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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/12/18 in all areas

  1. Well folks, the bass arrived safe and sound yesterday and it is amazing! Securely and very neatly packed up and as a result completely unscathed. My experience with UPS has been exemplary over the years with this kind of stuff, I'd recommend them to anyone shipping a bass, just make sure and insure it properly too, just in case Anyway, I digress. The bass! I could not be happier with what @Andyjr1515 has done for me. This bass had sat, in various cases, in various accommodation over the past 20 years, completely untouched and unloved. The dream bass of the 16 year old me, had never quite been realised, and although I managed to make something serviceable enough, it never quite hit the mark and got sidelined after a couple of years constant use. I always wished I had added a darker top wood. I always wished I hadn't made it a 36" scale. I always wished I'd not messed up the control cavity and covered it up with a massive piece of tortoise shell scratchplate material. I always wished I hadn't bought that weird Wilkinson bridge, although options were limited back in the mid 90's. I always wished it wasn't so bloody heavy! @Andyjr1515 has righted all those wrongs and I now have the bass I wanted way back when and still want now 😎 He took on what was really a bit of a pig of a job, and fixed everything in his signature creative way, with fantastic communication all the way and at record speed to meet my imposed deadline. The bass plays and sounds amazing, extra props for the neck carve, it's absolutely perfect and works wonderfully with my preferred choice of a flat fingerboard. Interestingly, the bass still sounds much like I remember, only a little fatter in the lows and with a sweeter upper register, much in part to the change in scale length from 36" to 31.5", but the same character is still there which is fantastic. Sadly, I didn't manage to record anything with the bass, as I couldn't really start noodling till my kids were in bed, making filming anything impossible The bass is now packed up and squirrelled away till the 27th, but I'll get some recordings done soon after that, people need to see and hear this bass. I keep going on and on about shorter scale ERBs being just as good as long scale ones when built properly and using a considered string choice, and this bass only helps to reinforce that argument, the low B is fantastic. So, in summary, I would not hesitate to recommend @Andyjr1515 for a mod project, or full build, he's a really great guy and certainly know what he's doing. Thank you Andy! Eude
    12 points
  2. Motorhead without Eddie Clark and Phil Taylor were never as good imho. The slight tongue in cheek attitude to some of their songs disappeared once they became "louder than everything else"
    6 points
  3. Caught a trailer for this on BBC4, but can find no info on the internet. Seems to be scheduled for Jan 2019. There are also programmes about drums and guitar. Here's a link to "On drums...Stewart Copeland!" https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/proginfo/2019/02/on-drums-stewart-copeland
    5 points
  4. Thanks for the great feedback, Ewan. One of my favourite projects Have a happy birthday on 27th!
    5 points
  5. 4 points
  6. BEST: Squier Classic Vibe Precision. Had been on the lookout for one of these for a while and then this showed up 30 miles away from me. Had to pay pretty much top book for it but it was in A1 condition and I loved it straight away.. WORST: NONE - I've been very choosy this year..
    4 points
  7. I know several bands that went right down hill after I left.
    4 points
  8. Well this was unexpected! A tax rebate, a few things going well and a quick trip to Denmark street led me to acquiring a brand new, 3 EQ USA stingray! it's a bass I'd always lusted after, but like so many you see your hero's play it but you don't know if it's going to be practical for yourself. I played a Sterling by Ernie Ball a few years ago and didn't think much of it. This USA Stingray has such a punchy and rounded sound, it's like a recorded and processed bass sound but coming from your fingers. As I said to the guys in the shop you can drive yourself mad looking at a plethora of options online, sometimes you just want to play something and go "yep! That's the one". I played a USA Jazz too and really enjoyed that, but felt the Stingray was better suited to playing live in my covers band which is leaning towards becoming an 80's cover band. So here it is. I also have to say the guys in Wunjo are superb. No pressure sales, gave me a good trade in on my old jazz bass too. Top marks for customer service!
    3 points
  9. Non export model, bought in Japan, these are the ones to have. It’s in unused condition, 97-98, fitted with KTS Titanuim sadles, CTS Pots & upgraded wiring, also has a pair of Aguilar 60’s pickups fitted, has had a pro set up & plays/sounds like a legend. Stunning instrument. I’m clearing out my collection, very reluctant sale. Comes with the original white guard as well as the black that’s fitted at the moment.
