic Port, and have managed to get the latency down so it’s not an issue (and I’m sensitive to it like you). Most audio apps have latency settings in the menus but they usually adjust have fairly generic descriptions like high, medium and low. I discovered a trick however where you can drop it as low as 64 samples (1.5ms at 44.1kHz) if you run Audiobus with your chosen app inside it! You adjust the latency within Audiobus then everything gets locked to that setting. The Zoom is much less faffing about though, but the iOS route is worth considering if you hadn’t thought of it before, especially since you’ll be able to record with it.
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Oddly enough all the people I know who use the term (and by extension go on long protracted rants about soft lefties and how we need to take our country back etc.) are usually overweight middle aged blokes who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag and would be blowing out of their @rse running up a flight of stairs. Maybe the hyper-macho posturing is compensating for something?
    2 points
  13. People who use the term "snowflake" probably also say "Twenty four seven" (5 syllables) instead of "All the time" (3) and refer to inanimate objects as "bad boys".
    2 points
  14. I just think it's great that a British manufacturer (and one from Northampton no less) is releasing new bass gear in 2018!
    2 points
  15. Where no-one else looks at them either.
    2 points
  16. I went to see Public Service Broadcasting last year and they do a thing before the show starts; they played a pre-recorded thing saying 'a few photos is fine, but no one really wants to watch your blurry, distorted camera phone footage.' This met with a huge cheer. It was almost as if that statement simply ridiculed the proposed usage...I saw one or two people taking stills, but that was about it.
    2 points
  17. Its so you can prove to other people on social media that your life is better than theirs...? that's right isn't it?
    2 points
  18. Here’s my lovely Japanese 1982 JV Squier Precision. It’s completely original and is very light weight at around 8.5lbs. It plays beautifully and has a surprisingly broad range of tones. There is one main ding in the upper horn. No structural issues, trussrod turns as it ought to. It’s the best one I’ve seen but I tend to play my old faithfuls - as pictured with it - so this is up for grabs. Sorry now traded.
    1 point
  19. Not strictly guitar related but.....I thought a moment of sly genius was worth sharing.... a few weeks ago I noticed I had an insane amount of wood stored in the shed, noticing I had basses and guitars strewn in every corner of the house I decided to try and make some racks on a budget. fast forward some planning, cutting, drilling I have three racks in which to hold most of my guitars. the kids kept pulling them out so I had to think of something to keep them "locked" into the racks moment of genius incoming, I had some spare straps and strap locks, so I decided to screw the buttons into the rack and use the strap as a lock, ok maybe not THAT genius but for me, it was a good idea so for any budding guitar rack makers, this works very well on a budget if you have a couple of spare strap locks The racks still need a lick of paint and finishing but here's the idea
    1 point
  20. Haha! - I knew there was a reason I much prefer the headphone out on my B3n to my Vox Amplug. But after the reviews above, looks like I'd better relist it then on Fleabay and with a low starting price!
    1 point
  21. Thanks for the quick reply. I’ll have a look at that then. And I can plug my headphones/aux connected to iPad/iPhone straight into it? thanks Martin
    1 point
  22. This is the final version of a board that' been in progress now for a few months. M5 wasn' getting used so it' made way for the Zeus in the loop of the gr2. All source audio pedals are in the volume loop as they can be switched on and off via midi. Powered by a pp2+ and a fuel tank under the board. The hub is under there too.
    1 point
  23. I didn't get on with the standard profile on the two Wal's I had...that's what happens when you buy somebody else's custom build. When it's your own you get to order what YOU want.
    1 point
  24. Paul will make anything you ask. I presume there would be some form of charge. Normal nut width on a 4 string is 42mm and the neck profile is a soft V shape.
    1 point
  25. +1 for the Thumpinator. Having read thread after thread from the legendary Dynamic Cab Duo Phil & Stevie I became more aware of the theory behind the effectiveness of HPF. At the time I was using Fender Rumble 500 head into one or two Basschat mk1 cabs. The HPF Thumpinator had a marked impact on the performance of my rig, tightening and cleaning up the bottom end without any loss of low end bass. If your amp does not have an HPF on board the I would recommend using /getting one.
    1 point
  26. It's OK - all the resources of that particular honour will probably be used up on me.
    1 point
  27. IMO everyone should have one. It's one of those things you don't realise you need until you have it. I built my own (fdeck HPF-Pre clone from this layout) and was absolutely amazed how much amp power I had been wasting. I immediately had to turn my amp down around 25% as it was no longer trying to reproduce a load of inaudible sub-frequencies and therefore was working much more efficiently. It seemed to make my bass sit in the band mix a lot better, and dramatically improved the string-to-string balance of my bass (prior to the HPF I suffered from a boomy E string and struggled to get the EQ to compensate well enough). I suspect my speaker cabs are a lot happier as well. As always, YMMV, but I'd highly recommend one. They can seem "expensive" (obviously mine wasn't as I built it) but once you compare it to the cost of speaker recones/replacements etc caused by driving them with inaudible subsonics, I'd say they're worth every penny.
    1 point
  28. I cant stand how mobile phones are almost completely attached to people now. People have a genuine problem / addiction with them. How did we ever survive before them? As much as i can understand the emergency call issue (and i can) by the same worry how do people gig? Go swimming? Go to the cinema? Go for a job interview? Get married? All those things take approx the same amount of time as a concert. Its just a sad fact of life now. The people arent doing anything wrong, and younger concert go ers wont know any different. But i remember when you went to a gig to encapsulate all what was good about it - the atmosphere, the music, the performance, the dancing. Everyone had the same intention. Go online and look at Queen at wembley 86. 100,000 all getting involved together and truly loving it. Then look at a modern day concert. Lifeless, cameras everywhere, half the crowd not interested in living in the moment because theyre too busy standing still to get a good video..... Such a shame.
    1 point
  29. Blood*y hurry up and buy the thing so that I can get it off Cameron third hand once you've both had your fill!
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. I'm happy not to use my phone to film or take pics at events , but I do want to be able to use it to text my kids should they need me , so I don't want it locked away
    1 point
  32. Regardless of whether the band (or other artist) mind or not, standing at the front of an audience with your iPhone or iPad switched on and held in the way of everybody else's view is an incredibly selfish thing to do.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. I think the problem with 'snowflake' as a term of of abuse is just that it's just a generic catch all term for anyone who challenges your opinion. It lacks imagination and creativity. Proper verbal abuse should be carefully and personally tailored to every individual you wish to insult.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Wow...you have some really nice basses... Great guy to deal with - buy with confidence...
    1 point
  37. I think so. An alternative would be 18 1v batteries, but it might make the basses too heavy.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Copy of the life of Brian and £12? the DVD is much like the bass, well used and covered in scratches...😉
    1 point
  40. It's more more iconic than the west Ham logo'd one.
    1 point
  41. Lovely looking bass, what is the top wood? The Wal filter pre-amp is amazing.
    1 point
  42. Oh my God, something's happened in my trousers - at the front, this time.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
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