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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/09/18 in all areas

  1. The initial feedback from Fender wasn't great to be honest, however, since my sense of humour failure, they have apologised and are arranging to have the neck collected (by UPS of all people 🙄) so that they can examine it. They have said once they confirm the neck is a write off, they will send me a replacement (neck).
    9 points
  2. I've enjoyed reading through these. I'll share one of mine with you. There was a singer, about 15 years older than the rest of us, who came to audition for our pub r'n'b band around 2001. He clearly couldn't pitch a note - he was as flat as a pancake - and by the end of verse 1, we were all rolling our eyes and trying hold back the sniggering. We moved into the chorus and at the end of it, he went for the final high note throwing his head forwards. With that, his teeth flew out across the room, hit the floor and slid under the drum kit. He looked aghast and shouted "Guitar solo!" and dived down between the kick drum and floor tom. Eventually, he shuffled backwards, stood up and held his false choppers up to the light. He blew the filth and fag ash off them and popped them back in. He was just about to sing the next verse when he realised we were all rolling around in hysterics........... A week later, he e-mailed us and asked for feedback on his efforts.
    7 points
  3. Hey Nancy, I apologize for my fellow yank calling you "fancy pants". In your case should it have been "Nancy pants"?
    6 points
  4. It would seem from my good friend @NancyJohnson 's post above that the Bass Player crew have taken this rather badly. Were further confirmation needed I have been passed an unredacted copy of the BP FB post as originally drafted: Bass Player Family When we launched Bass Player almost 30 years ago we were motivated by a festering resentment at the way that guitards had three or four magazines for themselves but we bass players didn't merit more than a single page shoe-horned into the back of Guitar Player in among all the other bits of articles that started at the front then unaccountably broke off and continued after the classified ads in the weird way that we Americans lay out magazines unlike anyone else in the world because they do it wrong and we do it right, kinda like football is football and soccer is soccer. We digress. BP was meant to show the world that bass players are the most important people in the band and not at all sulky passive-aggressives who can't get laid. And over the years, we've succeeded beyond our wildest dreams. No one ever laughs at bass players these days. Now on the eve of our 30th anniversary we have been stabbed in the back by those treacherous sons of bïtches at the hedge fund. All you need to know about these guys is that only one of them plays a musical instrument and it's a PRS. What's worse is we've been sold to a bunch of effete limeys who sip their tea with their little finger stuck out and curtsy to each other when they meet. Was it for this that thousands of our best young men crossed the Atlantic to join the 8th Air Force and save the Brits by raining death and destruction on Germany? All we have to say is 'Semper Fi'. Could it get any worse? Turns out the upstart English magazine is in bed with those anti-American, Rickenbacker-hating dirtbags at the 'TalkBass rip-off website' BassChat. All you need to know is that the owners of BassChat wear bowler hats and say things like 'God save the Queen, actually'. Anyway, the murderous English redcoats who are taking us over will completely screw the pooch so please cancel your subscriptions now and protest this unwanted takeover by burning the Union Jack flag. We wish the new editor well but it will be a clusterf*ck of biblical proportions and in the end it's all down to Donald Trump and his fascist nationalism. Make America Great Again? We think not. Bass Player
    5 points
  5. Can I just say how fantastic it is, after the slow initial sign up, to see so many attendees now! Gonna be a great day for sure :)
    4 points
  6. Just wait till he finds out that colour has a U and that there's no such thing as aloominum. People have gone on shooting sprees for less provocation than that.
