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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/03/19 in all areas

  1. Sounds like he wants to be the singer...
    6 points
  2. He isn’t a seriously good drummer. It isn’t all about ability, if he isn’t present he’s a crap drummer. Sack him, quickly.
    6 points
  3. I'm not a Beatles or McCartney fan particularly but I fail to see how you can overrate PMs contribution to music and bass playing. He was one of the very first to push melodic bass lines to the forefront and had an gigantic effect on whatever came afterwards. He was way ahead of his time and put electric bass playing in the spotlight when it had previously been no more than a backing instrument.
    6 points
  4. I’m not a huge fan of the Beatles nor of Macca (or Sir Thumbsaloft as he’s referred to in these parts) but he played interesting melodic and most importantly totally song-serving bass lines in some of the most important songs ever written, that, to me, makes him a top drawer bass player. Give me that over virtuosity or ‘technique’ every time.
    6 points
  5. And we respect Paul because he didn't have 50 years of Rock & Roll bass playing and hundreds of bass players to look back on and draw from. Paul was pioneer. Blue
    6 points
  6. I wonder if electrician's forums have similar threads. You know: "That Edison guy, I don't get it, what was so special about him? And don't get me started on bloody Marconi." Presumably mathematicians have forums where very average modern-day number-crunchers debate the lack of originality in the work of Fourier and Bernoulli. Yawn.
    6 points
  7. On Friday I took delivery of a shiny new Sandberg California II SL Super Light from the good people of Bass Direct. When the box arrived I thought it was empty. Then I was even more convinced the gig bag was empty when I got it out of the box! Its astonishingly light. I weighed it myself at 6.58lb Plugged it into my Helix and studio monitors and had a minor issue with noise... turned out my wireless bug unit was clashing a bit with the preamp. No probs, just out a cable in between the bug and the bass. Sounds very punchy and clear. Piano tone on steroids. As usual I binned the horrible stock Sandberg strings and found a pack of D’addario Nickels I had lying about. It was comfy enough to want to want to rehearse with it on Saturday. But of a head twister as I’ve been giggling 5 strings for a decade. At rehearsal I used a Darkglass M900 and barefaced One10. Its a big band with about 20 horns and woodwind, piano, drums, bass etc. My amp settings needed a bit of a rethink as I usually play a 5 string PJ with flats. Used an Octave on a couple of sections as I didn’t have that B string anymore. But when sorted it was thick, clear, and with a touch of grit from the B3K circuit in the amp. Sounded massive. Did big band arrangements of Superstition, Uptown Funk, 7 Nation Army, Havana, Don’t Worry about a thing, In the mood, and Zoot Suit Riot. Its a superb bass and I’m really happy with it. I’m now thinking I need another one for flats! Easter concert is in 2 weeks and I’m really looking forward to it. Anyway, here is it!
    5 points
  8. You haven't really got a drummer.
    5 points
  9. I'm not a fan of either McCartney or The Beatles - probably because they have no direct influence on my musical DNA, I've always felt fairly indifferent. However, it really bugs me (or "triggers" me, if we're gonna be all 2019 ) when this term "overrated" gets thrown around in relation to artists who are indisputable originators - absolutely pivotal and seminal in the evolution of both music as a creative & cultural force, and in the development of the role of the bass. McCartney is one such - his influence, direct or indirect, is enormous, it's probably entirely reasonable to say that without him & his band, none of us would be playing the music we play now, wherever we sit on the musical spectrum, or however we personally feel about McCartney. Fair enough to say you don't like him/them, or you think so-and-so would have done it better - but "overrated"? Look it up.
    5 points
  10. A cheap five string , a dodgy badge , a quality whore , have a great 50th
    4 points
  11. To answer my original question that started this thread - There is now!!! Just finished knocking this up and I'm rather pleased with how it has turned out.
    4 points
  12. +1. Spot on.. And IMO, Macca was a master of striking the right balance between playing exactly what the song needed and making the bass line something of real interest that helped define the song. That to me, is so much more important than measuring a bass player's status/rank/greatness etc by qualities such as technical dexterity and virtuosity alone. Just my 2p worth of course and I know that there are many very strongly held and diverse views about this subject on this forum. Have a nice day folks.. 😊
    4 points
  13. Pretty much did whatever was required of the song in the early years, then right through to harmonising other instruments, playing up the dusty end, chords and melodies. Using the bass as a melodic instrument, in a rock/pop setting. Incredible bassist in my book, and hugely imaginative and certainly an innovator.
