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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/12/18 in all areas

  1. Well, this is probably the only time I can say I'm above Queen in the music DVD chart. With apologies to John Deacon.. https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/music-video-chart/
    8 points
  2. Decided to sell off the Aggie Th500 I had been using mainly as a stand by. I have been using the Rumble 500 and (sometimes) a 210 extension cab for most of my gigs the past few years..decided I like the slightly overdriven and compressed sound I get from the Rumble.. ..anyway long story short a Bassman 500 was going locally and managed to pick it up for the same price I sold my TH for. Happy camper with the Bassman so far and might trade a spare cab I have to stick a 115 or another 210 under what I have now and keep the Rumble 500 combo for smaller gigs or when I can’t be bothered to shift the other stuff. Looks cool, sounds great!
    6 points
  3. Realised I made a mistake moving my Cazpar on, so I'm buying one that's FS on this forum. Seller Tomasz is serial Mensinger buyer (their biggest private customer apparently) and, as he lives near the factory, offered to have them inspect the Cazzie and e-mail me a report - which brings me to the point of this post. How nice is this e-mail they sent me this morning - talk about going the extra mile! Dear Sir! This Headless Cazpar has been custom made by our company in 2018 for Mr.Tomasz F. On his request it has been examined by our experts and in our opinion this item is genuine and free of any damage in excellent mint condition. We are very glad that You have chosen Mensinger brand. We put our hearts into every guitar we made ; hope it will serve You well for a long time. Best Regards Mensinger Office Sabina K And here it is - can't wait to get my hands on it! http://
    5 points
  4. Well the expected day-long titting about was actually about ten minutes grinning like an idiot and then getting a cuppa. Plugged the bass directly into Channel B, set it to the Bass Amp preset and behold... a rich warm full tone without any EQ. I didn't think the Rob Allen could sound any lovelier but, even through the AER, I'd obviously not been hearing it to it's full potential. As @Bridgehouse says in his initial post Channel B can be set to Line or Instrument but on the Instrument setting it is whompingly loud so I just left it on the Line setting. With the Rob Allen's on board volume up to about 75% and the QSC's Gain set at three (it goes up to twenty) it was plenty for home use, I put it on to the Instrument setting and by the time I had the QSC's gain up to five the room started to shake! I hope I'm not doing anything wrong by leaving it on the Line setting? Anyway, then I tried Rob Allen > Fishman Platinum Pro > QSC, bliss. As I said before, just bass direct into the QSC is the best tone I've ever got from anything, with the Fishman I can then tweak the best tone I've ever had from anything. I spent hours pouring over @Bridgehouse's Interesting FRFR thread and was pretty much convinced by the (mostly) learned and eloquent explanations and arguments, having tried the QSC K12.2 in the shop I was convinced enough to buy one, now I've actually got it home turns out it is your actual bona fide revelation. I have posted this pic on the Show Us Your Rig thread but it belongs here too, RnR killer that it is...
    5 points
  5. Ok, edited the first post with the following, let me know if I missed anything: Off the back of this becoming more popular than I had anticipated....here are the RULES: Tier 1 Challenge During the calendar year of 2019 (01/01/19 - 31/12/19): - No bass gear purchases/trades whatsoever, be that amps, pedals, basses, accessories. Tier 2 challenge (should you play other instruments, engage in music production etc) - As above, but extended to your other musical gear Allowances in both tiers: - Strings (sticks, skins, reeds etc) - Maintenance/setups that only involve work on existing aspects of your bass (ie no purchasing a preamp to add to it) - If something breaks through no unusual intervention of your own, and is unable to be repaired, you may replace it. - Educational purchases, ie tutorial books, lessons, anything that furthers your playing is permitted. - If you have purchased something in 2018, you are able to take delivery of it within 2019. - If you have put down a deposit on something before committing to this, which then requires a final payment within 2019, that single payment permitted. However you may wish to explore whether you can pay the balance early (if you're a little OCD like me). I think that about covers it, please also treat this thread as a bit of a 'support group', any funny stories about near misses, discoveries about your current gear that you might not have focused on before, things learned by spending money on learning over gear etc etc etc. Finally, I would like to say that THIS IS JUST FOR FUN, if someone falls off the wagon, no-one cares. This initially just started out to see whether I can achieve it.....a rather extreme exercise in really appreciating the amazing gear I already have.