    4 points
  7. Rock's problem is not that old people (in industry terms that means those aged over 35) like it or don't like it. It's big problem is that young people are turning away from it whether as a performance thing or a consumption thing Electric guitar sales are down by 33% in a decade with the biggest fall being among young people so that's the input end of the operation f*cked. At the output end a Ticketmaster study showed that 65% of US concert ticket sales were accounted for by people aged 35+. Oldies, in other words. Where did those screaming teens go? They got old. Meanwhile in the world of recorded music sales Rap overtook rock as the #1 genre in the USA in 2017. 8 of the 10 most popular acts in 2017 by consolidated US sales were Rap / RnB artists. The two 'other' acts were Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. Might this be because Rappers and RnB artists are frankly fabulous while Rockers are either boring and slightly talentless dead-eyed boys or old men with more hair coming out of their ears than they have on top of their heads? I mean, Drake on his own sold more than the top 3 rock acts put together (Metallica, The Beatles and Imagine Dragons). Even within the Rock genre the rock artists who performed the best in 2017 in the USA were either legacy acts or bands you've never heard of but had a one-off hit. Of the five best selling rock albums, one was the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 soundtrack ffs. Imagine Dragons (who?) had the top two songs in “Believer” and “Thunder”. The top two rock acts were Metallica and the Beatles. Let me say that again in case you missed it. The top two rock acts were Metallica and the Beatles. And even Lil Uzi Vert sold more than the Beatles and he was #10 top artist by US sales. It's just f*cking hopeless. You've got old men like Green Day and Metallica and The Stones and Fleetwood Mac ever more desperately hawking their schlock to audiences trying to recapture their youth while everywhere else young bands are beginning to realise they can't get a gig let alone a deal. And why? Because the bottom's falling out of the Rock market and the money-men realise that the market's falling out of their bottoms. They're not going to spend crillions on artist development just to push some 'difficult' acne-ridden twerps with guitars out there when there's ready market for Rappers who are happy to work with a team and would rather be thinking about their fashion line than writing a 'meaningful' song. The sooner we start to treat Rock like Jazz - as a specialist interest form with a dual offering of unlistenable experimentation and reassuring familiarity - the happier we'll all be. There's no law that says Rock must live forever or that it's always going to be moving forward. Sooner or later, everything dies and Rock's time has come. They say, it's gonna die: oh! Honey please let's face it; They just don't know what's-a goin' to replace it. Cliff Richard is 77.
    4 points
  8. Driven by necessity, up for sale is my Yamaha Attitude II 10th Anniversary Billy Sheehan Signature. Yes. It's Purple. #28 of 300 in this colour There were also 300 in black. Billy owns #001. purchased it new in 2003. The various online Yamaha dating resources don't seem to work with the serial number. That said, the plate on the back says April 2000, so I'll go with that... The fit, finish and build quality are exemplary, (Made in Japan) and it's in very good condition, having seen only rehearsal, studio and home use. It's never been dropped or dinged. All original except I've fitted Schaller strap locks in place of the original buttons. Technically, it's all good; 3x Gotoh tuners 1x Hipshot (Genuine, not licensed) detuner on the "E" DiMarzio Will power pickups wound to Sheehan's specs. Phenolic resin fretboard with scalloped upper frets for those of you that like to bend. Maple neck under all that purple, and there's an Alder body in there somewhere, too. It's passive and the two outputs can be twinned. Controls are V (neck) Tone (neck) and mid-cut the last one is V for the "P" pick up plus it twins and separates the outputs. Currently strung with Elixir Steels in .045 .065 .80 .100 Comes with its original case and corresponding key. Collection only from my home address in Essex, please, but at least you'll get to try it! Any questions, fire away!
    3 points
  9. Even I didn't see this coming - there I was minding my own business on holiday in Scarborough and I walk past the Guitar Gallery on Bar Street and see not one or 2 but 3 brand new 4003 basses in the window. I hurredly walk past pretending I didn't notice them but the damage is already done. For the next 4 days those Rickenbackers are on my mind until it gets too much. Once I get home I am online checking out the prices and who has what. I already know what I want and luckily a few online stores have them. About 10 years ago I was in Glasgow and bought a new 4003 in midnite blue. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen but a week or so into ownership I noticed that it had the dreaded running paint. The paint under the lacquer actually ran over the binding causing it to go pale blue. I took it back to the shop and was told that it would need to be returned to Rickenbacker but they didn't have any more in stock by that point so I got a full refund. So mind made up I bought this bass on Saturday, it was waiting for me when I got home tonight and took it straight to the rehearsal. I absolutely love it so far. I keep finding myself trying to place my hand where the pickup cover is but I can't work out if it is because that is where I would find playing most comfortable or just because I can't play there because of the pickup cover.