    4 points
  14. One more little job sorted - the positioning of the control knobs and jack socket. There will be just a volume and tone on this one, I'm not going to fit a preamp this time. The finish needs to be left a little longer before I can cut and polish it.
    3 points
  15. But that's only a way to distinguish drummers in general.
    3 points
  16. Hi Al, Frequency response isn't a good way to assess speakers like this. The figures are usually taken at the two extremes where the sound output has fallen 10dB. Speakers are never flat between these two extremes unless DSP has been applied and the brightness for bass won't be the result of the extremes, your bass pickup just won't have any response above 10kHz anyway so that is all irrelevant. Brightness is more likely to be due to a peak in the upper mids or maybe an over-enthusiastic horn driver. Have a look at the frequency response of the Eminence driver here, you'll see the sort of peak in mid response that is typical of many bass drivers. https://www.eminence.com/pdf/Beta_12A-2.pdf you'll also see that there are lots of ups and downs in the response curve, it's only smooth at the bottom because they've put in a calculated response, below 200Hz the design of the cab will shape the response so that may be lumpy too. this is one of the reasons for not mixing cabs. All those lumps and dips create the timbre of the sound your cab will make, any other cab will have similar highs and lows in response and they won't line up most of the time. Where they do the speaker will shout out at you where the peaks coincide, where they don't there'll be a blurring as peaks in one cancel highs in the other and you'll have a completely different timbre to either cab on their own. In your case complicated by the mismatched impedances. In practice I think the 4 ohm cab will dominate so much the other one might as well not be there. If you want to own these cabs just because you do then that's great but it isn't really a plan to use them together and certainly not without trying the combination out before you part with any money.
    3 points
  17. Poor Mrs Teebs. As if her burdens weren't heavy enough..... And you do paint a lovely picture with words.... Snot, Mucus and Phlegm. The original characters for the side of the Rice Krispies box.
    3 points
  18. Will do. I've got to make another one, so leave it with me and I'll update the thread with photos over the next day or so.😁
    3 points
  19. +1 ^^ Paul beat me to the draw (...again. Which is probably why I tend to buy his used gear and not the other way around 😁)
    3 points
  20. It isn't the best name anyone could have thought of but I think the bridge looks okay on these. I have dismantled, filed, tidied up and resprayed these bridges and they look and feel much better than standard. You could veneer the cover, though I'm not certain how good the bond would be between the wood and metal in the long term, or you could make an entirely new cover from wood but that would need to be a few mm thicker in my opinion to have reasonable strength. What I plan to do is to mill out the box with the logo in and replace it with an inlay with my logo as there is nowhere else on the bass for one. It won't be done before the upcoming bass bashes but I think that will be the most practical and classy.
    3 points
  21. Really sad to hear about this, Jeff Andrews was the best. One of those rare players who could play 100% legit jazz on electric bass effortlessly. He was only 59.
    3 points
  22. Hello basschatters, Selling my truly unique Celinder J Classic 4 - "DownScaled". It is the only one of its kind, build and delivered to me by Chris Celinder in Copenhagen. Specs for the bass: Birth date - April 2017 Olympic White alder body (aged 12 years +) Maple Neck with Rio board 32,25" Scale length Celinder handwound pickups Hipshot Drop-D on E-string (regular tuning head is incl.) Passive circuit What's special about this baby is its slightly smaller body (US Sadowsky-style), and medium scale length. The bass weighs 4kg according to my scale, has that great 60s Jazz bass sound, and it plays effortlessly! Price as new was GBP3981 (invoice present), and it's still in a beautiful near mint condition. I’d like to keep it only I’m not using it enough to justify keeping it. I don't have a hardcase for it, but will pack it carefully, or may ship in a Mooradian gigbag. Please contact me for a shipping quote - bass is located in Copenhagen. - Price drop to GBP2300 // 2680Euro Reasonable offers welcomed, but not interested in trades, happy viewing!
    2 points
  23. These are equally has good as my Glockenklang space art cab ,if I was gigging which I'm not these days ,I'd have this straight away ,I've used them all over the last few yrs but nothing to touch these beautiful cabs imho come on people show some love glwts
    2 points
  24. Cool - thanks for the info. I've owned one before but was completely oblivious - bought it 'cos Mani was using one for the Stone Roses comeback !
