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  1. It's a place full of mainly grumpy, old, over-entitled men who have vastly over-stayed their welcome on the stage and whose opinions are, frankly, almost irrelevant. But that's the House of Lords...thank god BC is nothing like that.
    9 points
  2. 8 points
  3. Also, while I think about it. I'd like to say a big thank you and well done to the moderators on here. It's a thankless task and there's a fine line between over moderation and allowing things to just run rampant. I think this forum has got the balance just right.
    7 points
  4. "A guitard is a man who knows the solo of everything and the chords of nothing" Oscar Wilde - Lady Windermere's Fan
    6 points
  5. The two big issues I have with BC is firstly, I joined as a moderately wealthy man and now I'm broke, and secondly, could somebody please increase @Teebs 'like' allowance, the poor chaps always running out 😂
    6 points
  6. Not the ideal comment for that post in this thread??
    5 points
  7. BassChat is a considerably less fractious environment than it was when I joined and it's been even more matey than ever during its most recent evolutionary cycle. There's a natural churn to the forum (beyond which we also lost a clutch of regulars during that period which some have dubbed 'The Weird Times') but an influx of fun, witty and informed people have added much lustre to our common enterprise during the last couple of years. Yes, there are localised outbreaks of snark; contextually inappropriate political pronouncements continue to make themselves unwelcome. But there's a generally more relaxed feel to the place; mad rants tend to be greeted with a quizzically raised eyebrow or gentle mockery rather than feverish declarations of war; most importantly, people are no longer completely losing their sh*t over the issue of mixing driver sizes in a multi-cab rig (afaik).
    5 points
  8. Something which often gets forgotten when we talk about moderation on the forum is just how incredibly handsome @ped is. I'm completely heterosexual but he's so lush I'd go down on him, no question
    5 points
  9. I protect the finish on mine by putting a large gut between me and the bass. Very effective, and super-attractive.
    5 points
  10. I’m on here quite regularly nowadays, I’ve noticed so many BC’ers are fast to create drama and hostility towards each other and jump down each other’s throats, what’s the deal? What happened to peace & love among bassists???
    4 points
  11. Fellow BC-ers, can I ask you to please stop posting on the forum for a few days? I have to learn a set of audition pieces for a gig that i really would like to get and you lot are all distracting me from practising. Between Off Topic, General Discussion and the market place, I'm spending time on here which should be spent learning new stuff. So, can you all please quiet down for a few days? (Thinking about it, some of these pieces are a bit challenging - give me a week at least...) Alternatively, just try to be a bit boring while i get my head round these things.... Thank you for understanding
    4 points
  12. It's impossible to answer this without going against what you're asking us to do.. A bit like that brilliant Steven Wright (USA comedian) joke, 'What's Braille for Do Not Touch?' Good luck with your practicing
    4 points
  13. I’ll chip in and agree with @stewblack I use the forum for what it is, an amazing source of reference from some pretty knowledgeable folk, that , most of the time, have no agenda and are not trying to sell you a bass, amp, cab etc. I have met and continue to stay in touch, even made friends with several people on here, all more accomplished bass players better than me, but on here we are all the same. I have been given some fantastic advice about gear and recommendations that have made me part with cash and not regretted it. I think if a thread gets heated and you take offence, walk away, swipe left or however you wish to navigate away, if it’s directed at you then report it if you feel that strongly. I also firmly believe that some people write things in a way that comes across as being hostile but isn’t meant to be, it’s just how they write. I may be wrong, usually am. I think this is a fantastic forum , you aren’t going to like everyone, there will always be differences of opinion but there’s a lot of people you will like who’s opinion you will take note of. There are a few on here with some amazing one liners that look like it’s hostility, but actually they make me roll up laughing, oh the irony.... Anyway, that’s my 2 pence worth, the first in 2019. I hope the grammar police are ok with the ramble, now off to the ‘ Amps Vs Wattage’ thread with my wooden spoon. 😃
    4 points
  14. I finally got round to refinishing this body and fitted the new electrics all that's left is to fit the block inlay decals when they arrive then it's completely finished! I think itooks a lot better in a satin finish 😀
    4 points
  15. Hey I’m big enough to say I can be a bit angsty - but it’s usually backed up through my experience and me being passionate enough for others not to make the same mistakes as I have. If I see people talk bull, I’ll pull people up on it - because I’m amazed at how many people talk with authority about gear or subjects that they have zero experience of... self appointed experts if you will. I’m hoping those that meet me in real life can see that I’m a good egg and if you read the threads I participate in and those that I have written lengthy PM exchanges with, will see that I only have the best interests of everybody at heart. Life is too short to be making mistakes and playing through stinky poo gear. Im sure there’s a few people on here that my input on FRFR and inears alone has changed their gigging life... for the better!
