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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/02/19 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, Finally got my order received, including 2 Yamaha BBs, Ashdown CTM head and cab and even an ashdown tone pocket to stay on the neighbours Christmas card list 😉 hahaha Obviously, matching 4 & 5 string BBP34 and 35 basses. Fit like a glove, sound amazing and don't break my back the way the BB1025 does. Extremely happy to have these. The ashdown is just pure valve bass amp goodness. Got less watts to play with but compared to my Trace Elliot 715 and Ashdown Touring 220w, I've got more tone to play with and its loud enough for what I need it for. I will be investing in some casters for the cab though, it's a heavy thing and the wheels on the back of the cab are practically useless unless you're 2ft tall, to use it on the 45° angle and don't need to move it sideways. All in all, feel like a kid on Christmas getting everything on his list to santa. So happy 😁
    16 points
  2. If not already sorted DM me your address and we will get a couple of fuses in the post today
    7 points
  3. Being let down due to illness or personal crisis is perfectly acceptable but being let down due to simply getting a better offer is beyond contempt. I would never work with someone like that again, they will let you down time after time.
    6 points
  4. Well time moves on and I’ve actually got playing again. Just home stuff in my little practice room. I am really enjoying getting back to ‘bassics’. I bought a Lakland Skyline P/J £600 off in the recent GuitarGuitar sale as I wanted a P with just 4 strings. I love it, such a good bass and the Plek’d board makes it a real joy to play. Then the desire for a matching 4 string J sorta grew and I bought a Mexican Jazz from Nick on here. In part I grabbed it because it had Hipshot upgraded tuners and luthier refined fretwork. It’s a joy also, two great basses (and my 2 ACGs and Rita) I’ve already added a Hipshot Type A bridge and some new pickups so some things don’t change.... What is different is that instead of learning theory followed by picking up tabs for songs I’m working on learning to improvise and use my ears more. Loving it all again. I hope a band opportunity doesn’t come along as I can’t afford a rig:)
    4 points
  5. Trigger pulled on the A/O amplifier. You know, I've seen enough in the Darkglass promos past and present to know whatever I've seen is reasonably accurate, so no qualms. Delivery 6-8 weeks. Will report back on delivery.
    3 points
  6. Wise decision...now if you'd just like to drop it round into my safe keeping we'll say no more..😉😉
    3 points
  7. 'E's not a bass guitar, he's a very naughty boy!
    3 points
  8. My newly acquired 1991 S2 (or S2 'Matrix' as I think it would have been termed at the time being headed). This is a bit of a timewarp bass - it really is in mint condition. It recently came into this country from the Netherlands (where the original owner resided). Maybe a member on here? I did initially think that I had a problem with a noisy preamp/buzzing at higher volumes. Turns out that the equation of this bass + my old Trace SMX's + the electrical interference in my man cave = buzzing at high volume. Tried it elsewhere in the house, at different times of the day and through a couple of more 'modern' amps and it's as quiet as a mouse. I'm really enjoying it and as @MB1 warned me, I may end up wanting more than one!
    3 points
  9. Wasn’t expecting this at all, especially the voice... Good band too...
    2 points
  10. Sandberg California II VS4 Bass Made in Germany This is a very reluctant sale. This is the new shape California II in VS configuration, essentially an active/passive Precision bass. Good as this bass is, I tend to gig with ACGs so it's a little neglected, and not getting the use it surely should. The pickup is a Nordstrand NP4 item, more details can be found here: https://nordstrandaudio.com/products/np4. This is a cracking pickup and absolutely nails the P bass tone. The bass is finished a custom colour with matching headstock and mother of pearl dot markers. This high quality German-made Sandberg bass is around 18 months old and is in excellent condition as I hope the pictures show. I would prefer to arrange some kind of delivery / collection / meet up if at all possible. I'm pretty flexible and willing to travel a bit if necessary. Courier would be the last resort and will be at cost to you. This bass would cost around £1,400 so do grab yourself a bargain! Features/Specifications: · Alder body with Maple neck, 22 frets plus a zero fret · Rosewood board with mother of pearl markers · Very light at just under 7½ lbs in weight (3.4kg) · Fabulous neck with a 38mm nut width and a satin finish, so beautiful to move around on · High quality Sandberg chrome hardware with lightweight tuners · Custom colour with satin finish on the body with matching headstock · Unmarked as far as I can see · 2-band EQ with active/passive option. The treble control acts as a tone control in passive mode · Comes with the high quality Sandberg gig bag and tools If you have any questions at all, or require additional pictures of any details please ask away and I give as comprehensive an answer as I am able.
