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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/19 in all areas

  1. If I had to go 'one knob' I'd want a tone knob. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I've never used a volume knob on a bass!
    7 points
  2. You laugh but no doubt Yodel could invent 'Flatterwounds' 🙈
    6 points
  3. I only woke up half an hour ago and I've already offended my wife and the next door neighbour*. I even managed to offend myself twice while brushing my teeth. We live in the era of offence. *The next door neighbour may not have taken offence, we were talking about the wooden panels that separate out gardens, so he might have said he was 'taking the fence' now that I come to think of it. He is Canadian, so some of his vowels are slightly different. I have now offended the entire population of Canada as well, and it's not even breakfast time yet!
    6 points
  4. I find that offensive! We never had a gig last night.
    5 points
  5. Everyone’s looking to be offended these days. Someone will be offended that I said this, and then someone will take offence st them for being offended.
    5 points
  6. Went in to buy a few things to upgrade the Sei Jazz bass, surrounded by some of the most expensive beautiful basses.Anyway, I wanted a pair of Nordy NJ5's but they didn't fit. So my second choice was the Bartolini B Axis, Ive heard great things about these pups. There a lot brighter than the regular classic Bart sound. So they came home with me. . Also I got some USA Lollypop Ultralight Hipshot tuners. I also wanted to try some new strings being a die hard DR man, but these have been in my mind for quite a while. Labella RX stainless steels.Talked for a while to the always knowledgable strong opinioned Mark who is a real gent. Anyway im fitting everything tomorrow so will give a review. And yes I do look like a redneck at a gun show.
    4 points
  7. You're very welcome! Just in case it's not clear to everyone, it's probably worth reiterating that I'm not on commission or anything. i'm just a massive HB fanboi, and Leszek sometimes sends me amps to play with for a while. This is what I have at the moment... the top two are bought and paid for, the bottom one is on loan (unless I can convince Mrs. WoT to let me buy it).
    4 points
  8. Sacking offence as far as i'm concerned. Don't mix your personal life with work. No matter what sex you choose to be this week. Dave
    4 points
  9. Then stripped off the protection mmmm shiny 😃 Much happier now 😎
    4 points
  10. Fender mustang bass 1978 all original Ash body maple neck and fingerboard 30skale 4.1 k transparent red colour Frets in very good condition, everything Works fine. Nice vintage ( fat) sound . Price 1200£ +shipping from Athens SOLD
    3 points
  11. Managed to get on with some more work on this today. I have been doing quite a bit on this prior to today but that is just sanding and doesn't make for the most interesting of posts!! I've also been doing quite a bit of work on the Telecaster I'm putting together for a friend of mine (guitar teacher neighbour). I have started sealing the body for spraying and given it a quite coat on the top as this will probably require a fair bit of work to get a really nice finish. Today, I've fretted the neck using a small arbor press and a fret caul. I was quite lucky that a friend who worked at an engineering firm was able to modify the press to accept that caul. I've used this press for fretting all of my basses and I much prefer it to trying to use a hammer - it is much easier and more accurate but it is also more expensive than a hammer... Note the best pictures, I'll take some more tomorrow, but this is where I am currently at: And here it is with the other shorty: I'm also eagerly checking the status of the delivery for the Nova headless bridge I've ordered - really looking forward to that!
    3 points
  12. Loving the shoes, haven’t sold any yet. Not sure how that happened. Go daddy will be getting a call
    3 points
  13. Trigger pulled, arrives Monday😎
    3 points
  14. I used mine for a pub gig the other night into a class D amp. Pretty happy with it; to my amateur ears the amp sim and compression alone justifies it, and I can simply adjust the amp EQ according to the venue. It's not simple to dial in like my old tube amp (patience and experimentation needed), but the convenience in moving and setting up for playing to a load of drunk Bristolians is well worth it! I'd say get one online with a return guarantee and see how you fair with it.
    3 points
  15. Another classic. Pneumatic Auto Retardation of Passenger Stock A plan to replace buffer stops at terminal railway stations with huge airbags, thus obviating the need for drivers to slow down at all on the station approach and so saving precious minutes off journey times. PARPS was abandoned when the office tea lady pointed out that the airbags would stop the trains but not the passengers.
    3 points
  16. A derogatory term used to indicate someone who cares about different things to you. Normally used by someone that gets offended easily about something else.
    3 points
  17. 😂 that’s what I said to the missus! She had no idea what I was talking about.
    3 points
  18. I'd say the sound person and venue should be avoided. Name and shame. Im so old I'm gender neutral. I don't even know what my gender symbol is when it's on toilet doors. I hate the way it's assumed I am riddled with unconscious bias because of my age. I have fought for years so that who people are is irrelevant as long as they don't harm people or animals. Now identity politics is chucking someone's differences in your face and assuming you will have a problem with it (I don't) and looking for offence by setting traps. We're all human beings. Or is that too species specific?
