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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/02/19 in all areas

  1. So you've had a dream about someone being keen to give you wood - exotically - and then charge you more than you thought. Have you posted this in the correct forum?
    7 points
  2. Personally I found that finding ‘the one’ made my gas shift from a frantic search to a more fun curiosity based and less desperate toe dipping foray into basses I’ve always wanted to try, safe in the knowledge that I’ve got ‘my’ bass locked in already. It’s been like that for ten years and I’m much happier for it. Sorry I know I’m not helping but it’s kind of my job not to
    7 points
  3. I'm thinking of quitting my current band. It's getting more and more obvious by the day that the singer hates me. Mind you it's my own fault. I probably shouldn't have married her.
    5 points
  4. The postman has just dropped off a facelifted WB-100 for me to have a play about with. Plenty'o'gigs coming up.. big smile.
    4 points
  5. You guys have got it all wrong with your coffee table bass pictures. Didn't you read his post? This is the way to tempt him from the straight and narrow:
    4 points
  6. OK, if you insist! As mentioned before, it's terribly quiet, and you can hear the straplocks rattling too, but you can get a sense of the tone of this wonderful bass, tone all the way up, amp set flat... This was recorded in one take, for a joke, so apologies for the sloppy playing, proper stuff to follow. Eude
    4 points
  7. According to Wikipedia, to be a true Luthier you need to have made lutes.
    4 points
  8. My colleague, psychologist Dr beaflag , recommends a course of bass buying and a new rig. Plus a few beers
    4 points
  9. 🤖 "Hi! I'm Teebs & I'm here to help with all your bass queries! Let's get started! Now, to start, I just need your bank account number & sort code so I can verify it's you! "
    3 points
  10. You know he' a chatbot, with pre-recorded voice messages? He's usually calling about PPI claims! Yes, it is. 😁
    3 points
  11. Sorry Dave. 😬 🤐 I suspect you received a PM from Teebs... 🤖
    3 points
  12. Don't you go getting me into more trouble with "the two Daves", now. 🤨
    3 points
  13. Thank you very much for the compliment guys, if you have any questions about the bridge just ask me ... I'm excited to see you building beautiful basses
    3 points
  14. "Drawing Programs!" - how very dare you! I'll have you know that my "drawings" are all tiny, hand-crafted masterpieces! Look - I even have a certificate...
    3 points
  15. Working for me Andy. I'm now waiting for the motley crew to tell me to radius it instead
    3 points
  16. OK - that's enough for one day. It's a sleep on it and have a look in the morning - especially what best to do with the lower horn and cutaway and the curve of the top horn. Oh - and check with @fleabag that this was what he broadly had in mind Adding a bit of dampness gives a clue to the final depth of colour:
    3 points
  17. Just a little bump, I still intend to record some clips of the bass very soon. I've had flu lately and work/home life has been pretty hectic, but it's still on my mind. I did a super quick recording on my phone playing Music for Chameleons for a friends 40th birthday, an in joke, and it sounds absolutely wonderful through my little Warwick practice amp, but the clip is too quiet to be worth sharing, recorded very late at night while everyone else was asleep, but I did make a video, so it can be done, see?... The bass feels so wonderful and so familiar, every time I pick it up, so thank you once again @Andyjr1515 for all your wonderful work in resurrecting this bass for me. Watch this space, and sorry for the delay! Eude
    3 points
  18. @Cuzzie I hand it to you brother as you both play bass and sing (I'm sure others do too!) But I've seen a few of your videos and they're not exactly slow or easy bass lines to be doing both playing and singing. You're a exceptionally talented guy! I've managed to get ~30 songs in the bag, down to the original recording and hoping it will show in rehearsal the effort I've put in getting these songs down to the most intricate of parts too. It's all coming along with time but being dumped with the entire catalogue of songs had been rather overwhelming. I have raised that we start at rehearsal getting at least a few songs down tight than to have a sloppy 15-20 songs quickly ran through. @Ricky 4000 is spot on about anxiety and I wouldn't consider myself an anxious person generally. This 'friend' has definitely put a lot of pressure on me to perform how I had in the past to be head hunted to be asked to join the band and I'm slowly overcoming this feat, to perform as good as I have. Again, thank you all Inc @geoham @mikel @Monkey Steve for your sound words and advice
    3 points
  19. This. He can’t see past this and recognise that you’ve actually done him a favour. He should see that what he’s paid out was a reward for the recovery of his bass. What he’s actually thinking is that he’s just paid to buy a bass he already owns. Given time, he might come round - but, frankly, why should you care? You’ve done the decent thing. You’ve reunited the bass with its original owner. You didn’t have to do that, but you did. So move on and let him come round in his own sweet time. To paraphrase what Andruca says, the people you do a good deed for don’t have to be nice people - but that shouldn’t stop you being a nice person yourself.
    3 points
  20. I have always operated on the assumption that you buy a good quality professional instrument and then learn to play it rather than waste time trying to find 'the one'. I have had the same bass since 1986.
