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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/12/18 in all areas

  1. Item recovered guys......Xmas is back on!!!
    10 points
  2. It involved Cash in a Dash (local cash converters type place).- half a mile from my house....FFS....total Moriarty!!! Learning.... - insure your stuff (don’t forget you need to ‘activate’ your free MU insurance if you have it) - don’t leave it in the car....erk - phone the police straight away if owt gets nicked - the crime number is super important in getting your stuff back - try the “they can’t be that stupid” really obvious places early xxxxx
    7 points
  3. So in an effort to sit firmly on the fence of Killing Rock N Roll (see several other threads), alongside my DI/In-ears setup, I sometimes have need of backline for the Rawk band I play in. I'd been using my Walkabout into my Barefaced Super Twin to very satisfactory results, but a while back I picked up a Compact, just to get all modular for smaller gigs and a slightly (15lbs or so) lighter load. I'm sure you can guess what happened next, on an idle afternoon while everyone else was out... Soooo, it's got the best thing about a proper stack, in that it's much, much nearer my ears, but sweet guinea pig of Winnipeg, what a noiiiiiiiise...ok, I've not gigged it yet, but I nearly dismantled the back half of the house with it. I used to have an SVT/810, and I'd put this up against one for sheer thunder. The WA will be putting out a fair bit more than 300w into the 2.67 ohm load (and it was loud enough anyway), but those cabs get every db out of every watt... And the whole thing weighs 80lb or so. 😀
    5 points
  4. My Mrs. has always been a big Pink Floyd fan. She'll happily tell anyone who will listen how she used to sit on the stage or wander around half empty pubs listening to them back in the 60s. She'll also happily tell you that the sound was always crap, they would shuffle on and play meandering pshycedelic nonsense for ages and then wander off again with no audience interaction whatsoever and that they would spend the whole time staring at their feet. It would often be 20 minutes in that it would dawn on you that this was actually the gig and they weren't still tuning up.
    5 points
  5. For sale: Yamaha BB435 5-string passive PJ I’ve decided to move on my Yamaha BB435 in black, purchase back in July 2018. Specs: Alder body with mint/black/mint pickguard 5-piece maple/mahogany neck 6-bolt mitred neck join Rosewood fingerboard Yamaha lightweight vintage tuners Yamaha passive P/J pickups Controls: Volume/Volume/Tone Yamaha bridge with stringing through bridge or 45-degree through body (see pics) Weight: approx 4.2Kgs Playability and sound: It’s one of the few passive P/J 5-strings on the market. Both pickups sound similar, but not identical, to their Fender equivalent. Tone is very even and full, and with both pickups on full, it’s very much like a passive Jazz with both volumes on. B string is surprisingly good for a bass at this price point - for reference, every bit as even as a US deluxe Fender or Musicman. As is expected on a passive bass with a standard J pickup, there is a bit of 60-cycle hum when the J is solo’ed, but nothing untoward. Strings are the original D’Addario and are a bit dead. Finish and build quality: You won’t find any flaws - the build quality, paint finish and overall feel is that of a much more expensive instrument. The black paint finish is in fact flawless, even around the mitred neck bolt holes, which are elliptical, so 9/10 for build quality. No scratches or dents as never gigged. Payment and delivery: No case or box so this will be collection only from Surrey. Cash on collection please.
    4 points
  6. Musical genius. Wonderful...!
    3 points
  7. Bandmates so often just don't get us bass players and certainly not our gear! Thank goodness for BC eh?! 😂 I turned up to a rehearsal earlier in the year with a completely new bass and 2 hours into the rehearsal I asked my bandmates what was different about my bass? After a little hesitation one of them noticed it was a 5er (me having only ever played 4 strings with them up to that point)!!
    3 points
  8. Thou shalt not diss the One True Kylie... I have a whole thesis on 'Kylie is more punk than the sex pistols' - short version. They were basically a manufactured boy band, the Bay City Rollers in Vivienne Westwood. Kylie does what she wants (which is pure joyful pop) and is definitely very much the boss of Kylie.inc. And is awesome. I love her.
    3 points
  9. Yeah, I've had my 64 Ears V8s for about 4 years now. Still absolutely fantastic, always bring a smile to my face when using them, especially when I finished paying off the crippling debt that @EBS_freak put me in when he convinced me to take the plunge!
