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  1. I'm a SBL member, I really need to use it more though. I should spend more time with it, particularly when I'm traveling for work. This thread has really left a sour taste in my mouth, this is an embarrassment to Basschat. Is his YouTube stuff clickbaity? Undoubtedly, yes. However, I consume most of my video content via YouTube and have seen this happen to a lot of the channels I watch over the past few years - the algorithms and culture of YouTube means a lot of channels have to do this stuff, it's all driven by the way data is interpreted and used to boost or hide channels depending on how users interact with it. I do think that Scott's free stuff on YouTube is great though, once you get past the "6 reasons six string basses suck" title and thumbnail and you realise that actually the video is 6 ways to better utilise a 6 string and avoid some common pitfalls, as one example. It's good and useful info packaged in a way that helps generate interest on an extremely crowded platform. He is a great player and a great teacher, but if you don't like his content on Youtube, then don't watch it - it's free and didn't cost you anything. I think the stuff on SBL is great for the price and I don't begrudge him the opportunity to charge extra for certain courses - he is running a business and if he thinks some elements should be monetised outside of the normal academy stuff, then I suppose he is better positioned than any of us to weigh up the cost and risk to his business.If I had guessed the production costs, I'd have guessed low and that doesn't even factor in editing. I do think though, love him or hate him, that going through companies house to see how much the business earns is a touch crass, even if it is info available to the public. However, bringing his wife, the state of his marriage and the division of shares between himself and his wife really is appallingly crass. Pretending it's not a veiled criticism or jibe doesn't cut it, there is no reason to bring that into the discussion except for making backhanded remarks and insinuations. Really, really poor form and I don't blame Scott for making a video in response. It's embarrassing to read. Personally I think he is owed an apology.
    20 points
  2. Hey dudes, it finally uploaded... So, word of warning... this ended up a little (understatement) longer than I though it was gonna be, but I wanted to cover a few things. Things I hit upon that may be of interest: The reason why we're experimenting with longer form dripped courses outside of the SBL Academy What's actually included within the SBL Academy (for those of you who have no idea) The reason why my YouTube content has changed over the years (this will probably be of most interest to you, as it's likely not what you think) Am I the same in "real life"... or is it a show for the camera? And a bunch or other morning ramblings Ezzzzz
    11 points
  3. I think this thread has run it's course now and given Scott has responded I think we can put it to bed.
    10 points
  4. Oh wow. Going through Companies House and drawing comments on earnings and directorships... Case of mind your own beeswax.
    6 points
  5. This is my current fave - anyone on the forum ?! RevDrGlover (Coventry) Sunday 24 Mar 2019, 7:26pm I'll turn-up to every practice, won't do tiresome bass solos, will syncopate between lead guitar and the kick-drum, fattening-up your sound, and will have no opinion about 'musical direction', just like bass players should. I've been playing with bands that are 'nearly ready to gig' for four years, without playing an actual gig. I bloody love making music with other people. Happy to carry-on doing that; thoroughly enjoying practice sessions, or actually practice to the point of actually playing an actual gig. I'm in my 50's with a mental age of 14 or so, and love what bass guitar can do to glue a band together. If that's what you're missing; I'm your man*. [*Or your gender-neutral bass-person who's cosplaying a fat lazy old bloke.] Blip me a DM, and I'll WhatsApp you on Instagram, or fax you a Telex at your Reddit PO Box number. Erm, bro.
