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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/03/19 in all areas

  1. Life teaches me all the time. For instance I've learned that there will always be someone better than me and that I can't ever really know how good I am. So the second cancels the first. I don't strive to be better, or the best I can be, I don't want to smother my love for music under such pressure. I will become more comfortable in my playing if I play more often and with a wider range of people. So that's all I can try to do.
    6 points
  2. Seconded. @Dood manages to keep it interesting without being hysterical.
    4 points
  3. I've been waiting since puberty for someone to sit me down and have that particular chat with me. I think we may have left it too late for me to benefit much from it. Please, please, please tell me Fleabag wants purple knobs.
    4 points
  4. Because they're not reviewing anything, just trying to impress with their self perceived brilliant playing, also, not many use a pick either
    4 points
  5. Think i should have said intact rather than 2 seperate words there. My reputation for spelling is now in tat ters. Dave
    4 points
  6. Why do so many YouTube reviewers feel the need to demonstrate the sound of the instrument/cab/amp with a ten minute slap-fest? Or then there are those who don't even let you hear it and just mumble for ten minutes in some dimly lit bedroom. Or the 'professionals' with some matey banter who, again, don't let you hear it, just point at a load of knobs and sockets and read the labels to you. Finding a sensible review where you get a decent sound file, the bass is played in a range of styles (not just bloody slap) and the key features are highlighted is virtually impossible. </Rant>
    3 points
  7. As above , Barefaced Supertwin for sale. Done maybe 5 or 6 gigs with this so it's never really been pushed yet and in great condition. I'm pretty sure there is absolutely no marks on it however I will check again tonight to be sure. Great sounding cab , super light and super loud. I replaced an ampeg 4x10 and 1x15 stack with this and never looked back. In near new condition. I can maybe deliver or meet you somewhere halfway depending on distance. Please note only the cab in the picture is for sale, obvious I know but hey.. If you want more pics let me know. These are £1000 new so deffo a bargain. Marc
    3 points
  8. Thanks man - i actually did a vid a few months ago on this bass with thumb style playing, linked below 🙂
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. With throbbing LED markers and a firm detent!
    3 points
  11. Might bring my 'stack' then, just for the hell of it 🙂
    3 points
  12. As in 'what the hell is he playing?'. That's the only mystique i project
    3 points
  13. My main annoyance at Youtube reviews is that a lot of them are basically adverts disguised as reviews. I can take a slap fest if what follows is an honest review of what a piece of equipment can and can't do, rather than the usual 'WOW THIS IS THE BEST PIECE OF GEAR I HAVE EVER SEEN (since last week's video)'. I love it when a reviewer tries a setting on an amp, instrument or pedal and actually says something along the lines of 'hmmm that setting isn't for me, lets try something else.' Dood's reviews are great, Premier Guitar are usually very good and while not a bass player I like the Andy guy at Pro Guitar Shop in terms of demos/reviews of guitar products. Bass Whisperer too. Other that that I really don't explore Youtube reviews that much.
    3 points
  14. Here you go! Just shows you how compact the cabs are. It's a quilter 800 and helix on top. Also, the 2x10 is on top and 4x10 at the bottom. It's not a camera track - they are very similar in size.
    3 points
  15. If you can, put at least two labels on the outer packaging. Sellotape them on .Write or stick a small label the words "Sender" then your house number and post code on the parcel. Put other labels on or in the inner packaging. Include one that gives your sender setails if its not printed on the label. A lot of parcels get lost just because the address label gets lost or damaged. The easier you make it for the courier to identify your parcel the more likely it will get delivered. Courier wages are poor, make sure your parcel is as handling friendly as possible. Expose handles etc. Put yourself in the position of the driver and make it as easy as possible for him to handle your parcel. hopefully it reduces the risk of him chucking your parcel over the fence.
    3 points
  16. I disagree. Most people would assume "Big Balls" is quite unambiguously referring to the size of Bon' Scott's testicles, whereas if you read the lyrics carefully, it's actually a celebration of joyous high society occasions involving revelry and dancing.
    2 points
  17. So, after a while working on this I finally put out my solo album. Mainly progressive type material. I've embedded spotify below though it's on all the usual chnnels such as iTunes, Google, Amazon, Tidal and CD baby. See what you think. Opinions on a postcard to the usual address.
    2 points
  18. Thanks for the clip, look forward to having a listen. Not sure that folk over here are being negative about the quality and ability of this new amp, agedhorse. I think it's much more to do with being priced out of being able to get one. We Brits don't, on average, get paid any better than our US cousins (probably a fair bit less in fact if we're talking about averages), but the cost in $ for the WD-800 over here is $1,715. That is going to sting a lot of folk in the pocket.