    3 points
  10. I'll just leave this here...32" scale; under-sized, chambered body; Haussel pickups and John East Uni 4 preamp. Driving down to Brecon on Saturday to rendezvous with Mike Walsh for collection. Can't wait.
    3 points
  11. I feel like I've been quite restrained for the last couple of years. Last big purchase was a Telecaster, which would have been spring 2017. Also bought some recording gear that year, but that hardly broke the bank. Then it's been a couple of pedals this year...a Behringer BDI for the bass and a Joyo Tremolo pedal for guitar stuff, both in the last couple of months. Last substantial bass purchase must have been the Tony Franklin, which must have been...good god, summer 2016. Bugger me, no wonder I've started eyeing up Sandbergs and Shukers... Best purchase? The move into valve amps has been a very satisfying journey, but the Bergantino cab might have been the most transformational. I guess you never fully appreciate what a high-quality cab can do to your live sound until you try one. (Clear enough projection that the guy right back of a huge beer garden comes over afterwards to ask if John Entwistle was an influence? I'll take that.)
    3 points
  12. Finally took the plunge and bought a five string. Always wanted to try a Warwick and really impressed with the quality (particularly at under half the price of a new one!). Beautiful coloured and oiled finish on nicely grained wood and very versatile electronics. I was worried about the neck profile - particularly on a 5 string but this is perfect -strangely almost flat at the back. Just need to get used to that pesky low B string now!
    3 points
  13. Sounds strange, but in some ways I think making the pickguard is the most difficult thing about building an electric. Unlike wood, plastic is completely unforgiving, and there's something about it that means you really have to be accurate for it to look good. It has to follow exactly the curve of the body, fit exactly round the neck pocket and have exact placement of the pickups and control plate. I've finally got a process that I'm pretty happy with, but it's taken me a long time to develop it, and it still takes a long time to do. Of course, if you're doing a standard size P or J bass then you can simply pick one off the shelf, or use a pre-made template like I've got in the first photo. Everything I do is custom size, so no such luxury for me. First up I do a drawing on some baking parchment (one of the most useful things in the 'shop). I use this to rough cut some 12mm mdf to size. Next I rout the pickup hole into it. At this point the rest of the pickguard template is just rough cut. Having got the pickup rout done, I mount the pickups and make sure that I'm happy with their positioning. Then without moving anything, I use a guided bit running along the edge of the body itself to do the lower horn (where the pickguard runs parallel with the body). At the same time I also rout the neck pocket, using the pocket itself as a guide. This means that the fit of the pickguard is perfect. I then use a guided router bit with different size bearings to rebate into the pickguard template along the lower horn. This results in a template that is smaller than the lower horn, but runs parallel to it. Finally, I cut out the 'V' shape where the pickguard meets the control plate. And that's it! Several hours work. My last insurance policy is that I don't drill the holes for the control plate till after finishing and I'm fitting the plastic pickguard itself. The positioning of the control plate has a couple of mm wiggle room, so if the thickness of the finish, or who knows what else has moved everthing by a mm or so, I can absorb that by moving the control plate slightly, and everthing still fits together perfectly. I told you it was the hardest bit of making a guitar!
    3 points
  14. I'll just leave this here and be off then, not my work btw (I'm not that clever):
    3 points
  15. A few more snaps for those interested:
    3 points
  16. I've not bought anything bass related for a couple of months... Cog Rogue One was my last big purchase and it's still my best buy this year. Thinking about maybe buying something a bit different next... Native Instruments Maschine... Try a different approach to song writing.
