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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/19 in all areas

  1. My old trout has never given me a hard time about my GAS nor has she ever exhibited the slightest interest in instruments, amps, peripherals or popular music. Which is why I was incredibly spooked by events that took place in a guitar shop a few years ago. I was trying out a couple of small valve guitar combos using one of the shop's guitars when she suddenly appeared at my shoulder as if instantaneously tele-ported there (it's one of her little ways). 'H'mm,' she said, looking at the guitar in my hands. 'It's a Telecaster but it's not a Fender, is it? High end job? Tom Anderson, maybe?' 'That's right' I replied, entirely unnerved by her keen eye. 'Sounds different to a normal Tele,' she mused. 'Chambered body?' 'How d'ye know that?' 'No f-holes. Anyway, if you bought it you'd have to change those locking tuners. You don't get on with locking tuners.' At this point the typically sniffy shop boy's staring at her with eyes like saucers and I'm so proud of her In the car on the way home I asked her if she'd been possessed by another consciousness, possibly that of Mr George Gruhn. 'Don't be silly', she said. 'It's not that I'm interested but you're always talking about this stuff and I suppose it just seeps in after a while'.
    13 points
  2. So i bought a Lakland Jazz. Shouldn't have done really because im a little skint now. Put it in my case. Then the wife has just found it. Ive yet to go home explain it all away. Doh.
    11 points
  3. Have you used the 'won it in the annual Basschat charity raffle' excuse yet? We could actually start a fake thread to 'prove' that such events are a regular occurrence for frequenters of these forums. Maybe have a word with one of the mods to see if it would be possible to back date it....
    11 points
  4. I think your only option is to take it on the chin and move the offending article on. How much d'you think you'd get for her ?
    9 points
  5. Look what rattled through my letterbox this morning. A limelight replica Fender Precision 1963 in Sonic Blue. 😊 Here are the specs: Faded Sonic Blue Hand rolled finger board Clay dots Light relic Rosewood P width neck Mint Green scratchplate Period correct 1960’s Fender Precision logo Thumb rest below strings. All metal work just lightly tarnished Reverse Gotoh Tuners Strap button on reverse of headstock Roundwound strings When Mark first sent me the finished pictures I was a bit disappointed that the scratchplate seemed more white than a faded-to-green colour. However, This was just a result of the camera flash probably. It looks amazing. I dont know what strings he put on. They look like Rotos but I dont like them so they will be coming off and replaced with D'Addarios. Seems to be quite well set up out of the box so theres a nice surprise.
    8 points
  6. I'm only here for Scott's video response...
    7 points
  7. If you listen to Scott, he says about students who come to him, talk about tone and think that adding an onboard pre-amp is "the answer". He's right it's not. Think this through; the bass the student is playing is probably not a keeper. It's another bass on the path. Adding an expensive pre to a cheap bass isn't going to be a financially sensible move. He's getting folk to think about other smaller, cheaper options before doubling the cost of the bass, while adding nothing to it's value. Sure, change how you play, change the strings, pickups (if you must), and the EQ settings. But if the bass doesn't have a pre-amp, its not always a great move to add one. SBL has a great ethic for getting youngsters to work with what they have. There's no selling section on the site. This is good for making GAS not a major feature there. It's about getting kids to be happy with what they have and learn to play bass, not thinking that up-grading will be the magic-pill that will get them to be just like their bass-hero. We've all been there; changing stuff and selling basses on because we've got the idea that the next £100 ebay "bargain" will be the big one, when new strings, flats or a twist of the knobs would be just the change we're really wanting.
    7 points
  8. For anyone who read the other recent thread here about SBL in which Scott actually posted a 30 minute video clip explaining his business methodology in some detail, his use of controversial headlines like this one about active pre amps, is designed to get YouTube clicks and to get people talking.. Seems like a pretty successful strategy to me. He's a bass player running a very successful business about Bass playing, not a high priest ordained to tell any 'ultimate truths' about the bass guitar and everything related to it.. Theres a big difference between the two IMO.
    7 points
  9. You owe us a N(Lâkland)BD! Do the right thing Bub 😁
    6 points
  10. Hell yeah, the Vodka was long gone as was the cooking sherry I had even finished off the kitchen surface cleaner, there were nowt left but Malibu
    6 points
  11. I'll be glad when this is sorted out. The small Rotosound/Elixir etc.type banners at the top of the screen were fine but I don't like the new system - I'm getting ads popping up every time I open a new topic / change forums etc.. In some cases taking up the whole screen. Infuriating and very annoying Chris
    5 points
  12. The downside being that you're now legally a Russian bride so when that van turns up just get in and don't make a fuss, thanks.
    5 points
  13. I got a 'so you didn't buy anything at the bass bash then?', which lead to.. "well..."
    5 points
  14. Had a blast bringing my rig and as always a excuse to have a really nice grub!!! i mean look at bass gear!
    4 points
  15. And now for some moving pictures, one of which is a 'talkie', even! 😮 https://photos.app.goo.gl/3cVkUdz8mHt6YVGq6 https://youtu.be/x4_ZYet2bvs Don't know about you guys, but we're still on a high here!