    2 points
  11. I've just been offered the opportunity to join a signed band, doing gigs at bigger venues than I'm used to around the UK. My current main band play pubs, clubs and functions. I decided I'd be better to tell the core of the band (hubby and wife) face to face, so I went round to their place on a Sunday morning. I explained my situation and told them that I'd like to continue gigging with them up until the end of June, by which time they'd need to have recruited a new bass player. This fitted fine with the new band's plans and has given my old band plenty of time to recruit. They've not been dropped in the doo doo and we remain friends. Successful conclusion!
    2 points
  12. Just wanted to say that Ashdown have been outstanding with a beautiful Hayden guitar combo that has caused me a few problems (problems mostly of my own making I should add). We've had some challenges with couriers, guitarists who've used the wrong fuses etc, but Ashdown's comms and customer service are second to none; I love the 'why don't you pop in, have a cuppa, and we can take a look' approach (which I wish I'd done as it would have taken the courier out of the equation). Anyway, shout out to Guy and Dave for great comms and a really helpful attitude. And when I look at this thread I started, and then at my collection of Mesa and Ampeg gear, I have to wonder why I don't have more Ashdown bass gear
    2 points
  13. So those pickups would be considered ceramic as opposed to alnico, or indeed neodymium.
    2 points
  14. I saw some overwound neodymium Martin Herrick pickups on eBay with a 'make an offer' tab. I offered £75 and was well chuffed when it was accepted. That is £45 less than the usual price. I fitted them today and after some fettling I'm very pleased. Punchy and bright with great mids. I think they look good too. I initially installed them the same height as the original pups that came out (that are actually surprisingly good anyway). The Neo magnets are so strong that, particularly with the E string they were seriously affecting intonation and causing fret buzz! Lowering the pickups solved this although I was a little confused about what was going on at first. The originals have magnets epoxied to their underneath. I wonder if this is a mod? As I say they sound surprisingly good for Mexican standard pups. Here's a photo of the bass now and the magnets stuck onto the old pups:
    2 points
  15. See? You can check out but you can never leave. Welcome home.
    2 points
  16. Looks like we may have a different winner of the 'who's travelled furthest to the Bash' competition. No prizes but just the kudos of sitting on a motorway for 6 hours...
    2 points
  17. Reading some of these posts, you can make problems for yourselves if you insist on playing the original lines note for note on every occasion. If you really have to play a line and you can't, then the only answer is to practice it until you can! If I'm learning a song, I check the original version, then I have a look for the original band playing live. Many times they aren't even playing the original lines themselves. I work out what needs to be kept and what I can add. I make sure I capture the gist, the feel and flavour of the original but I'm the player. It's perfectly acceptable to make these songs your own.
    2 points
  18. OP is right to feel aggrieved, it's not good enough. Here is the best place to rant though, I'm sure she knows what she's done, no need to make sure she knows she is Satan cos' it's a small world on each of our gigging scenes and you never know what's coming or what's been missed cos' two people on the same scene don't feel they can pick up the phone to each other. Let it out on this august forum cos' you're absolutely right then let it go. Les
    2 points
  19. Works well for a tour, poorly for frequent gigs around your home town.
    2 points
  20. Move it to Off Topic if you want to get some serious clickbait....
    2 points
  21. After a a month or two of umming and ahing about whether to get the HX Effects or the Stomp and watching countless reviews/tutorials on both I've finally put my order in and, subject to the vaguaries of the delivery service, the Stomp arrives on Monday.
    2 points
  22. That’s what I find hard. When a song changes the verses, it gets me confused. I like regimental. Verse , chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus, chorus. I’m the singer, so it’s less to learn by muscle memory. Chuck in variations and Im like, that’s not fair!