    3 points
  17. Or serious Bass-GASser has run out things to buy and is looking for ideas? 😁😂
    3 points
  18. Completed the head shaping and applied the decal ( yes, I'm a poser) and several wipe-on coats of Ronseal Hard glaze satin, as per Andy's tutorial.It's been left over a week and I have flatten the finish with a buff of some T-Cut. Quite pleased with the finished head, I intend to leave the back of the neck and fret board as it is until the light satin finish it came with wears in and then maybe some Danish oil on the back and Lemon oil on the fret board.
    3 points
  19. 3 points
  20. I buy my CDs through Amazon with immediate download. It's often cheaper than download only! I do like to have the physical item and the cover art and notes. I like my bookshelf and CDs out on display, well organised. All guests have a nose through our books and CDs and I want my daughter to pick stuff up and have a listen when she's a bit bigger, that's how I got in to music. If she needs to wait for me to unlock my phone and supervise her then she could miss out on accidentally finding bands she may love forever.
    3 points
  21. Buy the pedal that you like the sound of. Strip it down and spray the case the correct shade of brown. Get a five year old kid to scribble all over it in crayon and clear coat over the top. When you reassemble it, if possible arrange the controls in a less obvious order and perhaps swap one of them with either the input or output jack. Give it a sexually suggestive name that would appeal to average 14 year old boy. Then you can tell everyone that it some ultra-rare boutique pedal that was made in a limited edition of 50.
    3 points
  22. As an addendum to this sorry fiasco. I put up a few adverts to try and find a band over the last few weeks. Less than an hour ago I received a message from Bob asking if I could read music and played a precision through an ampeg rig. Should I ask if his jaw has healed? You seriously can't make this stuff up.
    3 points
  23. I've had this super lightweight Fender Road Worn Jazz Bass sitting around for quite a while now gathering dust. Only 3.7kgs! Seems a shame as it is a stonking bass but I'm into P Basses more at the moment therefore now up for sale. Price includes UK Mainland Postage and Packing.
    2 points
  24. ** NOW SOLD - thanks for looking *** Hi Folks Having just bought another bass, it's time to move on this very nice Schecter Diamond P Custom 5 String bass, which is in extremely good condition and sounds amazing if you want a combination of P-bass thump and MM style funk all in one! Price-wise, I'm looking for £SOLD or near offer for this beauty! Background: I bought in on here in 2012 from it's first owner, sold it in 2015, then missed it so much I bought it back again when it became available because I liked it so much. Over the last 5 years, I have used it mainly for rehearsals, plus some gigs (including a trip to Germany the year before last year, which was fun) but as I only gig about once a month it's still pretty much in the condition it was when I first bought it. There are a couple of tiny dings on it, but they really are tiny.. Why I'm selling: This bass has outlasted two Fender Roscoe Beck 5 strings I've had in the last 6 years, so I rate it very highly indeed, but I have another 5 string bass which I've invested time & money into to getting just how I want and which has a similar pick-up configuration to the Schecter, so of the two, this is the one I have decided to let go. And, the addition of another Roscoe Beck 5 string 3 months ago - plus a recent house move - all means something in the bass collection has to give... Photos: Attached are some photos... I do have more and, if you want to see them, just PM me your email address and I'll happily send them over to you.. Details: It's a 35" scale, passive bass, with an very even tone across all the strings and has a pretty thunderous sounding B-string! Though it's passive, the switching allows you to get a P Bass tone, Jazz bass tone and a MM bass tone too and with all of that, it has a really hot output to it - which is how Schecter designed these things; have a look at this Schecter video clip here: Schecter official YouTube clip And here's some other YouTube links of the Diamond P5, which will give you an idea of the tonal palette of the bass: Diamond P 5 Clip 1 Diamond P 5 Clip 2 More details available on the Schecter website. Price: Price-wise, I think these were over £650 when they first came out and now they've been discontinued replaced by an active version I believe, so I'm thinking that a price of around £350 for one in such good condition is about right, but if you'd like to make me an offer, then please feel free to PM me. Shipping etc: I'm always willing to ship basses, so if you want it and you want me to ship it, I can promise you that it will be well packed!! Shipping costs are additional to the price of course, and I always recommend that you pay the extra to have a bass properly insured in transit. I have a gig back that I can throw into the deal which will add extra protection too... The bass will be available to view & try at the South East Bass Bash on Saturday 29th September if you're going to be there.. Equally, feel free to come and give it a try if you're local to me in Littlehampton, West Sussex - you won't be disappointed - well, by the tea and biscuits anyway! Any questions, please ask here or send me a PM. Thanks for looking, Nik
    2 points
  25. Had the pleasure of seeing this band live for the first time in Helsinki last night. Still, monster players even if they had big shoes to fill. The rhythm section of Val on bass and Trevor "Sparrow" Thompson were something to behold if that kind of music rocks your boat. The tenor sax guy Zem Audu blew the sweetest sax I think I ever heard. A short vid Val (I had to)
