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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/19 in all areas

  1. 9 points
  2. Assemble a 20 piece band and see if you can drink the pub dry on freebies in the first half hour
    7 points
  3. Sorted the nut height and then put my 'see if it all fits together' set of strings on. At my action height starting point (medium) there are no buzzes at all so I think the basic levelling job was OK. When the proper strings are on, I'll set it up properly and do a double check with the fret rocker and the buzz check at low action in case there are some high spots anywhere. This is how the tru-oil slurry and buff has ended up, finishing at 1500 grit. This is an oblique shot to the light so you can see the surface finish: ...and this is tilted to see the figuring better: It's LOVELY to the touch. Still got to do the final 1500 slurry and buff on the back - and I've still got to do the final buffing of the fretboard and neck - but this is how the whole thing is panning out: All being well it should be finished by the end of the weekend
    7 points
  4. Anyone fancy pretending to be in a band, taking an assortment of child's toys instruments and just taking the free food and drink he's offering while we get drunk on stage (with him giving us the booze ofc) and playing on the toys?
    6 points
  5. So we “book the gig” then show up with 10% of total BC members plus gear. Think it should fit nicely, a 4000 strong mega bass jam.
    5 points
  6. I managed to get the template cut and routed out today, I've kept the pickups positioned the same as on the original body.......... I think it's coming along nicely just got to decide on what woods to use now................. 🤔
    5 points
  7. Nice . Pics or it didn't happen! Mine - early b-day present from Mrs Teebs: Squier Jazz 70s mod. Easy to play neck, some nice tones, fab finish for the pennies. Just need to get a white pearl scratchplate & job done!
    4 points
  8. I find 99% of singlecut basses absolutely foul to look at - would not be seen dead playing such a thing - even if it was a £15000 Fedora. Really don't know why theses vile, bulbous, lumpy things, with their extra 2kg of unnecessary wood, seem so popular with people who spend huge money on luthier-built basses. Likewise basses with more than 5 strings - which funnily enough seem to go hand -in-hand with a massive exotic-wood body-plank shaped like Snoopy's head. You just know someone's going to pick it up and start endlessly noodling out anaemic, bloopy-sounding, atonal "solos" don't you?
    4 points
  9. MTD Kingston with Seymour Duncan STC-3M3 stingray preamp
    4 points
  10. Interesting interview from bassist Klaus Voormann, who played on John Lennons' Imagine album. Comes across as a really nice bloke. https://www.rockcellarmagazine.com/2019/01/11/john-lennon-imagine-interview-voorman-keltner-molland/?fbclid=IwAR3d5WAvLWfq1SDBEzwMezeMROPQHg9dglUfsaG8drFoJBVJNsgftvMTEDw
    3 points
  11. That's lush Mr T. The white looks very nice! (I'd keep the black plate too, but there's nothing wrong with having a couple in different colours). 😎 I wouldn't have chosen the "battlefield" finish for my J, but second hand choices are more limited. So I now have a false P and a false J for less than 200 quid for the pair... just need some orange paint now!
    3 points
  12. I've got same bass, but in a natural finish. I've modded mine a bit with new pickups , wiring loom and bridge, but even as stock it was a damn fine playing and sounding Jazz Bass.
    3 points
  13. Foolishly I decided to transcribe Pump it Up by Elvis Costello at my last bass lesson, and I’ve been practicing it ever since, blimey Bruce Thomas was some player.
    3 points
  14. One of my bands uses a Behringer X18. we decided to get IEMs too and lose the backline. FOH is a pair of Bose L1s, each of which has a pair of B1 subs. Last gig, we decided to do without backline and go totally IEMs. I did some homework before the gig and, using X Air Edit, on a laptop, I set up the IEMs. I paired up aux 1-2 and aux 3-4 to give two stereo mixes as we have two transmitters and six receivers. Mix one is quite balance between vox and instruments. Mix two is more vocal heavy. The individual can choose his mix on his belt pack. mix one or mix two. As the X18 has 6 aux outs, we can add another stereo monitor mix. It went as well as I'd hoped, in fact some of us came away from the gig thinking, "I'm not as good a singer as I thought I was". How did I benefit as a bass player ? Everyone could hear me better, everywhere on stage because my backline wasn't being drowned out by a guitarist, I was in their ears, so was everyone. I now don't know if I'll ever use my Markbass setup again. Certainly not with this band.
