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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/04/19 in all areas

  1. EDIT. Now sold pending completion. Up for sale is an immaculate Dingwall Super P/J 5 (passive) in a gorgeous Candy Dark Cherry gloss finish (like a wine-coloured version of a Candy Apple Red). This has a number of optional extras including the Wenge Neck, metallic gloss paint, J pickup and pearloid block inlays. It has the fanned fret system but is 2” shorter than the usual Dingwall scale length. This makes it (in my opinion) a lot more “normal” to play as there’s no extra reach to the lower frets. Electronics are Dingwall’s own passive pickups and consist of the standard P pickup plus an additional J pickup at the bridge. The pickup control is a four-way switch between neck only, neck and bridge (serial), neck and bridge (parallel) and bridge only. This gives a massive range of tonal options to choose from. Condition is immaculate. I can’t find a mark anywhere on the bass. It comes with the Dingwall-branded Levy’s gigbag, paperwork and tools - all of which are also in immaculate condition. I’ve shown the pictures that Bass Direct used when they advertised the bass - these are of the actual bass - but I’ll post some more that I took earlier today as soon as I’ve had chance to shrink them down to an acceptable size. Given the condition and scarcity of these, I think I’m asking for a fair price but I am open to (sensible) offers. I’d prefer cash but I’ll consider trades especially if you have a nice, light P-bass. I’m based in Cleethorpes and, given recent experiences with couriers, I won’t ship this so you’re welcome to come and try or I am happy to meet part way so PM me to discuss options. I also come down to London quite regularly so could meet there if that helps. (This obviously means that I won’t ship overseas. I realise that I’m reducing my potential market but I’ve had too many bad experiences with scammers in the past so, sorry, but it’s UK only and collection or delivery in person) Thanks for looking - more pictures to follow later.....
    5 points
  2. I do have a YouTube channel, though there's very little on it - nothing so far of my playing (just tried to insert a link to it but Basschat didn't appear to allow that) - look for neilmurraybass, or put Neil Murray in the search bar and scroll down until you find me, ignoring the other Neil Murrays! Shooting my own videos, as with recording at home, is not something I'm very comfortable with - would much prefer to play with others, with a great engineer and cameraman looking after the technical side of things. Not that I can't do it, it's just a lot more clinical and unstimulating. Requests for particular songs or aspects you'd like to be covered will hopefully spur met on to actually do it!
    4 points
  3. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you....
    4 points
  4. Here you go, fixed it for you...
    4 points
  5. Any questions? Mine would be what was the owner meant to be wearing on his right arm, chain mail? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Relic-Precision-Bass-Guitar-custom-painting/163643696046?hash=item2619eca3ae:g:27gAAOSwqCRcrjui
    3 points
  6. I would like to suggest starting with the Intro for Wherever I Lay My Hat (Paul Young) with Pino on bass, arguably it has to be the classic fretless bassline of the past 40 years? The intro is not that hard to play but challenging enough to get it completely right and, hopefully that will inspire you into the rest of the song which is more challenging but not impossible
    3 points
  7. Mods! Mods! There’s been a breach! 😲
    3 points
  8. 5 posts in and he comes out slugging! I fear your time on this bass forum will be short lived unless you learn some manners, matey. For one thing, I have read and re-read the OP and can't see the word 'please' anywhere. Maybe I was dragged up differently.
    3 points
  9. Giblin was mentioned, transcription needed: https://www.notreble.com/buzz/2018/02/08/bass-transcription-john-giblins-bass-line-on-babooshka-by-kate-bush/
    3 points
  10. Just an update to this post - I bought a Fender Rumble, only 100w but really portable. The band liked the sound in the rehearsal room, and the final test was at the weekend when we had a gig. Typical set up for us, birthday party, and I was really happy with it, plenty enough power to be honest. I can see it would have limitations if we were a rock band in a bigger venue, but for what I need it for, it's perfect.
    3 points
  11. What @CameronJ said. I have a Super P also so don’t need this. I do not need this. Don’t need. Damn it.
    3 points
  12. Have you considered the elf and safety implications?😁
    3 points
  13. So here's the thing: it's not your bass. Why should you care how long it hangs around in the for sale? If you were genuinely concerned for the guy you would send him a private message. If you're after the bass and you want to put in a much lower offer, then send him a private message. When someone pointed out in that thread that the OP wasn't looking for price advice, that post got a LOT of likes from your fellow BCers, but you didn't get the hint... So please, get off this particular seller's case. He's selling a lovely bass and the 'market' will decide on what is a fair price. If he wants your advice I'm sure he will ask you for it.