    2 points
  26. It's a CN212, which I bought from chris_b a couple of years ago. Wonderful bit of kit.
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. If someone at BC will slip me a few bob I'll write a florid puff-piece about RIC with a fawning pen portrait of utter flange respected industry figure John Hall thrown in. That should be bait enough for BC's ad sales people to dangle before the King of Torts. Ker-ching!
    2 points
  29. Mr Edison ruing the day he ever invented recordings, having thought through the nightmare jungle that would ensue ...
    2 points
  30. This one for me, love a bit of 'Arry
    2 points
  31. I leave the room for 5 minutes and @Al Krow is all over an ibby 😂9 days... looks like that clock might be resetting. Lovely bass Clive. 👍🏻
    2 points
  32. Ibanez BTB1405 Premium. EDIT 20180927: I will be taking this to the South East Bass Bash No.12, Saturday 29th September 2018! if anyone is interested in looking or trying. I'll take £500 on the day for it. £600 collected from SE London. Weight: 8lb 10oz Ibanez BTB1405 Premium Vintage Natural Flat (high res pics in Google photo album) NB. One minor indent to inside of lower horn. See picture. (Looks more noticeable in the picture than it does in person.)
    2 points
  33. The Jackson is reminding me of my youth when I wanted to be David Ellefson.
    2 points
  34. The last item that made a real positive difference to my sound was the Aguilar AG700 I bought last year. The last item I bought was a Stingray Special in Charcoal Sparkle on Saturday. I’m gigging with it this weekend so don’t know yet if it will make a positive difference to my sound but it will make me look more sparkly. 😎
    2 points
  35. The neck is now all painted just got to change the nut then its done Body has had its first coat of primer and the pickguard has had its first top coat, the pickups should be here in the next couple of days so I can then finish the routing I thought I'd try and save a few quid and spray the bridge black I don't know how well it will work?? 🤔
    2 points
  36. I have to admit that on the punk scene in the majority the audience are the same sort of age as, or older than me - I`m 52. Every now & then there will be younglings at a gig, but even for the newer bands (such as Dirt Box Disco, Booze & Glory, Wonk Unit to name a few) it`s still predominantly middle-aged people that go to see them. There are a few young punk bands on the scene and it`s really refreshing to see, but it`s not that often you see people under 30 in the bands.
    2 points
  37. I had offered to bring a cab stand for the raffle but it is too mangled to be much good to anyone, so it’s the skip. But I will bring a Boss LS-2 Line Selector and a Boss FV-50H volume pedal, new/boxed/unused. Note to organisers, if the raffle is becoming full I’ll be happy to offer these for sale and proceeds added to the raffle fund. See you Saturday!
    2 points
  38. Not available as a Vst, yet; it's hardware, from The Boss...
    2 points
  39. It was called Aluminum before it was called Aluminium (and initially Alumium) - You have Sir Humphrey Davy to blame for that. Useless science fact of the day.
