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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/18 in all areas

  1. And it's pretty much finished... @eude is probably going to change the electrics so we opted to just put the old electrics back in. The jack is actually fine, but both pots are shot. I'll order some replacements anyway to fit while the finish is hardening. But, other than the final tweaks on the setup and a final buff up in a few days time, its finished. I've obviously gone heavy on the tru-oil because it's ended up at 8 3/4 lbs rather than the 8 1/2 I was projecting but it sits BEAUTIFULLY on the strap. Even my slippy cheap nylon strap - it rests level and will sit and stay at almost any angle you care to play. It actually feels lighter on the strap than it actually is, presumably for the same reason. The fretboard is just polished - progressive from around 2000 grit paper to 12000 micro-web. The figuring shows up great in real life. I'll probably take a few more fancier shots when the lighting is right, but here it is in the meantime:
    8 points
  2. Mate of mine is into gypsy jazz (he's a guitarist, obvs). He went over to the big festival they have every year in Holland and joined in with some of the workshops. He realises during said workshops he is sitting in with some of the very best gypsy jazz musicians in the world - 1 being Django Reinhardt's grandson! Later he was due to be on stage for a group performance - playing rhythm guitar (which in gypsy jazz is no calkwalk), but ends up sitting at the front! Ok he thinks, I'll keep my head down and just concentrate on my rhythm work. During the performance all the top guys (remember, these are the best in the world) take turns to solo. He is sat next to Django's grandson who, after finishing ripping out a blinding solo (and if you now anything about gypsy jazz you'll know that everything is played at at least 90 mph) he turns to my mate Andy, (for that is his name) and indicates it's his turn...to take a solo! My mate did his best and 'got through it' as he said. The next day, he's sitting playing in another workshop when the aforementioned Django's grandson turns up with some of the other top performers, joins in with the music and everyone takes a turn soloing, my mate included, not quite so nervous this time and felt he made a better account of himself compared to the previous evenings performance. When the workshop finishes my mate then recounts how nervous he was at the previous evenings show and how he felt like an imposter. The reply of Django's grandson and all the other top players was to tell him that it matters not what you play, but the fact that you do and that everyone has to start somewhere. They were so encouraging and supporting he's booked to go again this year.
    3 points
  3. That's a bit of a sweeping statement. We have band practice once a week because we are not pro musicians. We have jobs and families, and have band practice so we can be tighter than a very tight thing and give the audience what they paid for, a decent nights entertainment. Being able to busk your way through a set is not the only measure of a musician. Being prepared to the best of your ability, however limited that ability may be, is the very least I expect from any band mate. I have busked through a gig, as a drummer, and I did not enjoy it as I spent all my time watching the other musicians like a hawk and trying to keep up. So much so the dynamics of the gig completely passed me by.
    3 points
  4. So, just to confirm - are Bryan Adams covers back on the table? Too soon?? 😖
    3 points
  5. My observation - from teaching and talking to an awful lot of bassists - is that the role that magazines played in terms of filling in historical knowledge isn't one that people are using the web for... It's weird, because YouTube is the greatest learning resource that humanity has ever come up with - whether you want to fix the screen on your phone, or work out what Allan Holdsworth was doing with symmetrical scales, there are SO many amazing lessons on there, but because the focus is on 'info that will benefit me right now' rather than the contained, delineated authoritative experience of reading an episodic magazine, it seems that relatively few people are spending time online digging into the history of the instrument. Reading BP cover to cover in the 90s (and reading every bass-related thing in Guitarist in the late 80s) was as much my school as the two years I did at music college. I have things I use every day in my playing that I learned from Rich Appleman's theory column in the 90s. I know about players because instead of, as has been indicated here, worrying that I didn't know who the players were, I read more voraciously when they were musicians I hadn't heard of than when it was ones I knew... So magazines were a way of accumulating knowledge... That was, in many ways, a problem, in that it meant that the writers and editors were the gatekeepers of knowledge, and as they were almost exclusively dudes (in the case of BP editors, all of them ever were men), women got WAY WAY worse coverage, and were often written about in a really shitty way. Likewise, the coverage was overwhelmingly US and Europe-centric. YouTube has its filters which provide similar levels of myopia if you use their algorithms to decide what to watch, but the capacity for learning is huge (I recently went on a Soca binge, and discovered a ton of amazing music and bass playing). ...So, I'm