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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/12/18 in all areas

  1. Just spent an enjoyable two hours going through this book. If Geddy Lee wasn't so damn nice, I could honestly hate the guy for snagging so many beautiful instruments. Have to say that after 200 pages of drooling content, it's just information overload. The content steers you round the ultimate question of, 'Whatever happened to that <insert manufacturer here> bass?' before drawing you in for the last few pages of the really important guitars. There's no envy here in the slightest; it's just a lengthy journal about vintage bass collecting. He's been a successful musician for donkey's years and now he's simply kicking back and reaping the rewards of that. It's a beautiful publication.
    5 points
  2. Fine and rare example of these beautiful basses. Made in Japan in the legendary Matsumoku factory. Date is 1979. Lots of Mojo from the Dimazio pickups. In really good condition give it’s nearly 40 years old. Price to sell. £325 Welcome to collect or meet up near Birmingham
    3 points
  3. Hes so very clever. And was never just another session drummer.
    3 points
  4. Living in a very small rented flat, I can't fit wall hangers. So they're out on floor stands. - I'll pick one up on impulse just for 5 minutes, which can easily turn into 15. - I do play all of them - some more than others - but I make a point of picking up a different one every day. - They make me smile. None of those would happen if they were in cases.
    3 points
  5. I`m like that after gigs, no energy, feeling knackered, am also 53. But then I think what life would be like without gigs and the tiredness pales against a life of boredom.
    3 points
  6. Any bass of mine in a case doesn't get played. If it doesn't get played it gets sold. Therefore if I put a bass in a case it means that it is going to end up sold! Sometimes I will pick up a bass and play it for a minute and put it back because I have an idea I thought about - if there was a case in the way that would stop that. I guess it works for people in tidy or big houses, I have neither!
    3 points
  7. Wow ... Just watched the Chic/ Sister Sledge performance at the Budokan, Tokyo. April 17th, 1996. STUNNING playing and superlative tone, from the fantastic Bernard Edwards. Great concert really. Something notable of that event ... During the performance, Bernard wasn’t feeling so well, even saying ‘I’ve got a touch of the Tokyo Flu, but I’m still here’ ... It was in the early hours of the morning, after that very show, that he died in his hotel room. The cause was pneumonia. If he’d gone to see a doctor, a simple treatment would have prevented the tragedy. If you’re a fan of The Nard, this is something I’d recommend watching. It’s emotive too, given the circumstances. What a great player, and such a terrible loss. RIP Bernard
    3 points
  8. Did her and Peter Gabriel ever hook up (as in romantically)? Artistically they've always struck me as counterparts of eachother. Kate is a very rare example of a mainstream female artist I take seriously and respect...for Hounds of Love if nothing else. Give me her worst effort any day over today's autotuned airbrushed hoes gyrating their way through ghost-written "club bangers". Urgh.
    3 points
  9. SOLD Up for grabs is this US Fender Jazz Bass Deluxe from 2004. Very very good condition - well, I would actually say perfect condition. EXCEPT - the color?! The previous owner had it standing in direct sunlight so the orange has somekind of desaturation of the color. Super cool if you ask me. I have tried photograph the color - but the lighting is terrible today. Nice and light weight - very lively and resonant unplugged and plugged in its a very very versatile and powerful instrument with the 18v 3band preamp and noiseless pickups. Comes with the original case and ALL case candy. Picture later.. Terrible weather today.. Ships from Denmark. Trades - P-basses! Or a nice fretless. Or maybe the right Stingray. Price is 1100 Euro (around 1000£). Contact me for shipping. Should be around 50£.
    2 points
  10. Non export model, bought in Japan, these are the ones to have. It’s in unused condition, 97-98, fitted with KTS Titanuim sadles, CTS Pots & upgraded wiring, also has a pair of Aguilar 60’s pickups fitted, has had a pro set up & plays/sounds like a legend. Stunning instrument. I’m clearing out my collection, very reluctant sale. Comes with the original white guard as well as the black that’s fitted at the moment.
    2 points
  11. Ash body 19mm string spacing 34” scale Maple neck Maple fretboard Active Preamp Ships from US Very versatile with humbucker in bridge location.
    2 points
  12. Brand new, been 'playing' for 10 minutes, still baffled/in awe. 3 off us were playing 'normal' guitars, something was missing, so . . someone told me to buy a short scale, so I bought an Epi EB0 i saw a nice looking Squire VM Jazz, bought it . fell in love with a Fender Kingman, bought it. now I've got to play them !
