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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/19 in all areas

  1. I bought a couple of slabs of sycamore from a local place in 2016. It was relatively fresh cut hence why I have been storing it to let it air dry. I weighed both pieces when I bought them so I decided to weigh them again today to see how much moisture has been lost. This one slab started at 24kg and now weighs 16.8kg. I've scraped the surface of it to get through the saw marks and there is a really nice tight ripple. You have no idea what the wood will be like until this point. Now I just want to turn it into something!! The other slab is still very nice but no signs of rippling - will still make something nice though. Just got to figure out how to get this wood processed....
    5 points
  2. We/some/most of us have heard it. Didn't know he played it on his Jazz bass. Although we only hear clips of his playing lets not forget how much of a beast of a player he is.. Fantastic drumming and keys.
    4 points
  3. Well, he’s a bass player, with a bass channel on YouTube, and is a member. Just current affairs I guess. Plus there was that other thread.... ps - much respect to the man and the playing!
    4 points
  4. Well my avatar went, and I can't find the original 'cat on toilet' photo. I'm sure I have it somewhere but I just can't locate it atm. In the meantime, my avatar remains a picture of my cat Billie, but she's looking a bit more demure in this one. 🙂
    4 points
  5. Normally I like to sell the space to a bass related company like Elixir and Rotosound and the London Bass Guitar Show. The other ads are supplied to fill in the gaps when we don't have a specific ad booked there. I could get rid of them entirely if we had more people subbing, maybe another 50 people a month. Originally they were put in place because we had companies beating our door down asking for them, but the game seems to have changed and I'm finding it hard work filling them myself. Normally I get so far then the company stop responding. So when they're all set up properly, they help keep us afloat. Pop ups were never part of the plan and as I have said in various places many times so far, they will be gone soon. I don't like them any more than anyone else and agree they just put people off.
    4 points
  6. Ooo you've just reminded me of a Fender amp made from a whisky barrel. Not strictly a relic but still a lovely thing, very Seasick Steve 😁
    3 points
  7. I will build another couple of these that will have a slight tweak to the lower horn, based on feedback from the last bash. I've also started looking at making a new neck to try on one of these to give a scale of around 27" rather than 23" just to see how that feels and balances - details will be posted on here as usual to how that goes! I'll be taking these two mini basses to the Midlands Bass Bash next month for anyone that wants to give then a go. Cheers Jez
    3 points
  8. Every now and again something pops up that you just want to share...
    2 points
  9. I bought this about six months ago from a fellow BCer. It's one of the best Precisions I've owned; light, very even and smooth sounding, and in extremely good nick. There are no obvious dints, just the usual swirls, and the tort guard is a nice looking one - not a craaazee red one. I think it has a Kent Armstrong pup, rather than a stock one, which probably accounts for the sweet and even tone. The action is low and there are no rattles or buzzes. When I say light, I'm serious - about 3.8 kg on my crappy bathroom scales. It has nearly-new DR nicklewound 45-105s, and will be supplied in a decent (probably Ritter) padded gig bag. Pics here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/bjunFCb3RdDZuyMy9 I'm selling to pay funeral expenses. No trades please. This is a very good deal. Pick up or meet in Surrey/London preferred, but courier possible at buyer's arrangement and expense.
    2 points
  10. Sadly no Shaggy on this date. I'm actually playing guitar and organ for this show, but when I asked the guitarists nobody knew who Sting was and then the keyboardists just started talking to me about modular euroracks and other nonsense so I thought I'd tell you fellas instead. Anyway, get your important bass-playing questions in now and I'll get you the lowdown on all those crucial details: Do tortoise pickguards really sound better? What HPF do you use to make your rig cut through in the back room of the Dog and Duck? Where did your accent go? How do you stop having tantric sex??
