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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/19 in all areas

  1. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you.... The BlazerRay 😊
    7 points
  2. I'd just like to make it very clear - I don't work for, or represent, or even own, a Rickenbacker.
    6 points
  3. Orange button - top-right. Free yourself of this nightmare!
    6 points
  4. I've told this story before. Did a gig in Portsmouth years ago, amp broke up with 3 or 4 songs + encores to go. Still made a noise but what an horrendous noise it was. A crackling distorted rumbling fart from which no notes could be discerned. I battled on just staying in time and widdling around the lowest notes. It was awful. Not only did no one in the audience notice but neither did my band mates. I learned a lesson that day. Now I know I buy different gear because I like to do so. No one but me really cares.
    5 points
  5. Nee-Ner Nee-Ner! We're the Shill Police and you're f**king nicked, me old beauty.
    4 points
  6. Sounds very much to me like you are trying to get financial gain by making RIckenbackers seem exclusive and cool by not having one 🤔
    4 points
  7. Well it has arrived but can’t try til tomorrow as I’m out tonight! Can’t wait to try
    4 points
  8. Myth. Back in the 1930s an aeronautical engineer made that pronouncement. It would have been correct if bees fly in the same fashion that aircraft and birds do, but they don't, nor do most insects. Said engineer was a Frenchman, so his confusion was understandable. 😋 His theory never should have been published, but it was, and nearly a century later the myth persists. Bass gear myths are just as unfounded and just as pervasive.
    4 points
  9. You mean woofers, which takes us full circle. Next up: Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.
    4 points
  10. I've filed the angles on the edges of the frets using a home made block - basic but does the job! I've filled the fret ends with a mixture of epoxy and ebony dust. This should give a nice finish to the edges of the fretboard. Next task will be to level and polish the frets and then to lacquer the neck.
    3 points
  11. I'd like to make it clear that I don't work for GTech vacuum cleaners (cf the Dyson thread in Off Topic) 😁
    3 points
  12. Astonishing that no one has mentioned the enormous boost that Sid Vicious gave to a little-known dirge by someone called Frank Sinatra ...
    3 points
  13. Such awful news, RIP. Obviously...
    3 points
  14. There are sellers here who contribute to none of the threads. Their membership is clearly nothing more than a commercial venture.
    3 points
  15. yes indeed , i can confirm that each body and neck are STILL made for each other from scratch. No "assembling" going on. Still 100% made at Mensinger Factory. For example you cannot really fit a gloss neck with a neck pocket that has been cut / fit for a satin body and vice versa....
    3 points
  16. OK, raw beginner here. I've learned a few scales, can 'play' without buzz, fingers in the right place, not yet knowledgeable on the perfect sound required. After a few intros under my belt, I decided to learn a tune, from start to finish, that I could play along to. On my Epi EB0 through a Peavey Vypyr. Ive done it. Nothing taxing I must admit, Roxette ala Dr Feelgood. . . .and it feels good ! What was yours ?
    2 points
  17. As the title says. He was just a massive influence to me and I bought my first Rickenbacker due to him.
    2 points
  18. I’m a moderator on another popular electric stringed instrument forum - should I have declared this bias before? Or am I now as popular as the judean people’s front?
    2 points
  19. Like the Val Doonicans of reggae... 😁
    2 points
  20. Transmission by joy division. Remember getting excited cos it sounded like the record and that was enough to fall in love with playing bass.
    2 points
  21. Had a listen to Relayer today just cos. Awesome
    2 points
  22. As borne witness by the subsequent posts, can I just say that my short answer to your Q was completely on the money! 😂 😂😂😂
    2 points
  23. FI is still “king”
    2 points
  24. I doubt you are as crap as the previous owner...
    2 points
  25. Post it down to us we will sort. Also are you using speakon cables with genuine Neutrik connectors? Only reason to check is that we often find that generic speakon cables can have issues with the connections not connecting properly...
    2 points
  26. Then onto the string guide - I deliberated briefly over where to put this, some early Rays are between the G and D, I've just gone middle for diddle.
    2 points
  27. As I've just said in a PM to one of the mods, I'm not going to name names, but I do think that if you work for a business, or take money from one, it should be declared out of professional courtesy, especially when expressing strong opinions about the gear made by your competition
    2 points
  28. Nowt wrong with that Bob. My main thing these days is as a solo acoustic singer/guitarist, free from the dramas, frustrations and demands of the bands I've been immersed in for the last 15 years. Very enjoyable it is too, and about as good a fit as i can manage between my other family/work commitments. Good luck with it Bob.
    2 points
  29. I just think these days we are really fortunate, some of the really cheap gear is really playable and solid compared to when I started and the encore basses were just beyond awful. We are also lucky that you can buy old amps and combos, that were great quality back in the 90s for little money. I have a early 150w Ashdown combo that’s superb and it was £90. It completely obliterates all the TC combos I have played (although again they are a lot lighter). I guess it’s just a great thing that you can go and make music with little outlay if your on a budget. I love ‘nice quality’ kit but also love that I can go make a good sound with a Harley Benton and a £100 trace combo. Good times!!
    2 points
  30. Another small update: Everything is finally ready for glueing. The lid has been glued together already, the case itself is for next week or in to weeks. And a cool little extra thing: We used the cnc-router to engrave the logo of my band in the lid. I'm thinking I will paint the lid black, and then with a small brush or maybe some sort of sharpie I will make the inside of the engravings white. All holes for jack-plugs, xlr-plug and powerplug are ready as well, unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of that.
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. Never noticed that but haven't really spent much time listening to it, compared to turn it on again. Still, I suppose I can't judge. Everything we play speeds up!
    2 points
  33. The kid is at uni, she may be starving but that's her problem!
    2 points
  34. Maybe you simply forgot how good Trace Elliot gear is and why many people are returning to the brand. I advocate that people don't sell their TE because it doesn't do what they need it to - they sell it because there is lighter (not necessarily "better") equipment available.
    2 points
  35. If you find the answer to that question you've cracked it. Gear is 10% of the equation and your creativity and technique, ie what you play, is 90%.
    2 points
  36. Dear Prudence by Siouxsie & The Banshees was a great cover, far better than The Beatles version imo.
    2 points
  37. The RetroB really is a nice shape. It’s very much like a P bass, but different enough to feel like it isn’t just another copy - whilst retaining the comfortable and familiar feel. The build quality is the real stand out factor on it - superbly playable, lovely low action and everything feels so snug and tight. In addition, I’m really impressed with the pickup - I have the same one in my Finn 4 and it does all of those great P bass tones and much more besides. I’ve had quite a few basses in my time, and a lot of guitars as well - I would say that Alan’s work is up there with the very best - and probably is the best I’ve played. He is also extremely accommodating and an absolute pleasure to deal with. It might sound like he’s paid me to say this, but he hasn’t (the reverse in fact 😂) but I feel really strongly that as a player, I should spread the word about just how good ACG gear is - very high quality, excellent prices, and a local U.K. builder too!
    2 points
  38. All very exciting mate! Lovely specs. I have to admit, I'm a big fan of Black Limba too, here's my Finn SC Classic 6er... Eude
    2 points
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