    5 points
  6. It's arrived! It's with a neighbour, I can't get out of work soon enough! Eude
    5 points
  7. A bit of a Greek saga already - but what else would you expect from me?? Some time ago I bought this from eBay: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/330153-heavily-customised-nanyo-bass/ For "heavily customised" read "butchered". Seller, in the Manchester area, was adamant (not the Adam Ant, obviously) he would not courier so I contacted BCer, and all round good guy, @AndyTravis to assist in the purchase and he, kindly, took possession on my behalf and held it while I tried to negotiate a new (originally planned a concave semi hollow) body with an extremely busy @Andyjr1515. Unfortunately Eude's beautiful 6er and "another Swift Lite bass" builds meant that any start would have to be delayed till the New Year. However before he could make a start another body became available from @Chimike. Basically an empty Nanyo body which had the the front and back planed off. Mike, being the top fella that he is, refused to take anything in payment and I became the owner a couple of weeks ago. In that time I managed to acquire a sheet of Rosewood veneer from eBay: In trying to remove the remaining paint from the body from @Chimike I discovered it is immune to paint stripper and put up a fight when I used the heat gun. Paint now removed but in doing so I created a couple of cracks by drying out the body in the process. Pics to follow tomorrow. Click forward to this morning when the first "heavily customised" bass arrived from Mr Travis. You know what they say.. "Forewarned is forearmed" so I set about removing the (indestructible) paint from the neck using heat gun, Stanley blade scraper and a bit more care. Considering the "customisation" of the body, the neck was in surprisingly good condition. Again pics to follow. I didn't appreciate that the quality of wood used on the SGC necks - now sanded and with a wipe-over with some Orange Oil. I'll eventually be using the same finish as @Andyjr1515 uses on most of his builds - after raiding some of his previous build threads for advice - before installing the standard SGC Gotoh machine heads. Next move is to repair the splits - need to borrow some sash clamps (in reality, will probably call in a favour from a friend) - before preparing the body for the veneer. Whilst awaiting the repaired body I'll need to salvage the electronics from the original body ready to transfer to the replacement. So the first chapter of this saga is well on it's way....more to follow. Thanks to @AndyTravis, @Chimike and @Andyjr1515 for their roles in the saga so far..
    3 points
  8. Have watched this a few times recently and thought i'd put it here for those who haven't yet seen it.
    3 points
  9. well if that's the case Status Quo, when John Coughlan and Alan Lancaster left they went craper than crap, they trashed their reputation completely
    3 points
  10. I imagine a Rock 'n Roll fairy to look like an ethereal Steven Tyler but with large gossamer wings and, perhaps, his wand stuck in an elevator door. I think I may have killed such a RnR fairy this morning with the arrival at Chez Blank of a QSC K12.2... ...suffice to say a day of titting about ahoy.
    3 points
  11. Had a choice of these two open box deals. Love a 'burst finish but went with the black as it was unmarked, slightly lighter and had the nicer feeling neck. Early days but it seems like another quality Yammy
    3 points
  12. Serial number suggests it was it was built in 1992 or 1993. It’s certainly been well used, and was in dire need of a set up. I tweaked the truss rod to get the relief correct, then sorted out the string height and intonation. Pickup height needed a tweak as well. But boy does it sound great- it’s got a real growl to it. Never played a Jazz bass before- my first bass was an American precision delux with the humbucker, but this bass is great. one question though- it’s got four bolts in the neck, but also another hole. Is this for another bolt that is missing?