    2 points
  11. yamaha custom shop in california made jack's custom BBs and they speak english
    2 points
  12. That's the problem with reproduction relics. Folk seldom get the details right. They usually over do it.
    2 points
  13. The guy phoned the depot and the depot phoned me and said he would meet up with me. Sadly I was on a Dual Carriageway towing a caravan in the opposite direction. I did a 3 hour detour on our honeymoon to buy a Stingray 5. My wife would not stand for such behaviour when we were meant to be driving off on holiday. I will be back on Weds but it will be delivered to work on Monday. Phew.
    2 points
  14. Keef uses that guitar tuned in open G and plays it without a low e string. Still doesn't explain the lack of wear under the A or what he's been doing to cause that much damage to the end of the fretboard after the 22nd fret. Edit:It's also slightly odd that the 'reproduction' has 22 frets. The original has the usual 21.
    2 points
  15. Looks like Ronnie Pickering in camo.
    2 points
  16. I’m normally a fender jazz or Sandberg fan , but I’ve had my BB 415 about 3 weeks now and really can’t fault it in any way, I like the pickup switch , it makes it really easy to change between tones quickly, and the lows on this are great . Also the nut width is about 43 mm , which I didn’t think was bad for a 5 string, Imo they are well worth the money 🙂
    2 points
  17. At one point I owned a BB1024 and a BB3000. Now I just own the 3000. They both have a very similar tone however the reason the 3000 has stuck around was the comparatively lighter weight (my 3000 is 4kg) and the depth of the neck was slimmer front to back. Both awesome basses though and there’s really not much in it.
    2 points
  18. And not only that, you can now also get @GisserD of this parish to make you a tasty more compact housing for it too! Here's a board with a rehoused FI from a happy US bassist:
    2 points
  19. thanks for advice and comments all are very appreciated, nothing is set out yet i haven't even taken any measurements neck and pups are just placed on there to see if i like what the bass will look like, have lots to think about like colour or stain or oil do i put binding on it, too much to think about.
    2 points
  20. Just to point out to anyone unaware. This is a fully-featured 4-oscillator monosynth. You are not limited to the onboard patches. You can design your own or import those created by others. You can play this using either your bass guitar or any MIDI keyboard that has a standard 5-pin DIN MIDI out port.
    2 points
  21. That guy was partly responsible for my going ahead and buying a Schecter Model T Session without even having tried one: the bass caught me by its looks and it had the right configuration for what I was looking for... and this guy on the video had a few interesting songs posted playing along to. It led to my buying the bass (it quickly became my #2, which is as high as any bass could get for me, since #1 is firmly my Stingray) and to creating a cool playlist of music I didn't know...
    2 points
  22. Here's a quick mockup I can't decide if the pickguard looks OK?? With or without opinions please?? If I decide to use the pickguard I will have to adjust it a bit so its not too close to the last knob......... 😀
    2 points
  23. This was dicussed recently on Rubis' day of birth Precision thread: I've always referred to these things as the scratchplate, but never new the material changed in '65 @spencer.b I have seen post '65s age and discolour also, but maybe not to the same degree (not actually looked closely enough). Having owned a number of early '60s Fender basses I became familiar with the colour change and distortion that occurs - I'm certain a large part of it is exposure to UV. If you remove the pot knobs and the retaining nut, you'll see the whiter shade underneath. I've heard about tobacco smoke and pollutants - don't buy any of it, maybe pollutants to a 5% degree. If I was trying to do this I would definitely test UV exposure - a cheap uv bulb, cardboard 'light box' and a few days (maybe weeks) soak. The important thing is the colour change is not on the surface but permeates the white upper layer giving the effect of depth. So I don't think tea or any other surface stain will ever really do it.
    2 points
  24. I took this as a genuine question, it's one I've pondered myself. I'm personally quite a fan of a well done relic but I also love a minter. There is a certain beauty in an object which is aged and weathered, not to mention a uniqueness. I think it also gives an authenticity to the player, making them look like a seasoned pro. My understanding of the origin of relicing is that it comes from Keith Richards asking Fender to relic a new Tele they built for him as it was too new and shiny. I believe he wanted a copy of his fav guitar (called Micawber!?), fender custom shop did it and relicing was born. I like your classic car analogy, although there is a section of enthusiasts who restore some cars (and bikes) to a standard which keeps the patina of rusty/sunbleached paint etc. I feel this is an American thing more than European, think rusty pickups and ratty harleys. That said, I wouldn't know if they'd take unoriginal wear and add it like with guitars. Probably though. In Merica, if they can, they do. The only simile I can think of of relicing (although I'm sure there's many more), is with furniture and the whole shabby chic thing. That too can look great when done really well, but like guitars, it's not easy to get the authentic look.
