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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/10/18 in all areas

  1. Step one: find a job you love Step two: become very, very good at it, to the point where you're successful, financially worry-free and world-famous Step three: sack it all off and live the quiet life. Sounds bloody marvelous to me. I don't know about you folks, but between Deacon, Taylor and May, I don't think that John is the crazy one here.
    9 points
  2. Or just teach your cat to sh!t in your neighbour's flower beds, like mine. Although in truth there wasn't much tuition involved. After he'd watched me demonstrate a couple of times he'd pretty much got the hang of it.
    8 points
  3. I saw the headline in my suggested content, saw that it was a Daily Mail article, ignored it. Hateful publication.
    8 points
  4. A picture of John in today's Daily Mail. Please leave the guy alone. I would kill for an hour with him to talk basses etc but he has no desire to delve into any aspect of his past and he deserves that privacy. Much less the fairly mocking tone of the opening lines.
    6 points
  5. Two weeks ago I was swimming in the Med, now my fingers hurt with the cold I forgot, the Lull pickup arrived while we were away so I got the pocket for that sorted, I thought I might need a slightly thicker riser under the chrome trim as the bridge is quite high but it looks like the one that came with it will be fine which saves some work. I did string the Maple one yesterday just to make sure, I was amazed how much flex there is in that neck even with the carbon rods. I was pleased with that as I was worried it might be too stiff with them but it has worked out better than I dared hope, I think the ultra thin neck will be amazing now (if you like thin necks). So I got the triplets out of the press and pulled off the masking tape, trimmed the edges quickly with a sander. I've brought them in the house overnight as it is getting too cold for them out there (poor things! Some pictures to try and show the final contouring of the backs Excuse the toaster!
    6 points
  6. Now I have to visit the Daily Moron website to view the article. Must remember to clear my browser history afterwards. If anyone looks I don't want them seeing that there amongst my other perfectly acceptable foot fetish and midget porn websites. Could you imagine the embarrassment?
    5 points
  7. As with @eude 's project, family commitments will halt progress on this for a few days but did get to finish off the rear carve. This is how it's looking: The top will be curved broadly parallel to this shape. I'll leave the neck until later because that will change from concave to convex as it approaches the heel. I'm hoping that my 'S' grain for the two wings and differing grain patterns works once the contrasting control chamber cover is there. It's something you can't do on the neck because you can get differential movement of the wood but, structurally, the wings will be fine. We'll see if I'm right or not about the visuals once the whole thing is finished
    4 points
  8. A chance photo of John Deacon used to trawl back over already known info, it’s pretty poor journalism...and I use that word loosely. I’ve got a lot of respect for John Deacon, he’s done the right thing IMO when it comes to Queen. Queen was the four of them, it doesn’t work without either of them. Taylor and May should have had some self respect, and respect for the band’s name, and known when to stop with Queen. The current incarnation is awful. And Roger Taylor needs a dictionary, sociopath? He sounds like he holds a grudge tbh that John won’t join in killing the band
    4 points
  9. Typical no news article, the quotes probably aren’t even true. Can’t blame him wanting nothing to do with Queen these days. Their forays with new singers and now this terrible film. Wrote some iconic bass lines, made huge money, happy family, golf everyday, no TV work or touring to worry about. He’s living the dream.
    4 points
  10. Got a pic of some Australian lacewood. It's my vintage Overwater Deluxe ll. It's the outside wings
    4 points
  11. Not that many Basschatter's move any of their instruments on that often 🙄, but on the rare occasion a new For Sale thread appears, the question of weight rears it's ugly head with alarming regularity. I have just purchased this for £7.59 through Amazon (along with at least £12.41 worth of other assorted ephemera in order to qualify for free shipping ) and it is rather spiffing - and accurate. It does ounces, grams, pounds and kilos and has a nice soft noose for hanging a bass from the headstock. Just thought I would share. Here is the product link.
    3 points
  12. Let's not forget the Daily Mail running paedophiliac 'look at her all grown up' articles too. I can't see how that is anything like acceptable? Shitrag is too kind.