    6 points
  6. I've had it for 4 months now. Initially I thought it was ok, but the more I tweak my patches, the better it gets. Now I wouldn't be without it. I say this for a few reasons. Firstly, the modelling. It's really good these days. Things have moved on a lot since the days of the hissy & metallic souding Zoom and Boss tone suckers. I haven't got the effects models to exactly replicate my pedals, some are very close and some are slightly different, but overall I do like what it does. Second, amp & cab modelling. I love this. I have a Streamliner 900, and I swore it would be the last amp I'd ever need. But, I'm having a blast just plugging into the FX Return on my amp and use it just as a power amp. I'm mainly using the Flip Top, SVT and Bassman models. There are some gigs when I want to hear my amp in all it's glory, but having some different flavours is fun. I may soon look for a dedicated (hopefully small) power amp, to use on gigs, and I can save my Genz Benz for special occasions. Thirdly, portability. My last big board was a Pedaltrain Classic Jr (Novo 24 before that!) with the ES-5, lots of MIDI, loaded up with all the big gun pedals, and for small gigs a Metro 20 still with 8 pedals on as a stripped down, simpler version which was more portable. Now I can take my full board, which fits on a Metro16, on my shoulder to every gig. No compromising on sounds, it's too easy. I play in some central London venues that have house amps, house cabs or just DI into the PA, and I get the tube there and back with my board in my hand. Again, it's too freaking easy. If I was just doing original music I'd probably stick with pedals, but most of my work are covers & functions and the Stomp does everything I need it to . I love the versatility of the Stomp and the ease of use.Also, I play short scale basses now, my full board weighs probably less that 2Kg, My amp is small, my 1x12 Berg cab weighs 23Kg. Humping my gear around now is a piece of p iss!
    4 points
  7. Agree - as someone who has been on the receiving end of such criticism and stalker like detective work I also feel that this is a bit next level and quite unseemly.
    4 points
  8. Many hours of loving care and attention have bought this bass back to life .... It has been stored in its case (included) to avoid dust and atmospheric damage. (bit late, I'd say)
    4 points
  9. Can I just say that I love the fact Scott Devine took the time and trouble to do the video. And actually, it was not very Youtubey either so it truly is appreciated.
    4 points
  10. This is well worth a watch. It's like a TED talk....
    4 points
  11. Talentless is fecking rich from you @bigsmokebass, I had talent before you were a d*ckhead. And that’s been a long, long time.
    3 points
  12. πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ
    3 points
  13. I shall be blunt in my summary here - the construction quality of my BB735a is every bit on par with my VM5, and personally I prefer the BB735a in many ways. To clarify, it’s the Sandberg VT which is a P/J config. The VM is a P/MM config. Still, for the purposes of this comparison that makes little difference. Ignoring the body finishes (as they’re so wildly different) I prefer the neck feel of the Yammy as it has the most lovely satin matte finish vs the more glossy sheen of the Sandberg. Obviously this is down to personal preference. The VM has Sandberg’s own in house lightweight tuners but the BB has more β€œstandard” offerings. It means nothing though really as my BB is still considerably lighter than the VM anyway! For a while I was a bit of a Zero Fret snob and aimed to have them on all of my basses, but I’ve outgrown that mentality. Both my Yamaha BB and my Dingwall Super P are without a Zero Fret and they both sound amazing. In a blindfold test I wouldn’t be able to hear or feel the difference between a bass with a Zero Fret and a bass without, all other things being equal. I’m sure there are people out there who can! I do prefer the preamp on the BB as I find it to be more intelligently laid out. Yes, it has a mid control which the VM doesn’t, but I also prefer having the active/passive toggle on a separate physical switch rather than a push/pull on the volume knob. Again, personal preference. For the record, it is possible to spec a 3 band preamp on a Sandberg. Just the other week I saw a VM for sale on Facebook factory fitted with a 3 band. The area where Sandberg will always win hands down is in custom finish options. Mine is an absolutely beautiful violetburst with open textured wood grain and a matching headstock. Yamaha’s production is obviously much higher volume so they just couldn’t compete with Sandberg’s level of customisation unless they did something like a Fender Custom Shop system. I doubt they’ll do this again as they’ve tried a semi-custom system in the past as has been documented earlier in the thread. TL;DR Put a gun to my head and ask me to choose between the two? I’m taking the Yamaha.
