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  1. This is the same as mine (other than your case is painted and mine is tolex covered). These are fantastic amps. More power than you should ever need, versatile and superb build quality. Even using it flat (graphic out) it gives a superb tone for you to tweak just using the tone controls on your bass. Although 30 plus years old, mine is still the quietest running amp I’ve ever owned. Whoever gets this will not be disappointed. GLWTS.
    3 points
  2. Flagship or battleship. Meaningless to state the watts output with this amp. 250 means 250watts @ 4ohm. Although these amps are heavy, it’s still a one hand lift. I’ve gone round in circles during the last couple of years with the newer pocket stuff but I wanted to hear bass and returned to old faithful. This is an amp to love, not just like. It’s recently been serviced by Green Lane Music Walsall. I’ve had many Trace heads and the MK 4/5, Series 6 and the SMX were the best. The later stuff has gradually tapered off, made by god knows who. This is the last piece of my gear, it’s the earlier ‘painted’ model in good condition. Someone took a video recording/listening a while back of the band and I had the opportunity to make a comparison linking to 2x10+1x15 cabs with the AH250 and an EDEN WT400. They were both very similar in ‘thump, volume and definition’. I kept the AH250. Welcome to bring your cab and test here before buying if my last cab has been sold. I could post but...ahh...it should be ok if well bubbled etc. Geoff Coseley, West Mids WV149PU
    3 points
  3. So, fully recovered now. Made a small loss ( not including loss of earnings) but had the best experience - playing to a paying audience who are actually there and want to listen to you! We have also picked up some really nice dates for next year, so job done! Thanks for the responses to the thread, nice to have the support of fellow bass players (especially when you are on a bill with a bass virtuoso)! Just got to put that Fender amp up for sale now 😎
    3 points
  4. @SpondonBassed on answer to your question about how it hangs on a strap, for me it hangs perfectly I think if the top horn was shorter it might suffer a bit from neck dive?..........
    3 points
  5. I was in Wunjo's a couple of weeks ago and finally got my hands on a special. F**k me I was impressed! It was an all black, roasted maple board bass with fingerprints all over it. My No.1 bass is a 62 relic Custom shop P but if they had offered me a straight swap I would have. It was so light and easy to play... and that neck! Plugged in it was so versatile and punchy - the new pickup (single H version) and pre were amazing. So much so that I didn't want to try any other bass in there. Every slight of turn of the eq was valid plus finger placement really made such a difference. As a purely p bass guy these days I was sold! I used to play an 86 Stingray for many years but these specials are in a different league. The only negative - for want of a better word - was that acoustically the ray was not as vibrant or 'alive' sounding as my custom shop, but the new eq is the bomb and more than compensates. Imho the specials have lost nothing of the Stingray sound but gained so much more. Smitten!
    3 points
  6. Drove up to fellow BC member FinnDave to purchase/collect a bass he was selling. Had a great chat for an hour; he's a top bloke...and the bass, an Epiphone Thunderbird Classic Pro IV with Babicz bridge and Gotoh tuners...wow, what a bass. It's immediately become my prime gigging bass. Awesome feel, action, sound, looks...the total package. And the neck's almost 2 inches shorter than my Burns Bison, perfect for my short arms. Thanks BassChat for hooking us up.
    2 points
  7. There's a practical aspect to this. When I used to produce awards dinners (1000 diners - celeb presenter etc.) I always ensured there was a crew meal laid on for the gap between the rehearsal and the show, just to keep the crew from disappearing off to the kebab shop. Sandwiches, chips, cakes and lots of soft drinks and coffee do just fine. Same now with the band - if we get something like that I'm happy. One big dinner we played, they laid out plates and bowls of mayo and ketchup in our dressing room - then removed them as 'they weren't for us' - we all packed up and went down to the local 'spoons - if I was the the organiser, I wouldn't want the act dissappearing like that - but most of us had come directly form work - I'd driven 60 miles - and were starving. When an event is costing £50-60k to stage, you are a real pillock not to spend £60 on a plate of sarnies and a bowl or two of chips for the band.