    2 points
  25. Hello Unable to get away from the Hi-fi sound of my Swr, I sell this excellent Aguilar DB 751 never out of the house, it is new. After the success of the DB 750, Aguilar offers the DB 751 hybrid bass amp head. The latter offers a powerful and rich sound. For this, it has a Mosfet section and a preamp stage with three 12AX7 lamps. While maintaining the legendary sound of the DB 750, this DB 751 offers an improved EQ section, a better control device, detachable rack adapters and thermal-controlled fans. The Aguilar DB 751: A powerful and versatile amp With a power of 975 watts under 2 ohms and 750 watts under 4 ohms, the Aguilar DB 751 offers a wide enough gain reserve to give life to your sound, regardless of the style of music you play. Offered in a rack format with a height of three units, this amp head remains easy to use. It has a gain potentiometer and a volume potentiometer with clip indicator, as well as a 3-band equalizer. In order to add clarity or punch to the sound, the head is equipped with both Bright and Deep potentiometers. and to connect bass with high output, a-6 DB switch is present. Spec: Aguilar Bass amp head Power: 975 W (2 ohms), 750 w (4 ohms), 400 W (8 ohms) amp type: Hybrid Preamp Lamps: 3x 12AX7 Power amp: 12x Lateral complementary Mosfet Toroidal Power Transformer Aguilar Universal power Supply (SMPS): 100-120/200-240 VAC switchable, 50/60 Hz Settings: Gain, bright, treble, mid, bass, deep, master, send/-20dB, Return/series EQ section: Tone setting for mid active Bass: + 12/ -12 DB at 40 Hz Mediums: + 12/ -12 DB at 750 Hz Treble: + 12/-7 DB at 4 kHz Deep switch: + 5 DB boost at 30 kHz Bright switch: + 5 DB boost at 5-7 kHz Effects loop with volume settings for Send and return Send: Push/pull switch for Line/instrument level (-20 DB) return: Push/pull switch for parallel or serial loop Input 6.35 mm with switch-6 DB for connecting active and passive bass Speaker Outputs: 2x Neutrik SpeakON Tuner output: Jack 6.35 mm Input for footswitch for controlling Mute function DI output: Jensen balanced XLR (-32 DB) with switch pre/post EQ and switch ground lift Cooling: 2x High quality silent fan with thermal adjustment Dimensions: 432 x 356 x 133 mm (3he rack format) Weight: 19 kg Included: Detachable rack adapters Send it possible, delivered in case 4U Cheers! Michael
    2 points
  26. I carefully took out the electronics , so I could put them back in when/if necessary. I contacted Gig.ink to get a custom pickguard made up. I just scanned in the original and asked for a mm rout in it. he sent me a pdf to check it fits and will be making and sending out this week coming. Then i set about routing out the pickup hole, luckily being covered by i pickguard all i needed to do was cut a rectangle out. I don't own a router and have considered buying one for a while but funds would not permit, so i gave it a go with a drill,chisel and dremel with router attachment. Disaster struck early on. I noticed a small hairline crack in the neck pocket but thought it was a mark. the first use of the dremel and out came a hunk of wood. luckily it isn't too deep and will be covered by the pickguard and hasn't effected the neck pocket by what i can gather after refitting the neck. I know its not a clean straight rout and i should have used a template but its functional and i'm happy enough. I pooped myself when drilling the pickup wire hole to the cavity but it went absolutely fine. i sprayed the pickups with a black paint i had hanging around as they were finished in a weird silver that wasn't appealing for this project. I refitted the bridge and the new single coil bridge pickup. i popped the old pickguard over the rout just to make sure it'll be covered and added a dummy switch, which i might use for something when wiring it up. so whats left to do? fit the new pickguard when it arrives, add inn the neck pickup. Then it's on to wiring it up, i think ill use the same wiring as in the rickenbacker but potentially without the pickup selector or maybe use the small dummy switch as a pickup selector. I'll update later this week when the bits arrive!
    2 points
  27. And Carole Kate will have influenced Macca. And I very much doubt if Kaye's lines in the 60s would have been what they were without Macca.