    3 points
  14. Personally I don’t really see the point of saying β€œNice looking bass” on a US Standard P-bass ad, for example. It’s a mass-produced instrument with a limited number of colours. I also don’t feel like making the type of slightly disingenuous posts I’ve seen that are of the form β€œif only it had X strings/was orange/was less than 10 miles from me I’d buy it in a shot”! Then there are the weird and wonderful instruments that to me look awful. To be honest there not a lot I could say (other than β€œyuck”!) The challenge is when you see something that is clearly way over any going market rate. They’re often from our European cousins as U.K.-based sellers generally have an idea as to market rate. Then again, the price may be competitive to other European cousins (in Euro). On other forums I frequent (not musical) there is no restriction on commenting on price and it ends up like the Wild West, so its a good and respectful rule that it’s not allowed on Basschat. In any case, for most sellers, deafening silence will usually prompt a price drop
    3 points
  15. @devinebass Thanks for taking the time to do that video, Scott, I even watched it right up to the end. Good work: with explanation of the whys and wherefores of charges and YT generally; keeping it together and not going on a rant; keeping it friendly and often amusing (for me anyway). Pino would be a massive score for SBL, but if you look at his low interview count and how diffident he is when rarely on camera, I think you’ve got your work cut out, but I remain hopeful.
    3 points
  16. I was not criticising your original point but he seemed ( to me) to explain why he was charging for the GW seminar outside of the SBL Academy. It was the section where he told of the costs around $40,000 just to do the GW piece? I appreciate above is your last words but happy to hear them elsewhere...!
    3 points
  17. Might have something to do with the LX also being a german bass. Nice Streamer btw!
    3 points
  18. The JMB poster may be commended for their brevity if nothing else. Frankly, it looks a bit weird without the usual lengthy list of entirely incompatible influences: (Aerosmith, Jimmy Shand, Stockhausen, The Macc Lads, Englebert Humperdinck, Bootsy Collins).
    3 points
  19. I hope everyone's wives are OK, by the way* *Where applicable
    3 points
  20. 110%... I was speaking to the team about her yesterday saying we need to get something set up. Joe Dart's at the top of the list at the mo though, just trying to figure some stuff out around that. Was supposed to be hooking up in LA a few weeks back but stuff didn't line up - I will make sure it does though. For me, Carol is at the top of that list too... Also, someone on here mentioned Pino... he's defo on the list of peeps I wanna land, it's a little complex because of his schedule and a few other moving parts. He's also a private dude too, so I'll have to do some serious sweet talking.
    3 points
  21. You all know the score here, one of the best cabs ever made and Β£1199 new if you can get them. Easily the best cab I've ever played but alas it has to go as I'm moving onto an all in ear setup so needing to let it go to a player. In excellent condition with padded Bergantino cover included. Will get some pics up tomorrow. Based in Perth but visiting family in Leeds quite often so can meet on the way or can deliver up to 60miles radius of Perth provided cleared funds in my account beforehand.
    2 points
  22. I reckon this one's definitely worth going for. They seem a really talented and dedicated bunch.
    2 points
  23. For sale is this MIJ Fender Jazz, in an unusual colour and finish. EDIT: I have been told (see thread below) that this finish is called "Photoflame" Serial number dates it as 1994 or 95 and the build quality / component quality is what you'd expect from a Japan made instrument from the 80's & 90's In the interests of complete honesty - the condition of the finish is not great. Lovely colour though it is, there's some unusual damage to the Poly surface. The previous owner said it had been like that when he picked it up, and the guy before him didn't know how it had happened either. So if you're looking for a mint, pristine bass - this is not for you! I've tried to capture how the scratches look - but it's quite hard to show, as there are lots of other reflections of background objects etc. Both front & back of the body have quite a few "scratches" on the surface - or my own thoughts were that this bass may well have been in the cargo hold of an aeroplane, as to my eye - it could be that the surface has shrunk & cracked. There is also an area on the back which had fairly extensive "buckle rash" - and I covered this with model makers paint. I must have been thinking about trying to protect the bare wood underneath.... I acquired this bass, simply because I have a real liking for Japan Fenders and as soon as I picked it up, It just felt lovely to play. The neck is wonderful and just feels great - Oddly enough, it has a few minor dings but not the same extent of damage as the body, and nothing that affects playability in any way. I acquired it at a time when I lacked a fretted Jazz, and had GAS for one. Since I got this bass, I've more recently acquired a favourite Roadworn Jazz and I've decided that's my keeper. I initially had thoughts of sanding this bass down and refinishing it, or getting a replacement body, but after a while, the scratches bothered me less. Since being made aware that I'm going to be made redundant in the near future - I have decided to just keep my Roadworn, and don't have the appetite for doing a complete refin now anyway. It really is a lovely player, and if you're not bothered about the scratches & dings, or you fancy a refin project - then this is an inexpensive MIJ Fender. I can let you have a choice of case with it; either a Fender Red Badge Shaped Hard case (which is a bit tatty) or an old Brown Tolex covered Fender G&L fur-lined Hard case, which is a bit "Roadworn", alternatively, I've got a padded Fender Gigbag, if you prefer. Including a case, I hope this is a fair price? The bass is located just to the North of Cardiff. Note: I will not ship this bass, as I'd much rather that you tried it and are happy with the condition, and know exactly what you're buying. I'm happy to travel a little way to meet half way (I've got a Roland Battery amp so you can hear it). Absolutely no trades at all, unless you have a 5 string Wingbass (with cash your way). I can't own any more basses, as I'll be jobless in the near future.
