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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/19 in all areas

  1. With me having problems with the wiring on one of the twins I thought I'd check how these two were getting on hardening and low and behold they were pretty good so I've cut one back and polished it, have to admit I'm pleased with the result
    6 points
  2. May I borrow the time machine when you've finished with it?
    4 points
  3. Or somebody very talented could pass the audition for me, and then I'll turn up. That'll teach them. What're they gonna do, dock my wages? 😀
    4 points
  4. So, in the general scheme of mentioning some new effect pedal which @Al Krow will eventually go out and buy, use, be impressed by, get fed up with and then sell before I get round to trying it, has anyone tried the new Boss SY-1 on the bass? I was thinking of getting either a VB-99 or a SY-300 or even I guess a Future impact, but this is cheaper than all of those and in the (obviously officially processed) videos sounds quite interesting. Certainly a lot less space than all the other effects, and I am sure I could probably find some space to fit it on a pedal board.
    3 points
  5. Guys ...dair-y say.. I think we’re milking this.
    3 points
  6. I was honest and was rewarded by GAK who are ace by the way. Got the second package for the price of 1 set of strings. or could’ve posted them back for free. obviously, don’t think they do that all the time - but a very good gesture as I was messed about a bit by the courier they initially picked.
    3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. Normal stuff with installing the swift - jewellers saw: Dremel with precision router base: Epoxy mixed with wood dust: The slightly ragged edges and black dots round the purfling will disappear with the final sanding, but this is broadly what it will look like:
    3 points
  9. I have had 40 basses in 8 years. I've liked some more than others. A Peavey Grind 5 string, Hohner 6 B Bass, and Fender MM P bass stand out. But my current one is the best, yet I came by it largely by accident. Irked by my blues crowd taking the michael if I played anything wider than a 4 string, but wanting a B string, I thought I'd buy a cheap 4 string and convert it to BEAD stringing. So I went on Fleabay to find a dog I could experiment with - and came across a Revelation P bass. The pictures were very fuzzy and indistinct, but the price was good at £150. So I bought it. Only to find too late it was an unlined fretless. Eeek... Any road, it arrived and it seemed straight out the egg. And the quality was impressive - almost as good as a Sire (sans 18v electrics) for half the price even new. I did the nut slot file thing to cater for bigger strings and strung it with the lower end of a 6 string La Bella nickel rounds set. It played OK, but very deep and thuddy and I couldn't get used to it. So I reverted to EADG stringing with the flatwounds it came with (Picato? dunno). And - possibly critically - I added an old KiOgon loom I had kicking around from another project. Result? Bass heaven. Totally my sound, handles great. and the smaller strings don't seem to mind the slightly widened nut slots. Most of all, with a fair few hours hard practice, I find playing unlined isn't that hard. I think this puppy was meant to be. Who knows, it might actually stay.
    3 points
  10. More pics later, promise xx
    3 points
  11. This is the MU take on it, sent to members yesterday. It has recently been brought to the MU’s attention that the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo (REMT) has advertised for experienced musicians of what would appear to be a professional standard to apply to form a new stage band for a 25 show run throughout August. Including worldwide television coverage. The MU have contacted the REMT for further detail and have received confirmation that despite imposing stringent demands and requirements for applicants, there is no fee available to musicians for this month-long engagement where only food and accommodation will be provided. These requirements include being available for an intense period of rehearsals and a run of 25 shows, being at least grade eight standard, possessing an ability to sight read, an ability to perform to an excellent standard in front of over 8000 people, have experience of performing in a showband, pit-orchestra and/or musical theatre band and a demand that although participants “may” take on other work, they must prioritise the REMT. Furthermore, the engagement expects the rights to be granted for worldwide TV coverage – for which there are of course union agreements in place. This issue falls clearly under our Work Not Play campaign and as such we now seek responses from any MU members who have engaged in this work so that we might ascertain the impact on our members. This kind of call for work is gravely concerning for the Union and our members. If you have been engaged for these shows, we would very much appreciate your response to this. Please let us know by emailing [email protected] as soon as possible.
