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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/19 in all areas

  1. Colin was always very entertained by this, and in particular the way bassists would do business with their gear, meeting up by the roadside to exchange instruments and cash and do swaps, so that wasn't the only time he did that. He thought all that sort of stuff, all the wheeling and dealing, was brilliant. One night he left home with a Jaydee, got in the car, drove to somewhere random on the A30, met a bloke a in a layby, and came home with a Status instead (at least I think it was a Status, although anno domini is dulling the memory slightly). He was also a fantastic rock bassist who, through genuine modesty, had absolutely no idea how good he was. When I met him about a thousand years ago, he was playing in a 4-piece rock covers band in Exeter called Goliath and they were really well-respected on the local scene; their gigs were always packed and his personality, both on and off stage, had a *lot* to do with that. If talent was anything to go by he would have been a lot more successful in the business than he was. But it wasn't about that for him - he always loved being a weekend warrior. He was the embodiment of that meme: "A musician is someone who loads £5k worth of gear into a £500 car and drives 50 miles for a £5 gig". To him, gigging was about the local scene - pubs, bike rallies, great crowds and great times - but most importantly his mates. The absolute flood of tributes that have poured in since yesterday, not only from his bandmates past and present but from people he met and made happy in the course of his playing is testament to exactly who he was in that respect, and it's been heartwarming to see all the lovely things people have said, although I can't believe we're all talking about him in the past tense. He was the life and soul, the salt of the earth, a gentle giant who everyone loved, and I loved him dearly too. Below is my favourite picture of him, taken at a Goliath gig in 1993 at Vines in Exeter. We tie-dyed those leggings with bleach in the washing up bowl and the t-shirt had a giant duck on it, which sums up his approach to stage gear quite nicely Throughout his last illness he was determined to get well enough to resume playing. He was also due to get married to his long-term partner, Kim, who he adored. I'm beyond sad for him that he never made it out of hospital to do either, and I shall miss him more than words can say.
    10 points
  2. I've had a fantastic opportunity and landed the bass slot with Del Bromham's Blues Devils/Stray. I had my first gig last night at the Legends of Rock Festival at Great Yarmouth where we were playing in the V Arena at 7.15. We were joined for a couple of numbers by an old band member - Pete Dyer who also travelled and stayed with us. I've had such a blast this weekend being looked after by the band and roadies and being regaled with stories from Del and Pete about the band's past - dodgy management, Charlie Kray, The Mafia and the Teamsters, just so much stuff! The set itself went really well, loads of energy, decent sound and a great reception despite a couple of techie issues, and I finally got to play through an SVT and fridge! To say I'm over the moon is an understatement and this is only the beginning. By far the best weekend of my musical career so far. Happy Tut!
    8 points
  3. Last nights gig was at a Punk Weekender in Butlins, Minehead. We were on the Introducing Stage, where 4 bands who’ve not played the event before play, and the audience choose their fave, that band then go on to play the main stage next year with the big boys. Our set went really well, the place was pretty packed and the crowd were great, given the nature of our music it’s noisy but we could hear them singing along which was great. Plenty of them wearing our t-shirts too. Riotous applause at the end of the set, and we sold a great deal of merch. On the way back home we got the call telling us we’d won.
    8 points
  4. Such lovely comments. I'm still a bit lost for words so I hope nobody thinks I'm being rude by not individually replying to them. He was the best, and a light has gone out in the world today.
    6 points
  5. And who can ever resist a quick mock-up
    5 points
  6. It might be a diabetic dog... you don't know.
    4 points
  7. And with the final red spirit stain added. A touch of a deeper colour but definitely in the right spectrum:
    4 points
  8. There’s not much point berating someone for having different taste. We’re all ‘right’ because that’s what we like, but it doesn’t make anyone else’s choices ‘wrong’.
