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  1. Yeah. I've found that keeping your teeth in the glove compartment of the van on those long overnight drives never endears you to the younger members of the band.
    4 points
  2. 3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. Second gig with the ska band last night. Longer set this time. Went really well and i got lots of compliments on my sound, the band in particular loved it (all i did was roll off the passive tone on my Sire V7 fiver about 60% of the way to take the bright snap out of the tone, and boost the active bass a bit). I had a total mare in a couple of songs, Ghost Town in particular was a real car crash. Which is annoying because it was fine at the last gig -- more personal practice needed and less complacence. I'm having a ball playing this stuff. The venue fed us too, absolutely belting pizza.
    3 points
  5. Hi You can buy the EQ01 directly from me or John East. The preamp amp I use in my own basses is the DFM the EQ02 was discontinued a while back. This along with the MC Series pickups are not available outside of the basses. The DFM is the fourth version of the pre-amp and will probably be the last having got it where I want it. The EQ01 was the first version made but has had the spec updated as we have moved through the different versions.
    2 points
  6. Thanks for all the positive responses, the drummer from Band B , messaged me about putting together a band to back a singer he's worked with in the past. So I guess it's a case of one door closes another one opens. Maybe I'm not quite ready for the scrap heap.
    2 points
  7. Hi Guys Thought i should close the loop on this one, and announce I have taken the plunge and bought a CS 62 P bass relic. Having missed out on the Nash that came up on here from Croatia, I then saw a 60's P come up on the Bravewood site and bombarded him with e-mails only to find it was a ghost page that popped up during editing of a bass that had been sold some time ago. So a CS bass seemed the sensible route, but it would be at least June before i had the funds, then this came up at a greatly reduce r.r.p. wrong timing but the right bass so had to go for it, which is why i didn't get the time to take you up on your kind offers of trying your axes first. But Thanks The neck wood and Rosewood board are beautiful, my wife commented "its a bit knocked about isn't it"
    2 points
  8. But there's definitely an argument to be made that the sooner some you old fogeys graduate to pipe and slippers, the more opportunities there'll be for youngsters like me.
    2 points
  9. I’ve had this guitar in parts for about 3 years but it’s finally finished!!!! I’m really happy with the way it’s turned out!! It’s much better plain than chequered!!! 2 down 2 to go!!.......
    2 points
  10. I have not read the whole thread but there is both a lot of good and bad info on this thread so I will put in my 2p. For the record I am an Electronics Engineer and advised on the design of the HPF on passinwind's HPF design. However that was all his work and I take no credit for it. So what is an HPF? High Pass Filter or less commonly called a Low Cut Filter. So why do we need one? Bass guitars and DBs and the whole system between them, and the Loudspeaker, produce very low frequencies that do not add to our sound. These VLFs work the speaker hard and rob us of headroom. How do I know if this is happening to my system? If you can see the speaker moving, that is caused by VLFs. Take you grille off and watch the cones while playing. Your eyes will not see a cone vibrating at 25Hz* so if you can see it move, it is below 25 Hz and well below Low B at 31Hz. Watch the video of the Micro Thumpinator in action on the SFX site to see the effect.Microthumpinator web page My amp has an HPF do I need an external one? It depends, some built in ones are too shallow. 12 dB per octave is too shallow, 24dB is the minimum in my opinion. That rules out the Broughton. It would be better than nothing but imho not much. What if I just turn down the bass? Most bass controls will affect frequencies in the low mids and higher and have a big impact on your tone. Do I need a variable or adjustable HPF? If it works it does not matter. The Thumpinator works well and also the various FDeck versions from the USA, are good. Variable Filters have a bump at the f3 point. No a good design will be flat to all intents and purposes. If a fixed HPF works well, what benefit would a variable HPF bring. Mainly to help tame room resonances/boominess in conjunction with the normal EQ. It can also allow you to experiment for yourself, a variable HPF can start the cut-off higher for a 4 string than a 5 string. Alternatively it allows you to tune the response so as to just remove the unwanted VLF stuff leaving more of you tone intact.
    2 points
  11. Bass heaven: Listening to a great bass player Bass hell: Listening to me try and play the bass
    2 points
  12. Heaven- tommy cogbill, duck Dunn, chuck Rainey. Hell- slappity slappity slappity slappity, especially on gear demos.
    2 points
  13. Sorry, but if you don't hear the difference between ebony, rosewood and maple, it's about time to make an ear test as there are huge differences in tone. I know that most the musicians are almost deaf and only hear harmonics, but stop this please : it's not only a cosmetical difference, it's a tone difference. At a time, for some personal reasons, I had two identical Leduc MP 6 strings fretless basses (neckthrough abd bubinga wings), but one had a pau ferro fingerboard and the other a Brazilian rosewood one : there was a BIG difference in tone between the two. Strangely I ended up keeping the pau ferro one that had more bite and high mids, which was what I was looking for at the time. In November, I bought another Leduc MP 6 strings fretless I was hunting for 10 years : quite similar in contruction but the wings (flamed maple top over ash with a mahogany veneer in between) and the fretboard which is Brazilian rosewood. Soundwise you get a more present fundamental, more low mids and less high mids, so a hugely growling and mwahing fretless. I know I'm a bit harsh on this subject, but I'm really fed up with these comments. It's like saying that a carrot tastes the same as a cabbage.
