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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/18 in all areas

  1. Been thinking about a compact low wattage/valvey set up for home practice for a while. Two things happened over the last fortnight that turned it into a reality : Local dealer dropped the new price on the Ampeg PF20-T and then these two Ashdown cabs came up for sale 2nd hand just along the road from someone who it turns out is a friend of a friend. The cabs are RM110's but they've had Ashdown CL/AAA red grilles added which I think makes them look pretty classy. In fact it's pretty enough that I'm allowed to keep it in the dining room and don't have to relegate it to the spare room! Sounds-wise is really lovely and warm - especially with my flatwound loaded P with the tone nearly all the way off. Perfect output and volume for home practice as I can get the tone without waking the neighbourhood. I'm a happy bunny.
    4 points
  2. I think nowadays for weekend warriors such as me (and I guess many others here) gear only matters up to a point. As has already been said, years ago cheap basses were almost unplayable whereas nowadays there are plenty of budget brands that play and sound great. Same with amps/cabs. I think that provided you've met the basics i.e. it's loud enough for what you're doing and has at least the useful bells and whistles that you particularly need, there's not a lot in it. I remember playing through some old buzzing kit that sounded like you'd stacked a pile of duvets in front of the cab. Today there's a vast array of 'cheap' kit that does the job perfectly well. Let's admit it, the average crowd down the Dog & Duck on a Saturday night don't care whether you're playing through a £2k Aguilar rig or an old combo. I'm one of the worst for chopping and changing gear as I'm now in a position where I can, but does it make me sound or play any better? Not really. Throughout the 90's I played lots of gigs and the vast majority were played using an Encore P through a Peavey 160TNT combo. I did on occasion buy other kit such as a Mk1 Wal Custom (for £565 in 1993) but I didn't have it long as I was skint plus I was the first to admit that it was completely wasted on me. The Basschat marketplace does have a lot to answer for. In the past I didn't even have a spare bass! However I do like the fact that on here we have the opportunity to try a whole new range of different kit, then if we fancy something else we can move it on to the next guy/gal for the same price you paid for it. I've been in the fortunate position to try lots of kit that I would never have had the opportunity to try, many items that I lusted after years ago when I wasn't able to buy them. My wife has a theory that there is just a finite amount of kit floating around Basschat that we all keep moving around between each other! One thing I do know is that if I spent as much time practicing as I spend on BC, I'd be a hell of a better player than I am. But back to the OP. In my book if your kit is reliable, playable and loud enough for the job, it's good enough.
    4 points
  3. I sell handmade bass for me by Rob Elrick with many extras, very little used outside the home. No dings, Condition 9.9 for saying something. (It is the catalog that you see in the photos) Platinum Series Thru-Neck Walnut Body (+$ 80) Buckeye top (+$400) Maple Neck (3p) Gabon Ebony Fretboard (+$400) Finger ramp (+$100) 24 Medium Frets Bartolini J-coil Pickups Bartolini 3-band Pre-amp HipShot Black Hardware Gravity 0 Case 3200€ (£2850 approx.)+ shipping although I would prefer delivery by hand Here you can see and hear in action:
    3 points
  4. Went up to Exeter today to have a look at a few basses. Not really getting on with my MIM p bass and as I’m back in a band again I thought I’d have a look around, try a few and see what I like. I was expecting to be coming home with, if anything, an Ibanez SR as I had an SR600 in the last band and quite liked it. Anyway I tried a few out today - Rockbass NT Streamer MIM jazz Aerodyne Jazz ibanez SR500 Mustang PJ And this Ray 34 that was heavily discounted at Project Music. I’d never played a stingray type bass before but always been interested. Once I’d played it I kept coming back to it and nothing else seemed to have as good a combination of playability and tone for me. Pretty versatile tone wise too. Can’t believe the punch, definition and clarity. I absolutely love the neck on this. The notes seem to just flow out of my fingers! ! Very happy and can’t wait to try it out at band practice this week. cant stop playing bullet in the head!