    2 points
  23. From where I sit, that's Game Over, Insert New Coin.
    2 points
  24. FOLKS: This bass is no longer for sale. I just can't do it, it would be like selling one of the kids. I really appreciate all of the interest and kind words in the thread above. I have decided to buy the 20th anniversary anyway. Sod it. You only live once.
    2 points
  25. I’m going to attempt to attend every Bass Bash this year so count me in. I’ll be bringing... Fretless Rob Allen Mouse Fretted Godin A4 FRFR set up ...@Frank Blank’s acoustic corner if you will.
    2 points
  26. Frisco I can handle for a guitar's brand name, but BRIAN?? Guy at gig: 'Cool bass, mate. What make is it?' You: 'Err....it's a... Brian'.
    2 points
  27. I got a second copy today as i thought it would make a good raffle prize at one of the upcoming bass bashes!
    2 points
  28. Now after I have had the Bugera BVV 3000 four years and eight months of heavy giging, the first two tubes have been reported fail by the Infinium-Circuit. The lights for tube Nr. 1 and 3 are on, which does mean that they run out of specs and have to be replaced. I ordered two Sovtek 6550 WE, and will replace the failed ones as soon as possible. As I found a source with tubes on an absolute reasonable price, the other four tubes will be replaced during the next 1 or 2 weeks, as the shop ran out of this model of 6550. They'll ship the other four tubes as soon as they have them in stock again. As the Infinium circuit is able to handle different tubes, I am fine with throwing in two new tubes to the old ones, as they advertised that you only have to change the tubes that are reported. Lets see if this takes influence on the tone, quite curious about that. I will post again when I have replaced the first two tubes, and again, when all tubes are replaced.
    2 points
  29. It's all gone too far! Basically a 3 channel rig that started life as a Muse rig...now I am back to 2 bass channels and one faux guitar channel...i guess think Royal blood. For those interested signal chain is P bass mid pickup.... tuner....lehle...to CH1...pitch fork with exp pedal (love this on bass and guitar)...T rex bloody Mary (seriously underrated)..Boss Os2. (Fantastic in a mix)..mxr micro chorus...Nobels trem....alesis reverb/delay rack (would like to change this for timeline/grand Canyon/dispatch master etc) ..out to Peavey Valve king.. (this gets guitar tone with octave up but flipping octave back to unity with exp pedal adds extra grunt when needed) CH2 from lehle ...Boss oc2.....animato (yum) ..big muff...sheehan deluxe drive (hell of a pedal) with ls2 in gain loop to blend in some crunch when clean...BMC (does a thing esp if you want mids boosted funily enough)...spectracomp....out to Marshall 7400 CH3 neck Pick up (woofer PU) on my adapted P Bass...Way huge green rhino (love this pedal) ....bass balls.(lol)..Big muff...FM pro rack..(love this) .EHX octave....prunes and custard..(great odd distortion sounds).. second Marshall 7400. P bass has 2 outputs. Board Works great as i like to play some G**tar as well.... if i plug guitar in to main input on board the signal splits through the lehle giving me the option to use wet/dry rig when recording. Downsides are power supplies and sheer weight...but sounds great from Sheehan to Motown .. looks good at night...lol
    2 points
  30. Trace Elliot Series 6 Combo 1215 - I purchased this amplifier around 10 years ago as I was in a band that had just started gigging, I used this amplifier regularly for around 4/5 years until going to university and having nowhere to store it / no longer being in a band. Since then it has sat in the spare room un-played and I'd really like to see someone getting some use out of this awesome sounding amp! I have plugged everything in and tested it to make sure everything is still good and it sounds a sweet as the day I bought it! It comes with the original pedal and cover (the cover has seen better days) Thank you for your interest, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! If you are interested in this amp then you are more than welcome to come to mine and try it out, just send me a PM or place a comment down below and I will get back to you. (I am based in Kent) Thank you,
    1 point
  31. For sale is my beautiful 5 string Sandberg California TM5 in Lake placid blue. Selling due to picking up a Status S2 and no longer giving the Sandberg the time it deserves. It is in immaculate condition bar 1 small dink that I’ve tried to show in the photos. Alder body Canadian hard rock maple neck Rosewood fingerboard 34” Delano J style neck pickup and MM style humbucker bridge pickup. Switch to split the humbucker to a J pickup. 2 band Sandberg preamp with active/passive push pull. Original documentation and padded gig bag included. Based in Hampshire
