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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/10/18 in all areas

  1. I'd be tempted to put the drummer through the PA. I don't mean miking his kit up, I mean repeatedly pushing him head first into the speakers until he gets the message. Having his own combo for the bass drum has to be one of the daftest ideas I've ever heard.
    6 points
  2. Or just teach your cat to sh!t in your neighbour's flower beds, like mine. Although in truth there wasn't much tuition involved. After he'd watched me demonstrate a couple of times he'd pretty much got the hang of it.
    5 points
  3. Now I have to visit the Daily Moron website to view the article. Must remember to clear my browser history afterwards. If anyone looks I don't want them seeing that there amongst my other perfectly acceptable foot fetish and midget porn websites. Could you imagine the embarrassment?
    5 points
  4. No. No, you wouldn't. And do you know why? Because thanks to the unelected faceless bureaucratic dictatorial unelected quasi-fascist bullying faceless unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, you can't buy a GALLON of petrol. You can only buy it in euros now. And even if you could, the unelected faceless bureaucratic dictatorial unelected quasi-fascist bullying faceless unelected Health & Safety bureaucrats won't let us burn ourselves even if we want to. The sooner we are free of the EU's unelected faceless eurocratic dictatorial (cont'd p.94 of tomorrow's Daily Express, and every other day in fact)
    4 points
  5. I saw the headline in my suggested content, saw that it was a Daily Mail article, ignored it. Hateful publication.
    4 points
  6. Absolutely. As for the DM just don’t buy it, truly dreadful newspaper.
    4 points
  7. I will continue uploading this kind of videos, so keep in tune. Please SHARE the video, it helps a lot. SUBSCRIBE to help to widen the love for bass guitar, and also to encourage me to make more content.
    3 points
  8. Hello, this is a lovely example of the old Japanese Yamaha BB1000. The condition for its age (40 years now!) is unbelievable. Only few superficial marks here and there, visible on close inspection. I’ve always wanted one and when this became available - I bought it instantly. The seller was the first owner, purchased from a shop in 1980 or something like that. So, I’m the second owner. This bass is gorgeous, looks fantastic and plays really well. The fretboard is flater than normal vintage Fender P. And frets are a bit thicker. Very “woody” sound. Whether with flats or rounds - it sounds like a super P Bass. Pickups are really hot, but silent when not played, which I really like. Weight is around 4.2kg I think (I don’t have a digital scale), we’ll balanced and doesn’t feel heavy on the shoulder. Comes with original hard case and all the goodies like a leaflet, strap and all the tools you need to tweak the bass. Also included a really old set of LaBella round wound strings, useless but I think it’s cool. Here are some pictures for you...
    3 points
  9. Definitely - I've seen him in our local one, reading the Daily Mail.
    3 points
  10. Wetherspoons can't pay that well, staff went on strike recently over pay. And I'm not entirely certain that Wetherspoons has a reputation for treating staff generously. Besides all that, the food is at best meh...heaven knows where they conjured up their Chilli Con Carne from but it's truly repulsive. The ones I've been in have had some really unpleasant odours. Basically though, they're not pubs. They're soulless, cold places that are the antithesis of what a pub is. You can't have a chat to one of the bar staff, there's never a feel of *belonging* in one. I won't go in one, they are to pubs what Milli Vanilli were to music...completely fake. I'll stick with my local.
    3 points
  11. Good luck with that. Just for the record, not interested in this kind of trades...
    3 points
  12. There is that. I’ve also yet to go into one and think, yes I’ll sit awhile and enjoy my coffee. It’s usually my god what’s this stuff they’re passing off as coffee, why don’t they employ enough staff so they can clean the chips and other food debris from the table, and what on earth have they done to this building? The latter because they seem to have perfected turning a nice and architecturally interesting building into something totally bland and characterless.