    3 points
  10. VERSION: Floor TITLE: Basic amp patches DESCRIPTION: Basic Live tones set up IN DETAIL: Here are six patches for the Floor. SVT normal, Mesa 400+ Channel 1, Mesa 400+ Channel 2, Aguilar DB 751, GK 800 and the B15 Portaflex. The 'SW' in the preset name are my initials. These are optimised for my live sound with a Fender Precision. I send XLR to FOH and the 1/4" to a Barefaced FR800 for monitoring. I reduce the XLR output by 16db and use the volume knob to control the 1/4" output only. The sounds through headphones is slightly different. I initially created them using headphones (AKG 702) but then had to tweak for live use. Also in the patch is an IR block directly after each amp block. if you load these in to your Helix the IR is missing but ping me a message and I'll let you have it, or you can just select a cab block of your choice. There are a basic set of effects too. I included the graphic at the end of the chain just in case I needed to make any room adjustments but in the presets they are currently all set to flat. For me, the inclusion of the 3 band compressor at the beginning makes a huge difference as it tames the live sound and reduces boominess. The compressor settings are the same across all patches. The SVT preset has three snapshots too - clean, drive and distortion. Steve SVT SW.hlx Mesa 400+ Ch1 SW.hlx Mesa 400+ Ch2 SW.hlx DB 751 SW.hlx GK 800 SW.hlx Flip Top SW.hlx
    3 points
  11. That'll be mine then, I will share a few photos once it arrives!
    3 points
  12. Gotta say Elvis... his first 5 Sun Records singles paved the way for modern bands. Then he went global in 56 and influenced everybody but the Sun recordings were never equalled.
    3 points
  13. The work @Andyjr1515 has carried out for you @TheGreek went a long way to convince me that Andy was the right man for the job. What to build you next? How about a short(er) scale 6 string like mine? I think Andy enjoyed having one around! As far as the wait goes, I've got far too much going on in the run up, what with prepping for Xmas with 2 kids, one of whom has a birthday just before too. I very much look forward to being selfish on the 27th and spending some time with my present though Eude
    3 points
  14. Best and only major (i.e. not peripherals) purchase is my new Franz Merak. As it's my only purchase, does that technically make it my worst as well?
    3 points
  15. Line 6 Helix. It might be expensive, but you'll never need another multi-effects unit again. I run mine in Snapshot mode with one patch per song and then 4 variations on the patch assigned to the lower 4 footswitches. I've not needed more than 4 different sounds per song so far. Anything that the Helix can't do can be patched in via one of the effects loops and turned on and off for each patch/snapshot. There's two instrument level inputs, plus a mic input and with a bit of lateral thinking you can use the effects returns as inputs too (so long as you aren't actually using them for external effects), so there would be no need to even swap cables on when you switch basses. Finally changing the set order is done by drag and drop using the computer editor in under a minute.
    3 points
  16. I don't think Big Country ever got near the masterpiece of their first album The Crossing. I think they struggled to try and be mainstream
    3 points
  17. A bit of a Greek saga already - but what else would you expect from me?? Some time ago I bought this from eBay: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/330153-heavily-customised-nanyo-bass/ For "heavily customised" read "butchered". Seller, in the Manchester area, was adamant (not the Adam Ant, obviously) he would not courier so I contacted BCer, and all round good guy, @AndyTravis to assist in the purchase and he, kindly, took possession on my behalf and held it while I tried to negotiate a new (originally planned a concave semi hollow) body with an extremely busy @Andyjr1515. Unfortunately Eude's beautiful 6er and "another Swift Lite bass" builds meant that any start would have to be delayed till the New Year. However before he could make a start another body became available from @Chimike. Basically an empty Nanyo body which had the the front and back planed off. Mike, being the top fella that he is, refused to take anything in payment and I became the owner a couple of weeks ago. In that time I managed to acquire a sheet of Rosewood veneer from eBay: In trying to remove the remaining paint from the body from @Chimike I discovered it is immune to paint stripper and put up a fight when I used the heat gun. Paint now removed but in doing so I created a couple of cracks by drying out the body in the process. Pics to follow tomorrow. Click forward to this morning when the first "heavily customised" bass arrived from Mr Travis. You know what they say.. "Forewarned is forearmed" so I set about removing the (indestructible) paint from the neck using heat gun, Stanley blade scraper and a bit more care. Considering the "customisation" of the body, the neck was in surprisingly good condition. Again pics to follow. I didn't appreciate that the quality of wood used on the SGC necks - now sanded and with a wipe-over with some Orange Oil. I'll eventually be using the same finish as @Andyjr1515 uses on most of his builds - after raiding some of his previous build threads for advice - before installing the standard SGC Gotoh machine heads. Next move is to repair the splits - need to borrow some sash clamps (in reality, will probably call in a favour from a friend) - before preparing the body for the veneer. Whilst awaiting the repaired body I'll need to salvage the electronics from the original body ready to transfer to the replacement. So the first chapter of this saga is well on it's way....more to follow. Thanks to @AndyTravis, @Chimike and @Andyjr1515 for their roles in the saga so far..
