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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/19 in all areas

  1. I believe I have this bass now. It is very good indeed.
    5 points
  2. 4 points
  3. It wasnt a stupid question. Bass might be life 16 for you dude but not for eveyone. I didnt know that fact. ✌
    4 points
  4. It’s a short clip of some kid playing, perhaps I missed something, but I can’t for the life of me see where this sort of vitriol comes from or what it achieves?
    3 points
  5. On the National Express there's a jolly hostess selling crisps and tea She'll provide you with drinks and theatrical winks for a sky-high fee Mini-skirts were in style when she danced down the aisle back in '63 But it's hard to get by when your árse is the size of a small country
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. Your dad is a keeper
    3 points
  8. Originally custom made for Kev Hopper (like my fretless ACG), this is a stunning little bass with 32" scale and ultra slim neck (1.35" nut). Obviously the design takes inspiration from Carl Thompson. Conveniently the initials are the same as my FaceBook moniker Clarky Bass, in case I forget who I am. Plays super fast and sounds very gnarly. As does my (pictured) sausage dog Pablo
    2 points
  9. Reluctantly up for sale is my ‘62 RI CIJ Fender Jazz - superb jazz tones & Very good condition apart from some buckle rash scratches on the back - i bought this bass NEW in 2005 & it was my main gigging bass for many years - just doesn’t get played anymore & deserves to!! Moving house & need to free up some space-It’s not too heavy - approx 9lbs ( bathroom scales) sounds & plays great - can include cheap gig bag free or proper fender padded gig bag for a little extra. The Aguilar 4j HC pickups alone now retail for over £200!!!-Collection preferred - thanks for looking - ps I would gladly share some of the mileage if meeting somewhere en route (within reason) to be discussed
    2 points
  10. SOLD This is somewhat of a feeler, only from the perspective that I reserve the right to withdraw this any point. It's a great bass, and whilst I want the funds to use for another Lakland.....I'm still not 100% sure I want rid of it. This is an excellent condition (mint maybe, need to check it over fully late), 2016 Lakland Skyline 55-01, "But that's only £95 cheaper than a new one" I hear you cry, well yes but this bass has upgraded pickups and electronics. It's been fitted with US Bartolini Dual Coils and a 3 band, active/passive, Bartolini NTMB. That's around £250 worth of extras. Skylines typically come with no case, you might get lucky and shop give you a simple bag to get it home in, but this comes with a simple Gator hardcase (pics later). Weight comes in at approx 9lbs 7oz on my kitchen scales. Balances beautifully. 35” with 19mm spacing Cash preferred, may consider a Lakland DJ5 in trade. Any questions, just ask This is for sale only in the UK, as I believe it's the last of the Indian Rosewood models before CITES took hold of it. It's currently strung with La Bella Gold White Nylon Tapewounds It can be heard recorded here: Here: And a quick little summitsummit here: Si
    2 points
  11. So today I received this beauty from my father as an early 30th birthday present. To say I am lucky to have him as my father is an understatement! Check this beauty out:
    2 points
  12. I agreed but the B did impede, in the end I had to let it off the lead
    2 points
  13. heed that i had no need so it had to be freed from my breed, but it is indeed a fantastic steed!
    2 points
  14. Whatever the reason, it was a valid question that didn’t need the silly answer. OP, let me know if you’d like these comments scrubbed from your thread 👍🏼
    2 points
  15. Fair enough. When I originally read your comment it came across as spiteful and pointless. The guy makes no pretence in the video to be a rock god and thank goodness he’s not trying to play yet another slap bass solo like Flea or sub-Jaco noodle. Seems the channel is for a guitar shop. This fella seems to have been given the task of showing off a metal bass and is doing a passable job. Just seems the forum is getting more and more clogged up with finger pointing and negativity. Perhaps I’ve just for a thin skin these days, but he’s playing bass so well done to him!
    2 points
  16. I have seen Norman himself use one live and it sounded pretty good.
    2 points
  17. I can see them from that link: https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/Sandberg-Bass-Strings-4-Set-040-100-/art-BAS0004133-000 https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/Sandberg-Bass-Strings-4-Set-045-105-045-065-085-105-/art-BAS0004134-000 https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/Sandberg-Bass-Strings-5-Set-040-128-/art-BAS0004135-000
    2 points
  18. Valid question with an bad attitude filled answer. Really no need.
    2 points
  19. Just don't let him get a glimpse of your drinks cabinet!!
    2 points
  20. For reasons too long to put into words, if you like how they both play, then revert to the lowest common denominator, which is the visual aesthetic. Which one looks the nicest, which one do you think would look better on you and which one do you want to keep picking up time and again. Born from a discussion as whether Geddy used a Rickenbacker or a Fender Jazz on Farewell To Kings, Gary/cetera and I put on a bass blind shoot out at last years SE Bass Bash; 25-30 attendees tried to select the correct bass from the fifteen that were submitted for the test. The highest mark was 3.5/4 out of 15, there were quite a few zeros with some people not even recognising how their own basses sounded. It's highly unlikely that once you're in a band environment the nuances that you're applying will make any difference.