    4 points
  16. Here's the plan... We group together in tens based on geography. Each of us throws in £150. Or more, whatever. We buy two or three basses and share them round between us. That way it really does appear as if we are "looking after it for a mate" when someone comes to collect it for their turn... OR we get together in groups based on geography. We decide a list of one bass each we all want. We buy it, BUT here's the clever bit .. we keep swapping them round between us! Oh the red one?? That's Mick's, he's collecting it next month... Oh why did he drop off another? He wants me to fix something on it, won't get to see him for a few months though... Etc.
    4 points
  17. that group image of us is great, And frank has his trousers on in that one, which is nice! I forgot to mention that the sale basses were great. The Gillet acoustics were great, loved those, and especially liked the little skinny string one. Not sure I have scope for one of those, but I was impressed. Also the walnut Chowny are very impressive. I didn't quite get out of there without buying anything, but I figured I got away lightly, if Jabba had been selling that brown mini bass or the hollow one with the tapewounds it would have been different!
    4 points
  18. SWMBO never ever gave me any lip about any bass I bought - 16 in all. When I bought the first one, she remarked that it was a pretty bass, and after that she just didn't comment. Mind you, things were quite different when we were still married. 😄
    4 points
  19. Chris makes a valuable point here, Mrs2611 decamped to the seaside over the weekend and sent me pictures of her and her mates drinking Gin on the seafront so Friday night after an argument with the remains of a bottle of Malibu I found myself in the depths of loneliness and the football had finished so I ended up having to order a Mustang Bass from the tinterweb...it arrives tomorrow......Mrs2611 goes to seaside.....Rog buys new bass....fair trade off and proof, if ever proof was needed, don't leave me alone on a Friday night with both beer and tinterweb
    4 points
  20. She's mentioned selling it.. But Im not going to fall for her mind game sorcery. think i will hide it again. But better. I could even bury it for a while.
    4 points
  21. Yep - you'll not be living that one down; it may even come back in slightly terse conversations with in-laws when you mistakenly think you've bested them in a field of expertise like gardening, crockery collecting or having a room for best.
    4 points
  22. Don't listen to the liars on here. Tell her the truth, and all about how you really feel. Then come back and let us know how you got on! 😬
    4 points
  23. "I swear the ebay ad said 'keyring sized.' I know £39 was a lot to pay for a keyring, but I was determined to win and you know how it gets in the last minute...'
    4 points
  24. Just to clarify... the 'dinky package' referred to the bass, and not @Witters I've just realized that I forgot to call out thanks to @Chienmortbb and the shootout massive... fascinating stuff, and very interesting results. I'm sure I wasn't the only one surprised at my choice when that curtain was lifted. Dunno about the rest of you, but I actually feel quite genuinely sad today knowing that there's now a year's wait.
    4 points
  25. Ive got a magnum 2 with the 3 band eq and can confirm the weight is 9 tons
    4 points
  26. Hi all, out of hibernation and back in the shed, decided to have another go at building a bass, i have some wood from an old door and a Chinese neck and some old pickups, so here we go, i have decided to build a telecaster shaped body with a jazz neck, your comments and advice gratefully received.
    3 points
  27. Hi, I just thought I would put this link up as it seems a good deal. They seem to be well under half price and a lot of bag for the £49. I ordered one of these at the weekend so fingers crossed that it is https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/GPX-BASS-Gator-Pro-Go-X-Series-Gig-Bag-for-Bass-Guitars/2SSL?utm_campaign=bEngine - Gator&utm_medium=paid_search&network=google&adgroup=65792893099&matchtype=b&utm_term=%2Bgpx %2Bbass %2Bgator %2Bpro %2Bgo&device=c&creative=333267352062&adposition=2o1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI85_t3abA4QIV7ZztCh2WCgdxEAMYASAAEgKrjPD_BwE
    3 points
  28. Once the ads are fixed there won’t be any pop ups and the ads will be less than they were before, so give us a chance!
    3 points
  29. Sooo, now the garden studio has stalled for a few months (budget hijacked by other responsibilities), back to the ssslllooooowwww jag build. @Andyjr1515 very kindly gave me a neck to practice on, but if I make an ok job of it, maybe it will stay on the jag! Its jazz width but, and currently painted white, but the pearl square bits (what are they called?!) look rather fetching. I also picked up a bridge from @Chownybass at the bash, and I have a set of cheapie tuners from the neck I bought for by bitsa last year. So, will crack on with the neck refinishing and think about the body blank. I’d like to recycle something, so I’ll keep an eye out for something odd but salvageable. Maybe driftwood scaffold planks?! I did make a nice tea & coffee shelf out of a chunk I found on the beach once....
