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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/19 in all areas

  1. Everyone beat me to the punch in uploading some really excellent pix from the day (sorry, work intervened!). But here's what Google decided to do with the pix I did take - shakiness down to them, not my subsequent whisky consumption! Midlands Bash Bass 040519.mp4
    8 points
  2. Picked this beauty up from @Moos3h last night... thank you so, so much, and I hope you had a safe journey to the Riviera This really is a 37 year itch finally scratched... these were all the rage when I started out playing, I'd always fancied getting my hands on one and now after all these years I have. Yes it has some issues, as James pointed out in his ad: the electrics are not working and one of the switches is knackered... should all be straightforward (oh blimey, that's the kiss of death isn't it ) and if it still doesn't work I've got a Yamaha 2-band eq I can put in there instead; there's a hairline crack in the neck... I'll flood some thinned glue into it if it needs anything, but it doesn't seem to affect stability or playability; it's got a few major league dings in the body as the pic shows... I'm not sure what to do with these really, a refinish would cost a fortune and I don't want to spend a shedload of cash on it. I might just seal the edges of the dings with glue to stop any more flaking off, and call it mojo The serial number places it in December 1982. The neck feels great and it plays well, action is fine and all the hardware works. The missing knob is present, I'd taken it off when I took the pic. I've not yet plugged it in so I don't know how it sounds, but from what I've seen on yootoob the 1A core tone appears to be P-bass-on-steroids. I have a feeling that my bitsa P is going to struggle to keep its place in my working group. Happy day.
    6 points
  3. Righty! We counted the cash and we’ve raised £186 that’s been donated nordoff robbins (in the mother’s name of course).
    6 points
  4. Billy was such an influence on me that my first "decent" Bass was a black Aria Pro II. Here's my 16 year old self throwing a pose with my Integra 😂
    5 points
  5. The Cure are massive. They filled Hyde Park at their 40th anniversary gig last year.
    5 points
  6. Can the classifieds just be divided into 'things I might be interested in' and 'things I am not interested in'? I'm sure that would be easy to implement!
    5 points
  7. Sooo happy with my new sound now.
    4 points
  8. For sale mtd AG6, N° 28, serial number 2884091916. you will find all the information on the certificate of the instrument. Instrument stunning tool for playability, versatility and comfort. Locate Italy
    4 points
  9. It might quell the author's conscience a little to remember that purchasing a vintage 4001 such as this is a Hall-guilt free undertaking. Back when checkerboard 4001s (with crushed pearl FWIs & gap tooth bridge, of course!) were being made, little Johnny Hall would've still been in the back yard with his GI Joes, & half a gallon of gas siphoned out of Papa F.C's Studebaker, playing My Lai.
    4 points
  10. Whenever someone asks me if I'm on Facebook or WhatsApp and I say no, they always give me this expression like I've just told them that I want to slurp yoghurt out of their shoes while they're still wearing them. S.P.
    4 points
  11. I hate it when people summarise my ramblings into one pithy sentence. But basically, yes - well put 😀
    4 points
  12. Heavyweight Equals Fabulous Tone (HEFT).
    4 points
  13. Ill be honest I've listened to bits and bobs of FNM over the years, and the musical chameleon that is Mike, what I have listened to is great. then i got into Mr Bungle which is sooooo good. Girls of Porn being a favourite . I love this though. The bass line from Bill is really great and totally owns this recording. I know good music when I hear it. I think.
    3 points
  14. You realise that the cat now legally owns the bass?
    3 points
  15. That takes me back - I had a 1978 poo brown one of those in the early '90's, when I was broke but needed a cheap 4 seater. Plus was that with the leather and walnut it really did feel like driving a tiny Jag / Roller - minus points were too numerous to list, not least the hydrolastic suspension regularly leaking out so you'd come back to your parked car to find it listing to one side, looking at you like a sad but ugly dog. The rusting body held together with filler and glassfibre patches would have probably gone on forever, but one day the driveshaft fell off. I now have a 1982 Triumph TR7 convertible (harvest gold with beige tartan interior....) - will I never learn? Back to the OP - I know nothing at all about Mr Hall, but have owned 4 Rics (only one now, but a keeper - a '72/73 FG 4001). I'd say Harley-Davidson are a better comparison - they stuck with basically the same agricultural, unergonomic, fairly primitive but iconic design for their entire history - but it does what it does so well, and somehow just outcools the rest.