    3 points
  14. Hello! I haven't been around on this forum in ages! It's good to be back! Today my Fender Jazz Special made a friend! I purchased my first fretless bass, a Squier Jazz Fretless. I'm just getting to grips with playing it, and I'd love to know what fretless songs you think would be good practice for me. Thanks! ZH😁
    2 points
  15. Here's my 1975 P bass. It's in great condition, the body has some marks where the paint has begun to crack in places however these are difficult to see given the black finish. The neck is pretty much unmarked and is a lovely, well figured piece of birdseye maple. Pots and neck stamp date to 1975. The pickup codes are not quite legible as the original pickup foam is stuck to the base of them and I don't want to tear this off. The case is in great condition, all latches working fine (no key unfortunately). Original pickup and bridge cover are present along with an old set of rotosounds, a lead and some old music that has always been with this bass. Weight is 10lb 5oz on my digital scales. Balances really nicely. The only thing missing from this bass are the original 2 screws that secure the chrome pickup cover (the 2 for the bridge cover are present), otherwise, everything you see is completely original. I'd encourage a trial in Cardiff, UK. I'm willing to ship at the buyers cost and risk. I frequently drive down to the Portsmouth area also if that helps anyone. Happy to consider any trades with cash in either direction. Now £2150 for a straight sale. Feedback:
    2 points
  16. Well, loving the sound of a recently acquired Attitude at band practice last night - really fancy putting together my own version of Billy Sheehan’s “wife” bass. So tonight I’ve amassed the parts and the shipping will happen over the next week... 70’s Natural Yamaha Pulser Body Allparts TMBO neck - pre decal’ed with a telecaster bass (68) logo. 70’s Greco Shell Pickguard wilkinson black tuners wilkinson chrome bridge seymour duncan 1/4lb P pickup Artec mudbucker (I bid £80 on a Gibson one but it’s gone off eBay - reviews are good on this one) and ive messaged @KiOgon about a suitable loom. it will be mono - not going to scallop the fingerboard as every home grown attempt I’ve seen looks bloody awful. debating cutting the pickguard and having a black metal end made to nod at the black section BS has all the Washers on. photos of bits to follow.
    2 points
  17. Being as I seem to be doing some bigger shows these days, I thought I'd kick common sense into touch and go heavier again. I have the Orange SP212 for smaller venues but this is less likely to get lost on a larger stage or not be heard inside of a 5 mile radius!! The head is also the newer revamped Terror head that Orange brought out earlier this year so it's an all new 2019 setup for me. I much prefer the newly modified head as it doesn't break up so quickly and with the cab I pretty much plug in with no need to search hard for a tone I like.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. That's very thoughful of you chaps, but don't worry about me. Just order what you think is best for you.
    2 points
  20. Wow, that was truly heartwrenching to read. However, it's worth remembering that while basslines that you used to play may currently be out of reach you may be able to play with a single finger? I would say not to give up. Motivation and determination are the key to any success
    2 points
  21. So sorry to hear this. Only you will know what's the right thing for you - but were I unfortunate enough to be in this position I'd prioritise my security and health over the bass gear. The most important thing is getting well again and you won't get well if you've no (or less) money to eat or to cover your transport costs to attend the remedial therapy you'll undergo. There's a wealth of bass gear out there and always will be. Take your time, take it easy and look after yourself
    2 points
  22. Ooof! Glad you're still here to post about it at least. The advice from @Mykesbass seems pretty solid. Maybe if you take it really slowly and have lots of patience with it playing the bass may have some positive rehabilitative effect? The alternative (and I hope you take this in good humour - feel free to tell me to f*** off if not) is that you get a left handed bass, have your left hand replaced with a hook and learn to play with that. Plus you could still earn a few quid playing Captain Hook at children's parties. On a more serious note, best of luck for the convalescence, keep posting and check in on the Bad Jokes thread for a chuckle every so often.
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. If I'm available on the date/s, I'll bring down some Zoots & Funkmeisters and if I get one done in time my new Zoot Artemis. I may bring down some basses and/or bass necks that are in the process of being made, so people can get an insight in to how I do things.
    2 points
  25. It's those new Rotosound Rubber Band gauge strings...
    2 points
  26. Don’t know if anyone’s after a fretless bb, but PMT in Manchester have a bb614f for £349, I got the distinct impression they’d take less. It’s black, weighs about 9lbs and is in great nick.
    2 points
  27. I went with a different cat one. Yes, that is my cat. Or I am his human, whatever.
    2 points
  28. He's on here too Fleabag: @agedhorse 👍
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. As already said, don't think of fretless as a different instrument to a fretted. Its exactly the same but just has a different voice and tonal expression due to having no frets. Play exactly the same stuff as you would a fretted but use your ear to hear if your technique is slightly off and adjust. If your technique is strong, transitioning from a fretless to a fretless will be a breeze. Just gets tricky up at the dusty end as intonation is much harder.
