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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/06/19 in all areas

  1. Well first bass finished and it’s bloody lovely. Better than I thought it would turn out and I really enjoyed it. Big thanks to BassDoc for his help and advice. Sounds mega with the CS62 pick ups and ‘62 Luxe loom. It’s absolutely killer, well I think it is. Can’t wait to get the other Candy Apple Red one finished now. Few gratuitous pics attached. Gonna call it ‘sexual chocolate’ 😂😂
    10 points
  2. I had a weekend in London last summer. Whilst walking across Tower Bridge, I bumped into a musical acquaintance from Leeds who I haven't seen for ages and ages. I had a lovely generic chat with him and his family, who I'd never met before. The conversation was slightly awkward, but I put it down to the randomness, and the bustle of people around us. I messaged him a week or so later to say it was nice to see him... slightly puzzled, he replied to say he was currently in Kefalonia, and had been for the previous three weeks.
    9 points
  3. Some words after a day with the new bass, the Payson Supercharger PJ... Those hidden fret tangs are very, very... smooth. This is the first bass ever I didn't have to do a setup on, other than lower the bridge pickup's treble side a tad. It was almost completely in tune after the trip over the Atlantic. Perfect action, neck relief, intonation! I want the neck to be as straight as possible: it was! I want the saddle to be just a tiny little bit higher than the frets: it was! (Why should it be any other way?) The outer strings line perfect along the edge of the neck, with enough margin, no more, no less. That makes a very comfortable neck that ain't too big. No dead spots! No string buzz, unless I dig in and really make it buzz. Comfortable asymmetrical shape of the neck, nice width at the nut! No big ugly Mickey Mouse ears, but smooth "mini mouse" ears that match the somewhat smaller but very sturdy headstock. It is designed not to be broken when you club an ox... The body shape feels familiar and place the bass in the right position. Maybe the belly cut could have been a bit more generous for seasoned and mature players, but that's no big deal. ;) Big, chunky knobs made for walk... sorry, grabbing and twisting! They could even have been a tad bigger with that old bakelite phone feel... The tone, then... Big, full, clean, whatever you play comes out. My wife said yesterday evening, that it sounds like a classical instrument in the way it responds to touch. She is a seasoned piano player with a good ear. Want J-bass? Got it! Want P-bass? Got it! Want BASS? H*ll yeah! That low B really fills the room, clear and articulate. This is no Ferrari or Lamborghini; more of a Subaru: poent, comtetent and gets the job done I got some other basses for sale now...
    6 points
  4. Looks like I've been beaten to it with the stage name and the album title. Damn.
    6 points
  5. I don't think I'll be going with Prestatyn That-van-that-goes-round-the-units if I'm honest.
    5 points
  6. I would call this a gig
    5 points
  7. Frankly, I am surprised you did not know that the BassChat approved method of generating one's stage name is: (A seaside resort visited in one's childhood) + (The name of the last establishment where you bought a hot beverage whether as a standalone or as the culmination of a tasty meal) Ergo, I am known to my public as Torremolinos Starbucks.
    5 points
  8. For sale this amazing and rare Warwick Streamer stage 1 from 1986, one of the first generation. Really in nice condition, all original, only the preamp was replaced because the original was over. Actually it's a glock 2 band but I think the preamp is not wired fine and so not work fine. Bartolini pickups. 3,8kg A dream to play. Price: 1250€
    4 points
  9. Not my transcription below, but worth showing the Drummer. It sounds like he is counting the first note of the Bass solo as one, when in fact, it starts on the upbeat of one. I have had the misfortune of depping in a band when the runaway train was doing something similar by the sound of your story. The guy who transcribed the below chart has written up a little brief on how to nail it accurately.
    4 points
  10. Damn straight. My greatest visit was in a 2nd hand shop in Barton St, Gloucester. In the 1990s. I was trying out a Fender 'Bassman' 135 valve amp (cab was a 2x15). Three costume changes in total, and for the finale I was in nothing but a leather basque, thigh length boots and a headset, playing Smoke On The Water. I bought the amp, but obviously I was banned from the shop after that - but OMG it was so worth it.