    2 points
  25. Having read this forum, there is someone on here that is uncredited for the amount of time someone who's professionally worked around Yamaha's day in, day out (guitars, basses, drums, keys and audio) selling them for a living and if not someone to be surrounded them at work, he's someone who's working with them in another sense: he's out practicing, performing and recording with them. Probably the BB collection has dwindled lately since I brought him over to the Attitude way of life but this is someone who still knows his beans when it comes to it, someone I still speak to, to gather information on my own gear or inbound purchases 😂 If anyone is to know a thing or two about Yamaha basses, @AndyTravis is the one to ask. Just some of his collection and at one period of time. I'm sure if there was a picture of the entire collection, there wouldn't be enough sofas to stick them on 😂😂😂
    2 points
  26. No need to apologise! Not everyone is as grumpy as @chris_b about comments - indeed, some folk positively lament the lack of any comments on their FS thread: Fact is you are interested in getting this excellent Fearless F112 cab, and I'm interested in getting some of the 'extras' mentioned if they were being separately sold - struggling to see why our expressed interest is a cause of concern for someone who is not looking to get either?
    2 points
  27. “Better” is subjective. How do you quantify “better” - I could certainly spot the difference blindfolded. The decay of the notes, the feel of the harmonic ring, loads of ways to spot the difference. What’s “better” for you might be “absolutely useless” to me. Hence the fact I only use passive basses and you seem to favour active ones, for example. I’d have the 3000 for a different job to the 1024 or 414 - my modded 414 does things differently to my 1024, so they both come along...and there are 3 tracks I always use the 414 for, and in some instances it does the other tunes when I can’t be bothered swapping between the two. I was talking to a mate the other day about eq and fx, compression etc - I really don’t apply much thought to it. He labours over it. And he plays predominantly at home. Makes no sense to me. But it seemingly matters to him. Does that make him “better” or “worse” than me? Nah - just different. Worries me when music or instruments are turned into objects of sport - “not for me” is my favourite phrase with gear.
    2 points
  28. I'm definitely not doing the cat thing.
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. It is this mindset that makes your stuff so attractive.
    2 points
  31. It was great to see the looks on peoples face when they tried these little basses - it was probably similar to when I tried Ped's Wingbass 18 months ago. You think they shouldn't sound like proper basses but they do! This is the rough spec of the two basses: The Buckeye topped one has a single active EMG jazz bass pickup with volume and tone controls. The strings on it are old roundwounds .105 to .045 and tuned to standard EADG tuning. The Maple topped one had an ENG 35DC fitted with an EMG BTC preamp with volume and stacked treble/bass controls. The strings on it are roundwounds .130 to .065 (roughly) also tuned to standard EADG So, same scale length, same tuning but completely different gauges!! And they both feel fine to play to me!! Not to floppy and not too tight.
    2 points
  32. Sorry but I couldn’t face putting it on....too many painful memories. Here it is adorning a forlorn Mustang. Oh the shame....
    2 points
  33. The fascination is cos up to 65 fender pickguards were nitrate celluloid which looked very different and started aging very quickly , a 2nd hand pickguard would also be shiny, the nitro paint was also totally different hence why that worn look has become such a thing for fenders Why does every thread about aged stuff get hijacked by people saying you shouldn't do it , it's wrong etc etc There's some styles of bass that aren't for me so I wouldn't buy one however I wouldn't find a thread about em and say I hate them and so should you
    2 points
  34. Heard this on the radio, and reminded me what an amazing song and bassline it is. Love it.
    2 points
  35. I always look back at Whitesnake with such mixed feelings - They were such a great - different - band when they started, smokey blues rock with a hint of soul and such musical depth with Murray, Marsden, Lord and Moody then they just turned into this generic american see how fast you can play it rubbish with Vandenberg and Vai - all inside a few years. I saw them on the Slide it In tour and they were superb (despite everything that was happening in the background) - saw them on the 1987 tour and I don't think I've ever been more disappointed - all the soul sucked out and just frizzy hair and arpeggios left. FFYL when you listen to the two versions sums this up better than anything.