    2 points
  28. I think so. I'll message you about it. I heard lots of positive comment about last year's presentations. All three were good. I think it's a great focal point for the attendees too. It might be nice to get some sound bites for the podcast as well.
    2 points
  29. Still got the Ampeg Pf350, but now I have a shiny new BF Two10 to play it through! Weirdly, although I know the Ampeg is the weak link in this chain (my playing aside), I kinda like it, so am in no rush to upgrade. Both my basses have had a proper set up and feel great. Currently quite content.
    2 points
  30. Good for firing arrows at drunk punters. Not much good for anything else.
    2 points
  31. I must resist this offer. I must resist this offer. I must resist this offer. I must resist this offer. I must resist this offer. I must resist this offer. I must resist this offer. I must resist this offer. I must resist this offer.
    2 points
  32. Oh dear, we may both be in trouble then...
    2 points
  33. @Cuzzie, I've already started digging a hole under my patio for you.
    2 points
  34. A lot of people have a huge emotional investment in someone like MJ. Think how hard it can be to accept a family member of close friend has done something really terrible. If you were a big fan of MJ our instinct is to deny it, as it is so at odds with your world view, surelky you coldn't have misjudged him. You can feel betrayed and even stained by the accusations, and if you are convinced it's effectively a process of grieving for the loss of the person you thought you knew. Equally if your views were more cynical with tales of pet chimps, nose jobs and dubious skin conditions you might feel the allegations fit with your idea of a weirdo. It might be hard to admit the guy might just have been weird and not malicious. This can make it very, very hard to view the situation objectively. In reality, of course, virtually none of use actually knew MJ and our views of him, positive or negative, were largely based on the media's portrayal of him and very few actual facts. My own view, post-Bashir, was that he was a very damaged individual who might, or might not, be as manipulative as his father. Whatever he did or didn't do, including is own childhood and personal demons, would not have stopped him from knowing it's wrong to take advantage of children.
    2 points
  35. Charge the drummer the full cancellation fee of the rehearsal rooms if he cancels last minute, that’ll focus him on committing properly or letting new blood in. Obviously, let him know this in advance and soon.
    2 points
  36. Beat me to it. Or is that a bad choice of expression?
    2 points
  37. Jet Harris shows us the first Fender Precision Bass in the UK I believe ...
    2 points
  38. Or go even further and get someone who can sing lead vocals in tune... And remember the lyrics 👌
    2 points
  39. I don't think he's a great technician on the bass. He doesn't either and was quoted in the early days as, "Just following Ringo's bass drum", but as a musician he played exactly what was required. Which is never a bad thing. Then, when the Beatles went into creative overdrive his bass lines kept pace. He changed the way bass players thought about bass lines and empowered all of us to use our elbows and move right up to the front of the song. I think you can talk about McCartney the bass player in the same breath as James Jamerson. They were both imaginative, creative and important to the instrument and they released bass players from the 2/4 "hell" that had been their lot up to that point. They opened that door and made everything we know today, possible.
    2 points
  40. It's funny how so many bass players absolutely hate skilful bass playing, and seem to have the idea that bass should be sitting in the background doffing its cap to the "lead" instruments while respectfully muttering "yes sir, no sir"! Bass is whatever the player wants it to be. If you don't like what the player's doing, that's fine; but that's just taste, not what should or shouldn't be played...
    2 points
  41. In early January I bought an almost 10 year old ABM 500. Used it on a gig and it was as good as I remembered. Get to it`s second gig and at soundcheck it started making a very bad noise. I mailed the guys on here and they said send it down. A couple of days later, I got a call to ask if I would be at home on Thursday so TNT could deliver my amp all fixed and ready to go. And all this was done for free! They wouldn`t even take payment for the courier. Ashdown didn`t have any obligation to repair the amp: I bought an old ABM from a shop down south that looked newish but could have been abused to within an inch of it`s life. These things don`t come with logbooks, mores the pity. And DPD didn`t handle it with kid gloves on the way down to Essex either! So a big thanks and thumbs up for Ashdown.
    2 points
  42. Jamerson, Weeks, Cogbill. Jemmott, Rainey, Jaco. Babbitt, Jackson....just my opinion mind as I can't stand him or the Beatles
    1 point
  43. Always liked this finish !
    1 point
  44. I'm very partial to the bass on Paperback Writer.
    1 point
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