    2 points
  18. Having just checked again I now find out that this is an O series bass, Crafted in Japan so made between 1997 and 2000. I first thought it was a 1999, then revised the listing to say 93 and it looks like I was probably right in the first place. Sorry about that......... Up for sale is my Crafted in Japan Fender Precision PB62 reissue in naturally aged Olympic white (possibly cream now....) with red tortoiseshell pick guard, after market high mass bridge with rosewood finger board on similarly aged maple neck. It's just been fully set up with relief set, frets levelled, crowned and polished, fretboard treated with lemon oil, action set nice and low, intonation set and has new strings. Condition wise it's got a lot of surface lacquer cracks on the front and back, on the back has some wear through the finish next to the neck plate and the back of the neck has a couple of small dings which don't affect playability but it plays well and sounds huge. The neck is a very playable 1.65" / 42mm wide at the nut, depth of 21mm at the nut and the bass weighs in at around 9 lbs. It comes with a decent gig bag and I'll ship it pretty much anywhere double boxed. I'm in Chester but could deliver or meet up within 100 mile radius or so.
    2 points
  19. Traded—2012 Sadowsky RV-4 Metro Line Will Lee. Perfect condition, no scratches at all, all works perfectly. Superb bass! Possible trade for Fender CS pb, Fender AV 63 pb with money adding...
    2 points
  20. Having been messing about on my acoustic guitar for a few weeks, I picked one my basses up last night and you know what I actually enjoyed playing for me and playing stuff I enjoy it was great with a drum machine and lot of different effects
    2 points
  21. Kylie Minogue - without Jason she lacks that special something.
    2 points
  22. If you're into Sharay this is his current gig... very tasty! https://youtu.be/EsCZUqiYRRo
    2 points
  23. Because, for a joke - somebody once told John Hall that it was Fender' interlectual property. 😁 *any spelling errors in this post are deliberate, for comedic effect.
    2 points
  24. Whilst not actually a crap first album as such, for my money It Bites' debut 'The Big Lad In The Windmill' is not a patch on their masterpiece second album 'Once Around The World'. This for me was their finest hour by a long, long way. 'Eat Me In St Louis' was hmmm okay, and nothing they've done since Dunnery left has been as good either, despite the presence of the godlike John Mitchell at the front. Some of Frank Dunnery's solo stuff has been okay, but I find it hard to listen to since he turned into a complete prick on Farcebook.
    2 points
  25. I was trying to find a link for this too so I could post on here but couldn't find one. I saw the same trailer but BBC are not exactly going overboard in promoting it. Looks like a good series so will be watching all of them
    2 points
  26. I'd sneak in original line up Roxy Music with Brian Eno - yes they hit the big time with that line up, but were even bigger later on playing (what was for me) pretty dull AOR without Eno's originality and quirkiness
    2 points
  27. Hey @eude Nothing in your last post that surprised me...I'm one of Andy's biggest fans and have absolute faith in the quality of his work. The only issue I have is what to get him to build for me next!! 🤔 🤔 Enjoy the bass...not sure that I could wait till your birthday on the 27th though.