    3 points
  10. What's the story in terms of getting it back? Always nice to hear about a good ending!
    3 points
  11. Did her and Peter Gabriel ever hook up (as in romantically)? Artistically they've always struck me as counterparts of eachother. Kate is a very rare example of a mainstream female artist I take seriously and respect...for Hounds of Love if nothing else. Give me her worst effort any day over today's autotuned airbrushed hoes gyrating their way through ghost-written "club bangers". Urgh.
    3 points
  12. IBANEZ SR500 - £250 I've had this bass for around a year and have loved it. So much so, that I've just splashed out on one of their Premium range of basses. Although I'm not totally convinced that the new one is noticeably better, I'm following my one-in-one-out policy and putting the SR500 up for sale. The first thing to mention is this is a *really* lightweight bass. It's actually quite a bit lighter than my new Premium model. Clip a Comfort strap on it and you hardly know it's there. Second, this bass has been cared for and is *as new*. There isn't a mark or a scratch on it - and absolutely no fret wear. I'd certainly not be able to tell this bass from a brand new one in a shop. The action has been nicely set up to be fairly low - but no buzzes. The strings are TI Flats, which would cost you £40 to fit, and judging by my last set have another 10 years of life in them. The strings, action and slim neck make this a very comfortable bass to play. And it has stayed perfectly in tune for me throughout 3-hour gigs. For anyone who needs me to ship, I'm including the option of buying the Ibanez Premium shell case shown in the photos, as I don't have any other suitable packing. It will be wrapped in cardboard and sent with a reliable carrier. Does £40 sound all right for the case? Andertons video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdpqYC8Vw2c
    2 points
  13. Mine turned up today. Safe to say it’s an excellent bit of kit! Will be using it live for the first time at my next gig just after Christmas, so i’ll report back on how it fairs in a gig situation. Initial testing at home using just some iPhone headphones and no amp has been VERY cool! Getting my new IEMs on Monday too so I think that will be a drastic improvement on what is already pretty awesome!
    2 points
  14. Now I'm worried, I'm finding this slightly attractive in a "give me that and a guitarist who only knows 3 chords and we'll form a punk band" kind of way
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. I've moved this topic to GD so I can link to it on Twitter to spread the word and be sure everybody can see it. Good luck, hope you recover it.
    2 points
  17. Oh my god, it has a look that reminds me of 70s furniture, and I mean that in that’s the highest aesthetic praise I could possibly give to an object. That is my idea of a thing of absolute beauty...
    2 points
  18. Yep, just you. One of my favourite artists. +1.
    2 points
  19. Best: I bought a Fender neck (from a MIM Blacktop Precision) from @rubis on this very forum, and put it on my Squier VM P bass. I love this bass now, I really love it. I shouldn't because it's the wrong colour and stuff, but it just looks so good and sounds lurrrrrrrrrrvly. Despite having played the Squier at the my band's previous gig when it had the maple neck, my band thought I'd bought a brand new US Fender Worst: 2 pack of naff 9v batteries from a £ shop...it's been a quiet year for gear tbh.
    2 points
  20. The worst thing is when the organiser hogs the best musicians for himself (it’s invariably a him) and you end up playing with the ‘C’ team...😞
    2 points
  21. Jam nights are, in my experience, just self indulgent boredom. Endless guitar solos, sax solos, piano solos etc etc. Most of it seems to be 12 bar, some 8 bar if someone's feeling adventurous. Other than that if anyone tries anything outside that it all starts to fall apart because no one knows what the hell is going on. EDIT: even supposedly well known songs get completely smashed to bits. Someone, I think, suggested Stormy Monday. I don't know it, but the number of people who think it's a 12 bar. It does make for some funny moments when the one person who knows and probably suggested it is playing it right and everyone else is 12 barring it.
    2 points
  22. Looks like an 'Oops' moment on the part of Amazon, but fair do's to them if they are honouring their mistake. Reading the apparent reduction above, I went to Amazon.fr last night, to see it at just under 70€. Swapping over to Amazon.co.uk, I saw the £18.19, and ordered one from there. Once postage (to France...) added on, it comes to 30€, less than half the French Amazon price. It's now back to the 'real' price everywhere, so probably a 'glitch', but I'm still invoiced for yesterday's lower price. Available whenever, I'm not bothered; I'm not even a Geddy fan, either..! It'll do nicely to prop up a wonky table, though.
    2 points
  23. Did it involve cash convertors or a piece of wood with rusty nails? I'm hoping both!
    2 points
  24. Here you go : https://www.facebook.com/LugsCustomIEM/ speak to Rob, he’s a very helpful chap. I’ve got some LUGS quads and some UE6 Pros - sound-wise there isn’t anything in it but that’s totally subjective of course. Either way, they’ll be light-years ahead of the universal ZS10s (I’ve got a set of those as well and I like them 😄) from a sound, fit and isolation point of view.