still a fan of magazines - the economics of running a mag is way more perilous than a website, you can get away with more auto-generated content on a website and have zero print costs (hosting doesn't even come close in terms of monthly outgoing per reader), even though mags have a cover price - there's obviously no granularity to the reader spend. You don't get people who give you 5p a month for reading a page or two and some who pay the full price. It's all or nothing... I greatly appreciate what No Treble are doing - particularly their attempts to fill that knowledge gap I suggested above - Ryan Madora's column on players to know is a really useful one, and the video tuition stuff is great - but the factors that drive virality, and therefor ad money, are far more damaging to so much web video content than perceived bias in reviews (there's SO much to say about reviewing, but my one observation would be that there is, objectively VERY little 'bad' gear out there now, above the rebadged absurdly cheap garbage on eBay from no-name manufacturers - the big players can't afford to make bad gear, and CNC means that consistency across instruments is lightyears beyond where it was 20 years ago when I was reviewing stuff for Bassist - I was regularly sent really bogus stuff, gave things mediocre reviews, and even refused to write about some stuff... It was way more useful to fill the pages with reviews of good stuff that I was to write a hit piece on some crappy gear. Ignore it, and it'll go away - at that point, magazines were the lifeblood of companies' ad strategy, so a bad review was actually more coverage than their rubbish gear deserved... But that's a whole other discussion) Anyway, decent journalism is expensive, so expensive that it makes a lot of magazines impossible to fund, and no commercial publisher is going to run a mag at a loss in order to meet readers' desires. The economics are a total mess right now. I'm really glad that we still have any print mags for bass at all, and I hope the people involved find a way to keep them going - my rate for writing in a UK bass mag is lower now than it was 20 years ago. They've cut everything back as far as it'll go, so we'll see if that's enough. I don't know the specifics of what was happening at BP, but I do know they ditched all their offices a while back and went to a remote working model to try and cut costs. I guess it wasn't enough.
    3 points
  6. Been after an 8x10 for a while to complete the SVT rig. Went today to pick up one I got on eBay. Sounds good, except I can't really crank it at home right now to gig volume to really hear what it sounds like in anger. Pretty angry, I'd imagine. After hearing horror stories about carting them about, I have to say it's actually easier (provided you've got wide enough doors etc) to move than a couple of 4x10s, just because you wheel it about like a trolley. The head is more of a pain in the backside tbh Anyway, i'm delighted & wanted to share in the delight with you
    2 points
  7. Part of big fundraising effort for 73/74/75 Precision, as all trades offered ( a lot) on the Status, have not been quite right. As per title, 1st year run from when they changed from painted necks. Lots of little dinks etc, stipled paintwork on the back, the photos actually make it look better than it is. Obligatory Duff McKagan mention. Still has the little F caps on the rotaries, neck, truss, electrics fine, original slightly larger pole pups. Comes in crap case held together by gaffer tape. Some daft prices getting asked for these, I think I'm asking fair for buyer & seller. None the less it's in reasonable nick for a 30 year old bass, it will be getting gigged tonight. Weight is 8lbs 8ozs. SORRY I AM NOT IN A POSITION TO COURIER! Any trial in Wigan, will travel to meet up, feedback linked below, thanks for looking, Karl.
    2 points
  8. Selling my Ken Smith BSR5EG Elite Specs: Ebony Top, Walnut Back, Mahogany Core, 5-pc Ebony Fingerboard, 5-pc neck 34 scale Gold hardware, Original Hard Shell Case. Great Sound (ebony top clear and focus) Asking 4000 EUR
    2 points
  9. I think its a mixture of poor advertising on here, as in, vague descriptions, shoddy photo's etc, plus competition from Facebook, eBay and a quiet market I advertised a mint Gibson Thunderbird on here - no takers, not even an enquiry. Listed it on eBay at a higher price and sold it within 3 days. Just lucky that a guy who wanted the exact model I had (a 2015 model with the Babicz bridge) was looking at the time I posted it. He pressed the BIN button and off we went. Out of interest after the sale I asked him if he was on BC and he said he'd never heard of it! So in summary Not all bass players use this forum (shock horror!) eBay, Facebook and thefretboard - a guitar forum which also sells basses and where I bought my T-Bird from - are competing places to buy/sell (and that's without mentioning Gumtree) Many of the owners of collections who advertise on here are 'thinning the herd' which naturally reduces the pool of buyers Selling on commission through specialist shops - Bass Direct sold a Sandberg of mine for a very good price to me, which then appeared on eBay for about 6 months and is now back on Bass Direct's books. It's this one btw http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Sandberg_Classic_4.html It's a cracking bass btw! Having said all of the above I'll still use this forum to advertise my gear. I'm a big fan of BC but like most things, it ain't perfect!