    2 points
  28. An oldie but this is my go to inspiration vid.....I love everything about it. The lads in the background hanging on every fill he does are brilliant. Brilliant stuff
    2 points
  29. I bought one of the bridges a few years back for £65 and sold it on with my last Rick - They're £150+ now 😳 I also have one of the tube ampology bezels but will be removing it in the next couple of days if you're still looking for one After a couple of months of ownership I realised that I don't need the neck pickup so have the pickup selector set to bridge only. I also changed the tuners for a set of ultralites which was terrifying as I had to increase the holes slightly. I have Fender flats on mine and love it. I also use a Behringer BDI21 with my one. £17 on amazon At first when I got it I thought I had made a terrible and costly mistake but after the few gigs getting used to the shape, adjusting the strap etc I've found myself using it more than my Musicman. I really love playing it and the sound. I was never going for the Geddy Lee / Chris Squire chainsaw/grindy/overdriven sound. I just wanted a Rick and it does sound really good
    2 points
  30. Loud enough to drown out The XFactor in every house in a 5 mile radius from the gig is an acceptable level I feel.
    2 points
  31. The bass is now in final assembly!! It will be ready for me on Christmas Eve!! I'm away then and not back till Boxing Day!!🙄 All going to plan then I'll be making the hour drive down to Moffatt on the 28th to pick this beauty up from ACG HQ. Better polish up my fretless chops!
    2 points
  32. I do like the last three Opeth albums, but much prefer the old sound, basically, I wish Akerfeldt would go back to listening to Morbid Angel as much as he listens to Camel
    2 points
  33. Therapy, amazing first (mini) albums Baby Teeth and pleasure death, first full album was stunner, then sign to a different label, go mainstream, drummer gets peed off at new direction and leaves and downhill from there. Glad I saw them five times while they were brilliant.
    2 points
  34. Seth Lakeman- released a couple of fantastic of folk albums, them got signed to Sony and disappeared up his own derrière. To be fare, I think it was a case of Sony trying to turn Seth into the next Mumford and Sons. Robbie
    2 points
  35. Queen have been a bit pants since their original singer and bass player left. S.P.
    2 points
  36. The Who spring to mind. There was always something special about the Moon/ Entwistle pairing, at least to my ears.
    2 points
  37. Simple Minds from 1979 to 1983 were phenomenally creative. Less so when they got big. Their early years were mighty in so many ways.
    2 points
  38. Thank god SB left Pink Floyd, otherwise we would never have had Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here, two brilliant pieces of work.
    2 points
  39. I can confirm the answer is a solid yes - with the bonus that it has the ability to get even more of a pure sine wave/dub vibe when switched to active with treble&mid rolled all the way off and bass boosted to taste. The preamp in this bass really is excellent. It’s genuinely difficult to get a bad sound out of it!
    1 point
  40. Fair enough. That's the good thing about the band, everyone has an opinion on them. Either way, I love all the Motorhead back catalogue, even the On Parole album as I think their attitude (or more accurately, Lemmy's) never changed in all the years they were active, which for me, shone through in the music.
    1 point
  41. Simple Minds and U2 spring to mind. The albums from both bands before they started playing stadiums had more urgency and were less overblown to my my ears, New Gold Dream/Sparkle In The Rain and Boy/War were high water marks for me.
    1 point
  42. Financial reasons- found myself having to live in the most expensive part of the country on a part time, zero hours contract, and being payed the same rate as someone who is just starting their career, rather than the 26 years I had. I think they did sort out the issues. Best email the uk distributors to check. But yeh, one day I was just tuning the 4th string down to D and the mechanism just came apart. I was gutted. They do look beautiful though. Robbie
    1 point
  43. I had a similar rig to DR D...TE AH300 with VanDK 1x12 - solid tone - happy to recommend this. Moving from the TE to any Class D will lose depth in your tone. I've tried loads, yet to find any Class D which gives the tonal palette the TE does - that includes the TE Elf.
    1 point
  44. Amazing bass player. The bass line to 'The Only Living Boy In New York' is still one of the most sublime pieces of playing I've ever heard.
    1 point
  45. If it's easily modded then it should work alright - I could be mistaken, but I think the key thing with guitar vs bass wah pedals is just the frequency band they work across. That said, you could always get a pedal that does both. I don't know how well it sits with your budget, but I'd recommend having a gander at the Ibanez Weeping Daemon - among other bells and whistles, it has a control which moves this frequency band so you make it more "guitar-friendly" or "bass-friendly" as you see fit.
    1 point
  46. That band should have played at Jesus' birthday party!
    1 point
  47. Triplets, related through Fakery: And conjoined twins:
    1 point
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