    3 points
  13. I don’t think there’s any issue, any post about a given product will always draw comparisons with other products, very very normal. Si
    3 points
  14. I completely agree with the comments above - I've only bought 3 out of the 6 or 7 Ricks I've owned brand new and 2 of them had finish issues. Personally I think that the main reason is that the finish they use takes a while to dry properly and given the backlog of orders that RIC have for these, they just can't keep them long enough for it to set properly before sending them out and so issues are going to arise. Well, the good news is that I did get a replacement which was perfect. I also swapped the surround with the thumb rest for one without and much prefer it. The pickup on this one isn't as wonky and, again, the setup out of the case was perfect. I did have to open up the nut a little on the D string to accommodate the D'addario EXL165s (original string being a 55 and this one was a 65) but I was careful and used an old string to gently rub the nut enough (ooer missus) to open the slot so that the string sat in the channel properly. I will be gigging this for the first time tonight at a corporate gig in Edinburgh and it will also be the first gig for my Behringer BDI21. I'll try to get some pics tonight at the gig
    3 points
  15. Agreed. I'd struggle to play most of my favourite basslines on that thing.
    3 points
  16. Thanks Paul, didn`t think of on-line, doh. Just read it and far from a character assassination I think it portrays him as a fairly ordinary, genuine man, who was in one of the best/biggest bands in the world, and a man who was devastated by the death of a mate. Also seems pretty grounded and down to earth, which must have been rather hard to keep a grip of, being in Queen, the most flamboyant, over the top band ever.
    3 points
  17. Absolutely. As for the DM just don’t buy it, truly dreadful newspaper.
    3 points
  18. I have something similar. My main issue with the bathroom scales method was the constant reminders of how much I weigh.
    3 points
  19. Very good condition, 1 chip I can see, & a few light scuffs. Current version (The Elite) is selling at "street price" of £1700+ new 2015 serial number, Vol, pan, bass, treble, mid sweep, mid cut/boost, passive tone control 18v active or passive switch. Weight 9lb 1oz, original Fender case. No trades or offers thanks. Collection from Wigan. I CAN COURIER Monday 12th November only . £50 EXTRA UK ONLY insured courier, if it's more than that I will pay the extra. Feedback linked below. Thanks for looking, cheers, Karl.
    2 points
  20. Do not ever think you're alone Andy. Some of us have been where you are at this moment - and although you might not feel there's ever an end in sight - there will come a time, when you'll come back better.. for a rest. Music was and still is my first love. I stopped playing, being in groups and gigging (for about 10-years), because it was the right thing to do. I was fed up and started a new chapter (husbandry, fatherhood, promotion at work - and even more work..) I started up again in 2012, joined Basschat, and began writing my own stuff - which I'd never done before, and recorded an 'EP' - and learnt a ton of new things - still learning, growing and sharing the experience. This >> "My Jazz Bass would take the six of us to Portugal for a Fortnight, probably". Nope - don't even think about it. Please keep the Bass - you'll thank me for it later.. However, if there's any gear that you haven't used in the last 12-18 months, no harm in thinking about moving it on. A compact set up is how it's going these days. Good luck, and stay in touch here on the forum Andy. Best wishes, Simon.
    2 points
  21. No. No, you wouldn't. And do you know why? Because thanks to the unelected faceless bureaucratic dictatorial unelected quasi-fascist bullying faceless unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, you can't buy a GALLON of petrol. You can only buy it in euros now. And even if you could, the unelected faceless bureaucratic dictatorial unelected quasi-fascist bullying faceless unelected Health & Safety bureaucrats won't let us burn ourselves even if we want to. The sooner we are free of the EU's unelected faceless eurocratic dictatorial (cont'd p.94 of tomorrow's Daily Express, and every other day in fact)
    2 points
  22. Rock hopping a little bit on this. Carbon rods and truss rod are on order and I've got a few days of family commitment coming up (I know.... ) so thought I'd just start a fill in job - working out the best way to carve the body. Although I have one of these: ...I'm not letting that anywhere near the body. Too possible to wreck it! But the katalox is tough stuff and the ash is, well, ash. I tried a concave spokeshave, scrapers, micro-planes, Shinto rasp and sanding. And concluded that it needed all of those! Full curve not yet achieved but I think that combination is probably the way based on how it's going so far: So no more progress likely until well into next week but then I have a fairly clear stretch
    2 points
  23. Further from the seller (after pointing him in the direction of this thread): Hi, Thanks for that. Not sure I'm any the wiser but to be on the safe side I've ended the listing, and the SQ series Squier neck listing as well. As I say, I'm more interested in clearing out my studio than making a few hundred quid if it means destroying my feedback score! Best regards, Rog All part of the service, Rog...TBH though I question his sincerity in his "Thanks" and "Best Regards".
