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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/01/19 in all areas

  1. Are you guys actually bass players? Call Me The Breeze and every thing else by JJ Cale, has great, simple and effective bass lines that push the song along perfectly. Never Met A Girl Like You, anything by U2, Status Quo or ZZ Top and many others. . . all simple bass lines that are nothing by themselves but are exactly right in their place. If the bass line is good for the song then it's a good bass line.
    13 points
  2. Fbass Alain Caron AC5 fretless in perfect conditions, built in 2009 + case. Fully original. Best Regards Alberto
    4 points
  3. Being as I'm a long-time office spod in a yard full of tradies I'm already well acquainted with the dangers of publicly sticking your creative head above the parapet. It's all suddenly got a bit busy on the musical front recently though, so it's nice to be able to finally meet the sneers of "when's yer band playing Wembley then mate?" with "July, actually. Twice." More of a personal victory than a definitive one as they're generally the sort of blokes who like to get the maximum amount of use out of a joke once they've invested time into coming up with it, but it does keep the more irritating banter down to a minimum!
    4 points
  4. I think if you play rock or pop you usually have to accept that some bass parts will be pretty easy. Personally as long as I have a moment or two in any set or in any album where I can stretch out a little, I don't mind having a few songs that are relatively simple or repetitive. I guess if I didn't like that I would be playing another instrument or genre.
    4 points
  5. Not being a fan of their design choices, I clicked the link expecting to see something hideous. I wasn’t disappointed.
    4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. In pretty decent condition has some play wear and the odd small ding/mark/scratch but nothing serious considering her age. Active EQ. Everything works as it should. Neck is lovely and there is minor fret wear. Made In Taiwan. Serial is: OY22074 Shipping £15 UK.
    3 points
  8. I’m still in! I even spent time yesterday deliberately not looking at bass porn and speaker cab goodness and decided to try practice instead. It worked too.
    3 points
  9. TBH the Bona Bass looks OK sideways but not great standing up. Still, don't understand the negativity here, variety is the spice of life and all... just don't buy one?! Sometimes I find basses that look nice are horrible in the hand' or vice versa. The most offensive though is another P bass, ffs... but I guess session pros will need one
    3 points
  10. I generally don't mind - and am happy to play - simple lines. It only bothers me when they detract from the song. U2 for example: people slag Clayton's lines, but they work fine. It's march-y anthemic stuff.
    3 points
  11. Drive pedals automatically add compression, just depends if it is enough. I play mostly clean-ish these days in a big / swing band. I'm swapping from fingerstyle to plectrum to slap depending on the tune and those have very different dynamics so I always use a compressor just to tame the extra volume on the slapping. When I mix a clean and dirty signal compression is pretty much vital on the clean side - the dirty is already compressed and sustains for longer = so compressing the clean means that the sustain levels can be matched. Otherwise the clean fades long before the drive does. If you like all the dynamics affecting the drive levels then put it at the end of the chain. If you also like it affecting the input stage of your amp, then put it in the FX loop so you are only taming the peaks into the poweramp and not how the preamp reacts. It's all good. Whatever works There are loads of people who don't use them though - although a significant amount of them are still getting compressed - usually by the FOH engineer on the desk.
    3 points
  12. There's a bassline from yesteryear that irritates the hell out of me. It's like fingernails down a blackboard. Sets my teeth on edge. But it's nothing to do with dullness or repetitiveness... it's that it's so horrendously out of tune. I refer to this offering from the Godfather:
    2 points
  13. Re. the BBNE2, please bear in mind the following: 1) it's too blingy for some (e.g. @bartelby) 2) there's already a wanted ad for a white one (and I had to wait six months before one in white came up) so I could have moved mine on, literally yesterday (to you) and the day before (to him); I've had seller's regret with parting with a Yammy before: once bitten twice shy! 3) I have to agree with you that there aren't too many 5'ers that this little beaut isn't going to hold its own against - it has a low end punch to rival Monsieur M Ali and versatile mids to rival a supermodel
    2 points
  14. The voice of reason says: God, they look horrific. Message ends.
    2 points
  15. I bought a Super Midget from andyneeds (great guy). I'm using it with one of my SC's. I've already got the thumbs up from last week-end's gig. My Two10' cabs might be at risk!!
    2 points
  16. People who disparage plodding bass lines should be sentenced to ten years of root / 5 in a Country band fronted by a malodorous, moustachioed pervert who hails from Shepherds' Bush but peppers his everyday conversation with 'Y'all this' and Y'all that'.
    2 points
  17. I’m going to hold off actually, got to wait for a couple of refunds and I’m running out of space at the minute (and patient wife tickets)
    2 points
  18. Hi Alejandro, Apologies for the delay in getting this to you, its chaos currently getting everything finished for the upcoming NAMM show. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/thos797pu87v7vm/AABNBeh4yMEVdjnfYU9fAsYVa/User Manuals %26 Data Sheets?dl=0&preview=Ashdown+Acoustic+Manual+EGF.pdf&subfolder_nav_tracking=1 You should find the manual for the pedal here, its within the Acoustic Cubes manual so you will have to skip the irrelevant bits. Any other questions just shout. Hope that helps.