    3 points
  21. Here’s how I would approach the situation:- - List the songs you already know, and confirm you know them in the right key! - Categorise the rest based on difficulty. You might get lucky and have many songs with simple, repeating chord sequences where you can get away with root notes. - By focusing on the low hanging fruit to start with, you’ll probably end up with a far shorter list of songs you need to work on. Some other tips that have helped me in the past:- - Put all the songs on to a Spotify playlist (or similar), and listen to it while commuting, working or whatever. You may be surprised how much your brain takes in subconsciously. - Focus on what’s important in songs. Unless there is a recognisable bass part, then just playing the root of the chords could be enough to get you through until you learn a song properly. On the other hand, take the time to learn any important or recognisable riffs. - Don’t let getting the ‘right sound’ get in the way of learning a part. Playing the correct part with a clean P bass sound will normally go down better a badly played part with the right sound. - Keep an eye on your guitarist or keyboard players left hand if you get lost! More than anything, enjoy yourself. Good luck! George
    3 points
  22. We finished six dates across the UK. I particularly enjoyed Nuneaton & Stoke but all six were fun. I used my Hofner verythin until the last date. I have a 6am flight to Italy in the morning to start the European leg.
    3 points
  23. The Truoil treatment on the back of the neck had turned out nicely. This stuff really is as great as everyone says it is. I've gone for a sort of 'in between' satin and gloss finish, it feels great, and is a huge improvement on the finish I removed. I'm contemplating re-doing my fretless neck when I finally finish this revamp - I'm already thinking I'm going to miss pottering around whenever I finally get this done. Before.... ......and after.....
    3 points
  24. I am certain I really like Jazz basses, which is why I have "several". I am assuming you have more than one Precision. If not, please stop letting the side down.
    3 points
  25. If you're having trouble dialing in tone and just can't get the sound you're looking for, don't waste money on a new amp, just drink beer! Everything sounds fkin superb after 8 pints. (Unless you live in the South of England, then it's probably cheaper to just buy a new amp)
    3 points
  26. Right, all these money saving tips are all well and good but shall we cut to the chase? It's a sad fact and 'The Management' ain't gonna like it, but just delete your Basschat account and never visit the site again. You all know deep down that before you joined here you got by in life with one, or possibly two if you were feeling particularly extravagant, basses and an amp, and maybe a multi or a handful of individual pedals. Now you're not really sure where to put all the basses you've bought, let alone all the other 'essential' gear. Justify it all you want but you don't need all that gear and nobody else can hear, or care about the subtle differences. Now be gone with you you money saving, little bass soldier, play that one bass and play it proudly 😂.
    2 points
  27. My estimate wasn't that far out then ! Great result, like every other Yamaha it'll punch about it's weight. In the For Sale forums in 6 weeks time 😀
    2 points
  28. Someone has taken the sharp things away from him, haven't they? Haven't they? Why haven't they?
    2 points
  29. OK, once more, but this time with feeling: Use a dual voice coil driver. One coil 8 ohms, two for four ohms. I don't know if that's what Hartke does, but it's one way to do it.
    2 points
  30. Thank heavens - some folk should never be trusted with sharp implements.
    2 points
  31. Er...... yes thats true. Now put the pencil down slowly and take 3 steps back, hands on head
    2 points
  32. Don't be offending hippies again Ricky! You know what happened last time...🗯️ 🖕 🥊 🤕
    2 points
  33. The bevelled edge look is working for me so far.... hope it works out!
    2 points
  34. That may the case now, but it certainly wasn't historically. I used to own this 1971: When I sold it, I replaced it with this 1976: Not a fretline in sight ...
    2 points
  35. I have an Aria Pro II magna & removed the pickups to refinish the body. The pickups weren't glued down, but over time they had stuck themselves to the cavity. A bit of gentle persuasion did it in the end. 🔨
    2 points
  36. I use a dish sponge as a string mute on my P bass occasionally. Now I just have nylon coated strings. They last forever. Save money on effects pedals and all that paraphernalia by buying a decent multi and learning how to use it. I learned that a few months back. Made a profit on my old gear and have far more possible effects combos at the end of my toes. The excellent multi effect unit cost me just £100 on BC market place. Save your strings by cleaning them at the end of practice/ gigs. Of you like a bright sound this is a must. If you want a muddy, thuddy sound, and there's nothing wrong with that, then save on vintage amps/ pickups and basses by just never, ever cleaning your strings. Save loads more money by never going in to guitar shops. Ever. Especially if you've just had an unexpected tax rebate. You might end up with a brand new stingray. They ain't cheap.
    2 points
  37. Is that what he’s doing since Sugar and Hüsker Du? Fancy that
    2 points
  38. Well, that's the album cover sorted ^^
    2 points
  39. Latest video from the excellent Samsara...
    2 points
  40. Sounds like something off the horror channel. What a chilling tale and warning to the rest of us.
    2 points
  41. As the above posts ^^^^. Anxiety is like having a particularly sadistic and unpleasant interpreter in your ear. If the band leader says "Here's a huge list of all the songs we do / have done in the past - it's just to give you a feel for our style, and perhaps you might know some of them already". Anxiety is the sort of friend who translates that as "You should know how to play all of those perfectly, and more besides. You're really not very good, are you?". In other words - it's no friend at all.
    2 points
  42. Instead of boiling your dead strings or soaking them in meths like some mad scientist simply stop being a tightwad and order some new ones from a guitar shop or online store, the end result will be the sound of a new set of strings which lasts longer than one gig and is much less time consuming than faffing about with metre long glass tubes or pans.
    2 points
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