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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/18 in Posts
I stopped going years back, mostly due to it always ending up being a constant round of twelve bar blues type stuff, while an Eric Clapton type wannabee showed us all what a total rock God he was and that we were so lucky to be supporting him6 points
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If it's OK to have frets instead of simply learning where the notes are, then it's OK to have a music stand instead of simply learning what the words are.4 points
Chuck my tuppence in... I've been running blues jams for many, many years, and there are as many ways to run a jam as there are stars in the sky. Most of the basics have been covered, but a few things to bear in mind from the hosts point of view: We are there to attract punters; musicians and non-musicians into the venue to spend money on alcoholic beverages (and crisps). If alcoholic beverages (and crisps) are not purchased then the chances are the Jam won't be there for long. This is a careful balancing act Musicians want to play. Punters want to be entertained Get the balance wrong and you end up with a room of musos nursing a pint all night, or the house band playing a 3-hour gig for thruppence. What may look like a clique to you, looks to me like my reliables. They turn up every month without fail and without them there probably wouldn't be a jam. If you are new come and say hello Tell me what you like to play Be honest about your ability, if you're a bit unsure say so, I'll get you up with some experienced musos to help you along. Put your name on the list of jam and you WILL get called up Everyone WIll get at least 3 numbers, I can't guarantee when (see the balancing act), see above if you need to leave early, again let me know, I'll accommodate you in the grand scheme of things if I can I run Jams because I love playing with friends I don't get to gig with. I love watching something come together from nothing, from musos that may have never met let alone played with each other. I most certainly don't do it for the kudos or the money. So if you attend a Jam and it seems a bit cliquey, consider the internal political bollocks that may be in play to ensure that the Jam is there the next time you fancy a little no pressure play. Of course, some Jams can be really cliquey, I don't go to them either :-)4 points
Hi Torby, That's not good. Can you let us know a few more details and we will have a look at what we can do to get you sorted. Amp Model - Serial Number - Date Purchased - Retailer purchased from -4 points
Also where are you based? Would likely be much easier and in fact better for us to sort directly for you rather than shipping unnecessarily to the retailer and back etc if they are a distance away as you say...3 points
3 points
I have played with a singer who regularly uses a music stand. He was by far the best singer I have worked with. No-one ever came up to me and said 'your singer has a music stand, thats terrible'. Many people came up to me and said 'your singer is fantastic'. Most audience members won't even know what a music stand is.3 points
You're the bass player, and would maybe not like to have to change instrument just because the band feels it's not 'acceptable'. He's the singer, and should have the same privilege and respect, I'd suggest. Of course the 'issue' could be discussed, but he decides what he needs (or wants...) for the gigs. For my part, I've never bought into this 'acceptable' stuff; I've seen too many bands with all sorts of stuff on stage for it to count for anything. As long as your show is good, such props are of no relevance. Just my tuppence-worth.3 points
Whereabouts are you (I'm not a stalker, honest). A few years back I was told that Bob n Toyah lived just outside Salisbury in one of the many posh villages. Just a rumour like, never actually saw them in Waitrose or owt (just the drummer from Dodgy, which was good enough for me)3 points
For sale is my Mayones Jabba Classic 5. Considering selling as it doesn't really suit what I'm playing anymore and I don't have much use for a 5 string. It's a truly fantastic bass and I'd love to keep hold of it for sentimental reasons but I have to think of practicality. Beautiful finish (believe it's graphite burst or something?), Aguilar pickups, glockenklang 3 band active eq with passive switching. The master volume pot could do with being replaced as it's a little bit crackly but I haven't got round to doing it. It's currently strung with Ernie Ball rounds but can post with a set of La Bella flats that have been cut for this bass that I only removed recently. It's honestly the best sounding jazz I've played, easily does the classic sound as well as a more modern sound when you switch to active. 9/10 for condition, just some light dinks here and there and a couple of scratches on the back of the neck. I'm after £900 and it'll be sold with a scruffy Mayones soft case. Collection preferred (the bass is currently in Leeds but I can get it across to Wrexham North Wales if that's any easier for anyone. Will post in a Hiscox hard case if buyer is happy to cover the costs. No trades as it's funding another bass. Drop me a message if you have any questions!2 points