    3 points
  19. Youre lucky, my neighbour is from New Zealand - the amount of hassle we had when I was in the garden fixing my outdoor wooden platform and he asked me if I needed some help polishing my deck.
    3 points
  20. So the strings, strap locks and pickup cover came this morning. All fitted and stringed up and set up. Played it and realised I haven’t removed the lacquer from the frets yet. So I’ll have to do that before this is fully complete. I’ve only given it a quick play to make sure everything feels right and works as it should. Initial impressions is that it’s good., although playing with a pickup cover is difficult. So next step is fret polishing. After that I’ll put up a recording of how it sounds. So pickup cover on and get used to it? Or remove?
    3 points
  21. Oh and versatility - ANY bass is versatile in that you can play whatever you want on it, but this bass has one sound and it's apparent in every 'style'- it'll never sound like a P bass or a Jazz bass. A lot of people say 'it's in the fingers' but nobody can show a Stingray doing a Gibson EB0! That's why Joe Dart will use it on some stuff but not everything, as many of his most famous lines are built around the sound of other instruments. Don't mind the band but I don't like the whole 'overly retro' vibe many 'funk' bands go in for these days...
    3 points
  22. Thats a bit rude about the mighty Joe Dart
    3 points
  23. I'm finding the older I get the more this kind of thing boils my p!ss! I'm sick and tired of a societ that feels they have a right to be offended by everything, and more to the point that the rest of us should give a flying f@#* if and when they are. I honestly couldn't care less if a person is black, white, brown, blue,or sky blue pink with yellow dots. I also don't care if they're gay, straight, transgender or like to dress like Elvis in a blonde wig, but if I inadvertantly do something to offend one of these people, like maybe looking in their general direction or breathing too loudly, why do they then feel they have a right to speak for their whole "community" when claiming offence? The real irony is I'm far less tolerant now than I used to be for this very reason. This sound "person" should be sacked and never work in the industry again. Sorry, not sorry!
    3 points
  24. Hand on heart, I cannot make head nor tail of what the original post is about? I'm 53 and maybe out of the loop? It's really alien. Or, maybe it's how fekin ludicrous folk can behave? I've been doing this for decades and I've never heard anything like it? I've never used the term "snowflake" in any context but I can now see why folk do. Three bands turn up at a venue, only to be told that some fekin idiot has spat his (or her) dummy out (as the case may be) and so, all that effort by so many is now totally unrewarded and rudely cast aside? What a load of bollox (or flaps) as the case may be) I'm sorry to be so un-PC but I don't really give two feks for anybody's sexuality or political stance. We're all human beings. Live and let live are my thoughts. Name the venue, so that no-one else will go to the trouble of turning up there.
    3 points
  25. ... either way, whichever gender the accused now identifies with, sound guy 'X' is still a git. I can't be more gender neutral than that! 🚻
    3 points
  26. Those tuners have been polished up nicely 😂👍🏻
    3 points
  27. Too true sadly. To celebrate this we have a song called Are You Offended, which very catchily goes Are You Offended, Well F&ck You Too. It’s not clever, not subtle, so what. Sadly it’s - imo - the internet that’s a lot to blame tor this, people being so much braver sat at a keyboard than face to face. They can air opinions without comeback so suddenly find they have to tell everyone how everything in the world is offensive to them.
    3 points
  28. Mind boggling. But surely the gig could have carried on without the sound guy? Most bands have at least a couple of members who know their way around a sound desk and PA.
    3 points
  29. Hi everyone. I'm selling my Aria Pro II SB700 Vintage Bass Made in Japan in 1982 It is a beautifully crafted, neck-through Bass. This is the passive version of the famous Aria Pro II SB1000 It is all original and comes with the rare original fitted case. The bass is in great shape for it's age and sounds amazing. There are some chips to the lacquer on the bottom edge as pictured, a small lacquer blemish on the headstock and one tiny 1mm hardly noticeable nick in the back of the neck but apart from that there are hardly any other marks or even much bucklerash. The only other thing to note is that I couldn't get the lowest string saddle to move on it's thread. I am not mechanically minded and only have a crap watchmakers screwdriver from a cracker that is small enough to fit! So I didn't want to push it. It might be fine, just reporting it. The fitted case, which is very rare is in used but good condition and is nice and clean inside. I can post this within the UK if buyer sorts out and pays for the courier but would prefer collection from Cardiff / South Wales area. This also means that the buyer can inspect the bass before buying. I'm happy to drive within a reasonable distance to meet the seller if that helps. This is a stunningly crafted Bass guitar which sounds great for only £499. Cheers
    2 points
  30. Some of the most sought after Yamaha basses we're "Built in Japan" models such as this one. It's a killer bass! At some point the pickup surrounds have been removed (no idea why) but if needed I’m sure could be sourced on the net. Other than that it looks, sounds and plays Great! Fully set-up and ready to play.