    4 points
  9. I went every week to my excellent local om for years - almost all the regulars got up and played, but those of us who didn't were - it seemed - equally members of that community. I admitted to a few that I was learning bass, and they encouraged and then mithered me to get up and play. When I finally did - terrified and badly - it became obvious that I had crossed one of those life-defining lines. It was like having sex for the first time, or flying an aeroplane solo for the first time - even if you do it only once quickly and badly, it changes who you are. So then I was a musician! Then, the first time I played in public with someone else, I thought, *now* I'm a musician! Then, the first time the project that has turned into my band played a gig together, I thought, *now* I'm a musician! Then, the first time my band played a full evening pub gig... Then, the first time in a jam I convincingly blagged a bassline on a song i didn't know... In June when we play our first proper music venue I'll think ... @julietgreen has it exactly right. Years ago I often finished near-last running half-marathons. I was ahead of the many runners who had dropped out, and on a different planet from the vast majority of peeps who had never even tried 🙂
    4 points
  10. I'll let the music do the talking.
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. Nothing to worry about for a good while then. 😀
    3 points
  13. Watch as we start a classic rock'n'roll song! Be amazed at the speed with which the dance floor fills up! See the dancer with the flailing hands! Gasp as she inadvertently unplugs @MacDaddy and his pedals and sweeps the cable onto the dance floor! Applaud as @MacDaddy makes a death-defying leap onto the dance floor to retrieve his cable! Laugh as the band has to go around the solo again!
    3 points
  14. So onto the neck staining proper. Not finished but getting there. After sanding and sanding and sanding, there's only one way of knowing whether you've cut down not only the varnish, but also full through the whatever-it-is-they-pre-coat-that-sands-like-wood-but-isn't. And that is to put some stain on. In that my bottom coat will be the red calligraphy ink, that's what I used to check it out. Anything not wood will reject the stain: So back to all the similar patches with more sanding until the stain was able to soak in pretty evenly: Then the purple on top. This is the one that is probably less colour fast, so when it's dry, it will have a red colour-fast spirit stain on top. But even with just the two colours so far, it's beginning to get there: The final red coat will take a bit of the purple out of it and even the colour a little In the meantime, the body finish is getting close. So later this afternoon the final stain coat on the neck and then we are starting to get close to the finishing stages.
    3 points
  15. I think my big genz rig is going on the for sale pile, if I need anything big for a dep gig without in ears I've got a couple of smaller setups or a pair of RCF 735s, I'd just have to struggle on without any heft obviously
    3 points
  16. Last night we were playing at a social club we hadn't played before. It was quite a lot of space but the band was round the corner from the bar which wasn't ideal. Not a huge audience but a couple of people came from the end to sit in sight, so that was nice, and some people danced at the end of the first half. At the half time, the drummers parents came in and his dad said 'oh busy weekend for you guys then, you are playing the foresters tomorrow I see'. Me and the guitarist looked at each other confused, no we aren't - well, you are on the board there. Checked calendar, nothing, looked for singer (who controls the calendar bookings), couldn't find him. The guitarist rings up the pub 'Hello, do you have a pub on tomorrow, oh good, what time is that? Yes, we will come and see them!', sure enough, we are there tomorrow (today) at 3:30. The singer came back, couldn't remember but later on admitted remembering organising a gig, but on searching the calendar couldn't find it! Rest of the gig was good, crowd were friendly, a few people asked for cards on the way out. So not much point unloading the car today! -- Next day - glad we found out about that, it was a good gig, seemed like it was a bit small and we would have to be quiet, but turned out we didn't, they liked us and booked us again for april at the end of the gig!
    3 points
  17. Oh dear. Like many I had no idea his condition was so serious. I met Colin a few times at SE Bashes and when he popped in to collect some cables. Always pleasant and jovial and a great player to boot. A very sad loss to both his friends and family and our local music scene. RIP Colin
    3 points
  18. And - I've just sat down this evening after getting it back from him and I'm as chuffed as a very chuffed thing. What a difference. Intonation's a gazillion times better, it feels much easier to play and the wee thumbrest he fitted is a beaut. Far less string clatter, too. Not quite so impressed with the berk who strung it, though. Apparently it had strings for a 35" scale. On a 34" bass. Being double-balled, once the tuner's screwed down tight, that's yer lot. The daft cow who owns it didn't suss that out either. But no matter. Chris has transformed it. It might even be good for metal... hmm, perhaps I'd best stop here 😉
    3 points
  19. Bassmods K534 5 string jazz bass Swamp ash body Maple fingerboard with binding and block inlays Bassmods 18v circuit Bartolini 57CBJD1 (classic deep) No marks on the body or neck, bass is barely used and owned since new (approx 6 months) Asking for £1000
    2 points
  20. Hi all, just joined but used basschat as a guest for months. Have been playing guitar for years but with a bass in the background. Recently decided to properly switch and joined a new band. Wished I’d been playing bass all along- it feels so much more natural than guitar!! I play an Ibanez 5 string and just acquired a Hartke ha3000 Head 4.5 410 cab and 215 cab.
