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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/03/19 in all areas

  1. Yesterday was a 2 new bass day for me, first , my custom Sandberg arrived which I ordered in mid December , and it’s far exceeded my expectations, it’s a one piece lightweight swamp ash body with ebony fingerboard and black hardware and the neck is by far the best I’ve ever played. I think because of the woods the sound is so resonant , even when not plugged in. When plugged in the eq really kicks. I was a bit concerned that it wouldn’t be bassy enough, I needn’t have worried , the bass control is huge, you really can play reggae on it😀 . IMO Sandbergs build quality is superb 🙂 The second is my first ever 5 string, it’s a Yamaha bb 415 wr , it’s fitted with half rounds, and the low B is so nice, it took me a few hours to get used to the extra string being there, and I muffed a few Basslines, but I think it will come 🙂 and I I really like the controls on this, especially the toggle switch, in P mode this thing really drops some serious bass. So I can now officially comment in the Sandberg thread 😂 and the Yamaha bb thread 😂. No doubt I’ll be hearing from @AndyTravis 😀
    6 points
  2. I've gone for a satin nitro in the end for this one as the neck had already been finished in nitro. Quite chuffed how this is finishing. This is how it looks at the moment, still got quite a few jobs to do but it's getting there!!
    6 points
  3. @fleabag wanted some specific designs of decals for the headstock. I followed up a link that @BassTool put on his recent thread for Rob at GuitarDecals.co.uk. Superb! Best decals I've ever used - super, super, super thin and including whites! Still have to do the overcoating of finish on them, but this is how they look at the moment:
    6 points
  4. https://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/ding-ding-who-wants-me-t1073138.html
    6 points
  5. Entirely reasonable level of expectations for a pre-Madonna. No doubt the manager, publicist, PA, choreographer, video director, fashion designer, make-up artist, hairdresser, personal trainer and spiritual advisor are already in place.
    5 points
  6. I think I've got one of those up in the attic. I'll have check. Edit for: No laser but I found my old command Zeppelin. Any use? Ah, dear, lovable, conceited Ernst: never an employee of mine, more of a supplier of peripherals. It all went tïts-up for Ernst when he developed a cat allergy. Sitting in his high-backed, leather chair stroking a goldfish didn't really inspire his minions to put on a hard hat, pick up a Schmeisser and do battle with Tiger Tanaka's ninja commandos as they abseiled into the dormant volcano. So they all came to work for me, apart from the excitable little Chinese scientist feller who went off to Camber Sands and bought an ice-cream van.
    5 points
  7. My latest 800mm /31.5" scale semi hollow build getting close to finishing.
    4 points
  8. You might have warned us about the drum solo!!!!
    4 points
  9. Ref talks / demos, I have two thoughts if there is an interest: Either: A talk through my journey towards lighter-weight instruments, including some of the design and construction considerations and practicalities. I (and @Len_derby) can bring along a number of instruments that people can try 'on the strap' including Kert's Camphor single cut bass (weight lightened conventionally), and then illustrating my present construction approach Pete's piccolo bass (& my almost identical electric guitar) and @Len_derby 's full-scale Swift Lite bass. or A repeat of the veneering demo Doing both is probably a touch too much Andyjr1515 for one session! What do you reckon? Andy
    4 points
  10. Picking up my new 32" P type bass tomorrow. Overly excited for an older person.
    4 points
  11. Here's the semi hollow bass I'm completing at the moment sprayed with rattle cans of satin nitro. The finish is really nice.
    3 points
  12. OK, here's my 31.5" gang! I should really get some better photos done, details etcs. Eude
    3 points
  13. I met Norman back on 2007 in a guitar shop I was working in. He bought in his Jazz and Precison and we sat and chatted while I had them plugged in (and drooling). He said his late wife bought him the Precison in the early days and that it is his most special bass, he calls it the Rythmn Stick. The Precison is outrageously good, with a killer neck, super worn in. He bought the Jazz after, saying he prefered the neck for gigs, but it wasn’t as sentimental to him. We took the Jazz apart to check it out and he seemed really chuffed to find out more about it. Top bloke.
    3 points
  14. All together lads! Happy Birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Dave and Graham Happy birthday to you.....