    3 points
  12. Its not even my thread and you're attacking me for that now. Your posts are sooooo valid though, keep them up 🙄
    3 points
  13. Here’s just a quick update with the Jazz neck.............😀
    3 points
  14. Give them the Brexit Party's mail email address.
    3 points
  15. For sale this beauty Warwick Streamer stage 2 from 94 Nice condition Bartolini pickups and MEC 3 band preamp Weight: 4,5kg Sorry no trade
    2 points
  16. Hi all, Very much a mega feeler at the moment, I love this bass, largely a trade post as mentioned below, looking for a early/mid-60's C neck Precision. However, whilst it's fantastic, and has done a lot of good work with me, I do prefer 60's Precision neck's, so I'm going to try and scratch that itch a little more. Heavily gigged because it's excellent, and it's in a played condition for it's age, but nothing too crazy, plenty of nicks, a couple down to the wood, but mostly just really nice wear, To my knowledge (certainly I purchased it as such), it's all original, including the case although that is looking tired now, although all parts present and working, definitely more for provenience than use. I haven't ever taken the neck off, but I will for a serious enquiry. Truss rod absolutely fine and neck nice and straight, currently setup beautifully with La Bella 760FL flats. Nut width, 42mm. B profile neck. Can be heard on the entirety of this album (headphones needed): And here's a little Pino I transcribed with it (headphones needed): I don't really want to sell this without having a nice early 60's refin to pull the trigger on fairly quickly. As such, this is almost just a trade post, with me able to add cash obviously. Even willing to add my Lakland US 44-64 if of interest. So if you are perhaps looking to release some cash from a early/mid 60's Precision (probably a refinish/stripped), would be happy to talk about it with this as a part ex. I reserve the right to drop this craziness at any point, it is a cracking bass. I don't have a weight until later, but it's under 9lbs for sure. Many thanks Si
    2 points
  17. What is your bass? (P bass with flats...) Try a SolidGoldFX Beta. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcDP4uYwKsI (Not me.)
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. Dark side of the moooon 😁
    2 points
  20. You'll get no beef from me...steak your life on it
    2 points
  21. I could play that bass for heifer.
    2 points
  22. Thank you that is massively helpful. and please never ever feel you need to apologise for orientation
    2 points
  23. Hi Folks, am a professional tuba player and string bass but now out 10years from the Army and 50th birthday in Sept just treated to an 8mth old IBANEZ SR655. in immaculate find with Ddario' flats for £440. Live it and off we go learning and enjoying 'woody. See you around folks.. Chris
    2 points
  24. Wonder if he's got any udder basses like that.........
    2 points
  25. As they say, turnover is vanity, profit is sanity! The problem I'm seeing with it being seen as a good way to get experience blah blah blah... I've done a music degree, I've been gigging for a living for around 6 years now... not once have I ever thought "damn, I wish I'd done that gig for the exposure". I just can't see how anyone in the right mind would see this as beneficial for their career. That, and they're saying professional standard etc. I've found that people fresh out of college generally speaking aren't of a professional standard. Hard truth, but that's only the start. It's like passing your driving test. Yeah, you can do this, that and the other. It's only when you're out in the real world doing it, you then develop properly.
    2 points
  26. Would you believe the cardboard packaging actually weighs more than the bass. Lift up the Gator case it came in and you’d genuinely think there wasn’t a bass inside! Light as it is, it STILL plays the same wrong notes as all my previous basses.
    2 points
  27. I'd hazard a guess that the most effective thing they can do is encourage musicians not to volunteer for it. The thing is, that although it's pretty s***ty of REMT to expect highly qualified musicians to play without receiving a fee, there's nothing illegal about it. Nobody's rounding up vagrant violinists or homeless harpists and forcing them to play; their participation would be entirely voluntary. In REMT's defence, it looks like they've been (reasonably) upfront about what they are willing and not willing to pay for - to be honest, getting your housing and food paid for is a step above what I've received for some gigs in the past! And nobody's being forced to do it against their will. There may well be some musicians who feel charitable towards the Tattoo and wish to do play it just for the fun of it. That's up to them. I hope there are not too many highly-qualified-but-very-naive musicians who hope that playing this event will help them tap into some treasure trove of more lucrative opportunities; unfortunately many of us only learn from making these mistakes in the first place. In any case, REMT aren't breaking any laws, which limits what action the MU can take from a legal standpoint. But, as I say, their attitude towards the musicians' livelihoods is pretty s***ty - hopefully it will deter a lot of suitably qualified musicians from volunteering their time for such an event, and if they come a-cropper and have to pay for appropriate musicians at short notice, perhaps that will teach them a lesson. So now we just have to hope for a shortage of applicants, the better that justice might prevail...
