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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/19 in all areas

  1. ... and the 'Kick Off' is now (punts duff topic into the Long Grass...)
    6 points
  2. Well it looks as though I am the only person here with actual experience of owning a keytar. That's me in 1985 in my synth-rock band (like a synth-pop band but all the lead instruments went through distortion pedals). I'm playing a Yamaha KX5 which was the first affordable MIDI keytar costing about £350 IIRC. It didn't make any sounds of it's own being simply a MIDI controller keyboard. Mine was attached to a Casio CZ5000 keyboard. The first batch of MIDI key tars in the 80s weren't really ready for serious live use. My band had to quite a few modifications to ours in order for them to be reliable enough to gig, most notably replacing the MIDI DIN connection with a locking XLR and finding something more durable for the ribbon controller covering. Of course while we had them apart for these modifications we also took advantage of the fact to paint them some more interesting colours. Mine ended up gold, and my band mate's red and black tiger stripes. I think that photo is from the first gig we did using the KX5 so I'm still concentrating on playing it rather than throwing too many rock n roll shapes. Also being the support band at that gig I seem to remember there being limited stage space. On a well-designed keytar the performance controls will add a lot more expressiveness to the sounds - IMO the ribbon controller was far more useful than a pitch wheel in that it let me do "hammer-ons" as well as conventional pitch bending. The KX5 got sold a couple of years ago after sitting 25 years unused in its flight case. If I was going to get another one, I'd be looking at Alesis Vortex Wireless. I wouldn't consider getting one with built-in sounds as they are too limiting. Using a controller keyboard means you can choose the sound module you like rather than what is built into the keytar. Owen from The Birthday Massacre uses a keytar to great effect live and it fits in perfectly with the band's dynamic stage performance.
    5 points
  3. But the other parts aren't equal. For a start the neck construction of the maple board bass will different to those with rosewood boards. I'm also pretty sure that you could find 4 P-basses made all out of the identical combinations of body, neck and fingerboard woods with the same tonal variations as these 4. The only thing that struck me about the second comparison, was that the tone control on the 77P didn't seem to work in the same way as the other 3 in that it was always letting a bit of the extreme top end through all the time. And once again though, in a band mix with the appropriate EQ on the desk they would all sound so similar as to not be worth bothering with the differences.
    5 points
  4. Disappointed in matters of the heart?
    3 points
  5. First, you start with a tree of your chosen type... ... then the Bass Pixies do magic. That's it. Technical, I know!
    3 points
  6. God’s own county 😎 The socialist republic of South Yorkshire - in the Sheffield area (well, more Rotherham....but we don’t mention that).
    3 points
  7. Anyone else remember these? Far cooler!
    3 points
  8. Wouldn't a keytar have the significant advantage of keeping the keys player's left hand away from the bass notes, compared to a regular keyboard?
    3 points
  9. That's all you need to read. 1985 people, 1985.
    3 points
  10. E That is all. If they wanna hear more, they can pay...
    3 points
  11. You start with the yellow all over, then a big line of red, then a thinner line of black. All my basses are sunburst. This colour scheme with RW and tort just makes me happy to pick up my basses.
    3 points
  12. And you're helping us avoid GAS exactly how? 😂
    3 points
  13. https://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/guitarist-drummer-bassiest-and-keyboardist-wanted-t1132426.html So he's looking for "Guitarist, Drummer, Bassiest and Keyboardist" which suggests that he's a singer. Then he adds, "If you have any microphones for gigs that is a plus." So I guess he doesn't have his own. But he follows that with "You must have your own gear." Which is nice. Probably best not ask if he has a PA.
    2 points
  14. Fender Deluxe Precision Special in Surf Pearl and with the Pau Ferro fretboard (which I'm assuming is the new rosewood), with gig bag. Great condition and sadly just not used enough. Recently set up and fitted with Rotosound nickel flatwounds. About £800+ new I think, so grab a bargain.