    3 points
  5. I expressed the following sentiment in a thread about my Trace combo and thought it may be fun to start a new topic on the subject... "...All these decades spent chasing a 'sound' when in fact it's all in your head - how you sound live is largely down to how everyone else in your band sounds and how good they are at what they do. You can get chronic GAS, spend thousands on gear and attempt to get the 'best' bass tone in the world, but it's all for nothing if your drummer can't play in time, your singer's falling-down drunk, or your guitarist routinely deafens everyone in the room. If your drummer is really on it and they and the other members of the band know how to play quietly and tastefully and listen to each other, you've got half a chance - and what's more, it won't matter if you're playing a Harley Benton Jazz through a Behringer combo, you will sound great..." So what do you think? Is the fact that you (and your band) can actually play more important than your choice of bass and amp? Have you (like me) been largely wasting your time and a huge sum of cash on searching for 'that' bass sound, when the whole enterprise is really a fool's errand and a wild goose chase? Should you have been concentrating on your playing instead of trawling the internet for bass guitar porn and spending time on BassChat pontificating about strings and what's good for metal..?
    3 points
  6. I suppose I've been a of jack many trades throughout much of my life and had a go at this that and the other just to see if I could do it. Bass playing being something I had a go at and kept up. I've always enjoyed music whether playing, listening, reading about - Rock, Pop, Blues, Jazz, some Folk. And I wondered how you'd go about composing a song/tune. Now, a painting, a sketch, a print, any visual artwork I am at ease with when it comes to creating or criticising. But with music, and no proper tuition, I remain an enthusiastic amateur. Having actually got to the level of performing in a band is one of the best personal achievements in my life. If someone had said to me that from the age of 50+ you will take up bass playing, love it, join a band and perform and often get paid doing it I'd have said you have to be joking. Now to many BC'ers it may not seem such a big deal but to me it is and to those with a 'natural talent' or a musical brain I do envy you. So I wondered and pondered for some time - how do you start to compose music or a song? Do you start with words or music? Do you have to know how to read music proper? And worst of all, the best phrases have been used up by Chuck Berry and Roy Orbison and Lennon and McCartney. So what's left to sing about? Every time I thought I'd have a go I'd end up with a tune/song in my head that I all ready knew. I think Pete Seeger said 'all music is folk music'. It's for people and about people, our lives and our feelings. And what I got from those words was the idea to write a song about something personnel to me, keep it simple, it doesn't have to be anything grand. When Carl Perkins overheard a chance rebuke he wrote 'Blue Suede Shoes'. A memory I cherish is buying my daughter her first pair of proper shoes. She was maybe 6 months old or so. I remember it as if yesterday, and the delight on her face. They were red Jumping Jacks. So I wrote a song called NEW SHOES, a simple 3 chord bash. About this time there seemed to be a lot of bad news, in the papers, on TV, and then the terrible tragedy in Manchester occurred at the concert by Ariana Grande. So I rewrote the song with new lyrics. It's called GOOD NEWS and answers the question of children - what would you like for Xmas? My daughter showed the song to the music teacher at the junior school she works at and the choir sang it in their annual Xmas concert given at a local old folks home. A video was made but was lost when the school's computer went into meltdown. I'm hoping they use it again this year. I'll post it in this thread. See what you think of my effort!
    3 points
  7. Musicman Stingray 4HH with OHSC - £950 + shipping Unfortunately I won’t be gigging anytime in the near future so I’m downsizing my kit/collection. Next up is a 2007 Musicman Stingray 4HH in Honeyburst. Plays and sounds great with an EQ as powerful as you would expect giving a huge range of sounds. There are a few nicks on the body but nothing nasty (see photographs). The neck is gorgeous with some hints of birdseye in places. As many of you will know, some of these unfinished MM necks can become quite grubby after a few years if not looked after. The chap who had this last had it cleaned back and oiled so it now has a lovely satin sheen and smooth feel. Comes complete with original MM hard case which is in very good condition. No trades on this one thank you. Collection from South Yorkshire or will ship in the UK only at buyers’ expense. I’m currently unavailable for meet ups I’m afraid.