    2 points
  14. Your favourites.? For all those that dig Soul and Funk and Groove. I can only hope it lasts as long as Pete's thread. Post your favourite soul and funk right here. This will do for now. Early Maceo Parker and the Macks.One of the best funk records I've ever heard. His sax, the drums, the bass, and the absolutely amazing horn section, never get old. Just to say this was always a follow on from Pete's old thread. I spoke to him when he was really ill. He said,.. Keep the funk going.
    1 point
  15. Neuser Courage 5 String bass • Neck thru construction • Arctic Birch • Alder Body wings • 7 piece Maple Neck with Bubinga stringers • Ebony Fingerboard • 34" scale • 24 frets • Brass nut • Recessed Neuser bridge • Mike Pope Flex Core 4 Band preamp • Active/Passive Switch • Bartolini pickups • Dunlop recessed straplocks • Weights 9.3lbs (4.2KGs) This is a great playing and sounding bass! Has some wear and marks on it (see pic of back) but generally not bad for its age. These basses are not made anymore so are hard to come by these days. I'm not looking for any trades right now.
    1 point
  16. This is a gorgeous Stingray in transluscent red, bought on this very forum, does everything it should, It comes with it's MM hard case. The bass used but in good condition. It has some damage on including a couple of tiny nicks and a patch of missing paint on the top edge. Nice neck grain. In this colour it looks gorgeous. Plays really well, sounds like a Stingray should and in this colour.....
    1 point
  17. Yeah it's a great one! So, after studying the pic I'm thinking of a solo cello mimicking the left hand on the piano with a viola (not sure if it's a viola or a violin in the pic but I'm going with viola) mimicking the right hand of the piano. The violin and the trumpet should be performing a duet but not overlapping as the guy's only got one pair of hands. No wait, he's got some contraption hooked up to the trumpet button things (don't laugh, I can't think of the word) so that means they can play at the same time. Right, all that machinery is going to create some whirring, clanking and ticking. I think I'm set
    1 point
  18. I'm seeing a bloke on Tuesday who has fitted flats to one of the new Epiphone T Birds. I'll let you know what he thinks, and if i get a chance, what I think too.
    1 point
  19. Excellent. Well if you can come up with something that covers what the Broughton does and also delivers a 24dB cut, then you're onto a winner. If you can go one further and shrink it to the size of a COG T16 (with all the connections on the same side) you know you've already won and you'd better start gearing up for orders from the US, Europe and Japan
    1 point
  20. You very brave to take on a scratch build at the age of 14 (I take my hat off to you!!) I probably wouldn’t make the body out of ply as I had a ply bodied p bass and it was really heavy and the sustain wasn’t very good (but that’s just my opinion...) some of the seasoned luthiers on here have probably got more experience on the subject so hopefully they will give some advice As for a the neck some people have had some good luck with the necks on eBay but it depends how much you want to spend?? Check out the for sale part on this forum for pickups you might be able to pick yourself up a bargain It might be an idea to consider starting off with a kit build ie a Jazz bass kit and reshape the body to the Jaguar shape and reconfigure the pickups and make a custom pickguard....... just a thought??
    1 point
  21. We don't, lol. Digital desk set either to the right venue if we've played there before or pick something similar, marques are your friend with a digital desk. Away you go
    1 point
  22. Wondered how long it’d take for someone to shoehorn that one in...
    1 point
  23. I hate Sunburst... (joke...but still, not for me)
    1 point
  24. Bass heaven: A Tribute to Jack Johnson Bass Hell: This forum
    1 point
  25. I think you may have started something there Karl..
    1 point
  26. Love 'em, where did you get them from ? John
    1 point
  27. Bass heaven - High powered amp you can carry with one hand. Bass hell - Fender twin for guitar in a small bar.
    1 point
  28. I have a Spider case which is a good fit for my Mustang and Musicmaster basses http://www.spider-engineering.co.uk/industry/product.asp?item=spider-bass-hard-guitar-case-11579-3980
    1 point
  29. Happy Jack and I visited Bass Direct a couple of years ago and loved it. I agree with Finndave about the lack of Fenders - personally, I didn't miss them. Fenders are so bloody ubiquitous everywhere else, that having a place where they're not abundantly represented is worth a visit for that reason alone.