    1 point
  32. Sadowsky RV4 PJ immaculate condition, Sadowsky case, sounds fantastic, no issues, only selling to realise some cash.
    1 point
  33. Yep, Pete Thorn is an LA session GUITARIST but what he says applies to any musician and the man talks sense and is well-respected Worth a listen and I was lucky to meet him last year at a Guitar Guitar evening and apart from being a great player, he's sound on so many levels. http://www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/150097/being-a-pro-musician-pete-thorn
    1 point
  34. No, not really... differently rated, yes. It's like, there are bass players, and then there are Rickenbacker bass players. People think Rickenbacker players are the sort of folks who drive a Subaru Impreza (stereotype - yawn)... well that is simply not true... if it were a Japanese import Impreza, running at least 400/400, then yes, you're probably right. But please don't go judging every Subaru owner to be a Rickenbacker player. It could be a farmer FFS, and everybody knows a farmer would play a Fender. Thank you for your time. 😁
    1 point
  35. Both times I’ve left a band that was intending to carry on Ive said I’d stay until they got a replacement up to gigging standard - with the surety that they would actively seek one. I’d been in the first about 3 years, the second 2 years. With each band I’d have been happy to walk at the time and not look back but my sense of decency simply said that was wrong.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. What's the popular expression used by so many young people today??? OMFG!! He says make an offer - I think £1.90 is a more realistic value but I wouldn't know what to do with it....I don't have an open fire.
    1 point
  38. I have Martin's pick ups in the neck position in my Psilos bass - more than happy with them. A friend bought a pair of J pups a couple of years previously which he fitted to a mid priced Jazz copy. The Bass sold a couple of times, mainly on buyers being impressed with those pups. I met Martin at LBGS - lovely fella and definitely knows his stuff. He is a top luthier and can build you virtually anything you could want.. He's a member here too - I'm having a senior moment - I'll add his username when I remember it..
    1 point
  39. My first shout would be The Gallery. Dependent on where you’re based, Guitar Guitar, Epsom is OK and accommodating, I don’t know about the Camden branch, but you could do that alongside The Gallery (Gallery first though).
    1 point
  40. I definitely seem to be purposefully gravitating toward joining bands with a lower gigging schedule so I guess I am subconciously beginning to wind down. I can certainly see a time where I will sit down, weigh up if the ballaches of doing it significantly outweigh the enjoyable bits and when they do I will move on to spend more time doing other things.
    1 point
  41. Totally didn't think to check the fuse in the actual amp head. Simple Google and now this...
    1 point
  42. The mono channels have a pan control, so leave it dead center at it will fill both left and right from a single mono input.
    1 point
  43. I'm pretty sure that Bernie will fit anything that you ask him to. I owned a most beautifully built GB Rumour which lacked nothing in any department - build quality which (at the very least) rivals anything else out there - why don't I still have it? I was far too precious about actually using it so let it go to somebody who now has that choice (Stratty). If you have the money in your budget (and you do) why not consider the SimS pick up system or the Enfields they're normally fitted to...now there's a cat amongst the pigeons.
    1 point
  44. Cali 76 Compressor Amazing bit of kit, comes with box. Home use only and price inc postage in U.K. May trade for something interesting Darkglass B7K etc...
    1 point
  45. @jebroad Looks like I am having a shift change at work so I should be able to come, will confirm next week once I've confirmed it with work then I'll let you know 👍 I have a Sire V7 bass I can bring along, and maybe some carrot cake 😎
    1 point
  46. My vinyl sounds better in the house for some reason.
    1 point
  47. Lost your bottle-opener & struggling to open beer bottles? Simply use the headstock of your Rickenbacker! Eh, @Ricky 4000
    1 point
  48. Yes , once you have felt the organic wooden box resonating against your gut you don't want to go back ☺️. My NS eub stays in the case , it comes nowhere near in terms of playing satisfaction to my cheap chinese upright worth a quarter of the monetary value .
    1 point
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