    3 points
  13. no. no, it shouldn't. and do you know why? because the self-appointed goosestepping grey suited penpushing bureaucratic thugs in brussels have outlawed block capitals. i know this is true because i heard a bloke down the pub going on about how he'd heard from his mate who had read it in the sun. the sooner we are free of the eu's dictatorial jackboot (and so on, ad nauseum)
    3 points
  14. I know I can get 5 litres of petrol in my plastic fuel can - I stop at 4.54 litres as a matter of principle. European dictates be damned!
    3 points
  15. Not last night, but recent Jo Burt gig. I'm obviously wiping away the spiders web up the dusty end, whilst doing my world famous Larry Grayson impression....."shut that door Isla.."
    3 points
  16. My bro and I were discussing Queen this week and how John Deacon (who was apparently born a couple of streets away from where I live) has completely retired from the public eye, probably quite content to enjoy his old age with zillions of pounds and relative anonymity. Fair play to him. He's done his bit. I won't be visiting the Daily Mail website tho. As the awesome joke goes: "I used a copy of the Daily Mail to kill a fly yesterday. I read the first three pages out loud and it shot itself."
    3 points
  17. And this is why hard working journalists, like my brother, hate their jobs. The Mail office is full of kids trawling social media for anything they can make a sensational headline from to drag in traffic. They're paid peanuts too, but that's all they are worth. Journalism has been devalued so much firstly by this need for everything to have its own unique opinion and now by this "results by number of clicks" it makes paying for a newspaper ridiculous to me, but then that feeds the cycle. No money coming in = no pay for skilled people or incentive to have skilled people at all.
    3 points
  18. Dingwall made in Canada FD3-A, MACH II 4 L pickups (3 x pickups £220 option) - Are now upgraded to new Super Fatty II models. Controls, volume, Glockenklang 3 band eq (£320 option), 4 way pickup selector: 1. bridge pickup soloed. (in parallel) 2. Bridge and middle in series with each other.[/font] 3. Neck (series) in parallel with bridge (parallel) similar to a PJ[/font] 4. Neck (series) P-like without being a P clone 3 pickups[/font] Pickups can be configured to Neck and Bridge in Series leaving Neck and Middle in Parallel. Dingwall USA strings are available but the bass has a new set of Newtone "Dingwall Fan-Fret" string installed. Two piece Alder body* Chameleon Flip-Paint changes colour when moved in the light. (Professional respray at considerable cost - Premium flip paint) My original prototype half pick guard sanctioned and now part of the Dingwall specs. Three piece select maple neck Bird's eye maple Fingerboard - satin finish, 34 - 37", Luminlay side dots £320 option - (The best glow in the dark type) Banjo frets Novax® Fanned -Fret System™ 5 piece Maple neck[/font] Hipshot ultralight tuners (black) Extra strap lock on rear of bass - £45 option Custom Dingwall Bridge (Black finish) Weight - 8lb 9oz/3.9kg Manufactured in Canada Comes with Official Dingwall Case in spotless condition. Bass has had a replacement nut as previously it has spent some time in F# tuning. I have no choice, I am gutted. Especially as I will have to buy a cheap bass so I still have a 5 string.. Box for packaging is available however you are solely to look after the cost and responsibility of shipping, tracking and insurance. (recent bad experiences) OR you can collect and have a nice cuppa with me.
    2 points
  19. Yes and who pays the price for their rock bottom prices. I once went into partnership at a (now long dead) micro brewery . Wetherspoons were a major customer and they knew it and would screw us down heavily on discounts, each year ratcheting up the percentage, eventually getting to 20% on a firkin. They used their volume buying power as leverage. Eventually, as we ended up making less than 1% margin we went bust. And that was largely thanks to them. Utter bar stewards! never been in one of their dives ever since.
    2 points
  20. All this is very much about John Deacon, NOT! To get back on track a bit, I`ve just re-read the article about him in this months Bass Guitar Mag - turns out that he refinished one of his Precisions as and when he felt like a change, rather than buy a new one. I think that`s quality, sure he probably had enough money to buy Fender, but keeping with the bass he liked to play/how it sounded, just with a fresh coat of paint, nice one.