    3 points
  16. Too late. Soon as I bought the car, the girl used that picture for a "crash for cash" claim against me. She's saying I rammed into her from behind... 😕
    3 points
  17. and being Rickenbacker, square wheels
    3 points
  18. I thought the point with JH was that he’s changed nothing. He’d have put a square steering wheel on a car and tell everyone to go f**k themselves for 30 years
    3 points
  19. Mr Bungle - California. Great album.
    3 points
  20. ^ A perfectly reasonable point of view and very well expressed ^ You may therefore wish to avoid the various Gibson threads on BC where for years some of us have been whaling on Mr Henry Juskiewiecz's ar$e like it was a dinner gong. By comparison, Mr Hall's had it easy.
    3 points
  21. I was going to say chopstick. 🙂
    3 points
  22. That's a chair leg he's peeping out from behind...
    3 points
  23. Hank's finishing up his time in a back office behind the photocopier room, staring at his executive desk toy (one of those dipping bird things) and thumbing through the sits vac pages, his lips moving as he reads the words. The new management are a squad of neo-millennial hedge fund wonks headed up by the bloke who used to run a jeans company, possibly Levis. The musical instrument world holds its breath.
    3 points
  24. I think that the configurator is there to display aesthetics more than to include every option (there's no Umbo for instance!). When the range of custom options is so varied then choices have to be made and one pickup looks much like another of the same shape.
    3 points
  25. In a period of considerable financial hardship some years ago, I considered putting my beloved Wal up for sale. I took it out of its gigbag, looked at it, picked it up, played it, put it back down, looked at it again, and said out loud to myself, "For fck's sake man, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?". Decided that I would probably sell a kidney first.
    3 points
  26. This is a fantastic game and one I regularly participate in. I've got Fairytale of New York and Jingle Bells into carol arrangements at Cathedrals, the Imperial March into the Sewer scene in Les Mis and one show had a nightly battle with the guitarist to get Led Zep quotes into Grease. I was doing well, managed Dazed and Confused, Ramble On and Kashmir in various places if I recall, until he destroyed me by launching into Black Dog instead of the regular solo for Grease Lightning. I valiantly acknowledged defeat.
    3 points
  27. I don't (and haven't ever) play either. What category does that put me in?
    3 points
  28. It seems to be ok - It's actually in tune! And a smidge under 8lb! I'm guessing about I'll save another third of a pound when I get some Hipshots on it too.
    3 points
  29. They've been ahead of the game with most things so that all makes sense to me. It takes a bit of time to get a safe site up and running. Making the new pick-ups was probably the easier part. The configurator is a nice bit of fun if you aren't buying to see what can be done on a bass of your choosing. It's also a great starting point for anyone thinking of getting their ideas down on paper All credit to Sandberg Dave
    3 points
  30. As an organ player, I stopped smuggling popular tunes into my improvisations during services at one specific point: a little child loudly sang along with the popular kids tune that was my contraband that day.
    3 points
  31. Think you're being a little harsh tbh. The Sandberg configurator is one of the, if not the, best configuration sites online. It gives you literally thousands or options using the stock electronics, if you're serious about buying a bass, a quick email to a distributor will let you know the additional cost. Don't forget, software development is very expensive, even adding a seemingly simple option can work out to be days, if not weeks of work, depending on how many parts of the site the change touches.
    3 points
  32. So, in summary, JH is a bit of a Rottweiler as far as defending his product, but probably not best suited to a role in Customer Services.
    3 points
  33. @Al Krow to roughly quote you and say I hate sounding like a broken record - (and no I don’t expect my posts to be doted upon) but I have said and others have said multiple times I am pretty sure there is no upcharge for Sandberg in house be they old of Black labels - there is an upcharge for Haüssel’s. Get your bass configured, copy paste the identifier generated - email Sandberg - and make any tweaks and and you get your answer, or to confirm if there is an upcharge, just email them. It’s pretty simple to get an answer, then most of the debate falls away
    3 points
  34. The Ned model is headless.
    3 points
  35. And would definitely fall over if you stood it against your amp. John Hall never made such a daft looking instrument.
    3 points
  36. This rectum: Also, yeah, clickbaity titles... One of my subscription channels posted a video a while back explaining how youtube had changed their algorithms so basically if you didn't have "NUCLEAR EXPLOSION FAIL LOL" urls, the chances of you getting views is like, none...
    3 points
  37. That's what Harley riders tell themselves anyway. Repeatedly, I'd imagine. Riders of other motorcycles may take a different view.
    2 points
  38. I just looked up The Real Thing on Wikipedia, staggered it came out in 1989. I remember a mate playing it to me for the first time on 30th March 1990; the only way I know this is because it was a Friday and we were driving down to Pagham for the weekend with our wives. It was also the weekend of the Poll Tax Riots in London. Our gals had gone down in a different route, my mate had just got a Porsche 911 and wanted to get all showy off on the A3 and he stuck the album on just before we got to Guildford. I have to say that I hadn't heard anything like it before, Mike Patton's voice was just majestic. Moving forward, I discovered Mr Bungle a couple of years later. I'd concur with @bubinga5, The Girls Of Porn was the highlight. The only thing I didn't really take to was the goofing off between tracks, so as soon as I had a decent DAW, I dreamily reduced it to a more succinct ten track album. I'd also say that time I was very into bands like Living Colour and Fishbone, so the content of that first album wasn't as a unique as experience as The Real Thing, but it was still a belter.