    2 points
  24. My bro and I were discussing Queen this week and how John Deacon (who was apparently born a couple of streets away from where I live) has completely retired from the public eye, probably quite content to enjoy his old age with zillions of pounds and relative anonymity. Fair play to him. He's done his bit. I won't be visiting the Daily Mail website tho. As the awesome joke goes: "I used a copy of the Daily Mail to kill a fly yesterday. I read the first three pages out loud and it shot itself."
    2 points
  25. If I ever happened to read the Daily Mail - even if by accident and only for a few seconds - I'd be so ashamed I'd literally have to apologise in writing to everyone I know. Then I'd go into town and buy a box of matches and a gallon of petrol and set myself on fire. The Daily Mail supported Hitler, you know.
    2 points
  26. From the seller: Could you tell me what problem you've identified with the bass? Obviously I'd like to get as much as possible for it but with a score of nearly 600 at 100% I don't want to risk anything. My main objective is to clear the 40-odd items in my studio now that I don't play anymore. I don't have the skills or the equipment to put a guitar or bass together but I could dismantle one, and I can get to my start price by selling the parts separately, which I would be committing myself to doing once I take it apart. Before I go down that route I'd like to know what I'm looking for! Best regards, Rog
    2 points
  27. My ex used to read it avidly - one of the (many) reasons she's 'ex' ................. 😎
    2 points
  28. He plays in those old lead diving boots.
    2 points
  29. Last night's gig. Hmmm, going to sub title this post as "How to make an emergency snare drum" First two things you need are an idiot french drummer who's left his on the kitchen table and then driven 120 kms to a gig thus, removing the possibility of going back for it. Secondly, you need British resolve. Next, remove his 14" tom whilst he's sitting outside telling everyone we can't play tonight and tighten to nearly breaking point. Look in boot of your car for anything handy. Somehow find a bathroom plug on 2ft of chain. Secure on edge of floating drum rim, drape across top head and fix with Gaffa tape on other side. Voila, one not too clever sounding but very funky gig-able makeshift snare. We were still playing at 2.30 this morning. Went down a treat. We'll see what he forgets at tonight's gig😂
    2 points
  30. I blame that picture of Blue holding that lovely, red Gibson... I picked up a slightly tatty, but generally intact semi-acoustic bass - an Eros Mark II - with a view to replacing pretty much everything except the body and neck. "All the hardware will terrible and made of either tin or cheese and the intonation will be so bad, it'll be unplayable beyond the second fret", thought I. Well, that's not the case. Once I'd scraped off the filth and given it a very quick set up, it seemed to play quite nicely. Pots were very scratchy and it had the weirdest fret buzz I had ever heard - a sort of fretless "mwah" noise, but just on three frets of the "D" string. A turn of the bridge height screw and bobs-yer-proverbial. A quick squirt of switch cleaner, followed by the dreary task of putting the thing back together (seriously... trying to put the pots back into a semi-acoustic is like trying to perform gynaecology through a letterbox) and it sounds way better than it has a right to. The action is medium low, there's no mains hum and the tone controls actually make a difference to the sound. Who'd have thought it? It took quite a bit of cleaning and there were some nasty, but shallow scratches to deal with. Out came the rubbing compound and some elbow grease and it looks the business. Well, I think so. Has anyone else had any experience with one of these? I've seen a few Eros basses, but they always seem to be generic Fender copies. The only info I could find online, was from a 1975 Rosetti catalogue, where I found out they were a bargain at £65.
    2 points
  31. 1 of 100 is worth £40,000? my custom shop is 1 of 1. must be worth £4m then. excellent.
    2 points
  32. The online version is a mixture of stories from the print version, liberally interspersed with clickbait, much of it lifted directly from other websites such as Reddit or Bored Panda and even other online newspapers. The John Deacon article is classic 'clickbait', there's nothing new or newsworthy in the article, it's just a headline designed to attract traffic to the site from people searching online for info on the new Queen film.