    2 points
  21. Yes indeed. We want our very own dictatorial, feudal, over-privileged, corrupt public school educated zillionaires to grind our noses in the dirt because English bullies are the best. Always have been and always will be. We don't need johnny foreigner types telling us how straight our cucumbers should be when we have our very own plummy chinless wonders to tell those cheese eating surrender monkeys that bendy cucumbers are British and therefore the best in the world!
    2 points
  22. If you ever feel bad about your Sire headstock just remember people regularly pay £5k for an absolute travesty like this one: Nothing wrong with the Sire headstock IMO, if we hadn't been looking at Fenders all our lives most of us would probably think their headstocks looked rubbish too, I do regardless!
    2 points
  23. You could also ask Rich as he's depped with them a couple of times my man Witters is right, they're a superb band and a great bunch of blokes. You couldn't ask for a better rhythm pal than Adrian the drummer. I shall be very jealous of whoever gets this job.
    2 points
  24. Rewired it all... Again.... Pretty sure I'm set now for a while but there's a bit of me that still wants a touch more multi modulation options.... I never make it work in a band setting though so little point really other than gas. Anyway, added the ODB and pretty much maxing out my real estate now. Happy though... For the time
    2 points
  25. Sounds like your drummer is a selfish fool who's thinking about his own sound at the expense of the band ! it would give me the raving hump ,and to be honest i wouldn't put up with it i have played with scores of drummers over the years at every level ,and have never come across one who mic's his own bass drum through a bass amp what sort of music do you play ,and does the rest of his kit go through the p.a. ?
    2 points
  26. Not wishing to confuse people any more than necessary, but it is worth bearing in mind that this set of modes is the one that goes with the major scale as a parent. The modes of the melodic minor (ascending) are whole new ballgame.
    2 points
  27. The LaVoce bass guitar driver looks quite good. I find it more useful nowadays to judge excursion based on the coil length rather than xmax because of the complication of gap height. The LaVoce measures 18.5mm, which is pretty good and fairly close to the drivers used in more expensive bass guitar cabs. The Beyma you mentioned measures 20mm, which is slightly more than most.
    2 points
  28. Lovely. I think McCartney used one in the late 70s for a while. Or maybe it was the BB1000S. The epitome of a P Bass, if you're not fussed about the F-word.
    2 points
  29. Slightly eggheadish observation on modes, since we're going down that rabbit hole: note that for each mode you can relate it to a mode either side of it, with one note flattened or sharpened. i.e. C mixolydian is the same as C Ionian but with the 7th flattened. C dorian is the same as C mixolydian but with the 3rd flattened. C aeolian is the same as C dorian but with the 6th flattened. C phrygian mode is the same as C aeolian but with the 2nd flattened.. and so on Two things to note: you can think of the modes as increasingly 'flattened' versions of themselves (or sharpened, if you go the other way), where they can almost be subjectively ranked in terms of how light or dark they are. And also note that the notes that get flattened follow a specific pattern. Above, we flattened the notes of a major scale, in this order: major 7th, Major 3rd, Major 6th, Major 2nd. Notice that they follow the cycle of fifths (up a 4th/down a 5th). Next you'd flatten the Perfect 5th to get locrian. If you followed this to its conclusion you'd end up flattening the root to get B lydian. So there's an argument to be made that lydian is actually the most 'major' mode, as it seems to be at the top of this chain
    2 points
  30. I agree with you about the staff, but that's how they keep the prices down, and again some are better than others and if you don't like the coffee don't go in for one, which I assume you don't, I find it perfectly acceptable for a quid a cup with free refills. As regards the buildings, in my experience they usually try and keep the exterior in sympathy with what was there before, if it's worth keeping, obviously the interior has to be changed As you've probably gathered I use them a lot, cheap good quality real ales, and decent food, whenever I'm visiting an area for the first time I always find out where the nearest one is
    2 points
  31. But your bass matches the tops, that's just plain posh!!
    2 points
  32. I don’t care what it says on either a cab, an amp or headstock of the bass, let your set up do the talking 😊👍. if it sounds good you’ll soon get compliments.