    2 points
  19. Chance would be a fine thing that I could actually do a 10 minute slap fest! 😀 Note forward: when that day comes, I promise not to record it as part of any gear review (unless I have Dood's explicit approval). I'll also try to remember to keep my left arm on the neck at all times. </anti-rant>
    2 points
  20. And Shipwreck lives!!!!! Just need to sort the action out - the creamery 58 pick ups and tonestyler are a brilliant combination - very happy chappy. a friend donated these to me - would be rude not to pop them on.....
    2 points
  21. Is it two really short sets or one really long version to fill the night Jack? That's what I call prog 🙂
    2 points
  22. @Teobass75 that's really very inappropriate mate on someone else's FS. Unless, of course, your real name is Richard Le Tete, in which case it would be entirely expected.
    2 points
  23. Similar rant on No Treble at the moment. Seems slapping is not as popular and cool as a lot YT reviewers think.
    2 points
  24. IMHO, knobs should be gold to match the bridge - otherwise too much purple (cue response: "There's no such thing as too much purple!" 😄) PS At least it's good to see that the forum's 'morality-policing' software hasn't changed 'knob' to 'pink torpedo' like it used to!!
    2 points
  25. There's no special reggae bass however there's reggae feel - and the bass sound needs to have enough definition to hear the pitch of the notes - not boomy blubber - otherwise you might as well have a second bass drum booming playing the bass guitar beats. In the 70s, the guy in Steel Pulse used a very smart natural Stingray. Family Man used an Acoustic 370/301 stack in the 70s. I use Stingrays through a Markbass LM3 and combinations of MB 2 X 10 speakers. Plenty dubby enough played over the neck joint. The HH Stingray 5 Special with neck pick up only engaged is very dubby but still defined enough. The Stingray has ample bass booty both from the construction and from the EQ - even more so the Special with it's 18 v preamp. IMHO feel, bass response and note definition are the key ingredients.
    2 points
  26. Careful...that could just open the floodgates - sell "old shoes" so SWMBO can buy new ones??? Not somewhere I'd like to go TBH.
    2 points
  27. Personally I'd go for purple heartwood knobs but you can expect a lifetime of innuendos...
    2 points
  28. So I bought HX Stomp last week and have been using it extensively in a variety of settings! At home via an amp, via headphones and then into my DAW (individually and simultaneously with the amp), I've been down the rehearsal room trying it into my amp and into the desk (again both individually and simultaneously) A/B'ing, comparing at volume. I've ran it directly into the 'power amp in' on my amp and used it for all preamp and eq duties V's into the front of the amp, running into the front of the amp with 'fx only' while running the DI to the desk with amp and cab sim engaged etc. I have also, naturally, used it with my band at rehearsal last Sunday. I've pretty much used it in all conceivable application which I might need it! It's a nice wee unit with a heap of great sounds and I/O options. I'm not gonna keep it though as the gear I have does everything I currently need and comparing the direct sounds against what I have, give or take a bit of eq'ing at the desk, it's far more than I'll ever need and would be wasted on me. Is it pretty? Yes! Is it a great sounding unit? Yes! Is it intuitive and easy to use? Yes! Is it for me? Nah! *Some context* I don't really use of need any effects other than a bit of compression and the occasional drive. I run a Tone Hammer DI which allows me to cop a pretty decent ampeg type vibe either the more scooped SVT sound or a more rounded vintage B-15 thing as needed (great wee pedal)! None of my three bands really need much in the way of wacky sounds or filth and the two amps I have offer me a good variety of tones between their tube pre amps and on board eq/drive options. The HX Stomp wasn't likely aimed at me as the end user but I can see it's value in a bunch of settings as I think I've pretty much tried them all
    2 points
  29. You're so right: @Doodjust isn't funny... /deadpan I like the pedal reviews where they put text on to tell you what bass settings are being used and then the hand comes in to slowly turn the dial and you can hear the change: this is usually for DG pedals, but I did see some excellent reviews of the Glou Glou pedals (probably official ones?) Also shout out to Source Audio official reviews: tasty guitar playing and limited slap on the bass ones.
    2 points
  30. Someone needs to set up something like this (but for bass guitars/amps/FX): the Zen Pro Audio 'Clipalator'. https://www.zenproaudio.com/clipalator If I ran an online guitar retailer I'd do just that. Give my customers opportunity to 'hear before they buy', so to speak. And using the exact same song/passage for every clip, allowing easy comparison. There you go guitar retailers. Have that one for free 😉
    2 points
  31. Like you didn't cast the ground bait for it. Heeheehee. Butter wouldn't melt...
    2 points
  32. I've often considered setting up my own YouTube channel, purely for bass demos played pickstyle and with no DI. Just to balance things out. There is a chap out there doing something simlilar but his videos seem to have turned into a showcase for Darkglass and all end up sounding the same.