    2 points
  25. Hm. While I'm not a big fan of either Minogue, I believe Kylie has worked hard throughout her career, and thoroughly deserves being called a pop legend. (Pop, that is, memorable, lightweight, singalong stuff.) I wonder whether some of you would have the same dismissive attitude if Justin Timberlake - or some other comparable male artist - had been offered the slot. Including the mention of his derrière 'trousersnake' I think it was, in his case.
    2 points
  26. Went to an open mic last night that turned into a Jam session, various blues turnarounds, Rocking in the Free world and Lay Lady Lay, twice. A couple of things struck me, the songs last a long time because nobody knows how to finish them and apart from the people actually playing it's boring drivel, I've come to the conclusion that Jam sessions should not be done in the public domain
    2 points
  27. Yeah, I was thinking Mastodon as well; the modern stuff is okay, but when listening to it I can't help but remember this band wrote Leviathan and Remission and then feel disappointed
    2 points
  28. I know everyone wants a Helix but they're very expensive, so here's my thoughts on a pedal released in 2008 that you can find second hand. My last multi FX was bought in 2000 so I know tech has moved on. I took a punt on a Boss GT10B sold for a great price on this forum. For a multi FX idiot like me it's a bit overwhelming the sheer amount of stuff this can do in terms of programming and assigning pedals to do different tasks. However, it's well set out and there's Windows based software that can help. Also the 159 page manual (that doesn't include the four page list of presets) is very easy to follow. So, on reading reviews I head "the presets are unusable". That's not true. There are unusable presets, yes, but there are many EQ and amp SIM effects that are very useable. I played a five string jazz for some funky stuff at the opening of an ice rink using the "level 24 slap" preset, great. I played fretless on a gig the other night and used some "British pop fretless" preset and it was great. With each preset you can bring in two extra effects, e.g. add drive and or chorus by pressing the CTRL1 and CTRL2 pedals and also use the expression pedal as either a volume or wah. Very handy. You can have two parallel effects chains that you can switch between or blend. You can put the effects in any order in the chain. There's a lot going on and the display makes seeing what is happening where very easy. I've still not dedicated the full amount of time I need to yet but I feel comfortable with the unit. I've already programmed the tuner how I want it, so I have the tuner come on by tapping the pedal that denotes which patch I'm on for a second time and I get bypassed tuner, then I mute with the expression pedal. But you can programme the tuner in different ways if you don't think that's logical for you. Impressive that they have put in that kind of thought. What I need to learn next is creating my own effects. There's a few ways to do this: edit a preset, use "ez tone", create from scratch without ez tone, or download from an online resource. People say the synth effects are unusable. I agree. I've never had a pedal with a decent bass synth sound, to my liking anyway. The pedal is BIG. Very BIG. But it's a lot of tech in one place. It can do so much more than I will ever need but it's good to know that the options are there. It can do crazy stuff like make your single coil bass sound like a Stingray etc. Allegedly but I've never got in to it that deeply. Overall if you can't afford a Helix and you're not sold on the Zoom then these are an excellent option. I'm glad I got this over the ME250B. Like most of these things though the more time you put in to learning what it can do the more you will get from it. The tech may be ten years old but 10yrs old and Windows based is pretty much where I stopped learning about tech myself so it has a very familiar feel to it.
    2 points
  29. Emperor Standard 5 Ash body Satin oil finish Maple neck Ebony fretboard Mike Pope Preamp 34” scale 19mm String spacing 10.6lbs Duncan dual coils Original hardshell case
    2 points
  30. you would be surprised, the difference between 25 and 37 is more than it sounds. 25 is ok for short basslines, but the problem is you have basically 2 octaves if you are in c. with 37 you have 2 octaves in any key, so you don't get that bit where you run out of notes often. I would agree the launchkeys look good. I have a Axiom 61, and a mid-air 25, but I don't really use either of them, I tend to use what is already up, so the piano or the DS61 keyboard. Or my new Roli 49. I recommend that heartily as the best keyboard I have ever used. It almost fits the criteria of what you want, apart from the pads, the keys and the 'not breaking the bank' part
    2 points
  31. That is because we are all far too sensible at Basschat.
    2 points
  32. Two things... So I succumbed in the end. And delighted I did so!
    2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. I certainly know a few guitarists who have gone through over 100 guitars without realising that the problem is simply that they can't play.
