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  1. and the mothership was out. P-bass and flats to accompany it.
    5 points
  2. BB 735A vs BB 1025 (first impressions review) I've had the 735A for just a few days now, but managed to give it a bit of a spin including at band rehearsal on Thursday night and I'll also gig it tonight. Thought I'd share first impressions on this vs my BB 1025, which I'm very fond of. The 735A has newer strings and this would account for the 735A sounding a little brighter overall. Solo P setting - treble dialled off (passive) This is a classic 1025 "subby" / vintage tone and a much loved sound from this bass. It's not really something I've found any other basses I've played so far have done as well (other than, I guess other members of the BB passive family of basses, be interested if others agree?). The 735A in passive (but not so much in active) mode comes pretty close - it sounded a little brighter, less muddy, but that could be just down to the newer strings. With the treble back up for both basses, the 735A continued to feel a little brighter. 735A Passive vs Active With the 3 band EQ at neutral there was almost no difference between active and passive for 735A, which is a good sign. In terms of the EQ, bass cut worked to tighten the sound. Bass boost was less effective in increasing the low end thump (in the way that the Ibby SR EQ and, in especially, the BB NE2 delivers in spades). Mid cut to give a scooped tone or mid boost to cut through the mix both work well and the treble provides a decent range from very (too!) bright to nicely dialled down. As noted above for the most 'subby' tone I needed to switch to passive mode. The combination of passive and active modes delivers a significantly wider tonal palette than available with my BB 1025. Overall impressions so far This bass is growing on me very quickly. I love the fact that I can get pretty close to the vintage sound of the BB 1025 in passive mode and then, at the flick of a switch, get a much more modern punchy (or indeed scooped if I ever want it!) tone. I found myself making use of the both passive and active modes a fair bit at band rehearsal. This is not the case with my Ibby SRs where I have the bass just in active mode; the passive mode is just a nice emergency back-up should the battery ever fade mid set. The overall tone was a little sweeter than the BB 1025, but I'm not sure how much of that is simply down to the older strings on the 1025. I can see that the ease of ability to access such a broad tonal palette on one bass is going to totally appeal to the convenience junky in me, and that the BB 735A is going to become a 'goto' bass for me. It's been an itch that I first had back in March 2017 when I wandered into the London Yammy store and first started to seriously consider getting a Yammy bass. I'm very glad that I've finally got round to scratching that particular itch
    4 points
  3. I'm feeling immensely fortunate. After some toing and froing with the seller (all very good natured) I've snagged this bass. Built by Marko Ursin, a Finnish Luthier, it was a custom build in 2009 for the original owner, who I've just bought it from. I'd never really imagined having a single cut, but this was just so nice. I'm still getting used to the Aguilar OBP3 / Bartolini G6 combo, but it's such a responsive bass. I'd felt fortunate owning my Fame / Mayones 6 string, but this is every bit as special. Given it's A Finnish bass, crafted by a gent by the name of Ursin, it might gain an appropriate headstock logo. Finnish national animal is the bear and Ursin, must be derived from Ursine, for bear.
    3 points
  4. Keeping this short and sweet. I Picked up a lovely old Series 6 130 C7 Amp which bought from a basschat member. I am going to be pairing with this Trace 4x10 that I picked up for £50 on Facebook marketplace. The amp is fine, will need s couple of EQ slider caps but the £50 cabinet was in a shocking state, painted tolex, several coats black then white then black then something, clear coat... got the speakers out, all happy cones no wear or flap, no fixes no sprays... Everything was sprayed without any primer so rust got under and into everything and started making everything scabrous. Flappers, wire wool, sanding paper, scrapers all to the rescue... It was reassembled last night and it works beautifully, sounds amazing. My only break with tradition is to foam line the cab — older trace cabs didn’t, newer ones did. From DIY restorations in the past, I like and believe in foam and despite adding £40 to the repair (you’ll see I have reused as much as possible) — even going so far as to clean the corner bumpers and flap off the old paint and powder coat back to bare metal — as well as adding some castors for £20, the general feeling is this is money well spent.