    2 points
  13. So in an effort to sit firmly on the fence of Killing Rock N Roll (see several other threads), alongside my DI/In-ears setup, I sometimes have need of backline for the Rawk band I play in. I'd been using my Walkabout into my Barefaced Super Twin to very satisfactory results, but a while back I picked up a Compact, just to get all modular for smaller gigs and a slightly (15lbs or so) lighter load. I'm sure you can guess what happened next, on an idle afternoon while everyone else was out... Soooo, it's got the best thing about a proper stack, in that it's much, much nearer my ears, but sweet guinea pig of Winnipeg, what a noiiiiiiiise...ok, I've not gigged it yet, but I nearly dismantled the back half of the house with it. I used to have an SVT/810, and I'd put this up against one for sheer thunder. The WA will be putting out a fair bit more than 300w into the 2.67 ohm load (and it was loud enough anyway), but those cabs get every db out of every watt... And the whole thing weighs 80lb or so. 😀
    2 points
  14. Looking good johnny, for that money it’s worth a go 👍
    2 points
  15. This was the only one that wasn't 'right'. I've had three maple Jazz necks from eBay and they're all spot on. Two of them were used here: I guess for less than £30 a chuck you are taking a punt, but that's half the fun 😉
    2 points
  16. Good points there, some of the best sounding gear I`ve heard in isolation has sounded pony is a band setting. We did a cab shootout a few years back and whilst the winner was a Bergantino someone brought along some very affordable PA cabs and the difference in sound between them and the Berg wasn`t as much as what the price tags would suggest. Likewise being able to get a giggable full-stack for not much money, especially if in a country where it`s difficult to get hold of reasonably priced gear, well has to make sense.Look forward to hearing your views on these.
    2 points
  17. So in the feedback it will be: "Someone very similar to [Geoff/ Graham / Dave / Josie...delete as applicable] may have acquired something with [4, 5 or 6] strings on and I suspect would have been a great person to deal with had I done business with them. Should you also nearly do business with them in 2019, do it with confidence."
    2 points
  18. They're 200, 300 and 400 watts at 8 ohms respectively. And not going to be super light for that money but i don't think they'll be bought on the weight or frequency response basis. Plenty of people out there on a limited budget, fancy a punt as an experiment or just need a cheap cab for home use.
    2 points
  19. The only way you can really know whether something's good or not is to buy it and see. Even trying something in a music shop doesn't give you much of an idea of what it will be like in a real life scenario. Tone is subjective. Durability can only be tested over time. Build quality is probably the only real immediate deciding factor. Even then. Some cheaper stuff is really well built, some expensive stuff is not so well built. The thing most people don't seem to be taking into account is budget. If you only have a couple of hundred quid to spend then how can you go wrong? Granted you could get something second hand, but most people won't post cabs so for some of us that's not an option. Even if they do then shipping abroad is cost prohibitive. I'm willing to, and have, taken a punt. At that price I could easily sell them on over here for what I paid for them including delivery. I'll be happy to report back once I've given them a good going over.
    2 points
  20. Ditto I guess without realising it, my weight appears to be on my right leg when gigging. No shape throwing for me, or foot trouble ( just an aching leg ) Mrs bag couldn't give a McToss
    2 points
  21. That really is pornographic!! Properly jealous..
    2 points
  22. In West, you play bass guitar. In Soviet Russia, bass plays you !
    2 points
  23. Don't believe a word of it. I now gig regularly with a Harley Benton bass and a load of cheapo pedals and it all works and sounds just fine and dandy.
    2 points
  24. I’m over the moon about everything I’ve bought this year. Nothing was bad: mexican ‘player’ precision - can’t belive how well built Mexican fenders are nowadays ampeg svt-cl and svt-810e. Both USA made ones. Yup, pretty happy with this 2009 music man stingray. 3 band. Love it ashdown abm evo iv 600 + klystron 410 & klystron 115. Can’t find fault with this
    2 points
  25. Only bass related purchases were amp stuff... I got a Crown 1502 power amp with 6u rack and rack power distribution to replace my 28 year old Marshall. It weighs about 1/2 of the Marshall, puts out 1500W against the Marshall's 300W. And the difference is that I get much more bass weight, even when using sub octaves - the whole thing is clean right down to 20Hz rather than the slightly indistinct bass-amp tone I used to get. Now I dial tones/effects in via pedalboard and rack BBE pre and know that I'm getting exactly the same sound from my Precision Devices/Markbass speakers as I'm sending to the desk. Anyone want to buy a Marshall Jubilee?