    2 points
  13. Both. You’re a serial killer.
    2 points
  14. Thanks for all the feedback and insight. I have now bought the passive red Bacchus from the gallery (sorry CameronJ) and they are fitting a Sadowsky preamp and a ramp to it. Hopefully pick it up Friday!
    2 points
  15. http://www.brightonion.co.uk/products/AB-Switch-with-Volume-Control.html Put the louder bass into input A and attenuate to match the quieter bass.
    2 points
  16. No, but a 12 is two more innit...
    2 points
  17. I think as the FRFR thread has progressed it has been the 12.2 that I found I kept coming back to even though I'd love the budget for the RCF NX45. The 12.2 seems to be in better reach. Then I saw this post (Sorry if you're not on instagram) Deal sealed if the above wasn't enough to go on!! Great work Basschat. This is why I love this forum
    2 points
  18. Holy moly! He replaced Jaco in Weather Report (please don't ask who Jaco or Weather Report are or all is lost lol) These are stunning, rare jazz basses ...glwts
    2 points
  19. I'm in! I went from 'debt free' to 'argh' on my credit card in the past year, so yeah. I've now officially got everything i need plus a load of stuff i don't need!
    2 points
  20. It's here! I can't open the bugger 'till Christmas day, though. FWIW, it's massive, and heavy - a proper coffee-table book. If I had paid the full 50 quid for it, it at least feels like it's worth it.
    2 points
  21. Wow !, your home and dry with this thread, good luck to you fella ...
    2 points
  22. For my taste flats would suit both as well each other, depending on what music you're playing on them. That's the bottom line for me, so what music will you play on them both? If it's one for modern tones (some slap, rock, funk etc.) and one for mellow stuff, put the flats on the passive one. But if you want to mellow out the active one, put flats on that. Etc... Anyway, flats on a Ray - nice
    2 points
  23. I can't really comment on the passive SUB but I have a set of chrome flats on my active US SUB and they have transformed the bass for me. It had nickel rounds on it before and, after not using the bass for a long time, I took it to a recent rehearsal - I hated it with the rounds so much that I even considered selling it. It's just warmer and thicker sounding with flats. It's back to "keeper" status now though. Frank.
    2 points
  24. It's all about diminishing returns. I've always had these girlish crushes on bands and tended to lose interest when Teresa from the typing pool mentioned in passing that they liked <insert band here>. The one that really irks me? Japan. Man alive, they were incredible until they did the change of direction around the time Quiet Life came out and Sylvian commenced crooning in a lower register. There's dozens more that were better early on. Dozens. Difficult second album syndrome. Van Halen, Living Colour, Fishbone, Jane's Addiction, Live, Butch Walker, Queen, Cheap Trick. Nine Inch Nails. The first two Stereophonics albums were very strong, now the band are a joke. I could keep going. Interestingly, it would be easier to list bands that have been horribly consistent.
    2 points
  25. The Clash, first two albums were top notch, London Calling was liked by people who weren't really into punk, then it went even further downhill with Sandinista
    2 points
  26. I don't think Big Country ever got near the masterpiece of their first album The Crossing. I think they struggled to try and be mainstream
    2 points
  27. They’re great aren’t they. Really love mine, it’s so easy to make it sound good. edit - obviously the only way to make it sound good is make sure someone else is playing bass instead of me 😎
    2 points
  28. Gretsch Junior Jet 2 all the way. Cracking little bass. I use it a lot more and think it sounds a lot better and it's a lot more playable than the Jaguar.
    2 points
  29. It was me who bought it off Walshy and I certainly will treasure it! I gigged it for the first time in Warrington last Saturday and it sounded awesome. I had all my fellow band members complimenting the sound and my predecessor, who had returned from Dubai for a week, was also drooling over it!
    2 points
  30. Ooops, there was a chrome leg stand behind the ASAT and I thought it was an extension screwed into where the strap button normally is. Shows how much attention I was paying
    2 points
  31. Lovely! I'm a recent convert to Ibanez but I am rather taken with my fanned fret 6 string after it re-ignited my passion for playing. So much so I have another two new Soundgears on their way to me at the end of the week. Can't wait!!