    3 points
  5. Hi Bought this a month or so ago and the amp has a problem it's fine then it drops in volume randomly. Its 200 old school watts very loud .Speakers are good and when it's on song it's a monster. I got a repair quote of £90..I just cant be arsed to get it done. So come and get it it's yours for zip nowt and nothing. Pay £100 and you've got a combo to do any gig or pull the head out and you have a free 4x10
    3 points
  6. Blues guitar players will come and go. Many play the blues because they want to, but there are some who play the blues because they have to. Rory was a member of the 'have to' club and right at the top of it.
    3 points
  7. Finally got myself an NS2! Too bad it is blue, but I can live with that until I find my ultimate NS2X...
    3 points
  8. It reminds me of the river of pink slime from Ghostbusters!
    3 points
  9. Tried a few Dingwalls while I was there . Have never played a fanned fret bass before and I was blown away by the playability and sound of them . Beautifully put together basses
    3 points
  10. You might have warned us about the drum solo!!!!
    3 points
  11. Been working on this for quite a while, shaping up to be a playable passive jazz bass.
    2 points
  12. FS/FT. Fretless Shuker bass. Looking for £800 delivered. Would consider trades for anything four string and fretted Five piece laminated neck, 18 volt EMG system. Great early example from Jon Shuker. Specs: maple and wenge (or walnut) laminated neck ebony fretboard two way truss rod Gotoh GB2 tuners Swamp ash body polyester basecoat sunburst gloss lacquer topcoat EMG j set EMG BQC eq ABM bridge Chrome hardware
    2 points
  13. I thought i could see this thread taking an awkward turn but SpondonBassed has returned it to a comedy thread after all. Time for a wee drinky poo..........Bottoms UP Dave
    2 points
  14. I offer competitive rates of interest. @AndyTravis knows this very well, as I now legally own him and his house but he’s got a Yamaha BB out of it
    2 points
  15. Big fan of the G man back in the day...still am but don't play his stuff much.....this has prompted me to get his albums out again. My first ever proper gig I went to was at the age of 14/15 was to see Rory at Birmingham Town Hall around 1972. I hadn't a clue who he was but my sister and her school mates were going and there was spare ticket. The support was Greenslade (remember them?) who were not my cup of tea, but even tho I hardly knew any of the songs, Rory blew me away with his passion and energy and of course his playing. He was on for ages, seemed like 3 hours and at the end, the stage manager kept coming out to get him to stop playing and Rory would play another song - talk about delivering value for money. I've seen him twice since, once at De Montfort hall in Leicester and the last time at the Hammersmith Odeon in about 1978. As always he played a blinding set and by this time I knew all the songs and all the words...a truly memorable experience. I've not read Gerry's book....I would imagine that Rory was hard work in the latter years when the alcohol abuse was ramping up. Some of the recordings I've listened to of gigs he did at Rockpalast, you can hear in his voice that he's out of his head....such a shame. I was so gutted when I heard he'd died, what a modest, unassuming and talented guitarist and songwriter he was.
    2 points
  16. I think it’s gonna have to be my next purchase
    2 points
  17. Well after my Sandberg arrived 3 weeks earlier than expected, I’ve spent most of the day fitting a set of smooth half rounds , and I play with a fairly light touch, so I lowered the action and it plays just beautiful. I’ve also been finding my way around the controls and even in passive mode this thing sounds great, I can’t put it down 😀
    2 points
  18. Yes, you can plug in any MIDI keyboard and it’ll play as soon as it detects a note-on message.
    2 points
  19. Dionysius the Greek philosopher c330 - 250 BC
    2 points
  20. Much too basic and rudimentary to be interesting. 8th note pentanonics with the odd blue note WOW! Zero melody or structure really. Also he fluffs his fingering which fails to sound the odd note properly, I think he is possibly drunk. Much prefer his Bullfrog Blues solo.
