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  1. https://issuu.com/janberendsen/docs/british_bassmakers
    4 points
  2. Time to dust off the wah pedal.
    4 points
  3. Hi! Well... it took me years to understand that no fancy bass will satisfy me every way! And have had so many disappointments even from USA made instruments... Tried many different ones - LTD, Vintage, Squier ebonol Fretless. Got an unlined Cort which actually is great but.... its made in Factory to some specification - not my specification(!) No need to say it feels great knowing that You/I are similar to Jaco in a SMALL way of course... 😉 - after defretting the bass... Another factor is money - I could go and buy and spend £1.5-2k and have actually the same "thing" (do not shout at me please) but mine is made by me and costed around 15% of GENUINE F. bass.... This bass shown below feels and plays like £1.5k bass because I put my heart and hard work into this project..... are You next???.... List of the parts and tools: Squier Affinity P-Bass Neck - got it here from nice BC Fellow... Jazz Bass Alder Body (Light one 2.05kg) Made in Japan from Ebay Bare Knuckle '60 PE J-BASS pickups from Ebay 60s style Bass Bridge from Amazon Control plate with pots and knobs - CTS250k solid shaft pots and USA knobs Bone nut for a guitar converted into bass nut Amber Alcohol Based Dye/Stain Mineral Oil to protect fretboard 99% alcohol solution for cleaning purposes Clear Decal Paper from Ebay Gold and Silver Sakura Metallic Pen from Ebay Clear Varnish from local Car Parts store Sanding paper grade 120-2000 from local Car Parts store 9.5inch Wooden Radius Block from Ebay Ink Jet Printer So.... one day I got decent Squier Neck and defretted it according to this video. Then I bought some other parts and made my own baby which plays and feels WONDERFUL and wont swap it for any factory made Bass... Hi res. photos here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JZ6keVOtyy2lMvq2vQ6jyc_Hff6U_m4d Even created the logo and named it as it Should not F.... bass as most people would because - Squier does not mean "Cr.p" And my best Jazz bass has Squier Classic Vibe Neck as it`s WAY better made than USA I have had once - Squier deserves logo on my bitsa bass! The purpose of this thread is to encourage You and assure You that no bass feels better in my hands and I wont swap it for anything! Some sloppy sound samples here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XpkWEKsULBYOLKaGwgV5k4oU-LEN6TSq/view?usp=sharing - No EQ just tini bit of compression and reverb... I`m happy to help if You have any questions - here or over PM! Cheers, Tomas
    4 points
  4. The only advice I have on lyrics would be... 1. Listen to the complete works of Led Zeppelin. 2. Don't do any of that.
    4 points
  5. So ..... few times over the last few years i was lucky enough to do some music for advert and television .... the guy was really nice and he told me he saw a video contaning my music which i ve done for a media company in London . However , he told me they already have a music composer that they have worked for years but he told me they are very busy and need a hand . when i asked him what kind of movie it was i was shocked ! Never done music for a porn tv before so i went for it . Checked the website and they have won loads of awards in the last 5 years, big company . now , just purchased a 50 inch 4k tv just for this job ahahahahahahahaha and another positive thing is that i can never get caught "sorry love im working "ahahahahahah
    3 points
  6. Interesting read: https://www.themanufacturer.com/articles/barefaced-audio-rocking-the-speaker-world-with-innovation/
    3 points
  7. Yesterday, I met Bassy (Nick) in a pub near Tower Bridge, and surreptitiously slid an envelope of money under the table in exchange for the beautiful Shuker he had up for sale. This is new territory for me. Not just owning a Shuker; this is my first five-string. I've been through several fretless basses, I've owned an active bass previously, but this is the first time I've owned one with a B-string. Isn't she lovely? Macassar Ebony, apparently. I've really only included this picture to get the luthiers in a lather. Head nicely bookmatched to the body, and what appears to be a brass nut. Your starter for ten: whose strings are these? The silk at the bridge ends is all blue, but at the top I have lilac (B), red (E), blue (A), black (D), green (G). They're rounds, and feel like a fairly standard gauge. Here's where the fun really begins. The onboard EQ is quite gentle, but offers a lot of very agreeable variation, especially with the sweepable mid in that stacked knob. Combined with the coil tap and blend, I could be playing around with these controls for days... The sound is quite glorious. I fancied something a bit more modern than my usual, and I certainly got that! I'm not sure whether it's the strings, the Wizard humbuckers, or that brass nut, but there's a wonderfully piano-like quality to some of the notes. I'm surprised how quickly I've got used to the wider fretboard, but I suspect the slender neck profile helps with that. (Now I just need to get out of the trap of going for the low F and accidentally hitting a bottom C...) At some point, if you're really unlucky, I'll get round to making a demo video, so you can hear it in actionUPDATE: scroll down for not one, but TWO demo videos. Until then, is a NBD thread really a NBD thread if you don't include a hokey picture of yourself playing the thing?
