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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/18 in all areas

  1. I can even imagine what @eude was thinking. I'll bet he was thinking : "OK clever clogs Andyjr1515. So you can build 6 string electrics and you can build dreadnought acoustics but they are - well - NOT BASSES! And, yes, admittedly you've made a bass or two and you've modded a few. BUT I BET YOU CAN'T SORT THIS ONE!!! Oh, and before you say you can, did you know it's a VI? Bet you've never done one of THOSE!" I'll let @eude fill in the background but the challenge is to take this body: And put a shortscale neck on it and a Warwick two-part bridge. "Oh...and did I mention the b****y big hole through the body?" "Oh - and the neck pocket might not be the right size for a VI neck but I'm sure a clever clogs like you will be able to sort THOSE trifling details!" So what could I do but accept the challenge! Besides, I've only got my reputation to lose. @eude has this rather nice bass carve to lose
    6 points
  2. No backline at all. It's the way forward.
    6 points
  3. Tried to finish this off. Almost but not quite. First popped the magnets onto the truss-rod cover: ...and hey presto: Then installed the Shadow Doubleplay electrics. It comprises a blendable under-saddle piezo: and a mini magnetic pickup at the end of the fretboard: I suspect that this is intended for a flatter fingerboard radius (prob 12" - I've build closer to an electric neck with 10" rad and locking tuners. Makes it easier for me to transfer from my electric to the acoustic) so I sunk it into the top to make sure it didn't foul the top and bottom E strings: As it turns out, I've overdone this and will, at some stage, take it off and pop a shim underneath. I then installed the preamp / blend unit that sits inside the soundhole (I'll photo it in the 'finished' shots) and the rear strap pin / jack socket. Before I put the strings back on, I cleaned up and oiled the fretboard. The frets - well, at the moment there is absolutely no buzz anywhere so I haven't even polished them! When I get a moment, I'll at least do that but there is no need for levelling and crowning By the way, before you go thinking I know what I'm doing, that is a first... And - other than the low nano-mag pickup being a bit quieter than the piezo - we have electric amplification. Lastly, now the strings are on, I do my usual 'sit it like a cello and scrape the neck to the final shape by feel, spinning it round and playing it then re-scraping until it feels like I want it. This is followed by a quick tru-oil slurry and buff and it's good to go within an hour. Am I the only one that does this? No matter how well you fit a neck to the profile templates, I don't think you can really tell if it's right until you play it. So that's what I do. And the most subtle tweaks can make all the difference! Remaining jobs: - Replace the nut with a slightly wider one (plays fine with the present one but it isn't quite wide enough - Raise the nano-mag pickup (ditto) - Side dots! It's a big b****r and there is no way you can see the top of the fretboard when you are playing it - Final polish in about a week's time - Take the arty farty photos
    5 points
  4. This ^^ . And of course the ''flat' tone may not indeed be flat on some of the amps as they each have their own voicing. I'm sure most of them could be made to sound like each other with some simple EQ-ing if required..... One of my fave things about the bash was hearing the range of tones we can all produce...... from Nancy Johnson's gnarly rock tone to Frank Black's beautiful double bass style fretless tone to OBBM's traditional warm tone to Richard Searle's muted picked tone.
    5 points
  5. It would be nice to see more Darkglass demos using different genre's and more traditional type basses.... All I mainly hear is dingwals and metallic sounding metal tunes. I'm sure all his pedals could sound good in other formats. I liked the b3k on lower settings and would be interested to hear what more med type drive this could do
    5 points
  6. Just got this Explorerbird. I was toying with the idea of building one, but thanks to Karl Aldorfer pointing me in the right direction, I managed to find this beauty. Well chuffed
    4 points
  7. Here's the thing, none of those amps sounded bad. Some of the 'baked-in' tones might not be as preferable as others, but nothing sounded bad, due in no small part to a classy cabinet. Likewise with the blind bass test, nothing was bad, just small variations on a theme. A real eye opener on both fronts.