    2 points
  21. A truly stunning bass!!! I really would love this..but lack of money rules it out alas..ACG asymmetric necks i've tried are a true joy to play😁 GLWTS
    2 points
  22. Whoops, sorry misread the picture carry on ignore me
    2 points
  23. as above....so below....great flick btw.....back on topic....I've jumped in with the Future Impact 1....good deal on EvilBay....can't wait....saw a guy doing a Whitney Houston demo on that there uTube using a Deep Impact so I'm guessing I can achieve with the F1.....reading the guide on here is like re-visiting the 70's/80's music shop experience for me...not wanting to sound disparaging to the author as it's superb, but it makes me feel as small as the current 5 pence piece, or half pence piece for those that recall......I'll report back....jeez, I might even throw in a video...over to the watch list for suitable attire....
    2 points
  24. Right now I'm listening to foxes fighting... Which is still preferable to listening to One Direction.
    2 points
  25. A completely silent hotel room after this evenings rather raucous gig. Which is very pleasant.
    2 points
  26. Three Sides Live is mint. I'm glad it exists.
    2 points
  27. I think this might be my favourite song of all time...
    2 points
  28. To be fair, if I had £750 spare, that would be right up my street. Bloody gorgeous
    2 points
  29. I think, it’s fair to say that you do.
    2 points
  30. I've gone for a satin nitro in the end for this one as the neck had already been finished in nitro. Quite chuffed how this is finishing. This is how it looks at the moment, still got quite a few jobs to do but it's getting there!!
    2 points
  31. Whatever you choose MAKE SURE you save your back if its telling you to. I didn't (work not bass related) and my back went, and it was literally 4 years of not being able to properly move, bend or walk for longer than 10 minutes. The irony is is that the damage had been done, but I didn't know, then one day I lifted a light box and BANG the back went. Oh and you become really grumpy if you have a bad back - it just seems to affect all your body. I've gone the following: Quilter 800 - awesome and 2kg. Trace Elf - even smaller and lighter - great. Line 6 helix. Laney nexus cabs - 23kg for a 4x10. 19kg for a 2x10. And now, an active bass, as well as a passive precision v4, giving me all the tone I need. I could take any combination of those to a gig - even just the active bass and elf and 2x10 and be very happy with the tone. And when i get home, I'm still full of life, not bent over in pain.
    2 points
  32. My account has been suspended for the same reason. Their argument was that I should agree to buy something and then reject it if not satisfied (alloy wheels with tyres) I have subsequently arranged to purchase items advertised on eBay for cash by simply messaging a photo of my phone number written on a piece of paper. Ironically if I had been permitted to view before buying the transactions would have gone through eBay but after the way they treated me I decided they can fcuk off!
    2 points
  33. Nothing much to say about these highly regarded gems, except that this one is perfectly functioning, has a straight nice neck, fast low action and weights in at a merely 8 pounds. 850 GBP shipped with Air Courier with tracking number within Europe.