    1 point
  30. Do you live anywhere near the East Midlands? If you can make it to the next bass bash I'll happily bring mine along and let you have a blast
    1 point
  31. Love the grain on the front...some of the nicest timber I've seen used on a Bass. GLWTS
    1 point
  32. Excellent. It was small but perfectly formed 😮
    1 point
  33. Unless you are incredibly lucky , bands dont seem to last too long these days . My last great band ended 5 years ago and since then I have been in various start up bands , done short notice gigs , and occationally do open mike nights . Although i'm not in a "proper " band , I am still playing very regularly , so you dont need to quit and sell off your gear yet . Dont think of yourself as a fifty something year old ,( I'm 54 myself ) think of yourself as someone with 40 years of gigging experiance .
    1 point
  34. I currently have two, I am not going to end up with two. I am either going to keep the spector and push the dean on, or keep the deen and return the spector. Initial impressions are stronger on the spector, as I got it on Tuesday. Its the first spector I had, so obviously the feelings probably tie to that. The bass is lovely, it is not too heavy, the body is a great shape. the neck is a bit thicker and wider than I would like, its bigger than an ibby, but obviously most things are. The knobs are also the wrong way round (treble bass) as well as a bit abstract as there is no default position. however, sounds good and works well. The 8 string part. I loved it for the first few minutes, then hated it, then went back to liking it. It *is* harder on your fingers to play, and easier to make mistakes from missing the strings. In general it is harder to play. For some songs, punk, rock, it really does add some body to the song, especially songs where you are playing Guitar / bass / Drums. I wish I had had this in my last group, which was 70s/80s punk/pop based. Its also very good with delay effects, where the increased harmonics really shine. However, for my current group I couldn't use it as my only bass, as it really is no use whatsoever for Ska, which we do a fair bit of! So the dean. Picked it up today, really cheap. Needed a decent amount of time cleaning it and sorting out a noisy socket. It is a little tattier, dent on the headstock, can see the lines from the wood, it is quite old I am guessing - oh yes, serial number says it is 08, so it is doing ok for a decade. Between the Dean and the Spector on their own merits, there isn't much of an issue. The Spector is better. It is more comfortable, it has a slightly easier neck, the build is a lot better, more comfortable and looks a lot better. But, the dean was a fraction of the cost - cheapest non harley benton bass I have bought, so it is not the most obvious comparison. Plugged in, there really is virtually nothing to pick between them. The Dean has less treble, but almost certainly that is old strings vs the new ones on the Spector. Other than that, they sound the same, with almost identical blend between the pickups. The dean you can do a treble cut that you can't do on the Spector I suppose, that is about it. So I don't know what is going to be around after I have decided, but one thing I know is that Spector has entered my head as a brand to explore more.
    1 point
  35. Holy Mother of God, this plus about a billion. Very fortunate at the moment to be playing with a pro drummer who is just on it the whole time. Makes my job a delightful breeze. But when you get a drummer who is, er... less than stellar, it makes bass playing a dreadful, miserable ordeal. Obviously trying to migrate to Europe in a flimsy rubber dinghy with no food or water after your family has been killed by government forces is a lot worse, but we're talking bass playing here...
    1 point
  36. I have a very nice Harley Benton 51 P Bass clone which cost around £100 new. It does the job, so much so I've thrown another £100 at it with paint and pickup.
    1 point
  37. Weird they became extinct, now I think of it. I mean, ivory nuts are famously less prone to hypothermia or cold shock than regular nuts are.
    1 point
  38. Playing The Rebellion Festival in The Winter Gardens in Blackpool for the first time in August 2015. When we started out our aim was to try and get on that festival, being the biggest punk festival in the world. Our set was at something like 1:15pm on the first day for 25mins in The Arena, and the room whilst not completely full must have had about 800 in there (capacity is 1000). The set flew by, was well received, and we were all on a high for the rest of the festival, we`d achieved one of of our aims and unlike many things in life, it was actually better than we had thought it would be. We`ve now played there 3 years in a row, and are booked for this year as well but I look back fondly to my first Rebellion.
    1 point
  39. Eventually every design in existence will have been slagged off in this thread...
    1 point
  40. I have a Thumpinator. I can't say I can tell any difference in tone apart from less cone movement but it makes me less afraid to crank my amp up! You already mentioned the amp aspect but worth noting that plenty of amps such as Genz Benz already feature a fixed HPF so a separate one would be unnecessary. If you typically push your amp/cab to its limits to get enough volume then you may find one beneficial. Plus it gives you an excuse to get a pedal board and find more pedals to connect to that power supply!
    1 point
  41. The charity gig at the Grove Tavern in South Wimbledon one Sunday afternoon about 10 years ago, but this time there will be people in the car park waiting for the scrote(s) that broke into my car while I was on stage.
    1 point
  42. Norman Watt-Roy from the Blockheads........just awesome. Now the awful.................Peter Hook. Boring same old riffs , terrible style which makes him look a total pratt while playing on stage.
    1 point
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