    3 points
  8. Either a pattern on the tee shirt or that’s some serious man boob sweat 💦
    3 points
  9. I always find the hating on Bugera / Behringer utterly pointless. Is it a copy of another amp? Probably. Most of Behringers stuff is a copy of something else. Would I pay (in this example) £250 for the amp? Absofeckinglutely! Would I pay the best part of a grand for the amp it's based on? Not in a million years. I'm a weekend warrior not a professional musician. I simply don't have that much cash, or even the desire to spend that much cash on gear even if I had it. So are the companies who make the original amp losing out to the cheaper copy? Absolutely not. If the copy didn't exist then I still wouldn't be buying the original amp, and the people who want the original amp wouldn't buy the cheaper version. What Behringer do is supply decent quality gear at an unbelievable price for those of us who can't afford to spend thousands on top end brands. As well as supplying tons of gear to schools and academies who buy it for the same reason, and introduce whole new generations of people to playing music. Long live Behringer!
    3 points
  10. So, could I wait 36 hours? Could I b***ery Thing is, one of the remaining major co*k up potentials is fitting the machine screws. It has to be right because there's no wiggle room with machine screws. The inserts have to be absolutely in the right position and absolutely vertical. So rather than worry about it, it was better to just do it. First I dowelled the previous holes - they were originally drilled to 5mm and the machine screws are 4mm and they weren't quite in line with where the neck is now going to be: Then remeasured and drilled the holes for the stainless machined ferrules: Next, drilled the 4mm holes, using my mini press drill to keep it all vertical: Used the point of the wood drill to mark the exact centres on the assembled neck though the body, used some packers to make sure I was square to the mating face incorporating the neck angle, drilled a 6mm hole and fitted the machine screw inserts: Then moment of truth - would it all line up and would the machine screws fit (trust me, they usually don't!). Another 'knock me down with a feather' moment: And THAT means I can look to fit the fretboard very soon and start the neck and heel carve!
    3 points
  11. Up for sale, sadly for me because I have a very busy job and can't get much time into playing anymore. This I would rate as one of the of not the best 5 stringers I have owned, and I've owned about all of the top shelve beautique brands at some point. Craftmanship is really OCD/top notch, very unique neckshape very shallow and comfortable. I would say the sound is in between a Fodera and MTD. Huge B string, very even across the board, a real pro studio grade instrument. The bass is in great condition as shown in the pics. Body Alder - Neck 3 piece maple + reinforced bars - Fret board macassar ebony - Top Myrtle - Pickups Seymour Duncans - EQ Duncan 3 band - Scale 35' - String spacing 19mm - Weight 3,9 kg - Original soft case included No trades please I'm trying to slim it down as I dont have the rime anymore 
    2 points
  12. Picked up one of these babies today and it's absolutely sweet !
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. I sincerely hope that this is the last photo Bluejay posts showing HJ's dangly bits.
    2 points
  15. This is the way to do a tour if you have: A) A lot of money B) A huge amount of optimism So you pretend to be a band, pretend to have fans, and go on tour. Buy a lot of facebook likes for your page, some fake videos and a lot of youtube views and set up a fake management company, and you can play to empty venues across Europe. http://www.metalsucks.net/2018/11/09/l-a-band-threatin-faked-a-fanbase-to-land-a-european-tour-no-one-attended/
    2 points
  16. Quick update - it’s going to Jon on Monday. Fingers crossed. I will either love it to bits again or it will be in the classifieds for £50
    2 points
  17. We’re your jeans balanced or unbalanced afterwards and did they require phantom power?
    2 points
  18. I think I'll forbear on the '' on this occasion, thank you very much..!
    2 points
  19. Even if you don't do the 30 minute slot thing, still tell the auditionees that they have a time limit rather than make it open ended. Then if you don't like someone you can get rid of them without any awkwardness. Easier to say we can't carry on because we're out of time rather than we don't want to carry on because you're rubbish. If you do like them, just say the next person has cancelled and ask if they want to stay a bit longer.
    2 points
  20. Totally this. If you want an expensive bass or amp or whatever then go for it, similary if you're happy with a cheap gear then crack on. Whatever you do though don't think anyone but yourself will really care as long as you sound good. I have a £40 Aria P copy with a 1/4 pounder in it, I could use that bass for the first set and then use a matching coloured Fender Custom shop P for the second set and nobody would know or care. If some geek did notice I would probably get more praise for getting such a good sound from the cheap bass, it would be expected from the Fender. Buy for yourself, play for the audience.