    2 points
  21. SOLD, many thanks to the buyer. This is serial number 0073 and can be seen in better detail on Alans web site where there are much better photos than my poor efforts! Alan built this for me a while back when I was regularly gigging, and having had a few learning difficulties with the filter pre amps in previous ACG basses he arranged for John to build a custom J-Retro which suited me fine. The pickups are custom wound Bart Classics and the teal body staining was chosen by me after considering several different options and looks really superb with the gloss finish. The top is flame sycamore with a swamp ash body core and back. The headless neck is 5 piece flame maple with black veneer contrast lines and a heartwood birdseye maple fingerboard. The radius is 16, nut width 40mm and black hardware and an ABM bridge with standard 18mm spacing is used. Locking strap buttons are included, as is Alans dinky little tool kit and a fitted Hiscox case. Installed whilst the bass was being constructed are red Sims leds on the edge of the fingerboard, for practical purposes on dark stages rather than front mounted for effect! The preamp is 18v and a low battery warning light is fitted. Now heres the interesting bit. The bass is still as brand new, despite being a few years old! I never gigged with it or took it to practices but every so often I would take it out of its case and admire it as a superb work of art, play a few riffs then put it back in its case under the bed. The last few years I have only gigged in a pub duo using short scale basses so don't ever envisage it being used in anger so thought that now was the time to let it go to someone who would appreciate it. The tone is everything I have ever wanted from a bass, its lovely to play and mint, what more can I say?
    2 points
  22. Ive decided to get rid of my 4 month old Jack Casady Bass as I’m not using it much (at all). Everything in the ad was purchased new in Nov 2018. The bass itself came from Andertons. https://www.andertons.co.uk/epiphone-ltd-ed-20th-anniversary-jack-casady-bass-wine-red-nh-ebjcwrnh3?LGWCODE=EBJCWRNH3;56375;6335&gclid=CjwKCAiAiJPkBRAuEiwAEDXZZbR-F_b3-xiX_Y_JPG5LL3XImuYu5deMk45djqWV_kyY4zoA_Ik2IBoCAVgQAvD_BwE This is the red 20th anniversary version, made in 2017, and comes with gig bag, branded strap, certificate. All the stuff the bass came with is included. Ive upgraded the bridge to a Hipshot (original parts also included), this is a Supertone bridge and cost £93 from Bassdirect. This works a lot better than the original bridge, and i like the look better. The old one will slide right back on if ineeded. No holes were drilled as these are direct replacements. The bass is strung with TI Flats. It also has a set of the latest Dunlop strap locks, and ill include a wide leather levy’s strap that i got for this bass as the bass does have some neck dive. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004GF6DXS/ref=oh_aui_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 This bass has a fairly unique tone, but does seem to cover a lot of the P bass stuff we are doing, its just tha ti have a P bass i love more. I’ve looked after the bass, so its in very good condition. Its a bit hard to photograph as its so shiny but i cant find any issues on the bass myself. I dont have packaging and dont want to post this anyway, so its collection from central london only I’m afraid. Hatton Garden in the evening /weekend or Southbank area if you want to sit down and try it, otherwise I’m happy to meet up at a station or somewhere mutually convenient in central london to hand it over. Photos taken today. Any more wanted let me know. Not looking for trades at all, as i have my eye in a Sandberg so need the money. Not in a hurry though. Not open to offers too far off the asking price but no harm in asking. Cheers.