    2 points
  8. Some thing those who say the band are not guests and shouldn't be fed need to think about is that quite often these days weddings are further and further away from towns and cities, I did a dep gig at a wedding in the lake district, we had to be there early to set up, a round trip to a normal food place would have been well over an hour at least, the band wouldn't have got into one car either. A meal in the hotel with a drink would have cost £30 a head easily so we could have either added £180 to the bill or asked for the band to be fed, which they did with platters of sandwiches in the meeting room they'd set aside as a green room.
    2 points
  9. You guys are definitely making me see RED, but I'm not putting the white flag up on my white Yammys just yet 😀 Apologies, couldn't resist, particularly as this thread has just made it to its 600th post => for me that just reflects what a great bass the Yammy BBs are!
    2 points
  10. As nice as that looks I just couldn't play an energetic gig after eating that. I don't like to eat closer than two hours before gig time, even then nothing heavy. I had to clean all sorts off my pedal board but my dinner isn't going to be one of them.
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. My current two. Chalk and cheese sound wise.
    2 points
  13. When the finishing is being done, the threads end up being a bit like watching paint dry... But heck - I've drilled three holes too!!! Got to be worth a picture:
    2 points
  14. Maybe it's because there are 5 of him. It's pretty intimidating - shades of 'Village of the Damned' when they all look at you.
    2 points
  15. Hi there, I've spent some time during the last few weeks and Geert and I managed to put some information we collected on Chris Larkin's instruments into a website honoring Chris and his work. Please take a good look around: https://chrislarkinowners.com/ Cheers, Christoph
    2 points
  16. AVRI 63' and Precision Deluxe.
    2 points
  17. For about a year now - Caravan Palace... I think I'm in love with the singer... And for this week - Pomplamousse. My son put me onto them:
    2 points
  18. They certainly are pretty special. I’m spending a lot of time playing mine now (after a momentary lapse of reason thinking I needed a HH) and the more I play it, the more I love it. As you say, the EQ is so useable throughout the range and to me seems far more controlled than the 3 band on a std ‘ray.
    2 points
  19. Speaking of which, am I the only one who absolutely loves the bass sound on Video Killed The Radio Star?
    2 points
  20. Nurse !!!! Kleenex for Pete, now
    2 points
  21. Too many to mention for me. Guy Pratt had a tone I liked on this.
    2 points
  22. Managed to knock off 3 of the remaining 14 jobs on this, including installing some blue luminlays: Assuming I remembered correctly, @eude wanted the dots on the fretlines rather than between. Assuming I didn't remember correctly, it makes no difference... @eude is getting the dots on the fretlines Probably going to start the final sanding and finishing pretty soon, then that can be hardening off while I finish the other bits and pieces.
    2 points
  23. Buy the headphones you want and then get OBBM to maker you up a suitable extension lead.
    1 point
  24. I bought a Warwick today.
    1 point
  25. MarkBass CMD 121 P with the £15 velcro wedge inserted.
    1 point
  26. Every now and then you get a real standout gig. Last night we played the MK11 club - we got the gig after a successful support gig to the Sugar Hill Gang earlier in the year. This time we were the headline act and did a two hour set - the house was packed, great house PA and light show. Depping on drums for us was our old mate, Stuart Russell (Drizabone) - who kept the joint jumping to some excellent four to the floor. The clip below shows a flavour of how we went down - it was like this all night. The venue were well pleased and we're due back at a later date.
    1 point
  27. So I understand. A bit too left field for Fender and Musicman officionados. I went for the Caprice because I was looking for something ‘smoother’ than the Ray or Sterling but I’ve never been overly keen on Jazzes. The nice light weight was also a bonus.
    1 point
  28. Nice where did you get the gold truss rod cover
    1 point
  29. Thank you, I was hoping to be able to just buy the barrels, or even better, the barrels with the string height and intonation screws, if possible being a 'tight old pensioner' 😂😂 - used ones would be just as good, if anyone has any? 👍👍
    1 point
  30. Good job I don't have that sort of money - blue with maple would be my bass kryptonite (that and yellow...)
    1 point
  31. Again yes it is! If I had the cash I’d snap it right up 😁
    1 point
  32. How big is the gap? Will you be painting the body? If it's small and yes another option would be to wrap the neck in clingfilm, wax it, screw it down in the correct position and fill the gap with epoxy. Dead easy and your guaranteed a perfect fit