    2 points
  21. I put Labella copper white nylon tapewounds on it last night and not only do they look brilliant they sound utterly amazing. I had to force myself to go to bed as I didn't want to put it down. I saw it on ebay locally for collection only at an amazing price (Gear4 music had it listed at £2266 !) and to be honest bought it with the intention of selling it on but fell in love with it. When I picked it up it was absolutely flawless and came in a quality Gator case rather than the gig bag Warwick sell it in - all case candy included. Probably my best bass purchase to date.
    2 points
  22. As long as it plays, looks and sounds how you want it to, no I don't think it really matters two hoots. Doesn't matter if it's a Stagg or a Fodera, a Behringer or an Aguilar.
    2 points
  23. Is he quitting because of the migraines. ? or has he simply had enough of gigging or playing ? If its only because of the migraine thing it might be worth loking into what's causing them and see if its possible to reduce them. Maybe that's been done and its simply a stress thing for him I find if i don't drink enough water or i have too much coffee in one day i start getting migraines. As long as i drink at least 1 litre of water a day i'm fine. I switched to decaf coffee as well. I occasionally get them triggered when driving in bright sunlight and maybe a direct reflection from something catches my eye and just triggers the vision impairment (i see distortions around the edges of my vision) In bright sunlight i wear sunglasses when driving. It seems worse in winter sunlight for some reason. I'm retired now as well so i have no work related stress which triggered them very regularly almost weekly. Now i have one maybe 2 or 3 times a year. Dave
    2 points
  24. Pickup cavities, control cavity, arm and belly carve done!! 1st coat of Danish oil on it! Now just waiting for neck screws, bridge, knobs and tuners......... I think it's starting to look really nice now if I do say so myself!! 😁
    2 points
  25. King Crimson (all 8 of them)! With the mighty Tony Levin on bass. Jolly good. Well done to everyone involved...
    2 points
  26. Bluetooth won't work for for monitoring for exactly the reason you've discovered. As far as I'm aware there is no way round the lag, it's just too slow to process sound.
    2 points
  27. Sorry to hear that, hope something new comes up your way, or even maybe another singer and guitarist? On the plus side, you live in Finland which I have always thought looks über cool instead of dreary old U.K.
    2 points
  28. OK, so here are some vids of last night's practice. You'll need headphones to be able to hear what the bass sounds like. The various songs were using a variety of settings on the bass so hopefully you'll hear a difference. Just TBA, these were mostly running through some new songs to start pulling them together so apologies that the performances aren't so polished. Also, we had some of our teenagers having a go on drums and keys so, again, give them the benefit of the doubt - it was the first time Emma, for instance, had ever sat behind a drum kit with a band!!!! Here's where I managed to switch the bass off at the start of the song... Same song with a pick and Emma on drums... First time running through this tune... Finally, noodling with the pick around the Owner of a Lonely Heart main riff and running through all the various settings...
    2 points
  29. No, no, NO !, you want at least a hundred watt ALL VALVE head amp and a big bugger-off bass cab for that floor shakin' radiator rattlin' curtain wafting sound. I have a bus stop outside my place and if the would be passengers ain't turning round to look, it needs turning UP ! Apples ?, really ?
    2 points
  30. Just spread the word. I posted on five Facebook sites, went through my contacts diary, advertised on here and I’ve had a very good response. Once people see what you want and what you are (provide a video maybe) they seem willing to help. It’s been great. People recommend people who recommend people. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by everyone and have a number of people for audition...where are you based and do you have any more details? Number and frequency of gigs, pay might help, location, rehearsals, your expectations, etc Best wishes Mark
    1 point
  31. I did reach out to Mark Vanderkley on the subject, so for completeness (and a nice way to round off the thread!) this is what he had to say: "It is no problem combining different speaker sizes, although I never do that myself. If you already have a 210LNT and love that one but need more bottom and volume, I would just add another one. The 115MN6 is a great cab as a stand alone, the 6” in there is very subtle. In general there is no right or wrong, it mostly personal taste. I always use two 210LNT cabs for every gig that I do. Side by side on the floor (not stacked - it is the transmission of low frequencies in all directions), will give you even more low end. But experiment with cabinet placement and see what it does in different venues. For just one cab I would recommend the 210LNT."