    2 points
  19. I can imagine some of you on here short-circuiting at the thought of this one...
    2 points
  20. You may wish to check out the isolated bass on Youtube. There's more going on than you'd think.
    2 points
  21. OK - the experiment worked. Basically, I took two more slices off the offcut, cut away the tight grained bit and then book-matched. There was less than 1/2mm excess to fit the shape of the cover onto! But this looks more like it's meant to be there: Again, even when adding finishing just one side, no warping at all - but Hawaii is a long way if there are problems the other end so I will be adding a backing plate with grain at 90 degrees to eliminate the possibility of there being an issue. So final set-up and tweaking ongoing before it gets shipped Andy
    2 points
  22. Great band. Got the 2 albums The Firm and Mean Business. Frankiln is top notch
    2 points
  23. I like The Cardigans - First Band On The Moon and Grand Tuerneo are both good albums. I also like the ethos behind the band which was essentially four metal musicians decide to write pop songs and recruit an art school student who's not sung before to front it. Sounds daft, but somehow works
    2 points
  24. Quite simply the best rock fretless man around. Check the album blue murder
    2 points
  25. Custom build for client. DANG!
    2 points
  26. May I nominate the hardy covers band perennial, "Sit down" 😂😎 Regarding the Cardigans - who cares about the bass line? I'm looking at Nina Persson 😘
    2 points
  27. And I also love the fact that the mods made have improved the look and sound of the bass (and should only enhance its value). That, believe me, is not always the case: https://thebassgallery.com/collections/bass/products/yamaha-bb3000-1 I just can't get over the pup mod on this one...it just doesn't seem right! 😯
    2 points
  28. The look of those basses match the look of their amps & cabs perfectly! 🤢🤮🤮🤮
    2 points
  29. Surely something new and shiny will help you through the disappointment?
    2 points
  30. Thanks to everyone who has replied. I find a guy and got the problem fixed, the issue was last few frets a poped out a little, hard to see in eyes but now the bass plays fine. Still whizzed at the musicman's QC and shitty dealer though. Best, Otis
    2 points
  31. I suspect the reason is that a few old stock amps that may have been ordered before the end of production may still be in warehouses, I seriously doubt that it more than a VERY small number. For overseas orders, there can be a significant time lag between the time a product is ordered (we typically build to order), the time all of the items on a shipment are ready to ship, the time for shipping, clearing customs, any additional in country safety testing and certifications, delivery to the distributor, then to the dealers can take 6 months or more depending on the country and how many different products are on the shipment. They have not been available from the factory in over a year. Hope this helps with the confusion.
    2 points
  32. Ok, so I had my custom bass made and although I still don't actually have it - I already have the pictures, so sharing time! The wooden parts are Japanese but everything was hand finished in Poland. It features: - 3 piece alder body - maple neck with black blocks and binding - nitrocellulose finish - Gotoh tuners, vintage style bridge - DiMarzio pickups - CTS Pots It was relic'ed slightly as you can see but this bass is brand new.
    2 points
  33. I did it when I installed new pickups and a new wiring harness. I was sure it had the control cavity/neck pick up rout, but some of the other answers have got me doubting my memory. I reckon you're just going to have to bite the bullet and spend the 10 minutes or so it will take to take off the plate, have a peek, then decide if you want to take it further. Fnarr fnarr.
    2 points
  34. My guess - Lord Lucan & Shergar. You know I'm right!
    2 points
  35. I just couldn`t deal with that, OCD Rules & Regs, chapter 5, paragraph 12 state mahoosive overhang on amps/cabs shall not be permitted.
    2 points
  36. Being in a covers band, most of the music we play is rarely my cup of tea. But the upside is that playing it gets us much more gigs, bigger audiences and money. The buzz comes from pleasing the audience and enjoying the atmosphere. It's a lot of fun! I'd love to also get the buzz from playing my taste in music but the two rarely cross over. Cover bands are a different world which needs a different approach. I'd say learn the songs, give it your all and see where it goes. You might enjoy it in a way you didn't expect. Like others have said, don't go for a jam, that'll not go down well. Good luck!
    2 points
  37. Many years back my son was working stacking shelves or some such somewhere in Leeds, and singing in the Leeds parish church choir. Which he kept quiet about until the day he had to ask for time off work to sing at the funeral of some hugely famous football person, with pretty much every living famous football person in the country in the congregation. At that point he got respect.
    1 point
  38. Started the slow process of clawing some of my cash back from my previous (pretty much all time favourite) used pedal purchase from Paul. Phase 1 successfully complete - sold him a PT Junior to get him back off the pedal free wagon. Payment on the spot. What's not to like? Phase 2 (loading up his newly acquired PT Junior with juicy pedals) about to commence...😂
    1 point
  39. I may be about to fail spectacularly (not that I haven’t already)
    1 point
  40. That looks the total dog's dangly bits.
    1 point
  41. This. Think about the song, not the bass playing. The bass playing is supposed to be there to support/enhance the song.
    1 point
  42. January is always a potential tumbleweed month after all the Xmas spending and drinking so we weren't expecting much at last nights pub gig in Hertford. Its a nice pub with great staff/owners and usually a resident crowd though so we were optimistic that i would be ok if a little quiet. I got to use my new (secondhand) Zon bass for the first time at a decent volume and it was good to see how it fitted in live. We have to be a bit careful with the volume in there so used a Quilter BB800 and a single Barefaced BB2. Nice easy load in and lightweight gear is a lovely thing! Everything set flat and the amp just ticking over at 40% volume. It wasn't quiet!!! About 20 people in there at 9pm but by the time we started at 9.30 it was filling up and by 10pm it was flipping packed :-) And they danced from the start.....We had a blinder - played well, no noticeable mishtakes, great crowd, love my new bass, caught up with some old mates that i hadn't seen for a while and loads of compliments afterwards. The band even commented how well the bass fitted into the overall sound. A good start to 2019..... P.S beware of Summer of 69 played in drop D content half way thru the clip 😉
    1 point
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