    4 points
  16. That must be a hard job, with "no indication" of when it's all going to kick off.
    4 points
  17. In some respects I think it’s the words written, most of communication is taken by visuals, as well as tone of voice - remove those and you’re left with just the words which will more than likely seem much harsher than were intended.
    4 points
  18. G to B to put the bass into tune, then G to B again to double check.
    3 points
  19. I always tune G,D,A,E. Except on a Wednesday, when I tune E,A,D,G.
    3 points
  20. Great pic. He was cool as... Lucky enough to see them a few times over the years and one show (with Brian Robertson) was, to this day, one of the best gigs I've seen - the band were right on top of their game. Also saw them with Snowy White and John Sykes (separately) playing foil to Scott Gorham and, whilst neither were as good a fit as Robertson (imo), and parts of the shows may have been patchy with some of the material not up to the standard of the mid/late 70s Lizzy (again, imo), Philo was always fabulous. For me, one of rock and roll's great frontmen...
    3 points
  21. That’s true - my bass sounds 0.1% better when I’m not touching it
    3 points
  22. Tips? Never mind the back of your bass. Don't you realise how uncool bullet belts are?
    3 points
  23. Am I allowed to play with this bad boy? Bb1000 from 1978, bought from our very own PawelG a few months back. I wasn't using it live until a few weeks ago as I kinda love my 5 string but I've forgotten how much i love 4 string basses! Will be playing this as my #1 for the next wee while.
    3 points
  24. Guilty plea re your first sentence, former teacher and still trying to get over the "correct the error"syndrome...I'm working on it and liking all the good stuff on this site, technical and personal.In OT I even made a resolution for 2019, a first for me. Good vibes and wonderful support from almost everyone on here make it a good part of my day.😊
    3 points
  25. I won't post a distracting reply to your post. I'll just let you get practicing. P.s. Should it be 'practicing' or 'practising'? Are the two interchangeable, is one an Americanism, or is one 'to rehearse something' and the other 'to carry out a profession or belief? Hmm 🤔.
    3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. I mostly avoid the off topic forum. That's because I know I don't cope well with opinions which differ from my own. This is a character defect of mine and not a fault of BC or other posters. The handful of times I've been bewildered by people getting overheated about amplifier ratings or the shape of a headstock is hugely outweighed by the amount of helpful, informative posts I've read. I've also download free transcriptions, received invaluable technical advice, found a fantastic tutor, discovered lightweight cabs and instruments which have prolonged my career, met some truly remarkable, kind, selfless people, been introduced to stunning bands and bass players, received and given practical help to and from fellow Basschaters, and been relieved of a staggering amount of money I could ill afford to lose in the market place. The good outweighs the bad. Sadly, for some, confrontation and dispute are entertaining and simple to ignite. These people seldom care about those they hurt.
    3 points
  28. Stick with us @Bassislife16, I’ve been in the middle of some discussions that made me want to leave, I’ve also occasionally said a thing or two on here that I regretted, but the longer you use BC the more you’ll see that most of the time it’s actually one of the more reasonable corners of the internet and a huge wealth of knowledge and experience is on tap. Lots of people are opinionated, sometimes vociferously so, but 9/10 it’s wisdom and occasionally that wisdom is a bit angsty.