    2 points
  24. Hi, We have just finished the V8 upgrade to my homebrew bass pedal. I've made a (badly filmed) video to show hat they can do: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wksuh0lh7kgu20f/V8 bass pedals.mp4?dl=0 The original consist of an old pedal board from an organ, a Novation Bass station1 plus an Arduino microcomputer. I wanted something that could provide some backing chords so I've added another synth module (Roland) a second Arduino and more switching. My original code has been sorted by my son, who is a programmer by trade. The original has been running fine for about 8 years and we have used the same technology to build our DMX controller - no video though: Regards, Doug
    2 points
  25. Fat? Dead? Talentless? All? πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
    2 points
  26. Head of Inlay-Design at Yamaha bass fancied a 'creative change' following an instruction from Head of Marketing, Maketingu-san, who was under a bit of pressure regarding his bonus that year.
    2 points
  27. If I can add my tuppence worth, then I might do! Personally, and this just be wrong, I like to read other people's thoughts on something I'm purchasing!
    2 points
  28. I just don’t get it. There are lots of dark colours. they need a good surf green or metallic orange πŸ˜‚
    2 points
  29. That bit caught my eye too. Clearly not a a pet free home though, their croc's had a chew on it.
    2 points
  30. Yeah you can set them reversed for a brighter tone.
    2 points
  31. Werthers' Originals I believe...
    2 points
  32. Well I think it's cool. πŸ‘ But if you hate it that much, you might need to bribe admin' with a bag of cheese biscuits or similar.
    2 points
  33. Absolutely MINT condition Supernatural Series 3 Mark King signature. 1987 with Original Red Jaydee flight case. Neck and headstock biding. Not a single ding or scratch on her. I know I will regret selling this but it just sits in it's case in my spare room not getting enjoyed. I had it serviced and set up with 35 -95 strings Sept 2014 by John Diggins at Jaydee and I have not used it since. Price of a new one today just over 2k with a lengthy waiting list. Collection from Northwich Cheshire. Come and have a look, you won't find a better one of this age. More photos can be taken if required but photos don't do this time capsule of a bass justice. need to be seen in the flesh πŸ˜‰ No trades thank you.
    2 points
  34. d'you know, My vigier (kept in the same room) refuses to go out of tune! I play it hard every day and I haven't needed to re tune it for many many months
    2 points
  35. Weekend of gigs and rehearsals coming up. I shall be using all Trace stuff for the first time in years. 250 head, 2x10 and 1x10 cabs. I shall have my Bugera Veyron in the leads box as back up but hopefully all will go smoothly. I know nobody in the band or audience will notice or care but being a bass player I'm used to that. I will get huge pleasure just looking at that lovely black and green.
    2 points
  36. I'm a big fan of all the songs - 80's rock being exactly my thing, so can watch this despite the many negatives - still end up quite enjoying it though.
    2 points
  37. I used to think that too. I was wrong; Sweet Home Alabama was aimed at NY for stereotyping all southerners as racists in Southern Man and Alabama. In his autobiography (which I'm reading at the moment) NY says " "My own song 'Alabama' richly deserved the shot Lynyrd Skynyrd gave me with their great record. I don't like my words when I listen to it. They are accusatory and condescending, not fully thought out, and too easy to misconstrue." By the way, Clydie King, one of the two black ladies who sang backing vocals on Sweet Home Alabama died earlier this year.