    2 points
  33. Ok that's you in the sin bin for the rest of the day... 😁
    2 points
  34. One on top of the other..? Sorry, I couldn't resist. As you were.
    2 points
  35. Maybe his cat isn't as fussy as mine?
    2 points
  36. I'm addicted to Youtube instructional videos, there's really only a few decent books on guitar building, but hundreds of excellent tutorial videos. To address the thread topic, I found it damn hard! I had some previous woodworking experience, but nothing at the level of precision required to build a playable bass. I had to break it down into a series of steps, each one exhaustively researched and visuaized, or even mocked up in scrap wood, before butchering any expensive lumber. Probably why my first build took 4 years on and off! Having slogged through that steep learning curve, my second build is going a lot faster, and it's a lot more fun with less stress. The process itself is incredibly satisfying, and there's nothing like plugging them in the first time and getting some pleasing noise out of it.
    2 points
  37. A playlist of videos from some of the worlds most reputable instrument builders. If you run into a problem the answer may be in one of these videos. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXsqsUVk2As_TDbCnX38VBBTqDAfcFMln https://youtu.be/SrDDZdvaPBY?list=PLBE39AFA9E19949E9
    2 points
  38. Yes and no. No - the body and neck are currently sat unloved next to my wood pile. It sounded great ... but the neck was rough enough I was never going to play it... and I don’t have the skills to make it nice to play. (If I had built the neck myself it would have been worth it. But the key sound was there so I kinda tried to rescue it ...
    2 points
  39. As with @eude 's project, family commitments will halt progress on this for a few days but did get to finish off the rear carve. This is how it's looking: The top will be curved broadly parallel to this shape. I'll leave the neck until later because that will change from concave to convex as it approaches the heel. I'm hoping that my 'S' grain for the two wings and differing grain patterns works once the contrasting control chamber cover is there. It's something you can't do on the neck because you can get differential movement of the wood but, structurally, the wings will be fine. We'll see if I'm right or not about the visuals once the whole thing is finished
    2 points
  40. £5995 (in the title of the topic)...
    2 points
  41. Chevy Chase looking like a big Paul Simon, the little Paul Simon looking a bit like Keith Moon...and a P Bass with a Badass Bridge? Loads Of funny things going on and Chevy clearly having a great laugh. I like the tune and the stonking groove, so it all kinda goes hand in hand for me.
    2 points
  42. A chance photo of John Deacon used to trawl back over already known info, it’s pretty poor journalism...and I use that word loosely. I’ve got a lot of respect for John Deacon, he’s done the right thing IMO when it comes to Queen. Queen was the four of them, it doesn’t work without either of them. Taylor and May should have had some self respect, and respect for the band’s name, and known when to stop with Queen. The current incarnation is awful. And Roger Taylor needs a dictionary, sociopath? He sounds like he holds a grudge tbh that John won’t join in killing the band
    2 points
  43. Honestly I’ve tried, she refused to go anywhere near it. She’s extremely fussy what she poos or wees on.
    2 points
  44. What to do? What a daft question. Do what we all do on here. Sell it, a week later, really regret selling it and buy the same thing again but £60 dearer than you sold yours for😂
    2 points
  45. Typical no news article, the quotes probably aren’t even true. Can’t blame him wanting nothing to do with Queen these days. Their forays with new singers and now this terrible film. Wrote some iconic bass lines, made huge money, happy family, golf everyday, no TV work or touring to worry about. He’s living the dream.
    2 points
  46. Because that's what they are being employed to do.
    2 points
  47. Playing stinky poo songs in pubs to non discerning audience, yep, sign me up any day of the week. All of my current instruments have been paid for doing that, and playing music for people to dance to and have an enjoyable time, I am happy with that. I can play all my stuff that no-one wants to listen to in my room or with friends, though thankfully not jazz.
    2 points
  48. Hello! Here comes my review of the brand new Cort Guitars and Basses B4FL MHPZ fretless bass (loaded with flat wound strings). I'm really digging it! Light-weight, cool looking, warm tone full of sustain and "Muaaaaaaa". All info about the bass goo.gl/rQPAAJ
    1 point
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