    2 points
  15. Thumb NT4 Fretless Custom Shop (with certificate 🗞️) piezo. Still getting used to it but it’s very playable and the tone options certainly versatile. Heavy though.
    2 points
  16. Used him. Good bloke. Diagnosed the problem, showed me how to fix it (re-humidifying a flat-top Jumbo) and didn't charge me a penny.
    2 points
  17. phew i thought it was more guitar stuff on here i think i will sit down now feeling a bit woosy
    2 points
  18. As requested. Here she is next to an empty 100g tin of Pringles. Apologies for the blurring: it was an action shot as I'm sure you can imagine
    2 points
  19. What's that horrible thing hanging around Aretha Franklin's neck? Oh wait a minute, it's Keith Richards!
    2 points
  20. A shame. Cool stage presence and personality. Most importantly though, a great taste in hats and sunglasses.
    2 points
  21. Explore the whole area around Szimpla, there are a lot of similar bars in that district and they’re all great. If you have time, go to one of the natural spring baths, they’re amazing, especially when it’s cold outside. Do drink Palinka, but don’t drink Unicum.
    2 points
  22. I use JMB with mixed results over the years but then again I've always kept it non- political... https://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/is-everyone-here-a-time-waster--t1132863.html
    2 points
  23. Plot twist : photo was taken last week
    2 points
  24. Brexiteers really are idiots though. (Stands back with smug grin and waits for it all to kick off)
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. My Mrs has radio 2 set on the alarm and whilst I can safely say that Evans blabbering on first thing in the morning was akin to torture for me, listening to Zoe Ball makes me want to throw myself out of the bedroom window. My God she spout some rubbish.
    2 points
  27. Also see this thread - https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/304769-ambient-in-ear-mix-on-a-budget-zoom-h2n-recorder-and-in-ear-monitors/
    2 points
  28. Keytardists are called that for a reason. Not even Prince could make one cool.
    2 points
  29. I refuse to use Amazon for anything due to the way they treat their workers.
    2 points
  30. about 1.2 million at the latest count
    2 points
  31. No probs. Now get yourself down to Greggs! **** <- topical reference alert
    2 points
  32. There is good and bad in every era. I remember having to sit through hours of Matt Monroe, Alma Cogan and Mikki and Griff (look em up!!) on TV and radio shows so I could get to Joe Cocker, Johnny Kidd and the Kingsmen etc. Awhile ago I was asked to play a Jesse Jay song. What a great dance tune. Then Joy and Pain by Maze. I'd never heard of them, but I liked playing that one. If anyone is playing or listening to "drivel" they should be making better choices. There are many great songs being written these days.
    2 points
  33. Including me, haha! 🙂 My Mum was always open to new influences, but Dad was a typical Dad! 🙂
    2 points
  34. In the Hall of the Mountain King, by Edvard Grieg. It just became a bit of a running joke when the band was still doing the Camden Toilet Circuit, and I'd like to think a few soundmen appreciated something a bit different from the slapathon that they tended to get from the other bands.
    2 points
  35. As long as you're finding music that interests you, who cares what 'in touch' means ? Leave keeping up with the trends to those who think it's important. Music doesn't have to be freshly minted to be a revelation.
    2 points
  36. I've found this is the secret with a 'bird - never run both pickups on full! The neck soloed sounds great, and you can get a slightly brighter, more piano-like sound if you bring up the bridge to a slightly lower volume. With both on 10, you end up with a big hole where the mids are supposed to be, but backing off the bridge off about 8 or so creates a fuller and richer tone which can be quite lovely and doesn't disappear in the mix. (I've also found that you can get a passable Flea-esque twang by doing the reverse - neck on 8, bridge on 10 - but I have much less use for that tone personally.)
    2 points
  37. Well then why don't you go and listen to some of them? People are posting up clips of new bands all the time - there's a thread full of them here, so there is absolutely no reason not to know about new music apart from your own inertia.