    2 points
  38. I gotta be honest... I don't recall seeing one of these in a Yamaha logo before...?
    2 points
  39. For the full history of the Yamaha logos, musical and motorbike, click here: https://www.yamaha.com/en/about/history/logo/ ignore me, just spotted this further up the page. Glad I have new glasses on order.
    2 points
  40. It's either collect nice gear or get on the gear πŸ’‰
    2 points
  41. When I started bass again after a couple of decades off, I clocked YouTube for a few freebie lessons and found most resonance with Scott Devine's videos (for bass guitar) and those of Geoff Chalmers (for DB). Clearly, the funk/jazz thing is where I belong, so this was the obvious site to hit. Anyway, I subscribed - lifetime - and I pick through the courses for what I want, rather than trying to do everything. However, sometimes I will find a course that I wasn't looking for but piques my interest anyway, so I will give it a go. Steve Lawson's Fretless course was essential viewing for me, and I watched Phil Mann's slap courses to get myself into that technique, because it was something I'd not done before. But...I also enjoyed courses by Jonathan Maron, Andrew Gouche and Bobby Vega without knowing too much about any of those guys before, so those were nice surprises. And that's why I like the Academy, I'm constantly finding stuff out that I didn't know before. I don't LIVE in the Academy site, but it's really helped me to get back into the swing of this. (Yes, literally.) And...at the first London Bass Guitar Show I attended, I went along to the SBL room and picked up a lot of stuff; though what I enjoyed the most was Scott playing live with Mike Outram and a BRILLIANT Brazilian drummer whose name escapes me (sorry @devinebass, you did tell us but I'm old and I forget.....sorry what was I saying?). I don't mind Scott's occasional "waffle" introduction to a vid - if I do get fed up at any time, hey I know how to use a fast forward. I just like to see the enthusiasm - better than some miserable person trying to lecture me on the intricacies of A Minor Demented Mode and making the whole thing seem too much like hard work. So no, I don't begrudge him anything - clearly he's worked damned hard on this and it's something that fills a need, my need in fact; so why not?
    2 points
  42. These are really excellent amps. I had the 800w version, which was far to Much volume( for any application)...the 500w are supposed to be scary loud as well. The Tte truly does feel like a all tube head, with a percussive thump I only found in valve heads I've owned. And at that price! Bargain
    2 points
  43. It's the British way or something. Build them up πŸ‘, and when they seem to be doing well - knock 'em back down again. πŸ‘Ž And lets be honest, once you've had your picture taken with @TheGreekyou're pretty much right up there! 😎
    2 points
  44. Phew! I made it through - Scott was kind enough to go into quite a deep explanation, so I thought it fair to fully watch this. I did have to stop at 11 mins and catch up on some Brexit news, I couldn't make it all the way through in one sitting but I have watched it all now. A summary would be: - The new stuff is different/much longer/more costly, so it can't really fit into the academy - 'Clickbait' works - its not just a simple case of put a video up and expect the views to thunder in, you need to rise up in a sea of content. (ie, take the titles with a pinch of salt) Rest assured, Scott's from the Mothership - he's one of us. He's just been in the right place at the right time to really capture the new wave of online education with Youtube and other stuff, and this has by necessity somewhat thrust him into the public limelight. But its kinda uncool talking about his sanity, financial background or marriage all the same. Scott - don't take this the wrong way - but have you considered approaching porn production companies? They similarly, have had to adapt to a mainly online world, and no doubt have had production costs squeezed, are into a similar thing (video/online content) and are in a saturated market. I suspect the costs of production are a bit on the high side and maybe this could help here?
    2 points
  45. Doh... already recorded the vid mate, so I'll do it here... Ricky 4000... YOU ARE AWESOME!
    2 points
  46. The repeated application of yoghurt to her nose may be having some side effect.
    2 points
  47. Seashell's right. People need to calm down. Scott D has a living to make. If you don't like what he's selling, walk on by.
    2 points
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