    2 points
  40. Mine came in about 4 days. They are rubbish. Terrible. Absolutely awful. Sound tinny, scratchy and completely not like an Ampeg at all. They are poorly built, fragile, and flimsy. Of course, I lie. They are excellent - very usable valve tone, brilliant DI output options, and they are built like the proverbial brick s**t house. I'd hate to drop one on my foot..
    2 points
  41. I like to hold my music. And my books. If anyone thinks that's old fashioned and indicative of someone who isn't "moving with the times", then I'd proudly agree with them.
    2 points
  42. All physical product, vinyl and CD. I never got the "Background music" thing. If I am listening to music then I am immersed in it totally so I listen to a whole album, not selected tracks.
    2 points
  43. I've said it before and I'll say it again...... best value (at each price point), build quality, feel, sound and customer service you'll find. Looks sexy and you get to put numbskulls in their place when they ask "Is that a Warwick?"
    2 points
  44. Update: the seller has offered a partial refund if I wish to keep the neck. How partial has yet to be determined, but this seems an agreeable outcome until a replacement can be sourced. Nothing on eBay or Amazon as yet (not for under £100 anyway) but I suppose I can at least have a playable bass in the interim.
    2 points
  45. I thought this thread was gonna be about Bryan Adams - I got my second real six-string. I`ll get my coat..............
    2 points
  46. And the No Sh!t Sherlock moment: as this bass has a 35 inch scale; so even longer than a long-scale 34 inch
    2 points
  47. Acton 2007 Many years ago I decided to take on a second project while my main band were on a break for a few months. I get invited to this audition which sounds interesting. Kind of like the Doors, but they don't have anything online. I decide to chance my arm. This sorry escapade was the last time I ever did that. I show up and the band aren't there, so I set my gear up and go outside for a cigarette. I get a text saying they're running "5 minutes late." 40 minutes later the drummer and keyboard player arrive. The guitarist apparently isn't coming. Flags are starting to ascend in my mind. We get in and the keyboard player (we'll call him Bob - not his real name) asks why I've got such a crap bass and didn't have a precision. I was playing an Alembic. Bob then literally throws some sheet music in my face and says this is bassline. I had asked and confirmed that I could make up my own bass parts. Seemingly, this had been forgotten. "Can you not read?" Yes, I can, and I took about 20 seconds to read it before getting it into my head. We start playing. It's quite clear that Bob is taking every song as a keyboard solo. The bass part whilst very fast isn't what I'd play. Bob reluctantly agreed to play it again giving me some leeway noting sternly "that the songs are already written." So we start again. I play a bit looser and so does the drummer. The song sounds really fun. Then Bob stops playing and quite annoyed says that I'd "deviated too far and that I was playing like "a f@**ing talentless idiot." Hmm. That sounded a bit like an insult so I broke it down in my head. "Idiot?" Yeah, that's probably true. "F@**ing idiot?" Maybe. I don't have documentary evidence on me to refute it. Hang on, I'm not talentless... I politely ask Bob to repeat that as I assure him it'll be much more difficult to do so once I knock out his front teeth. The drummer asks Bob to calm down. I hasten to say at this point that Bob is 6 foot 2 and I'm only 5 foot 9. Still, I guess the sight of an angry Scotsman starting to clench his fists is enough. Or at least so I thought. I decided to leave really quickly before I really lost my temper. Now, I always wear earplugs. Bob wasn't so he thought he'd said something that I wouldn't hear under his breath, but sadly, slightly too loud. As I was putting my bass back in my back I hear the muttered "f@**ing w@**er" behind me. So, I very calmly stood up and lamped him. He went flying over his keyboard and into the wall. I then calmly pick up my stuff and leave (the drummer is in shock and doesn't say anything). A few months later I was contacted by Bob through Myspace (he didn't know who I was) asking if I'd join his band. As tempting as it was to agree and go in disguise, I didn't reply. Finally, there is proof that you can get a callback after literally doing anything at an audition.
    2 points
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