    2 points
  32. is there any way the mods can block me from looking at the for sale forums? i think i have a problem
    2 points
  33. 10 o'clock yesterday morning and I was just up and pottering around the flat when I received a phone call.. could I dep with a Rolling Stones trib band, performing that very afternoon? Load in time, 1pm!! I madly said yes. I depped with this band for a few gigs over the summer and really enjoyed it and I got to know the songs really well. However, I hadn't played any of them since the end of August and I didn't really feel 'match fit'. Still, it seems they were desperate. There had been some sort of falling out the night before, leading to the departure of both bass player and drummer. The gig was a 'Rock n Roll Circus' event, featuring a John Lennon trib, a Who trib and the Stones trib 'headlining'. I had in fact intended to go along to watch with a few friends, so I had to let them know I'd be going on ahead and actually playing!! The Who drummer agreed to be both Keith Moon and Charlie Watts for the night 🙂 It was a smashing afternoon. There was an MC all dressed up like a ring master and a very good magician doing conjouring tricks with balls (steady, discreet!) which all added to the rock on roll circus atmosphere. However, I felt very nervous as I was completely unrehearsed and was just hoping that it would all come flooding back. As we were last on, my nerves just grew throughout the afternoon. When I got up to play I decided not to do anything flashy, just concentrate on trying to remember it all, and to stay at the back and not to try to move around much. A pretty good Bill Wyman impression then, haha! 🙂 Afterwards everyone was very complimentary, especially the 'John Lennon' who I know slightly but who hadn't see me play rock n roll before. So I took that as the biggest compliment, as he made a point of coming up to speak to me. However I felt I had only just got through by the skin of my teeth and delivered quite an array of bum notes! Saw some vids of it on line today though, and I didn't sound as bad as I thought, so that was a relief. Looks like I'll be doing another one on Friday!! I'll be better prepared this time though 🙂 I love my life 🙂 🙂
    2 points
  34. Amazing bass player. The bass line to 'The Only Living Boy In New York' is still one of the most sublime pieces of playing I've ever heard.
    2 points
  35. As its Christmas (and I spent two snow days working the goshdarn bass part out...) I thought I'd pop this here. It's not 100% and there are notes where they shouldn't be and vice versa, but it was a lot of fun to play. Kudos to Tracy Wormworth for the original, epic bass line.
    2 points
  36. I agree. Definitely a righty, and I agree with Beedster and wouldn't buy from this seller.
    1 point
  37. I'll offer two options: 1. Boss LS-2 which allows you to match levels between two (or three) basses. 2. A passive AB switch (e.g. this one) into a Zoom MS-60B which digitally stores multiple presets for levels, eq, or any other effects. To switch basses, you'd stomp once on each pedal.
    1 point
  38. ......moths ?, MOTHS ?? you've got Gas for moths ?, I might be in now, I promise not to buy any moths in 2019, (not bass moths anyway)
    1 point
  39. I just got a 2008 Stingray. After 25 years of playing and 35 basses owned I guess I've found the one. Best feeling neck I've ever played. Perfect balance sitting or standing. All the versatility I need in just one pickup and 2 band EQ. Simplicity at its best. It can roar, it can whisper and everything in between. Something really clicked between me and this bass..
    1 point
  40. Yes Tony Grimes who also runs Interfuture Entertainment, I think we may have had this conversation before!
    1 point
  41. I hahi hi hahi hi dig a P-bass you can syncopate any note you know I told you sooooo
    1 point
  42. The Flat Earth Society claims to have 20,000 members globally.
    1 point
  43. So.... I've finally got round to learning Rhythm Stick. It's a monster bass line I've been meaning to learn for a while. Any other ideas for great bass lines to study? (I'm planning on 'What is Hip?' next)
    1 point
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