    4 points
  8. I bought a set of these a few years ago just to put on a jb I leave in my summerhouse £12 I think and was really impressed Very nice deep warm tone Well worth the money
    3 points
  9. I'm shocked @cetera I feel I may have to down-grade your status to 'quite knowledgeable Spector Guru' in light of this shocking revelation
    3 points
  10. Where do I have to send that cheque to again? 😂
    3 points
  11. You are all spot on. Call it a moment of madness, self doubt....but I am now withdrawing this from sale. Regardless of circumstances, I know I'd be regretting it forever more. Sorry for any confusion, but it's just too good to part with.
    3 points
  12. Very interested that a number of people are up for this little (big?) challenge. I should perhaps explain my own feelings behind why I thought I might do it...... Ultimately, I think too much about gear, like many here, always thinking about what next piece of gear could replace or potentially better the last piece. Which is strange, as I have a lot of fantastic gear that allows me to do everything I want (need) to, at a very high level. Obviously this a well-known story, and basically the definition of GAS. It's usually well humoured and dismissed as a bit of fun, but it genuinely takes up a fair chunk of my thought processes, which kind of gets a bit tiring if I'm honest with myself. So instead of trying to manage it, I'm going to stop it altogether, safe in the knowledge that I have some amazing gear, and that actually nothing will change haha. As mentioned, in actual fact, I only have a couple of very intentional purchases left, so if we're including those in my 'exceptions'....I'm technically starting from now haha. Si
    3 points
  13. Here we are then. Pulled the trigger on a pair of Aguilar SL112s today. I think that's me sorted now. GAS has disappeared.
    3 points
  14. Here is an analysis to see the harmonic content Open B Open E and some pics with me
    3 points
  15. NS Steinberg design WAV4 Upright Bass with original Gig Bag which holds the bass, the stand and the bow case, and an excellent quality tripod adjustable stand – not one of the cheaper, wobbly ones. There is also a good quality bow in a wooden case, 2 blocks of rosin for the bow and a spare set of new strings. . These are really great quality, electro acoustic basses with a passive piezo pickup circuit – no power supplies or batteries needed. The two control knobs are for tone and for volume, and there is a switch on the side which gives a different tone range, brighter or rounder. It’s currently strung with tape wound 40’s to 100’s, and there is a brand new spare set of the same, bought from Golihur Music bass centre in the USA. I’ve had the bass for about ten years, and have really enjoyed it, but I don’t play any upright bass now, so it’s up for sale. I’m in Royton, Oldham, about 3 minutes off the A627M link road at Junction 20 of the M62. I’ve got a tuner and bass amp so get in touch to come over to try it and buy it, or I'll pack it for your courier if you want to arrange to have it picked up. Also would swap for a good American Precision (fretted) bass with a decent case. If no takers I may well go to Ebay who have the £1 fee per sale offer on at the minute!!!!
    2 points
  16. You were probably an obsessive teenager, as I was, when you got your first bass. The first song I played live was 'Alright Now' by Free. It took me forevers, squirrelled away in my bedroom, to get the tricky bassline in the solo. In fact I was still figuring it out about 5 mins before I went onstage. But this dude is 51, he's got better things to do than hide away in his bedroom for 6 months learning 2112.
    2 points
  17. I did, in fact rush were probably the reason I started on the bass. Rush and Yes. I got an Ibanez Rick clone.
    2 points
  18. It's just my personal opinion, of course, but I don't think it's worth compromising on amplification. I think a dedicated bass amp is the way to go every time. For practice, at home as well. The other alternative is a Preamp/DI or some sort of bass specific interface that can go to a PA style speaker. A guitar amp will always be found lacking.
    2 points
  19. I hope that nut is glued in properly otherwise it's going to be catapulted through the ceiling when you tune up!
    2 points
  20. Result (well, partial): the neck seller has agreed to a 50% refund and I get to keep the neck. I’m still disappointed it’s not the “right” one but it does look like a nice bit of wood, and the fingerboard in particular has some nice grain. May as well suck it up and crack on. The refin’d body has spent the last few weeks at our practice room whilst the paint cured and has finally made it home with me tonight. I’m a little short of time this week but may grab a few hours at the weekend to get the build into some sort of shape. As I think I mentioned in the OP, my long term aim with this build is a fretless. I’m not entirely sold on defretting the neck myself, however. I’d be more than happy if I could pick up a fretless neck for decent money, but they don’t seem to come up often (annoyingly I missed Beedster’s fretless neck cull in June) so I rather suspect my hand will be forced in that regard. It just seems that with defretting there are too many things I could make a right balls of, and I’d rather save myself the hassle. One could argue, though, that making a balls of a neck that has now cost me £16 isn’t exactly the end of the world. Onwards!