    2 points
  31. Don't know your ability on fretted bass so its a little more difficult to suggest something that you are comfortable with plus i don't know what style of music you listen to altho having Mr Sheehan in your name i'm guessing its more rock based. How about some Tony Franklin
    2 points
  32. http://www.stellartone.com/index.asp Tonestylers are the absolute dogs danglies; I have one in my bitsa P - rolled back a bit gives me the Bernard Edwards tone I could never quite get with anything else: thick punchy growly mids with no mud. cooincidentally to this thread was thinking of putting one in my Warmoth custom T'bird, with a blend control
    2 points
  33. That's a stunning looking bass. Very rich colour. Dave
    2 points
  34. From personal experience the biggest factor in being able to make changes in the rehearsal room is persuading your other band members to shut the flip up while you are doing them. TBH the rehearsal room isn't the place to make any but the simplest of changes. Bands that I've played that use lots of programmable equipment (of any kind) do all their programming at home and only do fine tuning in the rehearsal room.
    2 points
  35. It depends on the finish. Maple with no finish on it will actually get bleached/ paler in sunlight. Some finishes don't yellow either so it depends on what finish is on it. Old school polyurethane and Nitro both will though. The best way to get a yellower neck would be to spray some tinted clear. There probably won't be much risk from the suns heat...we're in England after all.
    2 points
  36. Bad Company - Can't get enough of your love, Feel like making love. Hackneyed but you may decide to abandon fretted altogether as you can play everything fretless. Marillion - Sugar Mice. Like much of Pete Trewavas's work, it's more like an extended bass solo than a song, as he plays so many variations. Gets you up the neck (and discovering what an impediment the Fender neck joint is). Any Paul Young/Pino Palladino song. Any other song that you fancy. Just because it was originally done on a fretted bass doesn't mean you can't play it on a fretless. I generally use a fretless for gigs with the covers band and the originals band.
    2 points
  37. But it's a Fearless cab (my first) so worth dancing a jig over methinks? I power my entire board with a MXR PSU and no batteries were supplied with the pedals, but I like your thinking! Completely gratuitous pic of my 11 new (very expensive) strings and the free basses that were supplied with them in the packaging: ...oh just had a thought(!) There is just one 12" speaker on the new cab and I did actually get rid of another cab with four 10" speakers so I'm actually 3 speakers down, so that could work? Shame about the pedal batteries though...😂
    2 points
  38. You don't have to be "advanced" to play a 5 string bass. If you can play anything on a 4 string bass you can play the same thing on a 5 string.
    2 points
  39. I play my Cort fretless more than than my fretted. If rock's your bag then I'd say try out some of the tunes on Pearl Jam's 10. Other must listens are No Parlez by Paul Young, Graceland by Paul Simon, a Sade hits compilation and any Police albums. Sting mainly played fretless, though I could be wrong but he did in the earlier days
    2 points
  40. Yep my bass is entirely passive and has the Tonestyler. I would have it wide open, about 4-5 clicks in or full rolled off as people described. Because it clicks it’s very easy to find your ‘place’. No the 48 is not that bad at the Dusty end - of course it’s no double cutaway Danelectro long horn, but it does just fine in that regard. @mcnach you will love the TI flats, there is a great brightness to them still and the depth of a roundwound, phenomenal string
    2 points
  41. Finally I reach the nirvana in my ears... and under my finger!!!
    2 points
  42. Well someone has just filched my Keeley Bassist. Tbf I decided that a dedicated limiter was overkill at the end of the pedal board signal chain to protect my cab against filter and synth 'spikes' fed to it via an amp, when I'm just using the pedals at home practice volumes currently and the cab can handle 1200W, and also when my Helix Stomp has perfectly adequate limiter ability, I'm sure, if needed for live use. So I just now need to work out why the heck my TC Spectracomp manages to do such a great job straight out the box when set to 3/10! Bit tricky with just one knob to do that...but when I have worked it out, the Becos Stella is definitely next on my list. Maybe you'll be ready to sell me yours used by then? 😄
    2 points
  43. yeah but yours sounds like gear4music whilst mine sounds like Ampeg!
    2 points
  44. OK folks, I've said how it is and that's that - nothing more to discuss! Let's not use this thread to highlight times where comments haven't been helpful, because they represent a massive minority and the whole topic is, as far as I'm concerned, a non-issue. Cheers
    2 points
  45. The Total Watts bit on my profile now says "69 Excellent" which isn't in the least bit funny.
    2 points
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