    2 points
  8. In good condition and has all the characteristics of a Smith : nice mids which give it enough punch and a crispy slap-sound. Dates from 1994 Controls : volume (and serves as active/passive push pull), balance, bass, treble.. Comes with a Smith case and can be shipped (shipment included) or picked up....Sorry but no PayPal, I have bad experiences with the rates they use so I prefer a bank transfer. Feel free to check my feedback on bass.chat and no problem to pm me for further information. I made a crappy video with a couple of sounds to give an idea (I am still recovering from a bicycle accident four months ago (start working again next Monday) which splattered my right wrist and will keep me occupied with revalidation the next five months so I am glad I can start "playing" again)
    2 points
  9. For some reason I always loved playing Addicted To Love. The bassline is such a groove to play. Unfortunately, it never went down as well as it felt so we haven't gigged it for ages.
    2 points
  10. One of the things that @eude and I have been discussing is the colour of the fretline markers. We've gone for redwood veneer which should compliment nicely with the top. Here is a sample I did on our cherry cupboard at home, which will be a similar colour tone to the finished katalox: Should look pretty classy. I'm aiming to have all the fretlines installed tomorrow.
    2 points
  11. That's what would make me uncomfortable about the movie if it went too much into his personal life: the fact that they kept a lot of it under wraps while it was going on means that he/they did not particularly want to make it all public. So out of respect I'd rather it stays that way. I didn't realise Freddie knew about his illness so early on (1985). I always had thought that he found out much later, closer to his death. I like how the band kept things private, and despite the obvious falling out when he went solo, they still respected each other. I think that's something that says a lot about them as human beings, and it would be wrong to break it now in order to make a movie a little more... 'sensational'. In my opinion, of course.
    2 points
  12. Based on this thread, clearly not enough...
    2 points
  13. Im picking this up tomorrow! Well excited! '76 Electra Elvin Bishop with Bareknuckle PG Blues Pickups £500
    2 points
  14. Gigged my Bugera again last night. Sounded great, looked great and was way too loud/powerful for what was a pretty big room. More than happy with it.
    2 points
  15. Bit of tidying up to do, but I think this is pretty close to plan. You can tell by the artificial light that it's taken all day : You can see the angle here by looking where the upper cutaway angles where it joins the neck Here's the back - again, pending a bit of tidying up of the joints:
    2 points
  16. Hi, got my ESP LTD Surveyor up for sale. Bass is in excellent condition and comes fully loaded with emg's wired to a 3 band preamp. This is a far more palatable form from the LTD range famous for their links to Rock and metal endorsers. Beautiful fingerboard, ebony sleek and very smooth. The emg's offer a very powerful tone and lots of variation as you would expect and there is a coil tap for the MM pickup. Price includes UK postage Thanks for looking 😎😎
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Having used them at an outdoor gig earlier this year I’ve just bought some E935’s to replace my SM58’s and they were the bargain price of £83 each with free shipping from Sennheiser UK. Just checked and the price there has gone back to £149 however a couple of stores still list them at £83. Andtertons for example. https://www.andertons.co.uk/sennheiser-e935-dynamic-microphone-e935?LGWCODE=E935;56375;6335&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjrj7wP243gIViOF3Ch1y2QiDEAQYAiABEgIfAPD_BwE for that price you just can’t go wrong.
    1 point
  19. And get rid of your fuzz
    1 point
  20. That was my second bass. I thought it sounded great. But an East Uni pre would be the way to go. I have one in my Sei Jazz with Bartolini's and its immense.
    1 point
  21. I just ordered a Mastotron. More toys. I’ve heard a few demos of the OC10 now and it certainly sounds very close to the OC2. Probably worth getting one irrespective.
    1 point
  22. To realise the full woody organic magnificence of such a beautiful instrument in bass form, for me it would have to be fretless. Crafted wooden bridges with little or no adjustment work well in a fretless context. The bridge on my RA Mouse has zero adjustability and is tightly bonded into a recessed pocket in the body. The intonation is surprisingly true and the transference of string vibration has to be felt and heard to be believed. It genuinely feels alive. Options of piezo or mag (or both) would be good depending on what it's going to be used for. A piezo bridge gives a full range woody tone, and a mag pickup somewhere near the Stingray sweetspot gives that classic fretless singing tone. I have that configuration on my ACG and blending between the two changes the character and mood of the bass in a very effective and organic way. I think a bass version of the Naiad could be something quite special. I want one already.
    1 point
  23. Interesting - my Jazz 24 is my favourite Jazz Bass - I use it out a lot. I'm very much a "full range" kind of a guy so I like the snap and fizz but I thought to myself, "How can it be too trebly with the tone right off?" So I went and plugged it in and checked - you're correct. Even with the treble pulled right back, there is still a bit of the very high end there. A passive setup would likely get you what you want but cheaper, maybe just roll off the top on the amp or an eq pedal? I'm not normally a big fan of fixed frequency" Treble, Mid, Bass" preamps but I do think that this one is well judged and useful so if you do change it out, keep it in case of re-sale. Oh, also, if your cabs have tweeters, try attenuating them if possible or disconnecting them if not.