Pimped a Squier Bronco I got recently. Changed the tuners (elephant ears), bridge and added a hotrails, cream pickguard and pickup cover - to be extra pimpy!!! Super fun to play, the neck is very comfortable and fast. Gets big and thumpy. Depending on the amp can get a nice 60s p tone thump, but it can also dig in and growl when I want it to. Think my full scales may be taking a back seat for a while.2 points
I have played with a singer who regularly used a music stand. No-one ever came up to me and said 'Your singer has a music stand, thats terrible'. Many people came up to me and said ‘Your singer is gorgeous. Is she single?'.2 points
Exactly. They just see another piece of bent metal, together with mic stands, cymbal stands, etc, etc and ignore it if the music's any good. As far as the "learn your parts" comments on here are concerned, that's fine if you play the same 20 songs every night, but if you take requests or have a large repertoire (some items from which you may not have performed for a while), you need parts, words, etc. That's why orchestras, jazz bands, etc, use the dots.2 points
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Depends entirely on the type of show. Big Band type thing with complex arrangements where the players are pretty stationary - stands are pretty common. Rock band - Nope. Not now. Not ever. Everyone else in the band has to learn their parts so they can tart around and put on a show. The singer is the most visible element of any band. A music stand completely ruins the performance for that type of show. Imagine any good rock / pop / funk band you like. Queen / Iron Maiden / Metallica / Prince / RHCP etc etc and think how bloody awful it would be if there was a music stand up there. But even if we ignore those - most of the other local rock bands won't have stands and your singer is going to look like a twonk next to them. If the rest of the band can learn a 30 song set list then so can the singer.2 points
2 points
I've no doubts that a frontman/woman is better if they are concentrating on the audience than looking down but in the end the most important thing is that everyone is enjoying themselves. Most bands aren't full time professionals so expecting some sort of ideal isn't really sensible. Having the singer going to the wrong part of the song or breaking time when they mess up is pretty disruptive so it all comes down to compromise. iPads are less obtrusive and I'm seeing them more and more, do it if you have to I guess.2 points
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The Beyma that Phil uses costs around £90 from Blue Aran now, although if you order it directly from the UK distributor it's under £70, which is great value. If you want to go lightweight, the neo Faital Pro 12PR320 is similar in performance and costs £128. If you're on a budget, the older version of the Celestion Pulse 12 , the B12-200X (which seems to have an identical specification), is currently selling for £45 at Watford Valves and Lean Business and is definitely a budget "best buy". If you go for the Faital Pro, you should be able to convert your cab at a later stage to the two-way design currently being finalised in the 12" Cab Diary Continued thread on here.2 points
Definitely can be. I'll always give one a chance but if the dreaded clique (usually involving 30 minute renditions of Hey Joe) rears it's head then it's a one-visit thing.2 points
Ah! the old music stand debate, I don't like it at all, especially for the singer, he's the focal point of the band he should be interacting with the audience not staring at the lyrics, like you say it's crutch if it's there he'll use it, I used to have one when I started doing open mics, I got rid of it, if it's there you'll look at it. Our singer will sometimes have lyric reminders on the floor of new songs we're doing but soon gets rid of them The only time a music stand should be used is if you're depping, otherwise, learn the songs2 points
Do it, you don't need to spend a fortune either. Definitely consider a piezo bridge, even a cheap one will add an amazing tonal quality to the bass and I wouldn't have a fretless without one now, I think this one was £25 new when I originally bought it and I have a 5 string Fishman version tucked away for when I find the right bass to put it on! Here's mine, a bitsa with some simple modding. It's an old Hohner body (Korean Cort) with a Mighty Mite P neck (ebanol board), Wilkinson tuners, Duncan Designed Jazz pickups and a cheap piezo bridge with a Bartolini buffer circuit. One of the best basses I've ever played and probably the nicest sounding. I had a nice cheap fretless jazz and a fancy Warmoth Pau Ferro jobbie, neither are even close to this. Total spend was under £300 after some patient online shopping, excuse the terrible pics - it's late!2 points
2 points