    2 points
  36. Maybe not the best place to ask, this might not even be the right section, but it is kind of music related. It's more of a graphic design question. I'm looking for an app for iPad that will turn my freehand wobbly curves, lines and shapes into neat looking curves and lines. It's for my PhD thesis. I've been studying a concept called Spectromorphology, which is a way of analysing the sonic footprint of a sound as it manifests in time. I've got freehand sketches that I want to convert so they look professional. Similar to the ones in the photo attached. Suggestions would be most welcome, thank you.
    1 point
  37. I used to have one of these , they are superb ...
    1 point
  38. I have provisionally booked The Limeburners in Offton for the 19th October. It's free, and available from morning through to 4 PM ish. We can then sort out live music in the evening to raise some money for charity / charities.If anyone has a band( I do) or solo who are willing to play in evening can they let me know. There is a local band who may be willing to attend. They have a resturant/ pub meals available for those who want to stay on for evening Jono
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. I'm an Equity member so I'm covered with that. But I think my instrument policy covers it as well- but I don't know if that includes all people I might perform with, or just me.
    1 point
  41. Shouldn't have changed during the update, although there's a possibility that the software providers have taken a stance of "better safe than sorry" if they were implementing new security measures to cater for GDPR more eloquently and didn't have an effective way to translate from the previous version to the current. I know that certain countries have particularly harsh rules regarding "opting in" to emails and these can be a bit of a moving target. Unfortunately, we need to keep up to date with the software updates until I manage to write my own forum software or we risk serious security breaches and falling too far behind to be able to update. We do discussing building our own forum software, but it's going to be one HELL of a project to get to a point where we're able to do that. Apologies if this has changed from the update, I wasn't made aware from the update notes. @ped has kindly offered to help you get back to where you need to be
    1 point
  42. Low pass for sure, band pass is more for guitar.
    1 point
  43. Played my new Sandberg VM4 at its debut gig on Saturday. Absoliutely glorious bass to play. Lightweight too in comparison to other basses i have. Tonally it was very mid sounding with a nice depth of tone. I had the amp almost flat with just a slight bass boost and the treble brought back on the bass. Bass cut thru the mix really well and just loved the mid punch it has. I wasn't really expecting it to be so mid sounding and thought with the MM pick up i'd be hearing more bass and treble tone but nope it was just gorgeous for me. Many comments on the bass look and sound. Action was set upby Mark at Vintage and Cool guitars and is set at 1.2-1.3mm on the E string. Lowest i've ever had and absolutely no fret buzz even when digging in a fair bit thru the set. Only negative was when i was seting up i played a little slap and pop run (no-one else around at the time) and the G string did hit the pick up. I'm not too bothered as i don't generally play that style and shouldn't be an issue. I prefer having that low action and great sound to start mucking around with pick up heights. All in all one of the best basses i've played. Neck is supreme. I can see me buying more Sandberg basses in future. I'm hooked. Here she is. My wee beaut Dave One pic from the gig on Sat and the other with friends in the bass cave.
    1 point
  44. Man, if you were closer I'd have this off you in a heartbeat.
    1 point
  45. Are you sure it's not a Westfield? My P bass is a Westfield, and it's awesome! 😃
    1 point
  46. Ken Smith was the first to develop a 6-string bass suitable for playing ... Before, Carl Thompson tried it with little success. Then the others came ... Here is the story ...... ARTICLE-SMITH-BASS-by-José-Luis-Porras.pdf
    1 point
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