    1 point
  32. He starts the trends that others run a mile from...
    1 point
  33. Very useful info, cheers @ped. My neck carve will be a bit different to yours since mine’s a neckthrough construction but at least the body at the strap pin end is the same as yours so I know that’ll sit fine in the Hercules.
    1 point
  34. I feel guilty starting this thread for all you guys that ended up spending your hard earned cash on a good valve head
    1 point
  35. Damn, that's nice . Reminds me of my old and much missed similarly modded fretless '73 P. With that lovely ash body it must have originally been natural or sunburst. Best bargain on BC at the moment - bump
    1 point
  36. Dave, thanks, He has been suffering from them for years and has regular medication to try stop them coming also when he gets attacks.. They don't know what is causing it, they have tried everything they can to try find out why and stop them! Still on-going regular treatment. I think it's a mixture of many things causing him to quit unexpectedly like this.. I have to respect his decision of course, we are still friendly and plan to keep in contact. Thanks for all the kind words.
    1 point
  37. Is much easier to buy gear then find band mates who "listen each other".
    1 point
  38. There's that. I don't mind admitting I'd find it difficult to justify spending thousands on a vintage Fender (for example). Especially with a teenage son in the sixth form who is confidently expecting to go to university and an American wife who insists on buying expensive shoes and clothes, even though they make her look like a badger wrapped in a curtain. Generally I think the notion that you 'have to spend your money on something', is decadent. Of course, I might change my mind if a big chunk of change fell into my lap.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Given how unbelievably cheap PA power amps are these days (likely because of the aforementioned boom in the powered PA cabs market) I think a lot of us would be interested in a passive FRFR cab.
    1 point
  41. I'm enjoying this. Vocals a little screamy, but all good.
    1 point
  42. I wonder if that’s a mod Tom at Cog might be able to do.
    1 point
  43. I have the Behringer BX3000T head and a 2x10 Behringer (Bugera) cab and they sound absolutely awesome! On paper it's a 300w head going into a 600w cab, but it's loud enough to blow the doors off. Certainly loud enough to keep up with 2 guitarists and a drummer in any gig were ever likely to do I'd love a Veyron head if I had the funds. The reviews are excellent. But sadly they'll never get the recognition they deserve because of the stubbornly persistent mindset certain musicians have, that you have to spend big money to sound good. To that I say b#ll#cks!
    1 point
  44. La Bella nylon flats are superb on an acoustic, especially if you're plugging in.
    1 point
  45. [b][size=4]Royal Blood - Mike Kerr - Pedalboard diagram[/size][/b] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1]I[/size][size=2]'ve made this pedalboard diagram after watching available videos/pictures/interview... This version is based on the late 2014-2015 pedalboard, after he replaced the [/size][/font] [size=1][size=2][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Boss GE-7 (Graphic Equalizer)[/font] [/size][/size][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=2]for a 2nd Boss LS-2 (Line Selector). He recently [/size][/font][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=2]added a 3rd Boss Harmonist PS-6 which is not showing in this diagram[/size][/font] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=2]as well as the the two Boss NS-2 (Noise Suppressor) that are sitting on top of both[/size][/font] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=2]Fender Supersonic 22 Combo.[/size][/font] [size=2][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The diagram has been made with a free online 'Visio' like diagram apps. You don't [/font] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]​need to have an account with creatively.com to see the diagram. I also attached[/font][/size] [size=2][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]a .png file.[/font][/size] [size=2][url="https://creately.com/diagram/ii90yf072/OblIpaHWvEDBpi77Y7k8mab6BhQ%3D"]https://creately.com...7Y7k8mab6BhQ%3D[/url][/size] [attachment=207467:Royal Blood - Mike Kerr - Pedalboard diagram.png]
    1 point
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