    2 points
  26. I suspect you are right Rich. There will be a mention of tractors and a 5 year plan.
    2 points
  27. Yeah my hard cases are in the garage but the triple case I have is really narrow, much less than three cases and considerably less so than one of those ‘racks’ you can get. Works quite well. But yeah if you’ve got no floor space then the walls are next. When the walls are full you’ve got the ceiling!
    2 points
  28. You’ll fit right in here then!!
    2 points
  29. Have a look for Eich or Tecamp Bassboard or Porter and Davies. They both do these. I took the DIY approach and bought the parts from Ebay/Amazon/Homebase for the platform and secondhand Markbass Nano to drive it. I also have a small mixer so I can mix my bass with a microphone in the kickdrum.
    2 points
  30. Only you know what to do - this is an awesome bass.
    2 points
  31. I've been thinking that for a couple of years and in that time I've checked out at least half a dozen Sadowsky Jazz basses, including a chambered NYC, a Modern, PJ, a Satin and some other Metros. They all sound good, but so far, I'm just preferring the sound of my Metro RV5 Jazz. Now I'm not sure that I need an NYC at all.
    2 points
  32. @probonopublico you are one sick puppy
    2 points
  33. A very Merry Christmas to you Marvin, lovely to see that neck put to good use Merry Christmas to everyone else too
    2 points
  34. My wonderful Sirius by Franz bass guitars ❤️
    2 points
  35. I came across this site a number of years ago and forgot it. Forgive me if it has been examined before. It was brought to mind after seeing a topic around ugly Gibsons. This:is a site for Soviet Guitars and Basses They are magnificent in their ugliness. Here's a couple of examples of bases The Tonika II And the Bas1 which as its own built in fuzz box I'm keen to hear from anyone who has owned or played one of these and are they as bad as they look, but in a way they have their own charm. Extra points for the first person that translates the title
    1 point
  36. What don't you like about them? If it's the tension then the black La Bellas will be no different, just a bit darker sounding.
    1 point
  37. I think that is right. The weight is approx. 4.6 kg.
    1 point
  38. I’m 50 and starting to feel it after gigs and the next day, but the above comment sums up how I feel about it perfectly. As long as I’m happy with my band I’ll put up with aches, pains and tiredness for as long as physically possible as I know how much I’ll miss it when I stop gigging.
    1 point
  39. Cheap can and often does mean poor quality. That's a fact that has nothing to do with "gear snobbery". Not all good gear is expensive but you need more than just the price to know if anything is good or not.
    1 point
  40. The condition you're referring to used to be known as 'policeman's heel' after a common complaint from street bobby's on the beat. Generally known as a 'spur'...it's a build up of calcium on the heel bone causing pain and discomfort. I first had treatment on mine in the early 90's and have since had 3 steroid injections up through the fleshy part of the heel into the inflamed area, hurts like hell, and in my case made no difference at all, i still have it!.....You may respond to the jabs and get some relief, a lot of people do.
    1 point
  41. Agreed I wouldn't give any artist the time of day who airs there political views, and especially those who are extremist, with their outdated Victorian views on life this we don't want at all in any shape or form, and if you do put in your music, but whining about you've run out of caviar for breakfast probably isn't a strong selling point for music!!!
    1 point
  42. Just goes to show. I always think she comes across as lovely, and extremely serious about her art (which I see as a positive).
    1 point
  43. She was a class act and wonderful musician, brimming with great, original ideas. Also surrounded by some terrific musicians. Just my opinion of course.
    1 point
  44. Back in the late 90s a big music shop i visited to but my first real Fender, happily swapped the necks on two precisions so I had the configuration I wanted. It could be the distributor or the shop swapped necks for the customer rather than order a whole new bass in the right combination of colours and woods.
    1 point
  45. A whole generation of kids including mine wanted to visit Australia based on Home & Away and Neighbours. These people are now running the media/music biz... Have you noticed how young policemen are?😧
    1 point
  46. As of today, new FRFR setup. Rob Allen Mouse 30, Ibanez SRC6, Fishman Platinum Pro, QSC K12.2.
    1 point
  47. I had one of these suckers bought for me for Christmas. Sounds great acoustically but I haven't gigged it yet. Harley Benton. Always great for exploring options.
    1 point
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