    3 points
  15. Good to see Bjork's name added into the debate.. Definitely another unique, genius level female artist of the last 25 years... 😊
    3 points
  16. Ah, the old "I like X & don't like Y, therefore X is brilliant & Y is crap and that's a fact" chestnut. Comes round as regularly as a number 9 bus, this. Popcorn, anyone?
    3 points
  17. As a long time fan of both Joni Mitchell and Kate Bush, it's seems to me to be an utterly pointless argument to say that one of them is a (musical) genius, whilst the other is not. They are both extraordinarily talented songwriters, singers and musicians in their own right but they come from very different cultural and artistic backgrounds IMO, which makes comparing them more about personal preference and opinion than fact. Their back catalogues, record sales, worldwide fan bases and respect from amongst their own musical peer groups tells its own story though and they both have those things in abundance. I'm just grateful that they have made the fantastic music they have over the years; my life's been all the richer for it.
    3 points
  18. Absolutely beautiful unlined stingray, with original Musicman hard case, some tiny marks on the board from roundwound strings in a previous ownership, bass is currently wearing D'addario chrome flats. custom pickguard from Myrtle burl is fitted and original black pickguard is included, i have my eye on something else, So cash or a boutique 5 string single cut with a cash adjustment from my end.
    2 points
  19. 👌🏻 My rather special MIJ Aria Pro II RSB 1500 is up for grabs (to be followed shortly by some other basses). These are fairly new on the scene and are essentially a high grade super-jazz. Think Sadowsky Metro and you won't be far off. This particular colour, See-through pink as it's known is only available on the Japanese Market. It's lightweight (3.9kg/8.6lb), sounds fantastic and uses high grade hardware and materials throughout. Official spec Body: Quilted Maple Top, Ash Back Neck: Maple 1P, Bolt-On Fingerboard: Maple Frets: 24F Scale: 864mm Nut width: 40mm Pickups: AJJ-1 x 2 Controls: Volume, Balancer, Treble, Bass Machineheads: GOTOH GB1 Bridge: GOTOH J510SJ Hardware: Chrome Finish: CB (Caramel Burst), N (Natural), SRD (See Through Red), SBL (See Through Blue), SGR (See Through Green) pan widgetspan widget
    2 points
  20. https://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/madonna-tribute-act-looking-for-musicians-t1151835.html Would-be Madonna tribute vocalist looking for someone with 'a good sound system and mic'. Eh? Think I'll look for a band that can provide a good bass and amp!
    2 points
  21. I have restrung the first bass with the bottom 4 strings of a 5 string set to be able to tune it to normal EADG bass tuning. I did originally have a set of old strings on there from a four string set and had it tuned to EADG too. It worked quite well and the string tension was fine and not floppy at all but I found the adjustments to tune it could be very small hence trying the 5 string set at the same tuning, which d seem better in that regard. I can see how the strings on that Bee Bas Bay-Bee would be okay at standard tuning having tried something similar at a very similar scale! I will try some other four string sets on it at some point to see how gauges affect it or even strings designed for short scale basses. I'll post the results when I do it.
    2 points
  22. Very nice! Wish you had more hands, huh?
    2 points
  23. I think you're all missing the point...she's THE SINGER. Have you got no concept of what that means??? 🙄🙄
    2 points
  24. I rather suspect that her previous experience consists of singing into her hairbrush in the bathroom mirror.
    2 points
  25. Whatever you choose MAKE SURE you save your back if its telling you to. I didn't (work not bass related) and my back went, and it was literally 4 years of not being able to properly move, bend or walk for longer than 10 minutes. The irony is is that the damage had been done, but I didn't know, then one day I lifted a light box and BANG the back went. Oh and you become really grumpy if you have a bad back - it just seems to affect all your body. I've gone the following: Quilter 800 - awesome and 2kg. Trace Elf - even smaller and lighter - great. Line 6 helix. Laney nexus cabs - 23kg for a 4x10. 19kg for a 2x10. And now, an active bass, as well as a passive precision v4, giving me all the tone I need. I could take any combination of those to a gig - even just the active bass and elf and 2x10 and be very happy with the tone. And when i get home, I'm still full of life, not bent over in pain.
    2 points
  26. I have sibling to Mr @ead‘s Finn P, also 32” scale: Edit - but mine doesn’t have the fancy top!
    2 points
  27. Here we go folks ACG Finn 32" scale P bass Alder body with quilted maple top natural satin finish 3-pc ash neck with Maple board P bass pickup, passive electronics, detuner on E string Weight 7.4lbs Crappy phone pic, will so better ones in due course.