    2 points
  35. In the last 5 years I've only seen 2 like this for sale. 100% original down to the last screw and in wonderful condition. Amazing neck. Really great growl. 9lbs 10oz in weight so not stupid heavy..... Viewing welcome and recommended. Very collectable bass. Plenty of photos available of all the pots et cetera, on request. Never thought I'd sell this but you all know how it goes sometimes. Any questions or further requests, fire away/ Based in sunny Swindon. SN14LW Anybody welcome to come over and have a play and behold this serious instrument. I'd be happy to take a couple of instalments for the bass, if that helps. Tradewise, I’m gassing for a Rickenbacker....... Happy viewing,
    1 point
  36. Hello, I am new here. I live in the Southern United States. Everyone have a Merry Christmas.
    1 point
  37. Those of us who were at the SE Bass Bash a couple of years ago heard all about this from Herbie himself. He demonstrated it with himself on upright, Dave Swift playing Herbie's 1960 Jazz. Support you local Bass Bash and learn something new.
    1 point
  38. Or you could get a used one for between £142 and £269......
    1 point
  39. I assumed they messed up the pickup cutout so did that to hide it?
    1 point
  40. Was that the one build for CME (Chicago Music Exchange)? Beautiful bass btw.
    1 point
  41. VERSION: Floor TITLE: Basic amp patches DESCRIPTION: Basic Live tones set up IN DETAIL: Here are six patches for the Floor. SVT normal, Mesa 400+ Channel 1, Mesa 400+ Channel 2, Aguilar DB 751, GK 800 and the B15 Portaflex. The 'SW' in the preset name are my initials. These are optimised for my live sound with a Fender Precision. I send XLR to FOH and the 1/4" to a Barefaced FR800 for monitoring. I reduce the XLR output by 16db and use the volume knob to control the 1/4" output only. The sounds through headphones is slightly different. I initially created them using headphones (AKG 702) but then had to tweak for live use. Also in the patch is an IR block directly after each amp block. if you load these in to your Helix the IR is missing but ping me a message and I'll let you have it, or you can just select a cab block of your choice. There are a basic set of effects too. I included the graphic at the end of the chain just in case I needed to make any room adjustments but in the presets they are currently all set to flat. For me, the inclusion of the 3 band compressor at the beginning makes a huge difference as it tames the live sound and reduces boominess. The compressor settings are the same across all patches. The SVT preset has three snapshots too - clean, drive and distortion. Steve SVT SW.hlx Mesa 400+ Ch1 SW.hlx Mesa 400+ Ch2 SW.hlx DB 751 SW.hlx GK 800 SW.hlx Flip Top SW.hlx
    1 point
  42. TC Support have apologised and confirmed that due to a manufacturing error the active/passive switch is the wrong way round on the first batch of amps. This fault has now been rectified for future production. They are looking into remedial action for their first production batch. TBH I was sure that is what it was. It is a bit irritating but not a major issue. But being a bit OCD so am pondering wnether or not I should return it to Thomann. I have giggled the amp now and it is a nice punchy sound with a very hot and clean DI out.
    1 point
  43. Hi Jono, I have the Century 200 bass head which is pretty much the same. Got mine on evilbay for about £40 spares or repair. The power amp section was blown so I replaced it with a modern 200w amp module. Gigged it a few times and it was great, the distortion on it is really good. I liked the preamp section so much I copied it and built in a rack format and used it with a PA amp. They are good sounding auld bulletproof amps. Enjoy yours! PS Servisol is the STUFF!
    1 point
  44. I think the OP meant only in terms of band line-up changes? In which case if the The Skids were the mark 1 Big Country, I'd include them main ones that occur to me are; mark 1 Ultravox with John Foxx on vocals / songwriting, and mark 1 Magazine with John McGeogh on guitar (they didn't last too long after he left anyway)
    1 point
  45. StingRay love. Cannot beat it. Nice one 👍
    1 point
  46. After quite a few gigs I still think the Electro I bought off @Hellzero is on of the nicest looking and sounding fretless basses I ever owned.
    1 point
  47. Bought a Taylor mini bass from Frank. He very kindly kept it for a month until we could meet up in Southend to do the deal, which was very much appreciated as it saved risking a courier. Absolute top fella, went out of his way to ensure I was happy with my purchase. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him. Cheers Frank!
    1 point
  48. As its Christmas (and I spent two snow days working the goshdarn bass part out...) I thought I'd pop this here. It's not 100% and there are notes where they shouldn't be and vice versa, but it was a lot of fun to play. Kudos to Tracy Wormworth for the original, epic bass line.
    1 point
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