    2 points
  21. Good Day One & All! Up for grabs is my rather wonderful Glockenklang Blue Rock, what can I say about the wonderful German beast that you don’t already know? Unbelievably versatile, kicks like a mule, sounds great both recorded and in live situations you can plug anything into the front of this and it sounds pure bliss. Don’t let the name fool you either this can used for Funk, Metal, Dub and it’ll handle like a true world beating champ. Genuine reason for sale, in a much as it’s a little too overkill for me and the gigs I am doing. It is in overall wonderful condition, there are a few marks but to be expected with actual usage and if I am brutally honest I am loathed to see it go but needs must when the devil vomits in your kettle. I would be interested in trades for something a little smaller in Wattage like an EBS Reidmar 470/500 but would require some cash my way. But please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss further. I am looking for £800, It will come with a Gator Padded Gig Bag & rack wings (currently unattached) and I am happy to ship (at buyers cost). Technical Spec from Glockenklang: Amplifier internally switchable between minimum impedance 4 or 2.7 ohms Internal dip Switch set to 4ohms: Max 1000 W @ 4 Ohm, 500 W @ 8 Ohm Internal dip Switch set to 2.7ohms: Max 900 W @ 2.7 Ohm, 600 W @ 4 Ohm, 300 W @ 8 Ohm Drive / Voice Section - Drive with foot switch The Drive control is for sounds from slightly torn to tube-like overdrive With the Voice control (which switchable to Drive is) one can additionally colour the sound 5-Band EQ with 2 switchable frequencies for the Low Mid, Mid and High Mid controls Input A & B FX loop Balanced DI out Dimensions (W x D x H): 320 x 280 x 88 mm Weight: 5 kg
    2 points
  22. Just for home use your guitar amp will be fine....personally I would wait to part ex until you have been playing a few months....then once you are a bit more familiar with the instrument you might get the urge to jam with folks then you could always part ex for a half decent Bass Combo....but till then your guitar amp will suffice just crank the bass EQ to about full and keep the mids and treble to a minimum.
    2 points
  23. It's funny you say that I've been told in the past I'm as stealthy as a killer whale!! And yes you may christen it the Orca(ster) Bass!! 😁 I agree that would look nice with hidden pickups but I've got another build in mind which I was going to go down that route a semi hollow with piezo pickup possibly under the bridge I am going to call on Jez or Andy's expertise when I come to tackle that!! 🤔
    2 points
  24. Just purchased one of these at the weekend, very impressed. It is two different distortion channels, Hot tubes and Crayon but its more like l 4 pedals in one. great smooth drive on hot tube all the way up to 12 o clock and no loss of low end at all, not even touched the blend nob. up to 2pm and still only some eq to boost the bass a bit. best tube simulation i have ever played really good organic sound. Crayon is a nice smooth range of overdrive and again no blend needed much up to 12pm. gets a bit fizzy on loss a bit of low end on higher gain settings but not had to go beyond 50/50 mix as yet. Bang them both on at once and the hot tube drives the crayon. this is when things get a bit crazy and i did need some blend, but again on down to 50/50 at pretty harsh settings. Either side can be used as a clean boost full blend and 8-9pm gain. or gain all the way down completely. If it had a mids control as well as the bass and treble would also make a great pre amp. this certainly looks like my always on pedal from now on instead of my MXR M80 At just under£110 cannot recommend this enough, everything from mild boost mild tubey /grit to full on distortion and all the controls for flexibility you need.
    2 points
  25. More than just another Jazz copy? I hope so... I like the look of this one...
    2 points
  26. Probably competition to those, yes. I didn't look into the details but compared to K.2 it looks like the power section is much smaller and the Hi-z input gone in the CP series.
    2 points
  27. No shock you feel could ever match the disappointment I feel in myself.... 😂😂
    2 points
  28. It's my fault - I passed out from GAS withdrawal symptoms and my head came to rest on the 'page refresh' button all night.