    2 points
  33. Likewise. I completely forgot to try out the Roscoe Beck V, despite saying I would earlier in the day (possibly sensory overload, but more likely a senior moment). I had a watch of the videos and I think they convey a pretty accurate aural account of what we heard in the hall (don't you just hate it when you hear your own voice?). Top work Silvia (as always), thank you for making the effort to take the pics and record the videos.
    2 points
  34. I don't really understand why someone would want that.
    2 points
  35. Not read it, and won`t. Nothing to do with the hysterical hate the mail ethos, it`s just that I don`t buy the paper, and no-one at work today has a copy either. I`m pretty much in agreement that JD from the tv show last night seemed the most grounded, and from what I understand his reasons for slipping away from the public eye seem to be pretty sensible to me.
    2 points
  36. First of all it's the Daily Fail. I wouldn't wipe my @rse on that disgusting rag. Secondly, you have to feel for the guy. To try and reclaim some sort of normal life after being in a band reaching that level of fame has to be a nightmare. I can't say I blame the guy for shutting himself off from the world. I do the same wherever possible, and I don't even get recognised by my own Mum half the time.
    2 points
  37. They are definitely single coils!
    1 point
  38. I've been lurking and reading some of the interesting threads on basschat for a while now, so I feel it's time to introduce myself to you fine people. Firstly, I apologize for the unimaginative screen name / username. I could say it's actually my real name, and that '4000' is a common surname around these parts - but that would be untrue on both counts... so predictably, yes I've named myself after my bass. A mono Model 4000 (made in 1973 IIRC), in black, that I bought when it was already in in a well battered (yet playable) 2nd hand state, about 30 years ago. And I haven't really thought to buy another bass since (except a cheap Fender acoustic bass, but that doesn't count). Now, however, after all these years, I'm quite interested in choosing a Jazz (or Jazz copy) - perhaps as a nice little project to work on / upgrade / find my soldering iron in the garage. And also I'd like to buy another bass for my son (who is a lefty player)... I've been dipping in the "Reviews" section a bit, and have already stumbled on a few good ideas to follow, that I wouldn't have had a clue about on my own. So in closing, thank you for accepting my application to a great forum. I like the mix / balance you have, of older & younger players, gigging players, pros, amateurs, & those that just play at home. I do think I'll fit in well here - if you'll have me? My only (possible) fault is that I do have a habit of trying to be funny at times. ATB to you all - Phil
    1 point
  39. I have one of these, it punches well above its weight. GLWTS!
    1 point
  40. Ah, the whole video - yes you're right. I remember seeing that a few years ago, but it seems to be missing , as you say. Still, one of my fave TV appearances.
    1 point
  41. I have two of the cabs that are paired with an orange OB1-500 head and they are wonderful cabs, they project well and sound sweet. When I get time I’ll write a review, but I would recommend them highly.
    1 point
  42. Mine too. Zoom B3 with either a dedicated patch, or one of the 'virtual pedals' assigned to an EQ 'pedal'. Just mute eveything to swap basses.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. Never a Wenge body but I've made a lot of Wenge furniture, I bought several hundred cubic feet of the stuff about 25 years ago. It works quite well but you need to keep your tools very sharp all the time, even planer knives. Keep finish sanding to a minimum and scrape with a sharp scraper to get to a near finish otherwise you will get a badly undulating surface as there is a big difference in hardness between spring and summer growth in the wood. It does splinter badly too but shallow cuts with the grain will see the job done
    1 point
  45. Well done for doing Wild is the Wind. And now you mention it there was a wonky bit in Golden Years.
    1 point
  46. By the way, your gain/master settings are pretty much my gig level.
    1 point
  47. Welcome! My Nan was from Monmouth - Wigmore's in St Mary's Street was her family business. My aunt still lives in the town, just off the Rockfield Road actually. Many fond memories of the area, and still one of my favourite places to visit. In fact, off to stay with my Aunt on Sunday night before dropping my son in Cardiff on Monday for a 3 day hockey camp (he's in the Wales U16 squad). Cheers Gareth
    1 point
  48. "My only (possible) fault is that I do have a habit of trying to be funny at times." You're not alone there.
    1 point
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