    3 points
  30. Monday 8th April Notes to self: - Check tyre pressure. Tidy garden in preparation for summer. Stop dropping my trousers every time a camera is pointed at me.
    3 points
  31. I would have told her that i obtained the bass free of charge through a complicated and clever scam. She would have been well pleased with that
    3 points
  32. I just found myself married to Anastasia , and it only cost her 10 grand. She paid her expenses. Счастливые дни !! Ypa !
    3 points
  33. With regards to the missing avatars, Ricky4000 has them. I can't tell you how or why, but he's very sorry & says it won't happen again, & he definitely didn't sell them to finn bass users
    3 points
  34. All the comic replies aside, have to say this post puzzles me. I wondered if it was tongue in cheek but it appears not. So you are skint but bought a new bass, leaving you more skint? Did not having the bass mean you weren't able to gig and earn money? I'm not getting that impression. But in any case, for me honesty and trust are two of the most important things in a relationship and you clearly have broken both of these with an exceptionally selfish act. Anything that happens as a result of it is your own fault.
    3 points
  35. Ahhhh, the bitter sting of the 'disappointed look'. The doghouse for you m'lad.
    3 points
  36. But we have to do it Ped, the 'Gods of Bass' force us to against our will...... Well that's what I tell Swmbo.
    3 points
  37. Know the feeling. In the past (in fact last week) I had to conceal my new bass in the car until such a time as she was out of earshot upon whence I pulled the box into the garage where I quietly unboxed my quarry. Later I sneaked it into the house where, once in the 'man cave', it received not a mention or glance. Then she found the box in the garage! Nah she's OK with it really, she's never begrudged my spending but I still hide things like that because I feel embarrassed I guess. Especially when I know she spends an awful lot of her hard earned on our little boy.
    3 points
  38. This sounds like a fantastic idea
    3 points
  39. The thing is even if it was £6.50 you'd think twice. I've mentioned before that this guy also used to sell condoms which were past their use by date with the line "I use these myself and they're fine", probably not the best choice of words all things considered.
    3 points
  40. @bassjim you've reminded me that 'perfect' can be the enemy of the 'good'. And it's sooooo much better if Scott is 90% right and helps a bunch of bass players than doing nothing; it's a lot easier and of much less value to anyone for me be making criticisms from the comfort of my arm chair. I think the lesson for me here is simply to get my head around who Scott is aiming his videos at (and actually perhaps to remove him from the pedestal I may previously have had him on!).
    3 points
  41. I had one last night, want to know why ? You'll be amazed at the answer.
    3 points
  42. Thanks to all involved another great day. Thanks to the ladies who did splendid catering. Lovely to meet up with so many with the same interests. Look forward to the next one. Hope you enjoy the book Breadbin!
    3 points
  43. Well what a great day again. You could never get such a great selection of gear or people together. Of course the Scrumpettes must get most praise as the food was again superb. More than that they kept us watered all day and of course cleared up after everyone was gone. Great to meet Andy again, I love his work and that fact that he shares his experience ( yes I will be after more info soon Andy). Jabba's basses are fantastic and the support for the bash from Chowney, Markbass and Gillett is great. I never felt the need for an acoustic bass but I fear a Gillet would be hung on the wall rather than played. They are works of art. A big thank you for all those that came to the cab shootout. The initial results were enlightening. Phil is collating them and the results will be on the 12" cab diary soon. Suffice to say that all the information was really useful and a big thanks to Jim for staying in the room and giving his opinion. It all helps. Despite all the work in modelling, measuring and building, you can never tell how a cabinet will sound but the help of all that attended has encouraged Stevie knowing he is on the right track. Finally it was good to talk to Tony Butler and despite his health problems it was smashing to see him at the bash. We must have lived about a mile apart when we were young, but it was the first time I have met him.
    3 points
  44. Bearing in mind what he said about YouTube the other day, I'm surprised he didn't make even crazier claims for clickbait. It's the way YouTube works, don't blame him for it - and don't confuse this stuff with his actual lessons.
    3 points
  45. You ARE talking about the bass aren’t you?
    2 points
  46. What incentive do the ducks have, to line up? If they're struggling....here's an incentive: AdBlock Plus blocks these. I have it installed already so I've basically not noticed any more (or less) ads, or changes in ads. I did notice the site down for a bit, and a bunch of other user's avatars disappearing which might/might not be related though. Unobtrusive ads.....probably okay for most; obtrusive ads.....everyone will either install ABP or leave!
    2 points
  47. Another victim of the great avatar massacre of 2019. No idea why it happened but it's definitely connected to the ongoing work on the site. I redid mine yesterday. I tried to make one identical to the old one and failed so I might go for something completely different in the next few days. I doubt I'll be the only one. Exciting times ahead.
    2 points
  48. To be fair most of the credit goes to Stevie and Phil. Glad you found it worthwhile, I certainly learnt a lot.
    2 points
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