    2 points
  23. Just picked this up...... immaculate for a ‘93. Neck from Aug, body from Oct ‘93. Plays like butter and sounds like a PJ on steroids. Now am I doing the tone mod .... did it on the last one I had.
    2 points
  24. I did nearly spray a cheap strat body (eBay blank) with granite stone effect paint - that would have been a 'rock' guitar (groan). This one looks more like sandstone.
    2 points
  25. Odd. I read p**** as a different word entirely. Clearly, I misjudged you and I apologise. Oh, hang on.No i don't -'cos I was right in the first place. You never meant 'Prog', you meant, y'know, what i originally thought....
    2 points
  26. Tried one. He resisted too much so i gave up
    2 points
  27. Hi Everyone! I’m a bass player/songwriter/singer/producer from Oxford, UK. I’ve just released a mashup cover of Continuum (Jaco Pastorius...duh) and Fallingwater (Maggie Rogers). I've been playing bass and singing for a while but this is my first step out into Youtubing. Check it out and let me know what you think! Cheers Marshall
    2 points
  28. Someone hand me a Kleenex, pronto. 🤓
    2 points
  29. I'm sure one of the self-appointed holier-than-thou guardians of the true mojo will be along any moment to give us the benefit of their God-given wisdom.
    2 points
  30. Once i learn to play the thing, you wont see me for dust. Hope that helps 🤓
    2 points
  31. These RCF are Mk2 - the grille shape has changed since these and there’s also FiRPHASE on the Mk4. (Not that that is anything most people should worry about)
    2 points
  32. I get annoyed when folk say, just let it age on its own. Modern lacquer does not age in the same way that the old lacquers did. They don't crack and fade in the same way. In fact, modern lacquer is nigh on indestructible. If you want that road worn look, you have to buy a relic'd guitar.
    2 points
  33. You are clearly more mature, and with better taste, than almost anyone I can think of. You post Has been an epiphany for me and will, I'm certain, convince anyone tempted by such devil's hardware of the error of their ways.
    2 points
  34. Just seen this news on Facebook about Colin, aka @barneyg42 Very sad to hear this.. Met him a fair few times at the SE Bash and through buying gear - an absolutely lovely human being. RIP Colin. 😢
    2 points
  35. A true Giant Of The Bass. RIP.
    2 points
  36. Met him at the couple of bass bashes I went to back in the day - lovely man - big guy with a big heart - RIP.
    2 points
  37. Oh hell, this is dreadful & shocking news. I knew he was ill but I had no idea it was this serious. I only met Colin once, when he bought my fretless JD back in the late 18th century, but he was always a friendly presence here and on Facebook. The number of tributes to him on FB are a measure of the guy's popularity and the affection people had for him. I offer my sincere and heartfelt condolences to all who knew and loved him.
    2 points
  38. It comes up every few weeks and just like the p bass debate, I don’t think anyone is going to change their mind
    2 points
  39. Loved it! New album with this on it out next week.
    2 points
  40. It has an oddly dissonant and 'ugly' sound that doesn't sit well with my ear. It's also quite a chaotic sounding piece. Not to my taste.
    2 points
  41. Sad news today that Barney42 - AKA Colin Payne sadly passed on today. He'd been quite unwell for some time but was always talking about getting back on stage. Colin was a lovely, warm and friendly chap and a pretty mean bass player too. I went to see him in hospital last weekend with Bassforradio where we managed to have a chat with Colin - he was still logging into Basschat during his final days. My deepest condolences to his friends, his band members and family. Colin
    2 points
  42. Haha thanks mate - I’d like to announce I’ve been gone from Dawsons for 4 or 5 years now and am now the artist formally known as that bloke who used to work in Dawsons...
    2 points
  43. You've got to love fairy lights anytime of the year 😂
    2 points
  44. Every Muse song appears to be all about Matt Bellamy, irrespective of the lyrics.
    2 points
  45. To those of you who liked my other books, I've got a new one out today. You can get it here (To Douglas, I know it's taken ages, sorry) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gap-Years-Dave-Holwill-ebook/dp/B07MQFLDKX If you didn't, go ahead and ignore this, thanks
    2 points
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