    3 points
  15. Yeah good prog. But i am a fan of SC's tubbing. Tight as a Mallards chuff. Listen to The Police - Next To You
    3 points
  16. Really enjoyed the Stewart Copeland episode on drums, well put together programme. Sheila E was great.
    3 points
  17. Why is it that this gets trotted out so often? A P bass fits in some standard mix that a producer uses as often as he can better, but it doesn't fit in every mix better, otherwise everybody would use the wretched things.
    3 points
  18. Hi. I live in the state of Florida in the USA. I have been playing the bass for 42 years. I play a lot of Cream, Hendrix, Trower, Sabbath, Mountain, SRV, Allman Brothers and the like. I play Gibson EB-3 basses.
    2 points
  19. Gorgeous bass! I really like the mods you've made. Mmm... *brain whirrs* 💡
    2 points
  20. This is mine. Apologies for the dodgy pictures (I was standing on the bed trying to get as much of the bass into the frame as possible - not the most stable platform) I actually think, visually at least, that swapping the stock metal knobs for classic black plastic ones may be the favourite mod that I made.
    2 points
  21. Looks lush in natural - played one in PMT Norwich - lovely bass! Shall be modding mine in due course - bridge, scratchplate, but I quite like the stock tone. So far only new design Schaller strap locks.
    2 points
  22. To be fair if you had paid by PayPal then there is no way I'd be letting you or anyone collect a bass,or anything else for that matter. A very well known scam is to do just this and then claim that the bass hasn't been delivered, paypal will then refund you and take the money back off the seller. You get a bass for free and the seller has nothing. I'm not for a minute suggesting that this was your intention, but I just wouldn't be risking it. And that's a lovely bass BTW 👍
    2 points
  23. Gonna Fly now (Rocky) Moon Dance - Van Morrison Don't stop me now - Queen All new ones at rehearsal this morning, all big band arrangements.
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. From one great bass player to another it may seem. As you might expect some monster bass playing from a master.
    2 points
  26. That’s the barefaced dubsters, I heard it from east London 😀
    2 points
  27. I go direct from wireless into an XR18 (with IEMs & no backline) & have done so for the past 8-9 months at quite a few gigs. I split my input into two channels (one for FOH, one for IEMs), insert the stereo Sansamp guitar effect Into the input channel and run a cab sim on the IEM side and none on the FOH) and it works for me with pretty much zero setup time (as it’s all racked). I also use the inbuilt parametric EQ, compressor and noise gate on the separate channels - it basically replaces the Helix LT I was using as a glorified non-changing pedalboard and now I have no cables, no buttons to press and it sounds the same at every gig and I couldn’t be happier The XR12/16/18 as a bass preamp is a great idea imho. I realise this doesn’t have much to do with FRFR (apart from possibly using the PA) but I did use a Yamaha DBR15 as a stage monitor for a while using a similar setup (via an aux channel on the XR18) - it was only for the rest of the band to hear and now I just send the bass via their own monitors and the drummer has it via his IEMs and his P&D drum throne.
    2 points
  28. Who does he think he is ? The lord god almighty ? What do we need a king for ? Think monty python and holy grail ...
    2 points
  29. I use an MS-60B which has digital presets. As previously said though, if you're very happy with the Fishman then you'd probably want to keep it. Another option, if you want to physically connect two basses, is: bass 1 → pre-amp 1 → LS-2 input #1 bass 2 → pre-amp 2 → LS-2 input #2 LS-2 output → QSC You can use any AB switch here instead of LS-2.
    2 points
  30. I really enjoyed the show last night. I was fearing it would the usual BBC rock music documentary full of Keith Moon and John Bonham anecdotes, but I really enjoyed the look into the evolution of the drum kit and the coverage of drummers in the era before rock and roll. I love Stanton Moore as well so glad to see him on TV. My fear for the bass show is that it would be a bunch of stories about McCartney, Entwistle, Flea, Sid Vicious, Mark King and the guy from Royal Blood as the ‘new’ bass hero, with 20 seconds on Marcus Miller and Peter Hook. The drum show has convinced me that I don’t need to worry. Nice to see the BBC doing a music show with a bit of depth.