    2 points
  10. Pea Turgh did ask for lots of piccies....... I think you'll all agree, this does not look like a homemade cab. The Ashdown badge probably helps here, but you can buy all kinds of badges on eBay for a few pounds (plenty of Trace Elliot, for example). So if you feel like putting a name on your cab there's nothing to stop you.
    2 points
  11. I once played in a band that backed a reggae singer from St Vincent. We were white, he was black. None of us gave a sh 1t about that. It was the best musical experience of my life. Tell me where I went wrong...
    2 points
  12. Aston Barrett is one of my favourite bassists but he isn't one of your "regular" reggae bassists. His lines are totally unique. If you want to get the feel and learn the style of Reggae I'd listen to others first, then progress to Barrett. For starters, try stuff like : Peter Tosh - Johnny B Goode, Feel No Way, Glass House, Reggae Mylitis etc Toots and the Maytals - Pressure Drop, Monkey Man, Louie Louie, Funky Kingston etc
    2 points
  13. Might be worth absorbing a live version of the sheriff, as well 👍 Once you can do everything on this thread - if it still doesn't work, then it's probably safe to blame the drummer. 😁
    2 points
  14. Did they honestly write his name on the truss rod cover in Comic Sans!? What the hell where they thinking? Lovely looking bass though!
    2 points
  15. I think that we do need to consider that we have an ageing population in the UK (and the rest of the western world) and the rock and roll generations of the 60s, 70s, 80s and early 90s have now reached various stages of middle age and are not interested in the same things their parents were at that age. Younger people may enjoy live music if they are exposed to it, but it is not the same thing as it used to be and they can't be expected to turn up en mass for a night out to see a band playing a type of music that their parents grew up with. There is still an audience for rock music (or dad rock as some people prefer) and a few years ago there was a pretty vibrant scene in pubs. You could always get a decent audience if the band was good enough. Now you can't help but notice that austerity has taken its toll and it is more difficult to get people away from their TVs and supermarket booze, but I have still been managing to gig pretty regularly for the past few years in decent bands with guys ranging from their late 30s to early 60s playing to audiences of a similar age group. You need to know your audience. These days yoof culture is no longer necessarily king and its the older punters who are more likely to be interested in watching live music, not to mention to have the disposable income to do so...
    2 points
  16. @The59Sound do you need to take a break?! How about it, or do you think you can behave like a grown up for a bit? Calm down.
    2 points
  17. Why are you being rude? What an odd reply. Literally an opinion, a point of view - my 2p. The concept of a cheaper (‘kiddy’) Flea bass in itself was acknowledged by Flea when he brought out the “fleabass” range of instruments and further addressed by the introduction of a lower price point Fleabass (street bass). I was just pointing out that Fender may have missed a trick by only having the one price point which would be out of reach for younger/less affluent fans when they’ve done broader attempts to previously... Mike Dirnt has/had a Fender and a Squier model simultaneously BB King had a Gibson and Epiphone version of Lucille (there are plenty more examples) It just broadens their buying audience somewhat and more buyers means more money. Makes more business sense. And having left the guitar/bass retail industry after 12 years in 2015 - I might have an idea of what people buy into. As a point, the cheap fleabass instruments weren’t that great - but we sold 100’s of them because people bought into the Flea name/image. But what would I know, I’m only a child.
    2 points
  18. Now just £500+shipping!!! 1996 MiG Warwick Fortress One Fretless, 3 piece flamed maple body, wenge neck & ebony fingerboard and is finished in delicious Honey Generic spec and info HERE I've had this bass a number of years and have attempted to play it for just a few hours in all that time. Fretless dreams now over, I can't justify owning an instrument just because looks/rarity etc. I'm dithering over ordering a custom Sandberg, having a bit of cash to go towards it will help! The condition is excellent, especially for a 22yo bass. There are a few minor little scratches here and there, but you have to really search to find them. It's strung with flats of unknown age and origin, so will benefit massively from a new set of strings and proper set up. Electrics all seem to work fine when I plugged her in earlier. Collection is always preferred (RM5) but if its at the buyers risk and expense, I'll ship her out. Sale only, no trades please. Cash needed for the Sandberg fund! Cheers for looking, Steve
    1 point
  19. Here we have a set of much loved and sought after TKS S112 cabs 250w 8ohm cabs with both vertical and horizontal configuration feet fitted perform amazingly with a range of class D amps, I used a Little Mark and a tonehammer 500 with them 1x cab has the Tweeter fitted and 1x is without good conditon with no rips or tears, just some light scuffing on covering, both have the custom TKS padded covers as well pickup is Swindon or Bristol, but maybe able to meet somewhere nearby