    2 points
  38. They're finally here. http://chownybass.com/product-category/chowny/bass-straps/ Thanks for everybody's feedback. Currently they are 5cm/2" wide while I source wider ribbon and webbing. I picked a cotton webbing so that it's less slippy on the back. Thanks again everybody.
    2 points
  39. I don't worry about it. Things move in cycles. I haven't kept up but this week everyone's talking about the Bros documentary so I feel back in the know!
    2 points
  40. Congrats!! Get some pics up when it arrives 😃 still waiting on a date for my status. 🥺
    2 points
  41. Wow, leather plectrums? That is.......niche lol. I guess, if you’re a pick player, then it’s a consumable....and if not, you need one to practice the technique. What it’s made from is your own business 😂 In other news, my paid-for-in-2018 Lakland is ready, so will ship in the next day or so apparently, yay! Si
    2 points
  42. This is how Britain's Got Talent and X Factor works. When awful singers get to the live auditions and people are saying, "How on earth do people think they are good...?" - because they have been through 3 or 4 auditions before where the production staff are massaging their egos and telling them how good they are. This is the one that sticks out for me. They obviously made her do all the talk about Pink... Pink, Pink, Pink... edit it together, manipulate the public... and there you go. You got to be clearly a bit dumb if you can't see the whole charade. They clearly told her to sing a Pink song... so they then could then lay into her in the manner that they did. They would have told her to dress like she does when she normally goes on stage as Pink. We never told you to sing a Pink song - No, the production company did... and the panel were complicit in this. The producers knew exactly what they were doing - and the sooner that this sort of "entertainment" is regulated, the better. It's no wonder 1 in 10 people suffer with mental issues... especially when you have the public humiliation that this girl had to subjected to. You may say she knew what she was signing up to... but her getting through to that stage of the "competition" was for the sole purpose of getting that footage. It may get viewers... but I wouldn't surprise me if this girl has been left with serious mental issues after this... and of course, due to the "contract" there is no comeback on the producers. At least you'd hope that Matt and Luke are wise to it - and going by their social media interactions, are also in on it - or at least happy with - in the way that they are being portrayed. EDIT: just looked Zoe Alexander up...looks like she's still continuing with the music career. Good for her.
    2 points
  43. A triangle. Just to be awkward.
    2 points
  44. For the third year our jazz quartet played an early New Year's Eve gig yesterday (Dec 28) at a nursing home where about 75 residents/patients gathered with some family members and staff for a party to celebrate NYE. We play in a lovely big room with great acoustics and decorated with balloons and lots of other appropriate things including hats and noisemakers. We did two sets and then had the big countdown at 3:00PM(!) and the balloons came down from the ceiling nets and we launched into Auld Lang Syne as the residents toasted and cheered in the new year. It is a fun but also sad gig as many of the residents struggle with various afflictions brought on by old age or disease but the music always seems to get through to them and some dance or clap along and some sing along with us. Even most of the people with mental difficulties (dementia and others) respond to the music and at the end of the show seem to be a bit more "alive" , if I may use that term. I guess for many musicians this would be a very odd gig but we have come to look forward to it and work hard to make it a good time for everyone, including the band. A sad fact is that when we go back again many of this year's audience won't be there and as we all get older we realize how precious life is and how lucky we are to have music in our lives and that we can brighten up the day for others doing what we love to do. This gig always reminds me that life just flies by, we should try to do what we can while we are able and have fun with our music and use it to cheer up others as well, and that is not always easy as life throws stuff at us.We play in many different venues but this gig always makes me want to get moving and take what I can from whatever time I have left. OK, sermon over, time to wish everyone a great year in 2019.😀
    2 points
  45. If any of you are still wearing Grolsch bottle tops in your shoes, could I have the rubber washers for straplocks please. Thank you 😁
    2 points
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