    2 points
  31. Go to a real (I insist on the term real, because there are so many clowns around) luthier and ask him how much he would really charge you to hand craft the exact same bass. No need for electroshock, you'll get it for free. You know, the least expensive part in an instrument is the wood... If you want a list of retail prices for a similar bass or any high end boutique bass, here it is : Mike Pope preamp with the 3 switches : $374 USD Hipshot bridge : $155 USD Knobs : $60 USD Dunlop flush mount Straplok set : $22 USD Aero pickups set : $500 USD Gotoh tuners set : $100 USD Custom Fodera tool kit : $30 USD Teardrop hardshell case : $220 USD 2 way truss rod : £13 USD Slotted bone nut (in case they can't make it themselves) : $17 USD Stainless steel frets : $14 USD Aliphatic wood glue (hoping they are not using anything else) : $6 USD AAAA body woods : $300 USD AAAA neck woods including fingerboard : £250 USD Inlays : $20 USD Fodera strings (Anthony Jackson Signature, which are really good and the most expensive) : $71 USD Lacquer, masking tape, sanding paper and finishing supplies : $45 USD Screws : $3 USD Grand total for supplies at retail price : $2200 USD Cut this in two for their buying price as I've taken real high retail prices : $1100 USD Don't you think, they are making huge profits !?!
    2 points
  32. Wow, there's some beautiful instruments for Japanese players isn't there?
    2 points
  33. You're not looking for a clean sound, then..?
    2 points
  34. I've got an Aria PE Elite guitar - it's quite nice. OK, so it's not an original 70s PE-1000, but I'll manage to live with the disappointment.
    2 points
  35. The RSb is cool. they also make some beautiful SB-1000 exotic wood models for japan only, but they’re the same price as a Wal or Fodera.
    2 points
  36. We used to have one of these in our house. A Hammond Regent. Spent many hours on it, unfortunately before I could read music.
    2 points
  37. Warm soiled state? 💩 As per the other thread, digital modelling can accurately emulate a valve pre. The only part that can't be replicated is a valve power stage. It's hard to get the bounce of KT88s or 6550s digitally.
    2 points
  38. I think I am the same. My MV4 was £1500 or so back in 2009. The same bass was £1200 or so when I started lusting after it in about 2006. The rising prices are a similar theme for lots of brand though so it really isn’t just a Sadowsky issue. At £2500 or so now, I don’t think I could justify buying a new Metro if the Metro Express quality is really good. That is saying something because the MV4 has been my main gigging and recording bass for nearly 10 years and will probably still be my main bass in ten years time. The Xotic basses look really good value for money as well. Though wooden pick up covers are not a deal breaker for me. It’s a great option though for folk looking for a sub £1500 bass. The fit and finish on my Metro is exceptional. The only thing that lets it down is that the wood neck and fingerboard is pretty plain and doesn’t have any fancy figuring or flame that you would expect on a ‘boutique’ jazz bass. I have seen NYCs with necks like these though, so I think it might be a design choice by Sadowsky to go for a very ‘clean’ look. The main thing that keeps me going back to Sadowsky is the Sadowsky preamp. It isn’t for everyone but I love it.
    2 points
  39. Superb! I bet that was a proper buzz. I'm very much in the same boat as you, I've just recently started playing again. My last band was in high school almost 30 years ago so it's almost like starting anew. My first gig (at least as an adult) is just over the horizon as my band is still in the rehersal stage. I'm looking forward to it and dreading I in equal measure. I know once I get up there I'll be fine, but I dare say there will be some amount of nerves on the day.
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. You're welcome Tony. 👍
    2 points
  42. Probably the most important thing/things I’ve picked up along the way are playing what the song requires, rather than being flashy and showing off my chops so to speak, and getting the sound I use to be the right sound for the band.
    2 points
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