    2 points
  21. ...discussion about gay anthems about blowjobs and sucking someone off to orgasm — in pride month — invariably lead to this piece of ghastly corporate rainbow opportunism...
    2 points
  22. In the long run, picking the least heavy one will be the best choice.
    2 points
  23. Yep it’s a VM. Much loved - and for the money you’d get selling it, you won’t get a better passive jazz. Great bass for either you or your daughter.
    2 points
  24. An excelent song, we introduced it and now its normally in our last or near last closing songs, never fails to go down a storm. And I don't see anything wrong with the lyrics either, it is an underage girl coming on to an adult man, and him rebuffing her, which is lets face it, what is supposed to happen. Clair by Gilbert O'Sullivan is an interesting one, which I happened to be reading about recently as I was listening to it* and thought these lyrics sound a bit dodgy, but there is a lot about it on the net, there was a real Clair, and it was a story about him and her and there was nothing dodgy about it. Both of these songs are at the risk of an understandable but very unfortunate backlash against relationships between adult men and young girls that are very important for healthy development for girls. Unfortunately because the risk of abuse (and alarming incidence of it), the pendulum can sometimes swing too far and make innocent relationships seem dodgy. I mean I wouldn't do Clair as a song because it is a god awful song, but the lyrics would seem dodgy now. * because 'alone again, naturally' came on and I realised how dark the lyrics were. Sing something in a gentle way and noone notices.
    2 points
  25. perhaps he was saying it because of the boring well overlong last 3 minutes, if he wasn't he should have been
    2 points
  26. Alternatively, a relatively cheap travel bass may be the answer. Having seen @MacDaddy's folding bass and guitar, I bought @Happy Jack one of these and he seems to like it too.
    2 points
  27. I sell or change my most precious bass this Ken Smith BSR 5 GN Specifications.: Body: Padded Maple Neck: 5 pieces of aged Hardrock maple and Ovankol / Shedua with graphite inlaid bars and matching wood head covering. Fingerboard: Macassar ebony with mother and pearl points and side points Hardware: Gold Smith Hardware & Dunlop "Flush Mount" Straploks Electronics: "NEW" Smith B.M.T. 18-Volt 3-Band EQ Circuit: Adjustable 6-way internal frequency DIP switches for each band, including serial / parallel switches for each pickup Pills: Smith Custom Bass Humbucking Pills 34 "Scale Weight 4.7 kg Smith Case included £3400,00 Shipping included I can accept as a part of change a Fender Jazz Bass Elite 5 with a malfunction or another Smith equal to mine but with 5 strings I prioritize the change for another Smith like mine of 5 strings, Thank you
    1 point
  28. Attention Geddy fans, he's on BBC 6music tomorrow (Tuesday 11th) on Shaun Keaveny's programme, show starts 1pm.
    1 point
  29. Hi Ewan Great - all present and correct I like all of those clips very much. The wedding quintet is sublime...
    1 point
  30. Fantastic bassist! But he is of course mainly duplicating the fantastic basslines of the late Dee Murray (RIP) and other legends like David Paton and Kenny Passarelli....
    1 point
  31. Check out the video the lad posted above. He's a youngster who obviously has no technical background. Looking back at this thread and the soundonsound one it's pretty obvious that every time he asks a 'simple' question he gets long answers that make him, in his uncertainty and insecurity, start worrying about other issues. I feel sorry for the guy, he's branded a troll when I can't help feeling its the '15" speakers are for discos' and 'you need to look at the SPL not the wattage' posts that are putting him in a spin. The Thomann boxes are ideal for what he wants to do, the only advice he needs is to find someone who will help him set it up to suit his style.
    1 point
  32. I mostly us my TC BH550 head for the larger gigs. No complaints from me. It's a great head - though I'm using it with Markbass and / or Epifani speakers (depending on band / venue / configuration I need etc). I also have a TC BG208 combo, which is such a small, portable amp - for those smaller or acoustic gigs. If I'm completely honest, I do sometimes find them just a tad lacking in "colour" (perhaps some might call it a little "flat") - but I usually use a Dunlop Bass DI / EQ pedal, which just gives me a bit more tweakability and "bite" to my sound....