    4 points
  11. Oddly enough, I hear prog' is somehow back in fashion at the moment. Only with weirdos, I assume (same as it ever was). 👍
    3 points
  12. My BC-approved stage name Bergen aan Zee Mother India might to some degree explain ticket sales...
    3 points
  13. True enough, however with the simple addition of “the third“ you become a legend in Nashville.
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. Fleetwood McDonald’s ... hmm, that’s dangerously almost on topic
    3 points
  16. Don't know who the expensive lookin' bloke in the picture is, but this thread is worth it just for the reveal of your stage name. And what a corker it is! Respect. 😎
    3 points
  17. I rarely go to a guitar shop, but when I do, I spend the evening before the visit rehearsing exactly what I'm gunna do. It may not seem like it, but every last thing is choreographed, from the tuning up - to the harmonics - to the seamlessly dropping into a bassline from (what would appear to be), an aimless noodle... even the moments of eye contact and conversation are planned and rehearsed to perfection... it's like a Superbowl half-time show. Sometimes it goes well, sometimes there's a problem, sometimes I don't try a guitar so nothing happens.
    3 points
  18. Hoppus body, scratchplate and neckplate that has been loaded with an EMG pickup. Aftermarket P neck with brass nut. Neck feels like a Flea bass neck. Not narrow at the nut but shallow profile. Body has been refinished and reliced by a previous owner. Cool bass but not needed any more.
    2 points
  19. Sandberg California TT4 Light Aged Bass. Here is my lovely cream Sandberg. Passive. Vol/Mix/Tone Light weight tuners Nice and light at 8.2lbs All what you would expect from a Sandberg bass I'm in Malvern. Worcs Happy to meet up half way within reason
    2 points
  20. Just listened back at 50% and I think your dead right. It definitely sounds like there's a note being hit instead of a ghost note
    2 points
  21. I think the open notes are there (apart from the open E). I thought they were ghost notes until I slowed the track down to 50% on You Tube. I really like the cross string approach - so thanks for posting this. Always reassuring to me that Paul Simon's bass player messes it up live. I think it's important to remain loyal to that!
    2 points
  22. Oh God! What have I done! He'll be so disappointed when he finds out that prog ended in the '70's
    2 points
  23. Terrible, isn't it? Then you dredge up some simple yet crappy bassline that you half-remember from years ago, play a bum note in it, then find yourself examining the fret as-if it's the bass not you... then you feel all hot and prickly, and you notice another civilian has wandered into the shop, and he's looking at the mandolins... he doesn't want a mandolin! He's come in there to watch you crash and burn! And is that a smirk on his face?? ... that's it, make your excuses and leave in a hurry... Nope, that's never happened to me.
    2 points
  24. They were only nice about me because I bought a bass. Though to be fair, I did play pretty well (although I'm even better now). 😃 Unlike the previous shop I went in, when I'd rehearsed an Aston "Family Man" Barrett medley... that was a car-crash and a half... I told you a Jazz bass is no good for reggae. 😑
    2 points
  25. Hunstanton Thatch-d’Avergne has a very, very upmarket ring to it* Sort of chap who’d have a sister called Clytemnestra (known to all her friends as “Minty”). Pops was something in the City, yah? *(tell me if I’m close?)
    2 points
  26. Apparently I'm Hunstanton Thatch-Tavern. Thatch for short. Which is a bit ironic given the direction my hairline is moving in.
    2 points
  27. Well, that's already covered! I merely select one from 'the stable' Through the shop window!
    2 points
  28. Fu*king chancer. You haven't even considered the right car to rent or borrow (1970s Ford Mustang Boss 302, in Daytona Yellow). Or how you're going to park it (on the pavement). 😃
    2 points
  29. Pure class, one of my all time favourite songs.
    2 points
  30. Presumably the same group of unspeakable deviants who were confident that the fey cover of Chaka Khan used on that Tui advert wouldn't be a capital offence.
    2 points
  31. I'm not especially judgmental, but I hate him just from looking at that photograph.
    2 points
  32. I met Lee many years ago at Aria when they were sited near Heathrow and then near Guildford. He is a very nice person, I'm glad you got this sorted, top stuff Aria.
    2 points
  33. Just had a look at the stats - thanks to all the people that have checked it out. Basschat seems to have sent a fair few viewers to Youtube! Much appreciated for listening (even in part!) to mine and Steve's ramblings. (Although to be honest, Steve is mostly there for visual entertainment value on this one! :p) More randomness soon when I get round to editing - I've got a fair few theory ones to do - and they take an absolute age!. Also - quite cool to see the top three threads in this area of the forum seem to be on IEMs right now!
    2 points
  34. I've a load of the front ones, EA told me the size. They are chrome, but a black marker soon cures that. Had the same problem, haven't a clue where they went. PM me your address and I'll send you some. Just ask EA what size they are and then screwfix/toolstation/eBay is your friend. I have a brilliant tool suppliers near me that also does screws/bolts/fixings. Lost count of the times i have taken something in asked if they have what i want. they usually do. I would be really surprised if the rack mount screws for the iAmp are any different to the current range so it might be worth asking what size the current ones are.