    2 points
  29. I actually thought the Handbox was the best amp in that shootout by a country mile.
    2 points
  30. Here's an updated picture The chrome knobs are just temporary they are just there for visual effect! I definitely prefer this in white than the black 😀
    2 points
  31. New bands worth checking out in the neo-soul genre include Moonchild and Hiatus Kaiyote. In fact, Hiatus Kaiyote are probably my favourite band right now. As unique as the Nai Palm may appear, I think I'm a bit in love with her. Here are some tunes worth checking out:
    2 points
  32. Recently, at the age of 51, decided I wanted to learn how to play the six string guitar. I have attempted to do so a couple times throughout my life, only sticking with it for about two months each time. But I decided that this is the time I'm going to stick with it and learn the joys of playing guitar. So I headed to the grand opening of a Guitar Center in my area (United States) and bought a new Epiphone LE Les Paul Special-I in worn cherry for $90 (father of 2, helping put 1 through college, extra funds are minimal). Went back to the GC the next day just to check out all they had because it was a mad house at the grand opening. While there I heard 8 guys jamming on their six strings all at the same time....the sound was God awful!!! But over on the side there were these two guys playing bass, jamming together, feeding off each other - it was just incredible!!!! So I went back home and realized that maybe the reason I didn't stick with the six string each time I tried it was because I love the sound of the bass better----long time Geddy Lee fan and then a huge Billy Sheehan fan (still continuously listen to both Rush and Mr. Big). So the next day I headed back to GC, got my nerve up, picked up a bass guitar (never held one before), plugged it in, turned on the amp, and it was almost like nirvana. Something just felt right about a bass in my hands! Went back home and thought long and hard about that six string downstairs and how that bass felt in my hand and the sounds I listen for when hearing music. Played some Rush and some Mr. Big loudly...specifically listening for the bass part! The last day of the GC specials I went back to GC, returned the Les Paul, and picked up a new Yamaha RBX170Y bass for $129.99!!! I never plan to play in a band, will only play for my family, and learning/playing is just for my enjoyment...so it's not like I'm trying to be a pro, I just want to play for the love of it! So, what advice would you give a 51 year old brand new bassist? It could be about becoming a competent bassist, the instrument, learning the instrument, taking care of the instrument, or anything else related to the bass guitar. Is there an online bass guitar teacher with a video series that would be great for a beginner? Any books you'd recommend? And one last specific question: from the few number of videos I have watched so far, it seems most instructors do not use a pick - so for someone brand new to playing a bass, would you advise to stay away from a pick as well (and learn using your fingers)? edit: my music background is basically playing the tenor saxophone for 7 years from 6th grade until I finished high school (but haven't picked it up much since) Thanks for any and all advice you can give....cannot wait to get started!!!! TripleB67
    1 point
  33. Here's hoping I get lucky with tonights Euromillions https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Jack-Bruce-Cream-owned-Warwick-Jazz-Man-Fretted-Bass-flight-case-Photo-Certifi/282216920578?hash=item41b5707602:g:cIIAAOSwYIxX~p2x
    1 point
  34. I had a few...gave them away as Raffle prizes at the last Herts Bash... Do you taunt your geeetarist friends with it? Ask them why their amps don't have a "Guitar" control, but do have a "Bass" control...
    1 point
  35. I got an ampeg ba108 - small and yet a big bass sound, cheap too You’re never too old to start, i use thumb and two fingers in almost double bass style. I rarely use a pick, if ever we have lots of Americans here on the board, you’re not the only one. Lots of famous people too.
    1 point
  36. Yeh but being seen with B1on my person will mean I get taken even less seriously by my bandmates than I am already. It would be a bit like me wearing a pair of Goji headphones whilst on roller blades.