Picking up on what others have said, there are two types of earth 1) A safety earth designed to blow the fuse quickly if there is a fault 2) A signal earth - often the return path of your signal circuit, or a screen to protect your signal circuit. The green/yellow wire in your mains plug is type 1, the screen in your instrument cable is type 2. The earth lift is designed to break the circuit of a type 2 earth where it might conflict with a type 1 earth, as with a DI signal between two items of mains-powered equipment. Hum can be caused by having two earth paths to a piece of equipment, ad DAD3353 mentions, but can also be caused by noisy electronics on the same circuit, or close by. The fact that the hum is location dependent, and also affects the guitarist's passive instrument, makes that the most likely culprit in my opinion. So, in those problem venues, try and identify any local lighting, gaming machines, etc, which may be plugged in to to the circuit you use, and see if the hum goes away when they are switched off. Fluorescent lighting would be an obvious candidate. David2 points
I had the exact same same problem once with a drummer. He kept complaining the bass was too loud. This went on for quite a few rehearsals and I turned down, changed the EQ but he still complained. So one rehearsal we went through it and I kept asking if I was too loud and he kept saying yes and it got to the point where I turned my amp off and still played and I was still too loud. So I pointed out to him that I'm not even turned on. Turned out it was the rhythm guitar that was too loud 😂2 points
For sale SOLD is my awesome 2015 Gibson Thunderbird It is pretty much immaculate, has been professionally set up with DR H-Beams and plays like a dream. The neck is very fast! The 2015 models feature a Babicz full contact bridge with coil-tapped Musicman style humbuckers. Comes with the Gibson case and some case candy (if you like that sort of thing) and I also have a used gig bag which it just fits into, which I'll include in the price. I've fitted black Marvel straplocks - the original strap pins will be supplied. Full details from the Gibson website here http://www.gibson.com/Products/Electric-Guitars/2015/USA/Thunderbird-Bass.aspx Insured courier would be around £40 to UK mainland. Happy to meet up within reasonable distance of Nottingham as well. The nut width is 38mm and I don't know the weight - it's very light, I'm guessing less than 9lbs - but I will attempt to weigh it and update my post. I don't experience any neck dive using a Mono Betty strap2 points
Hello! I'm going back to Jazz basses so would like to move this on for extra funds. It's a beauty, upgraded with a Seymour Duncan SPB1 and a KiOgon wiring kit. Excellent condition, sounds like a Precision bass should! I am in Ossett, Wakefield, West Yorkshire about 5 minutes from J40 of the M1. I would prefer cash on collection please. Thanks for looking Julian1 point
@Old_Ben the link you posted is broken for me for some reason this one works though; https://www.soundcloud.com/ben-webb-15/hopeinside boss track as well man, really digging it! 🙌1 point
Just google on stage telepromter bands and see how many rock bands use them. As someone who spent many years working backstage I can safely say it’s many more bands than most people would imagine who use them. I think the operative here is prompt, many bands have them there as much for security as anything else, in case they need a prompt rther than actually relying on it. It seems like a bad thing until you realise you’ve seen some brilliant bands performing brilliantly whilst using them, it’s just they can afford the type of teleprompter audiences can’t see. I suppose it’s easy to judge until you need one yourself.1 point
Been a long time since last on here but started writing again recently, here is something I did today. The Bare Bones for a song. Might call it Hope Inside. Will update it if I get a chance to finish it before the deadline.1 point
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https://www.amazon.co.uk/Guitar-Pedal-Power-Supply-Overcurrent/dp/B06XPG8B71/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1524498392&sr=8-3&keywords=power+supply+pedals they have the same ones on eBay for £17.99 i was just looking for myself1 point
Olney....the village where "Amazing Grace" was written.1 point
I don't think there's a strict line Les and open mic's and jam sessions are as varied as the musicians that go there. My experience is that each feels different and both are often mis-described. The minimum requirement for an open mic is just that, a mic and a small PA. Most of them just have acoustic acts and sometimes even comedians and poetry readings, a few are essentially folk venues, it's worth checking. The minimum for a jam session is that at some point a few people will get together and play. Jamming in the sense of playing a completely unprepared 'standard' with musicians jumping in and out, and improvising seems fairly rare. You'd normally expect jam sessions to be electric, have some sort of back line provided and a drum kit, but that varies. How cliquey they are depends upon the host and to an extent upon the landlord/lady. Many bands use it as an excuse for practice in public and the standard can be quite good, because they are used to playing together. They'll often welcome other acts as this gives them a break and of course over time the musicians all get to know each other and the songs a good host will notice anyone walking in with an instrument and try to include them once they know what they do but it is like trying to break into any conversation between friends, tricky to get started. Open mic's tend to be a bit more open, the host will have a rough idea of how many performers they have and divide the time fairly between them, but they will also know who amongst their regulars will be good and who will clear the bar so some people may get more than others. If anything is billed as an open mic it is worth always taking some sort of amp as a bassist, preferably a smallish combo as the PA may not be up to handling bass. The venue may affect how open the event is, the host is usually paid or gets a portion of the bar takings, if the manager wants to entertain his or her regulars then they are going to expect the host to keep the standard of music up so 'better' acts are going to get more time.1 point