    2 points
  31. Quality guys, new website will be rimcustombasses.net working on it with wix hope to be up soon
    2 points
  32. any Bob Dylan song sounds better when covered than the original, I'm can never see what good songs they are when I hear his versions. Bit of a link, Hendrix's covers were always better than the originals
    2 points
  33. The word "Guys" seems to be applied to all genders these days. My wife and I have been called guys when eating at cafes and restaurants. "Hi guys, what would you like?"
    2 points
  34. To my mind, the issues of who got offended over what and which bathroom they use are entirely irrelevant (and it's a bit sad that in the 21st century we, or some at least, still think someone's gender identity is fair game for ridicule). For me, the only issue here is the mind-boggling unprofessionalism of the engineer. Offended or not, upset or not, just not turning up without a word to anyone is inexcusable. If I did that at work, I'd be in a world of poo.
    2 points
  35. I think this is an important point to make. I'm going to guess that this may have not been the first time that day someone had made a veiled insult in the guise of an hilarious comment. Mrs. Lemmywinks used to work in a supermarket with a trans woman and she got daily abuse, snide comments and sniggering along with outright ridicule from members of the public in her place of work. She spent a good amount of time crying in the staff room and developed a lot of anxiety issues purely because other people wouldn't let her live her life without wanting to beat her down for it. So while it's nice and jolly for us to call people snowflakes, cry ad infinitum about everybody being so easily offended (whilst completely missing the irony of that) and think little jibes are ok it's worth remembering there are people who have to put up with this crap on a daily basis and what might seem like a harmless one off joke might be the straw that broke the camel's back. Basically life is much easier for everyone when you don't insist on being a complete @rsehole. Maybe the sound engineer would have been better having a little chat to the band, finding out what they actually think and altering their on stage mix accordingly.
    2 points
  36. I come from the Bob Willis school of bass ownership. For those who don't know, Bob Willis was an England cricketer of the '70s and '80s. He was one of the best bowlers of his era, and one of the worst batsmen. When asked why opposing bowlers seemed to find the edges of his bat with such regularity, he would routinely reply that he'd paid for them so why shouldn't he use them? So it is with me and the knobs, buttons and switches on my basses.
    2 points
  37. I'm Canadian and I'm not offended, at least I don't think I'm offended. What's wrong with my vowels, eh?😉
    2 points
  38. So they can easy go between the bass in the video, not have to keep taking it off. Makes sense Si
    2 points
  39. More people should go control-less. Not a knob to be seen on my Alpher!
    2 points
  40. "tads strong" - I feel you have a gift for under-statement. SGC Nanyos are lovely, I've had a couple and they are very very good. But £1,000 for that with the damage highlighted... somewhat aspirational. (Which may also be an understatement... but GLWTS to the seller...)
    2 points
  41. I'm offended that you chose to use the male orientated chromosome! Just kidding... obviously... in case anyone took offense!
    2 points
  42. If someone posted on BC that this is a race friendly forum that would not make me to stop coming here. But...if someone said positive things about p basses or upgrading/modifying cheap guitars and making them even cheaper I would be upset.😉
    2 points
  43. So, the sound person is trans and refuses to do the gig because one of the band's claimed to be, or is, gender neutral. This sounds like a classic, "I'm the only gay in the village!" She needs to grow up. She could have had a great night of LGBTQ unity. What a missed opportunity.
    2 points
  44. I'm not offended by this post. And that offends me.
    2 points
  45. I've had my stomp for a couple of weeks now - and while it sounds great, I've been finding the three footswitch implementation a bit limiting. Even the old Zoom B3 managed to let you use the same 3 switches for stomp on/off, patch selection and tuner access... So I raided the spare parts drawer and knocked up a double footswitch to let me cycle through stomp/scroll/preset/snapshot modes on one switch, and tap/tuner on the other. It works OK, and it at least made controlling the thing from my feet just about viable, if still a fairly clumsy affair. And then I kept noticing mentions of the Morningstar MC6.... looks like a great bit of kit, but I couldn't justify the price - especially as once I've got more used to the Stomp and got sounds and settings dialled in, I may well be happy with just using the stomp on its own or with the double footswitch..... So back to the spare parts drawer it is then..... A bit of 3d printing, soldering, crimping and (quite a lot of) swearing later, I present the Afternooningstoo MC8 ! OK, so it's a bit rough and ready compared to the real one, but it works, it's got even more buttons, and I think it only owes me about £30 in parts total.... and the only thing I had to buy in specially was the MIDI socket!
    2 points
  46. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave. 😂
    2 points
  47. You've made your choice, and I respect it. It's bloody stupid, but I bloody respect it. Also, it's absurd, but I respect it. Oh, and it's treason worse than betraying your country. but I respect it. ... Please stay? 😉 Seriously though, if you do not wish to stay-on-BC-and-just-use-the-C-only, which still is a good option, then I wish you all the very best with your endeavours! all the best, bert
    2 points
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