    1 point
  34. REDUCED £1500 possible trades: Modulus Funk Unlimited Flea Bass travis bean designs, electrical guitar company basses A nice non-knackered vintage 4001 Wal + cash your way Lightweight Swamp Ash body with tone chambers, Walnut top, bird’s eye maple neck (dual action truss rod and 25 med/jumbo frets fitted with custom prepared 'Hipshot' tuners) and rosewood fingerboard, Enfield pickups, active 3 band john east eq with swept mid and passive tone. push pull active passive Nut Width 44mm. Weight: 3.8kg/8lb 5oz, For a new one its £5580! Some links: http://www.enfieldguitars.com/cannon.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBujWmzlUrw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0TsJ8osYoc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx1QIXoALQA http://www.bassplayer.com/basses/1165/enfield-basses/25905 From Enfield web: Our Enfield Cannon was the first model we launched back in 2008 to showcase our unique Super 8 pickup. Still, our flagship model they are built to the highest standard using only our best hand selected timbers. All cannon basses are built to order and are available in either 4, 5 or 6 string models. The cannon has been specially designed not only for the pro player but for anyone that seeks the ultimate in sound from their bass. With our Super 8 pickup and it's eight individual coils along with our uniquely designed pre-amp built to our specifications by the renowned 'John East' ( J-Retro fame ), the cannon is perfect for any gigging or studio situation. Cannon Specification's Tone chambered body with bespoke hardware designed and produced by Enfield Guitars. Standard quarter-inch jack and a Balanced XLR output. Maple neck with dual action truss rod and 25 med/jumbo frets fitted with custom prepared 'Hipshot' tuners. Nut Width's 4 String Cannon = 44mm Happy to ship worldwide at buyers expense lots more info on one that sold previously :
    1 point
  35. 👌🏻 My rather special MIJ Aria Pro II RSB 1500 is up for grabs (to be followed shortly by some other basses). These are fairly new on the scene and are essentially a high grade super-jazz. Think Sadowsky Metro and you won't be far off. This particular colour, See-through pink as it's known is only available on the Japanese Market. It's lightweight (3.9kg/8.6lb), sounds fantastic and uses high grade hardware and materials throughout. Official spec Body: Quilted Maple Top, Ash Back Neck: Maple 1P, Bolt-On Fingerboard: Maple Frets: 24F Scale: 864mm Nut width: 40mm Pickups: AJJ-1 x 2 Controls: Volume, Balancer, Treble, Bass Machineheads: GOTOH GB1 Bridge: GOTOH J510SJ Hardware: Chrome Finish: CB (Caramel Burst), N (Natural), SRD (See Through Red), SBL (See Through Blue), SGR (See Through Green) pan widgetspan widget
    1 point
  36. Now £400 including postage. Hi, I've Decided to let this go as my matamp has been my primary go to. This head is effectively the rebranded sunn 1200s following the acquisition of sunn by fender. It's 2ohm stable putting out 1200 Watts. It's an bsokitr monster of an amp with wonderful tonal capability. It punches like nothing else I've ever played and slammed some big and small stages alike during my ownership. It has the Fender eq stack which is brilliant, and great tone shaping capability with semi parametric vari q, on board overdrive and a 'room' feature which helps to retain your tone but adjust to the room or stage nuances. Comes in a rack case which it's lived (vents front to back) in since I took ownership and it comes with the footswitch which gives you versatility at your feet. Give me a shout with any queries, ideally meet to handover. I'm in bedford/ Northants area, rehearse in stevenage and Hitchin. I'm happy to post/courier but will have to seek quote and agreement. Any questions drop me a line, cheers
    1 point
  37. The fan is dead silent to the point I wondered if it actually works - and it does! Even after playing a 2 and a half hour set with a 4 ohm load, the amps have never been any warmer than ambient temperature. So efficient as well as silent.
    1 point
  38. They are phenomenal congrats
    1 point
  39. Unparalleled austere post-hardcore riff-riders Helmet, the incomparable John Stainer on drums...
    1 point
  40. MB1. Reminiscent of The Physchedelic Furs .......Pretty in Pink!
    1 point
  41. Absolutely 👌🏻 Yes it's a late 90s Moon. Amazing bass.
    1 point
  42. Great cabs. Really great cabs. Really great rehearsal room too! Wish ours was as well stocked. 😂😂🍺🍺🍺 Glwts
    1 point
  43. I googled this Nad Sylvan bloke. he looks like Bette Midler after a night on the lash. Very disturbing
    1 point
  44. I’ve relocated, so you might want to edit my location. I’m now in the Outer Hebrides (still furthest north though). I’ll help out anyone in the islands, sure .... provided I’m not the only bass player here 🤔 Anyway, I can do set-ups, fingerboard/ fretboard/ fret work, basic electronic repairs, certain types of refinishing, and my forte ... metalware/ hardware modifications. I’ve been confidently working on my own basses for the last 20-odd years. I’m a silversmith by trade, so I’m familiar with working to high technical standards 👍🏻
    1 point
  45. I have owned quite a few fretless basses but I've sold them all because of this beauty I got 16 years ago.
    1 point
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