    3 points
  29. This forum is a very warm and friendly place, with occasional spates of passion & strong opinion. People have different opinions & some are more ready to push them than others. I'm very grateful for the friends & acquaintances I've made in the short time I've been on here, but I hate the idea that Basschatistas would be put off by the posts of others. People can be stroppy, but its worth bearing in mind that things & problems happen in real life outside BC that can cause this - no excuse though. The Admins & Mods do a fab job & I'm very grateful. Play nice BC peeps, & if anyone wants a fight, I'll be in the car park after lasties
    3 points
  30. This is still the best place to find out about all things 'bass' IMO, whether that's double-bass, bass guitar, EUB, amps, cabs, FX etc, etc. Sure, some of the threads are a bit repetitious and some of the same topics produce the same arguments...which every now and again get a bit fractious..handbaggs at dawn and all that.. 😁 But by and large, those things are far outweighed by the positives that Basschat provides on tap, every day, week, month without fail! Gear advice, technical advice, music theory advice, support from a community of like-minded people (broadly speaking), for sale forums, off-topic debate & discussions.. The list of positives is almost endless. If there'd been somewhere I could get all this for free when I first started playing bass in the mid 70s, I'd have absolutely loved it. And I'm sure it would have made me a better bass player and musician.
    3 points
  31. I'm not going to try and work out how much a little piece of rubber would have saved me over the years!
    3 points
  32. I can see a sort of of logic in starting at the G in that your'e then not reaching over tuners you've already tuned in order to get to the next string, so you're less likely to knock a tuner you've already tuned. Although that only really works on a 4 in a row or 3 + 1 headstock. It might be different on a 2 +2 arrangement. If that makes any sense at all. I'm not planing to change from starting on E though.
    2 points
  33. Weirdly I've always gone from G to E (or B with fivers), no idea why. Unless all the strings have been slackened for any reason in which case I'll do a mixture of low and high to put the neck back under stress evenly and not stress one side before the other.
    2 points
  34. He was one of my heroes until he started showing signs of cocaine abuse. Apparently, the father in law's catch-phrase of Come on down!, had little or no effect on his habit. Growing up in sixties Dublin as an adopted mixed race child must have played a large part in forming his personality and charisma. Such a pity he is not still with us. One of the coolest artists ever.
    2 points
  35. I bought a tube version for Xmas and will be trying it out next week when my cab arrives from @Deedee. Will feedback.
    2 points
  36. This happens to me on a regular basis, I get up at 7 with the intention of starting my practice at 8 , and 5 hours later on bc I’ll turn my amp on , in fact it happened today 😀 and I’m still on bc 😂
    2 points
  37. Could you wear bullet braces ?
    2 points
  38. That line is a perfect little gem. Thank you
    2 points
  39. So first lesson was this morning, and I loved it! Lots to learn, and I need to work on my left hand technique, but great fun. Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks 😎
    2 points
  40. Bilbo, I have no experience to offer in this regard: just wanted to say that I'm glad you survived and give my best wishes for a full recovery. In your shoes I'd be thinking about depping out gigs in 3 weeks time, but if you need someone to roadie or drive you around drop me a PM and I'll help out if I can.
    2 points
  41. Pitch shift up an octave in the recording if you find it hard deciphering the bass from the low end mush.
    2 points
  42. For as long as I can remember there have been posters trying to get the rise out of others and people moaning about how BC is not what it was. When was the Golden Age of BC? BC has only been affected by the proliferation of other social media, not by a handful of 'long standing' members leaving.
    2 points
  43. Heh, I thought that said “The c*rp is pretty rare...”, wondered how I’d ended up on a fishing forum.
    2 points
  44. Why not indeed! Surely though, if you’re in the sort of band where you wear a bullet belt, then the bass should be waaaay below the belt line! 😁😂😜
    2 points
  45. Being fairly new here, I personally think it's one of the better forums I've ever used, especially considering the quantity of posts and the number of members. People will always disagree on certain issues, and things said tongue in cheek can often be misread and misunderstood. But I've yet to see any active trolling or outright nastiness, which is more than you can say for the internet at large, and I'm quite a sensitive soul, having left Facebook and all other forms of social media for that exact reason. Well, that and unregulated public displays of stupidity.
    2 points
  46. FYI on an iPad in landscape mode the report button is just very very light grey text on a white background, almost invisible. It’s fine in portrait mode though which switches to a different style!
    2 points
  47. I think you’ll find we’re well known for being a very open and friendly forum. Naturally things get heated now and then but usually during the holidays when people are stressed. At the end of the day, be the change you want to see. More often than not any ‘hostility’ is closed down by sensible members. Also, there’s a report button.
    2 points
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