    1 point
  33. IME unless you only run one program at a time you should go for 8GB RAM as a minimum. Always choose an SSD over a HD drive as that is probably the biggest speed improvement you can get. Other than that, so long as the Mac you choose will run the OS version you need they are all plenty fast and powerful enough for everyone expect high-res video and 3D graphics professionals. I'm still running a 2012 MacBook Pro and a 2008 Mac Pro which are fine for all my needs. I am going to be upgrading my Mac Pro, but only because some of the programs I haver to run for my work, require a newer version of Mac OS than El Capitan. If it wasn't for this, the Mac would be more than adequate.
    1 point
  34. Holy crap mate, that is stunning!
    1 point
  35. I find the pickup balance to be fine on mine although admittedly I don't use the J pickup on its own as that sound isn't for me. But the stock pickups on mine sound great and complement one another really well. I play varying the blend (I had the 3 way switch changed for a blend pot, that's the only mod on mine) between P only, both pickups 50:50 and my favourite setting of P on full with the J at about 30-40%. I've had a play with an American performer in PMT in Northampton, it was a good bass but I struggled to see where the extra money was going in comparison to my Mexican P/J version.
    1 point
  36. OC-10, OC2, OCD - I can see this could get confusing! 😂
    1 point
  37. Heresy maybe, but I preferred his Precision/Jazz tone. Admittedly not a lot in it though. It's still Joe Dart. Peace Davo
    1 point
  38. Cheers mate. Thanks for the tips. I'm trying out both this week at different gigs
    1 point
  39. Looks fab, ticks many boxes indeed...except, at £1500, the box marked "within my budget"
    1 point
  40. Not abroad, but I've taken a silent travel bass on the last two UK holidays. I'm still a relative newbie, so not playing for a whole week sets my muscle memory back aeons. And I intend to continue that argument even if one day I can play entire Yes albums from memory! 👍
    1 point
  41. Unbelievable by EMF. The track has a sample running through it that repeats 'Whoah! What the F*ck' throughout the song. For the avoidance of doubt the wording of the sample was included with the lyric sheet that came with the CD. The unedited song received widespread nationwide airplay. Apparently no one noticed the naughty language.
    1 point
  42. Exactly this Actually the coating is very expensive and a closely guarded secret (Elixir won’t even let me visit their factory because they also do military applications of the Gore coating there). Given the tech in these strings and how long they lash, I think the price stacks up well in comparison to others.
    1 point
  43. My current faves are EB Cobalts but I think you have that area covered with the TIs. Given the big band, I'd personally try some nylon flats on the second - I think they would play to the Ps strengths in the lows and mids, with a natural warmth that should suit the band. I'll watch out to see what direction you go in.
    1 point
  44. 60s reissue with P pup & KiOgon 62 stacked knobs & wiring loom.
    1 point
  45. That's right. (i) Wishy-washy Adjective: insipid in quality or character. Synonyms: (Food, drink) Thin, watery. (Personality) Vapid, milk-and-water, effete, limp, namby-pamby, wet, pathetic, weak-kneed Example: "So he said 'The world's about to end and we're all going to die!' and I said 'Don't be getting all wishy-washy' " Adverb: Wishy-washily - in a wishy-washy manner (ii) In the 2019 German EP elections the Greens increased their vote share by 9% and nearly doubled their number of Europarl seats to 21. This reflects a wider trend where the previously ascendant centre-left SPD has rapidly been losing ground to GRÜNE. In the event that the SPD withdraw from the current grand coalition (GroKo) it has been bruited by some that the Greens could strike a deal with the CDU/CSU and enter government, thereby displacing one of the two great parties who have dominated German politics since 1949. Or not. Who can really say? Either way, we face the possibility that the nation of Frederick the Great, Bismarck and Moltke the elder might be run by a bunch of tree-huggers. Personally I blame Udo Lindenberg, Ton Steine Scherben and Nena for this frankly terrifying development.
    1 point
  46. Please note. The cab is for collection or meet up only. I don`t like using couriers for large items as the risk of the item being damaged is too great and causes no end of hassle. I don`t mind driving to meet up and have done a few deals at Carlisle in the past so if this is an option for you, just ask. Thanks!
    1 point
  47. The MIM Player Series basses colour schemes are better than the Pro series IMHO. I could do with a back up (sole bass right now, and that's off to the tech tomorrow), and keep looking at the Tidepool J's and P's. Makes justifying a MIA harder!
    1 point
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