    2 points
  39. It's OK lads the question doesn't need any more answering. The man is happy with what he's got.
    2 points
  40. I could not find any of those options on the configurator, but it also says that you need to contact a distributor to order, so I figured the configurator was just a way to set most specs of the 'build', and then you talk to the distributor to sort out the rest. When I went to order mine, through Guitar Guitar, I did exactly that. We discussed a few options and combinations not available in their configurator, they spoke to Sandberg who gave them a quote, and Guitar Guitar went through the options with me. Then I chose, and placed the order based on one of the configurations we discussed. I went with their standard pickups and preamp as I could not say I have a definite preference, so I'll just see how they work for me. If I feel I prefer another preamp or pickups, I have a few ideas (and even some pickups and preamps in my drawer to try). Mine ended up just been a different cosmetic combination from what the configurator offered, and specifiying a neck profile like another particular Sandberg I tried in the shop. That did not increase the cost. I don't know how much they'd charge for different pickups.
    2 points
  41. In terms of the costs, there would be more to it than just adding a note due to the code that's generated by the configurator. Therefore, if a different pup type is selected, that change would need to be reflected along the whole configuration process which means the change potentially touches all the stages. With software dev, the more things a change affects, the higher the risk of something going wrong (introducing a bug etc) so the longer it takes to write and test the code. I assume that this has been looked at by the Sandberg team and wouldn't be surprised to see it introduced at some point, it's probably just not on the development timeline at the moment. I believe they're building a new "standard" website, so guess all the software dev budget is tied up in that project.
    2 points
  42. YouTube has a lot to answer for. It has created this online personality cult that even ordinary people doing ordinary things feel the need to lecture you about their humdrum daily life on Facebook as if they're teaching you ancient Tibetan wisdom, when really they just want you to "like" that they gave a homeless person a quid. One of my mates puts the most tedious crap on Facebook about sanding down his coffee table and we just slay him for it every time. Worse still is LinkedIn with recruiters spouting sanctimonious shite about how they were the only person who gave the unqualified sex offender a job in a toy shop when nobody else would and now he's CEO of Disney, etc. Some are obviously bots, some are spoof accounts, some are just young recruiters trying to create a noticeable online personality for themselves, but it's funny how many have exactly the same story to share about how nice and wholesome they are. The whole "unboxing" thing baffles me. I don't want to watch some ordinary person unpack a Kenwood blender or whatever, I literally don't give a dog's Richard. My nephews used to watch YouTube videos of adults unboxing toys like transformers and other weird videos of adults playing with kids toys. This is harmful in a minor way, the boys were then just playing out what they had heard on YouTube with their toys instead of using their own imagination. Life was better when we lived in relative ignorance and had only daily newspapers, four colour TV channels and taped songs off the radio.
    2 points
  43. Agree with @StevieE there are actually close to 1 million different options if you break it all down, Sandberg site has been hacked before and to get that back up and running was a mission. No harm in a bit of leg work from the punter - especially as the maker has laid a platform for options, which most companies do not do
    2 points
  44. Just like Donald Trump's modest loan from his dad. The Hall family are wealthy,owning a number of shopping malls takes you a few notches above being rich. There's also the oil interests. He keeps RIC going as a vanity project because he can afford to .It's a safe way to play at being in the "music business".
    2 points
  45. Ex-cuse me. That's the original Electric Xii headstock. It's known by many as a Smurf Hat headstock but 'droopy' sock works just as well. I love Electric Xiis
    2 points
  46. Also marketed as the Arrow and the Musiclander and using spare parts and hacked- up Bass V bodies. I'd have one of these quirky little mofo's in a shot. Then there was the Maverick which was basically derived from the Electric XII. CBS must have had a thing for band-sawing perfectly good guitar bodies. The bastards. Of course, Bass V's and Electric XII's go for mad money these days.
    2 points
  47. If you mean Fender has a murderous boardroom culture, was accustomed to provide prostitutes for trade union officials and has falsified environmental testing then I'd have to agree. Until such time as recent changes may take effect Gibson have been more like British Leyland in its day. Living off old triumphs*, madly unpopular new designs, lamentable QC and a workforce terrified and resentful of a mad boss. *Badum-tish
    2 points
  48. I just played whatever I could afford. Move the fingers about and hope for the best.
    2 points
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