    2 points
  35. I'll play... Synthy sound kicks in at around 1.15. This is a 3leaf Doom into and EBS Bass IQ. It's at the subtle end of what those two pedals can do (Doom on minimum gain and the EBS is set to 'low' Q) and it's also masked in this particular mix, but you get the idea. I use this sound a lot!
    2 points
  36. Haha, no. The OP kindly made this a more general KS thread so I am more than happy to share my NBD pics and journey to getting one on here Many thanks to you, @lee650 and @NotAsGoodAsJaco, who all have or have previously had KS, for sharing your thoughts and experiences on these wonderful basses which played a big part in encouraging me to try one out. A final couple of pics from me which I hope you'll enjoy:
    2 points
  37. Whitby Waitrose checking in here Oh it'll be amazing, if he ever actually writes the feckin thing. I imagine the, ahem, somewhat less than infrequent trips to rehab keep damming up his creative juices, alas.
    2 points
  38. That would make me Porty Costa. I'm not sure it works - it puts me in mind of a weedy bloke in a Hawaiian shirt playing keys in a Benidorm tourist disco.
    2 points
  39. I am not sure Harlech Staff Canteen will help push me towards stardom.
    2 points
  40. This still from a video I took of one of my rock balancing efforts has a craggy face in the cliff at the top right , side-on looking left .
    2 points
  41. Sorry to disappoint, Rich, but I've never met Mr Goggle. I'd welcome the opportunity because he's a minor legend even to the extent of a short-run Fender Tony Goggle signature bass which makes the Roscoe Beck look boringly conventional. Having read some of the anecdotes that have been printed in interviews I've always hoped Goggle would write a book like Mo Foster's Seventeen Watts? about the early days of British Rock. The one about Nico and Paul Kossoff was funny and sad at the same time.
    2 points
  42. Thanks very much Oliver, it is indeed the smaller bodied 'Studio' (according to Mark at BD) version. The smaller body means it's likely to be a little bit lighter than other KS's but, despite being 'super model thin' as with other KS's, it still weighs in at 9.7 lbs which reflects the quality of the woods used. To accommodate a 3 band EQ with the smaller body shape it has a stacked treble and bass EQ with separate mid EQ. It also has a front rather than the more common (for KS) side jack socket similar to Alembic basses. One feature that the Tiger models have that the Hadrien doesn't appear to have, is the series and parallel switches for each pup. I generally prefer the 'standard' parallel (down) setting for both pups - this is very much the signature 'Smith' sound. The series (up) setting delivers a fatter, deeper tone with a reduction in the high end frequency; on the neck pup and with the treble dialled off, this provides a really nice vintage tone and I can see this particular combination coming into its own for 60s Motown. My KS was originally bought by a French bass 'collector' back in Aug 2018 who then decided to part ex it for something else he had his eye on and I was able to get this almost new bass for a very decent discount. I almost ducked out of going up to BD to try it out as I really couldn't justify getting such a lovely bass for myself, but as soon as I picked it up and played it there was no doubt in my mind what a fantastic bass this was! I'm fortunate to already have some really great basses but nothing quite in the league of this KS. When Mrs Krow heard the bass with my rig at home her immediate reaction was that, as well as being a beautiful bass, for her it tonally knocked all my other basses out of the park! I wasn't expecting such an immediate positive reaction from someone who isn't a bass player but nonetheless has a very good musical ear. But I can understand where she's coming from - it really is that good!
    2 points
  43. During the 80s and 90s Trace Elliot was the thing to have - lots of Pros used them too - TE's client list read like a who's who of bass players....with good reason. If you haven't played a TE before you're going to be pleasantly surprised - and you get a lot of amp for your buck. Don't be put off by the weight (they are weighty so take a sack barrow). With the current move to lightweight gear we're seeing combos go for less than £300...do your homework - look on ebay/Gumtree - go armed with details of others for sale and offer £200 - if you get it for around £200 you got a good deal but don't be put off by a £250-275 price tag.. A good TE will be more than a match for the other gear you list. People don't sell their TE because they don't do the job, they sell because they want something lighter. Good luck
    2 points
  44. How about this fella? Just don't mention Brit Rock to him. He hates it. Bigly. But he is cool and handsome. So there.
    2 points
  45. I once told a mate that a random long haired bloke I'm Scarborough Weahterspoons was Nick Menza, the drummer in Megadeth... Once he stumbled over for a handshake and a photo the bloke got quite a line of people wanting to talk to him. He wasn't Nick Menza.
    2 points
  46. He's one of those tall people who stand at the front at gigs, that who he is.
    2 points
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