I kind of wish you'd said 'I don't like this set up, give me my money back!' Then at least I'd still have the 1212L!!1 point
They do. I found the filters to be largely redundant when gigging, or you tend to disappear in the mix. Can't help but think the filters are there to make the amps sound good in the shop and at home... Also Markbass sound great with the EQ flat, or at least at 12 o'clock, so have that 'plug and play' capability. Obviously modern customers don't want to be spending too much time thinking about things, they just want to switch on and be done.1 point
Lol thats entirely possible, never claimed to be although I am probably better than I give myself credit for1 point
Just be grateful you've got such a good singer. The only deciding factor for me is do they sing well. I know guys using folders, ipads and memory. If they are good at their job then I'm happy for them to use whatever props they need.1 point
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Any excuse to put this up again1 point
I've had a couple of 15" setups including 2 x Ashdown ABM115s, Trace 1524 2x15" and the V-type 1528 which at one point I paired with a V-type 1248H 4x12" and Gallien Krueger 1001RB for 96kgs of thunder1 point
Ey Up Mi Duck festival on Friday, on drum with Headsticks, we played inside at the end of the night, around 11pm, and it was rammed. I guess most of them had seen us before as they were all singing along. The PA was a bit dodgy, they had a bunch of 4 gang extension leads chained up and one of the revellers managed to spill a drink on one of them. The soundman looked a bit worse for wear and suggested that was us done for the night but someone managed to find the reset switch - it turns out the extension had one of those protection things built in. Anyway, we played till after midnight and it was great fun Saturday night we played the May Day Festival of Solidarity which is a socialist affair. When we arrived there were a few VERY folky acts on and the crowd was in total appreciative silence - not our usual crowd. I was a bit concerned but it went alright. Nowhere near as good as the night before, but then the crowd weren't anywhere near as wasted. On Sunday I played a local festival on lead guitar as part of Julia Mosely's band. I'm slowly starting to get the hang of it. I've played guitar since I was a kid but never done it in a band before so I'm struggling with confidence a bit, but I've seen some recordings and it sounds good. It's on Facebook so I don't know if you'll be able to see it... Great weekend anyway!1 point
Selling my unique and ultrarare Ken Smith 25th Anniversary Fusion Elite 5, the one and only factory original fretless from Ken's top model that I have ever seen. Specs: 25th Anniversary model Exhibition Grade Bubinga Top and Back Walnut Core 7pc body wings and 7pc neck (neck through) BMT body shape Satin finish (Ken's recommendation for Fretless) Figured Macassar Ebony Board Lined Fretless (300 USD upgrade) 34" scale 18mm spacing 18V electrics with DIP switches Weight 4,6 kg Build year 2009 OHSC and case candy The pictures do not justice this wonderful Bubinga top with its nice 3D pattern and grain. The Satin finish feels great in my hands. This bass is barely used and could go for cash (preferred) or another interesting bass. Action could be set very low. Currently strung with Thomastik Rounds. Everything works well and as expected. This bass is absolutely LIKE NEW. I am the second owner after a collector. This bass survived most of its life time in its case. No dings or dongs, no hairline scratches, it still smells like new ! Case is like new as well. Street price currently 8100 USD for the current top model which does not include the 25th details like the golden truss rod plate and the Abalone dot inlays. Plus shipping and VAT. SOLD Players who would like to have a 25th fretted instead of a fretless could easily let a luthier install frets on this bass - and even then the price would be less than currently asked for similar models. I still own a fretted 25th 5er with Walnut top and it plays and sounds incredible ! There have been only maximum 60 Smiths built at 25th anniversary specs (of which I personally own and owned not less than 7), the model has been discontinued now but most of the specs are found in the current Fusion Elite line. So grab the chance to take a very rare piece of history. Trades considered: Fodera Ken Smith Fretted Ken Lawrence Vintage Fenders Alleva Coppolo Xotic XJ1T Lightweight K Bass or other high end bass (+/- cash), let me know what you have.1 point