    2 points
  33. The body probably has one more coat of finish to do and the neck is having its finish applied to seal in the stains and make sure @fleabag doesn't end up with a very funny coloured fretting hand While that's going on, @fleabag and I have been agreeing the decals he wants on the headstock and I've started sorting the electrics. Clearly, the first task is sorting out the pots and switches on the control plate: And I can't believe we'll get through without a torrent of suggestions, but we also have to talk about knobs.
    2 points
  34. There is no doubt that fender jazz basses are great for reggae if that is the sound you want. if the Jazz bass doesn't do it for you then you will just have to try a number of other brands/models till you find the one that gets you the sound you want. I play reggae in my main band and have never owned a fender bass even though my primary influence "Aston Barrett" is well known for doing so. He also uses non fender basses as well including yamaha's and an Alembic 5 string Elan. I love the bass to be deep but I want to hear the notes not just the wolly heft. Happy hunting. 🙂
    2 points
  35. I have three of the same type...
    2 points
  36. I only need enough to swing quite a small cat.
    2 points
  37. Can we just clear something here.... The worst thing about ANY YouTube video or review is clickbait. 50 million techniques in one song WIN £5,000 worth of equipment I shred a spade with one string Cute girl plays with G String Well... Ok... Maybe the last one I threw in there but you'd still watch it regardless of the content 😉 Clickbait people. I rest my case haha.
    2 points
  38. There's plenty of room, if you're thinking of bringing gear.
    2 points
  39. One thing that annoys me is demonstrating a two pickup bass, maybe in a multi-bass review, and not telling you what pickups are selected or tone knob settings. Next to useless. The Bass Whisperer is one of the best reviewers I've seen. Frank.
    2 points
  40. But some of those reviews will definitely reach out to people out there, perhaps a limited proportion of the market but I know there's been things I've been searching for in the past and no results, these days you can pretty much find anything on YouTube and will tick boxes for most. Also, who doesn't love a 10 minute slap fest with no compression? 😜😂
    2 points
  41. I'm guessing that your ties, braces (if worn) and socks are all equally bright and sunny reflections of your cheery personality? This is why i favour darker hues.
    2 points
  42. The problem is obviously you, not the bass. Either play with your fingers or take the knobs off. 😁
    2 points
  43. Most people, in most of their endeavours, in most fields feel imposter syndrome in one form or another, I think people that don’t are perhaps at best insensitive and at worst arrogant. Don’t let it stop you is the most important it to remember, just keep doing yo’ thang.
    2 points
  44. Rather like the motto of the Norfolk Bakers..... 200 years inbread...
    2 points
  45. My latest build finnished today. Hopefully I'll find some time to play with it tomorrow
    2 points
  46. I must say thank you to forums like this and TalkBass. The people in these forums have been super supportive and because of that it gave my drummer the courage to send out our video to a few places. No Treble Magazine being one of them and they actually featured our video on their site! Pretty cool. So thanks again! Here's to many more interactions on BassChat! https://www.notreble.com/buzz/2019/03/10/purejoypeople-pursuit-of-happiness/
    2 points
  47. Yeah, there was more than a passing resemblence, he would have been the first to admit it too 😂 Talking of Level 42: Sadly not a good quality picture, but here we are outside Colston Hall, Bristol, with Mark King, on the final '94 tour, back in the day when Colin still had hair (and several thousand curries ago, for me, clearly; I couldn't get into that t-shirt now if my life depended on it). He had all that lovely hair cut off one day when I was at work without telling me he was going to do it - the first I knew of it was when he sent me a picture of the #1 buzz cut. The rotten sod 😂 Funny story from that gig: This was when we were living in Exeter and he was playing in Goliath, mentioned earlier. Everyone knew him on the local music scene back in Devon and we literally couldn't go out for a pint without *someone* coming up to him and talking to him. So there we were, outside Colston Hall after the gig, at about midnight, waiting for the band, miles away from home, when this little voice pops up from the other side of the crowd: "Oi, mate. You're in Goliath, aren't you!!" I couldn't take him anywhere 😂
    2 points
  48. So the Ashdown head is now fixed. 😃 I took it to a local repairer and was expecting to leave it with him but I was invited in and he actually fixed it there and then whilst I watched! It turned out to be a bad joint on the amp's speakon socket which was re-soldered and the adjacent jack sockets all cleaned. So one gig under my belt since, everything appears to be working again. That just leaves the Trace head to sort out now but I think I'll start another post on that one. Thanks again for your comments everyone!
    2 points
  49. If people whose playing I respect ask me to play with them, then I consider that to be a sign of reasonable ability.
    2 points
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