    1 point
  33. Fantastic amps, that Blend rotary is simply excellent.
    1 point
  34. Back in the day, memorable life changing bass sounds, among others I haven't thought of right now: 1978 Stranglers - Black And White (Every track) 1979 PiL - Metal Box (all of it, obviously) 1981 Heaven 17 - Penthouse and the Pavement (both sides) 1991 RHCP - Blood Sugar Sex Magic (all of it)
    1 point
  35. @hookys6stringbass here’s what I did to my (identical to above) jap bb300. now lives with a mate who gives guitar lessons 🙄
    1 point
  36. That bass was being used in later stages of The Move and early ELO as well as Wizzard.
    1 point
  37. Sennheiser HD201's cheap as chips 3m lead sound great with bass Mine are about 5 years old and are still going strong
    1 point
  38. Absolutely! Black Friday Week on Saturday Deal - free colour coordinating cushion with every heavily modded 20 year old project! Haven't told MrsAndyjr1515 yet, but I'm sure she'll be fully supportive
    1 point
  39. And the last word on this before we go back to the most important thing - that is: me! ME! MEEEEEEE!!!! Yes - happily everyone has different tastes and that's absolutely fine. For example, I personally cannot see at all the aesthetic appeal of a standard, painted Fender Telecaster. Happily for Fender, tens, if not hundreds, of millions of folks around the world strongly disagree with me. The most important thing to me - actually, as @eude rightly says, the only really important thing - is that he, the original builder and owner, loves it The next important thing to me, personally, is that I love it too. And I do. I love the history of it - a dream of twenty years ago that was dashed. If I can be part of fulfilling that dream, then I will be utterly delighted. I love the katalox. I had never heard of katalox before and it is a bit of a revelation. The photos to it no justice at all - Canon DSLR's are notoriously bad at reproducing accurate reds. It's got a natural oxblood hue to it and that redness contrasts beautifully with the ash. In real life, it looks really, really classy. Bit of a pig to work with, mind you... I love the scale length. @eude had said to me that the 31.5" would make it feel totally different and it does. I love the original carve. I suppose I have the normal paranoia of a builder and modifier whether the changes I make detract rather than enhance. The original carve was VERY tactile. A bit like those wooden comfort stones you can buy. Albeit the body wood alone weighed only a touch less than @Len_derby 's fully finished full scale bass! So, to summarise: I love @Marcoelwray 's builds I love this build Most of all, I love ME 😍 So I'm going back to concentrating on THAT
    1 point
  40. And then there's this... That intro, followed by that soulful funk!
    1 point
  41. Stevie Wonder's 'Song in the Key of Life', after watching great programme earlier tonight on BBC4. Classic album.
    1 point
  42. Glockenspiel, Marimba and the Oud, mostly in the capacity of performing post-modernist marxist neo-soul jazz opera in the style of the Gypsy Kings meets Pantera.
    1 point
  43. Not last night by any means, but one of the more impressive rooms we've played in...yep, that's Concorde 🙂
    1 point
  44. Do you need 1000W? £266 for the 600W version is pretty reasonable compared to other offerings if you ask me.
    1 point
  45. Nice one Christoph. I’ll share that in FB and so on if you like, and put it in our newsletter. Now tell me more about that bass front one from left!
    1 point
  46. Hi there, First of all, let me introduce myself. My name ich Christoph, I live in Vienna/Austria and I've known Chris for the best part of my life - since 1992. I ordered my first bass from Chris a day after my 18th birthday and over the years I got a couple of his basses. Although I was aware of his illness for quite a while, it was a big shock to hear he's gone. To keep up his legacy a friend (who owns a couple of Larkin guitars himself) and myself decided to start working on a Chris Larkin owner / instrument database, that in the future should fill a website and maybe a book and therefore we are trying to collect as much information as possible. So if anyone out there likes to join in, send us a couple of pictures, videos, soundfiles and whatever you have and know about your Larkin instrument. How you got it, any stories, whatsoever. This is a non-profit thing and if there will be any money in the future it is to be donated into cancer research. Anyway, here's a picture of my Chris Larkin basses Cheers, Christoph
    1 point
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