    2 points
  28. Wendysday belongs in the middle of the week surely?! ("Stop calling me Shirley!" 🤐)
    2 points
  29. I've had my black 1025x for almost two weeks now and have been playing it almost exclusively. It really doesn't have a bad sound in it and every turn of the volume or tone knob, or movement of the pickup selector, produces something discernably different. But there is something I've just noticed which hadn't struck me before. I can't get the frets to buzz. Not anywhere. I can play any string, any fret almost anywhere between the frets without any discernible buzz. If I concentrate, and press very lightly on the string just in front of the preceding fret, I can generate a small amount of buzz. But I have to really try for it. In normal use, it seems completely free. I don't know if it's the setup of this particular bass, or the inherent qualities of the material and construction, but this bass amazes me more and more every time I play it.
    2 points
  30. It is normally, but on Fridays and Saturdays i use my alteo egos. Fridays i'm chuffed and Saturday you'll be referring to me as Wendy
    2 points
  31. I Thought" she's better than here" type stuff was left behind when we left school .Don't see any comparison in their stuff at all .Both done great stuff ,Kate more to my taste and that's purely on diversity.Ballads to Screaming mad banshee ,Piano to Fairlights,Bulgarian folk backing singers to didgereedoos
    2 points
  32. Well we've all made contact by email! Drummer and I both keen to do Going Back Home, hope one of the the guitarists can do a Wilko! 🙂
    2 points
  33. TheGroovyPlucker was not impressed and has sent theirs back - see here. S.P.
    2 points
  34. I’m with @Muppet with the amp modeller/preamp IEM route but if that’s too big a change (although by far the best weight wise) you could get yourself an amp modeller/preamp + FRFR cab set up so you do still have a cab on stage. This is my entire set up now and my back thanks me...
    2 points
  35. 2 points
  36. Just spoke to Vodafone . Basically , whenever you press "agree " or "allow" then 3rd party companies can contact you in this way . Vodafone have placed a bar on this so that I don't get any nasty bill surprises if I accidentally pressed a button . no probs with Vodafone . Great service . I now have to go into my browser and delete : history/ cash cookies . I suppose it's a heads up if anyone else has experienced this 😼
    2 points
  37. Are your band members in the Musician’s Union? Well worth having a chat with them as their legal department can assist with “writing a firm letter of intent”. Recovering fees and protecting yourselves in the future is something they can help with.
    2 points
  38. After 8 months of in and out of love with The Maruszczyk Jake I traded it for this, 1990/91 MIJ PB57, I think it's a 500 but it has these tuners and Japanese Alnico pickups, both of which I think may be Gotoh ? I've got as far as I can with the nerdiscope on Google so I'll stop worrying about what it is and enjoy my first real PB - loving the neck even though it is markedly different to my MIM Jazz
    2 points
  39. I think 31.5 to 33” is fair cop for medium scale?
    2 points
  40. Love Rory and Gerry but that has to be one of the worst bass solos I have ever heard!
    2 points
  41. If it's happening (and I'm not ruling it out) it's happening very slowly. Top tip, Jazz basses need to be propped up in a corner. If you just leave them against a wall they will fall over eventually, possibly many hours after you last touched them. Don't ask me how many times I heard the ominous thud from upstairs before I worked this out.
    2 points
  42. My birthday too - many happy returns
    2 points
  43. Dedication? Unloading two and a half tons of PA gear and lights into my garage in the early hours after every bleedin' gig because - apparently - i was the only one who knew how to work it so I should keep hold of it..... In fairness, they did always buy me cake for my birthday and i did eventually manage to share the load around - but let's not spoil a good moan with too many facts, eh? Happy birthday Mr McC7, have a good 'un
    2 points
  44. Good suggestion. For really spiffing results, try ethyl mercaptan, aka the smelliest substance known to man. I used to play in a band with an industrial chemist and he put just a smidgeon in the loos of a pub that upset us. Place emptied in short order.
    2 points
  45. Thanks to everyone who mentioned the Mars Volta. Decided to buy de-loused last night and am really enjoying it. All round good music, I like the guitar style, the feel of the songs, and of course the bass... Decent album.
    2 points
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