    1 point
  24. Before the top can be put on, the weight relief and control chambers and also the cable run slots have to be carved. I have a bit of tidying up to do and also the cable run slots but the bulk is done using forstner bits to hog out and then a bearing guided router to deepen the chambers: The chamber gets progressively deeper the closer it is to the edge - always having to remember that the back has that significant carve! Before closing up with gluing the top, the cable runs will be cut, a bit of chambering of the top and the main chamber here will be dark veneer lined to make it look deeper than it actually is when viewed through the 'f' hole.
    1 point
  25. Haha - I already sold you a pedal at a bargain basement price which I really should have held on to (and you very sensibly still have) But if I ever do that with my BB1025 then please lock me away and don't allow the day here inside where I hide...
    1 point
  26. Ditto. In forty-five years on this planet my newspaper buying tally has yet to reach double figures. I've never seen the point, if the news is going to affect me then I'll find out about it soon enough. I did read the linked article about Mr. Deacon when first posted but have forgotten most it's contents now. His life choice seems fair enough to me, I won't bother him and I doubt he'll bother me so we'll get along just grand. Now where's that cup of tea gone.
    1 point
  27. That’s a very good price! Shouldn’t be around long - have had one of these myself.
    1 point
  28. I think that's a great idea. Probably the most comfortable bass neck I've owned was the MTD Kingston, which is asymmetric - and that had a huge wide fingerboard but it still felt very effortless to play and just seemed to be right.
    1 point
  29. Thanks for posting that. I first came across him playing for Man in the mid-seventies. Lovely, fluid basslines under-pinning the long guitar workouts of Micky Jones.
    1 point
  30. I've just got a One10 which is enough for me but out of curiosity I'd love to try out a super compact. Keep getting tempted to buy one but I know I don't need it so I've managed to resist. Maybe I'll get to try one out at the next Midlands Bass-bash or even a BBII if someone brings one. In my dotage I'm so thankful to have modern light-weight gear.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. In that case , you can see in the scene that there are boats in the harbour , it could almost be a reconstruction of the Elizabethan ship battles with Drake fighting off the Armada , the photo was taken in Plymouth after all, and if you can overlook the fact that Drake was considered to have been a part of the first slave trades, its all good Ed to add thinking about it , there are probably as many tunes written about things that people don't like as there are about things that people do !
    1 point
  33. I saw them several years ago at Wolverhampton. Apparently they formed in 1959 which makes this their 59th year of performing though just 1 original member remains. Very entertaining and good musicians.
    1 point
  34. I can't comment on build technique but they look simply lovely. I like the jack input hidden at the back too. No clutter, just great woods nicely shaped. Given unlimited funds to buy whatever basses I want I'd have one of these.
    1 point
  35. Second Hand Mac Pro. Update to OS Mojave. I have a 2014 MBP and it is so quick.
    1 point
  36. The only reason I’ve missed the past few comps is because I had written songs using panpipes & bagpipes. Liking this month’s inspiration. 😎
    1 point
  37. Nobody on here seems to care when Harley Benton or Vintage rip off Fender models, in fact you lot all buy them!
    1 point
  38. There was an old man of St. Bees, Who was stung in the arm by a wasp. When asked "Does it hurt?" He replied "No, it doesn't, I'm so glad it wasn't a hornet."
    1 point
  39. Hey Steve. Good to see you back again. Sorry to hear about your tribulations; hopefully things are starting to look up again. I'm down to one bass now so can't help you in your search, but I hope you find something soon.
    1 point
  40. I did write a song which was loosely based on that - it was actually an anti-racism song based on the premise of him being human and her being humanoid but green and with four arms. And there were three moons, none of which exploded.
    1 point
  41. Hi all. New to this forum and been reading up on the Steinberg Spirit strap mod thingy, having bought an XT25 this week. In agony after using it for a 4-hour rehearsal, I just moved the strap button from the end of the guitar to about 4 inches from the end, and about an inch down from the top (fitted it on back of body) - magic! At least now I can see the lower frets with my failing eyesight, and I'm not playing 2 frets higher than I think I am. Time will tell if it's a comfortable fix, but I'm hoping so!
    1 point
  42. There's a massve lump of people on the planet have never seen Live aid or most of what they did ,wether they would go to see it ,who knows .The test is wether its watchable not being a big Queen fan
    1 point
  43. Yeah, Hans Peter Pilfer has lots of those....... *cough* Spector royalties *cough* 😂
    1 point
  44. No preamp yet... but the latest addition are neck side dots. Bigger, whiter ones in what i feel is the right place on a fretless bass. These are Letraset-style rub-on dots carefully applied and then given a careful wipe over with a cotton bud dipped in lacquer.
    1 point
  45. Or just teach your cat to sh!t in your neighbour's flower beds, like mine. Although in truth there wasn't much tuition involved. After he'd watched me demonstrate a couple of times he'd pretty much got the hang of it.
    1 point
  46. If I ever happened to read the Daily Mail - even if by accident and only for a few seconds - I'd be so ashamed I'd literally have to apologise in writing to everyone I know. Then I'd go into town and buy a box of matches and a gallon of petrol and set myself on fire. The Daily Mail supported Hitler, you know.
    1 point
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