    1 point
  37. No domestic room is ever ideal, so you're in good company! If possible, when treating a square room that size you really need to go nuts. Anything less will just be p****** into the ocean, so to speak. By "nuts" I mean: Covering the entire ceiling with porous absorbers - i.e. create a false ceiling and fill it with mineral wool. Covering the entire rear wall with porous absorbers, ideally 60cm thick or more. As with the ceiling, you can create a wooden frame, fill it with mineral wool slabs and then finish with breathable fabric. That would have a worthwhile impact on tackling standing waves. Putting up a few panels will help to some degree, but it may be barely noticeable as those standing waves are going to be strong. Just pointing this out as I've seen people waste money on trying to treat such rooms half-heartedly. If you're not able to "go nuts", then I'd recommend relying on headphones (certainly for mixing low end) and using your monitors for general stereo placement, etc. For reference, here's a plot of the room modes assuming the space has a height of around 2.3m. The tall, red bars indicate the stronger standing waves: PS: the Schroeder Fq mark shows the frequency beneath which your room will act like a resonant 'drum'; in this case around 350Hz.
    1 point
  38. Mostly been The Orb's Adventures Beyond The Ultraworld, deluxe edition. Still sounds as fresh as the day it was born
    1 point
  39. I'm in as it only includes bass gear, not new VST plugins (although Slate Audio's Everything bundle has taken care of that particular problem!) , PA gear etc 😉 I guess I'm really lucky - my gear buying habits are pretty low already as I'm not a pedalboard, very happy with my current Thunderbird/Ashdown setup and will hopefully be adding a spare T'bird to the fold this side of the predicted cutoff date. I'm proud to be an Abstainer!
    1 point
  40. I like the North41 - they've just released a new album but I've not had a chance to listen yet.
    1 point
  41. Well it looks like it will be going back but hopefully just to be exchanged. I took the pickup cover off to fit the bezel and noticed that the pickup has been fitted to the base at an angle so sits completely squint. One I had the cover off I noticed a couple of areas of chrome on the surround that were slightly bubbled during the chroming process Not an issue as such but one of the screws holding the truss rod cover was only screwed half way in. I did take all of the screws off to make sure there were no surprises underneath I had a look at the back of the neck and from the area right behind the nut to about the 5th fret there is a section about 1cm across that looks like the paint has rippled. I'm wondering if the bass has been laid down before the paint completely hardened(?) Not impressed on a bass with an RRP of £2350 and not impressed that not only did it pass through the Rickenbacker QC but also the store that I bought it from didn't notice any of this. The bass had been out of the packaging as the case had dirty marks on it when I got it which came off easily so someone had looked at it prior to me buying it. I still want a 4003 but not this one. I've emailed the shop to see about exchanging it for another. I will make sure that they check it thoroughly before sending it out to me, assuming that their website is accurate and they still have another one. It's a shame as this one was set up perfectly right out of the case which would have been a first for me
    1 point
  42. Good afternoon Steve You've come to the right place...the answer to all your questions are here somewhere., either whether written down or in somebody's head...all you have to do is ask the right questions..
    1 point
  43. Ah, I thought you meant, him
    1 point
  44. Nah, get a proper black bridge. The spray paint will break off eventually while a powder coated or electrostatic coating will last much longer.
    1 point
  45. This is a truly superb example of a P bass. Great build quality and weighing in at a very shoulder friendly 8lb 12oz. All original and everything functions perfectly. The finish is lovely, just a few dings and the paint job is still vivid. Pickguard is not buckled, just the very common crack adjacent to the output socket and plenty of pick marks . Nut measures 42mm. Frets are all good and the trussrod works as it should. Neck pocket is nice and tight. Pot codes dated 38th week of 1974. Neck end stamp. 0103-1255. Which is: P bass. Fretted maple. 12th week. Friday. 1975. The case, which I believe has always been with this bass, is an older and rarer one, issued between 1967-71. The condition is exceptionally good and the catches all function properly. It also comes with Fender hang tag and the original owner’s manual. This is one of the best seventies Fender basses that I’ve owned and I’m not really sure about selling it. I might well decide to sell a few others and keep this one to gig with. Anyway, it’s up for sale at the moment. I would much prefer collection from my place in Herts. If this isn’t possible I will be happy to post but only with a courier of my choice and with proper insurance. Let me know and I will get a quote. For sale at £2,450. I’m not looking for trades at the moment and offers by pm only, thanks. Cash or bank transfer.
    1 point
  46. Jack, you asked for something to excite you. Value for money wasn’t mentioned. 😀
    1 point
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