    1 point
  20. I've got to keep away from bloddy forums - they keep giving me ideas!
    1 point
  21. Apart from anything else, the Wal is an appreciating investment. Mine is my pension plan
    1 point
  22. That’s a beaut. GLWTS - although you won’t need it!! Someone is bound to be a very happy basso with that!
    1 point
  23. The hole for the other horn proved to be slightly too big, but some fibreglass filler came to the rescue. In the drawings, which Ghostbass is very kindly reworking for us as we speak, the horn is located more centrally on the baffle, as that is acoustically the best place for it. I also decided to position it vertically to improve the dispersion to the player's ears when standing up close to the cab. So - the handle is fitted and I've foamed the grille support. This is what is looks like with the grille. Although perhaps I should say, that's what it looks like under flash. So I took the cab outside and took some more pictures.
    1 point
  24. We resume our little story after the cab has had two coats of Tuffcab paint. Time to sort the grille out. I was fortunate enough to obtain an Ashdown 2x10 cabinet with blown drivers, whose grille proved to be an ideal fit. But first I cut some 15 x 12mm pine strip to make a grille support. A coat of matt black paint, and I had this: The observant among you will have noticed that the port is no longer grey. The grey port looks quite good in actual fact - it's distinctive - but I thought I'd paint it black anyway, as I had paint in my garage that was unlikely to be used for anything else. It worked fine, as you can see. I did have to cut the grille to size with my ancient, trusty metal-cutting shears. .
    1 point
  25. it is only still here because I already have one!
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. It’s nice having both options for those moments when Bluetooth or Wi-fi connection gets glitchy or laggy. But I’d never want to go back to not being able to tweak my monitors from my tablet!
    1 point
  28. I wonder how many people will get that? It congers up loads of images in my mind (if that doesn't sound like I'm on something). I like the way you've used effects on the sound sources.
    1 point
  29. I agree good points are that it’s awesome, but the marks are also good points, this thing was built for war. There are no bad points with this machine. GLWTS
    1 point
  30. I fully appreciate I am the least musically talented person in our band. I am also the hardest working when it comes to practice. I am never the least prepared...... pluses and minuses.......
    1 point
  31. This was one that took me quite a while to get the timing on ,I had to really break it down 😀
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. I also don't see the point in this. A good split pickup CIJ Mustang reissue can still be had for south of £700 (even with the comp stripe) and will knock spots off one of these.
    1 point
  34. Delano make hybrid pickups that sound like a Jazz when splitting the coils:
    1 point
  35. I knew this bass had potential, but I lacked the tools and attention to detail to bring it out. Luckily, I knew of a very good tech in the area. Apparently, so does everyone else as he has a 4 week backlog! For years I’ve thought “I can tweak a truss rod/set intonation” etc, but I now happily admit I was wrong. The strings are sitting at a perfect height at both ends and over the frets, the action and feel is consistent on every note up and down the neck. Definitely feels like my playing will improve as a result. I am now very happy with Trigger, the bitsa P!
    1 point
  36. Alright Stephen. 👍
    1 point
  37. For about a year now - Caravan Palace... I think I'm in love with the singer... And for this week - Pomplamousse. My son put me onto them:
    1 point
  38. Spot on RHT has a great feel and his basslines are always tasteful.
    1 point
  39. Put down the bass, pick up a triangle. Then listen to Reggae, an ting.
    1 point
  40. OK, here's some stock shots. Bit of a cop-out I know but attempts to take some pic's of my bass today failed miserably. It's a tricky finish to capture and my normal method of using available light outdoors wasn't an option - there wasn't any (well, not enough) ☹️ http://
    1 point
  41. If these are the sort of things you are looking at @fleabag - or similar concept - : I got the M4 machine screws from GWR Fasteners who trade on ebay here: http://www.ebaystores.co.uk/GWR-Fasteners?_rdc=1 The threaded inserts were also from ebay (can't find the specific supplier I used). The only thing to look for is that they are hex-key inserted (the slot head insert ones are a disaster) and that the fins are nice and thin like these which cut through and secure neatly and securely.
    1 point
  42. the only way you can decide on an amp is to use it in a band setting, if you play in a band that is.
    1 point
  43. That sounds suspiciously like current goings on with people who have now discovered the mess is really bad, but fingers in ears will not admit it - it's fine. I knew the cost - any cost is fine as long as I get what I think I want!! Seriously though - there ought to be some form of decent comparison - you often try an amp in a shop at first polite and then a quick stab at noisy volume - but every amp can pretty much manage that and still sound ok. It's no use when you want to know how the sound will work at the sort of gig volumes you would need your Trace Amp turned up to 1.5 for...
    1 point
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