    2 points
  28. If it pleasing you, I have GENUIN 1934 fender prestigion bass guitar for export. But He is in Nairobi airpot waiting for custom payment and thensending to you directly to you place of abode in England, United Kingdoms Pleaseplease Sir send money order to $1000 by Phoneygram to PO Box 666, Lusaka. It is my humblest opineon that All will be blest with you Good Fortunes!
    2 points
  29. Yay! Exposure has successfully paid my mortgage for over ten years now! I am SO pleased to see another opportunity for some exposure bills to help keep me just about alive. Hurrahhhh for those who should know better!
    2 points
  30. This just what happens when some bands will play for nothing and others are happy to pay to play. This country doesn't value musicians.
    2 points
  31. I agree with that except one point, when I sing, it’s better the instruments are louder
    2 points
  32. Of course! I bought to replace a 30 year old practice amp I bought from Radio Shack (remember them?) I use with my bass uke. It runs on a whopping brick size battery, which is a pain to replace so I thought I’d move into this century. Unfortunately the Vox is far too nice to sling under a beer soaked pub table at an Irish session, so - feeling I have been disloyal to my old amp - I am resisting bonding with the glamorous newcomer by passing it to someone who will use it! And Stewblack is that person... have fun with it!
    2 points
  33. I have no idea what his reasons are... but with a lot of amazon-hating comments everywhere lately, perhaps someone is compelled to explain their different views. I personally have mixed feelings. I don't like what Amazon (and other big ones) get away with... but the baddies in this film are those who set the rules and allow those behaviours to be legal. Having heard first hand what life working in an Amazon warehouse is (and you could add courier drivers too, which we hear and complain about in this forum often), I feel angry that in 2019 a supposedly civilised country's government allows that kind of employment situation.
    2 points
  34. I bet they've got gigs and a recording contract already agreed along with a world tour too!
    2 points
  35. That twang of annoyance everytime I hear 'Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick' knowing I'll never be able to play it as cleanly as Norman 😅
    2 points
  36. I discovered a while back that I was allowed to use my wife's Prime on my account. No big deal but as a photographer the unlimited cloud storage for photos is extremely useful. However the real excitement is that since the dissolution of the marriage at the behest of she who used to have to be obeyed and my subsequent relocation to a new domicile I have been able to continue to receive access to the benefits of her Prime account even though my default delivery address now differs from hers. Which is nice.
    2 points
  37. I double on acoustic upright and electric bass guitar, and I've just picked up a MicroBass 3. Primarily (of course) it needs to sound really good on both instruments; but after that what stands out for me are the routing options: I can connect and level-balance both my basses; DI (in fact it has two); aux input for receiving a monitor feed, if I'm using in-ears. whether using in-ears or an on-stage speaker, I can adjust the volume I hear my bass without affecting FOH. I've been noodling about tonight at home and it sounds good. Next gig is on Saturday so can test it out for real then. To answer the previous poster's question: as well as the drive knob itself there are two additional switches affecting the drive character: LO/HI and THIN/NEUTRAL/DEEP. I'm getting a nice hint of break-up using LO and NEUTRAL. Photo, including almost-matching-colour custom in-ears monitor cable (XLR to mini jack):
    2 points
  38. It was last Sunday afternoon but the pics have just been uploaded, we played a Summer Fair and it went really well. We had 4 hours to fill and neither singer could make it (the songs with vocals tend to be much easier and less demanding) so it was a lot of playing for the wind instrument players, but we really pulled it off and got very positive feedback. We just had a rehearsal tonight to iron out any issues (there weren't really any....) and we're playing again this Friday. For us its a first to do two back-to-back but it makes a lot of sense because the same effort in prep. can be utilised twice!
    2 points
  39. Brilliant sounding amps. Clean but with a low end texture so thick and tight you can taste the sound. Mine needs a little bit of TLC, it blew out its 10A fuse twice this month - my tubes have been in there since 1992 I believe. Still worth carrying the extra weight. Once you played through this you know all class D amps are toys.
    2 points
  40. My two - Spector Euro 5XL and Doug Wimbish Signature.
    2 points
  41. And here we go : These are not the most beautiful solders I've seen...
    2 points
  42. Got hold of a Spark Booster last month and can't believe what a sleeper this pedal is! Perfect for edge of valve break up and very minimal colouring to your original tone. I set it, turn it on and leave it for the rest of the gig. £40 new right now from GuitarGuitar!
    2 points
  43. You're lucky. I've done some more digging, and... her name is Gerald.
    2 points
  44. Reasonably priced, licensed R***enbackers made outside the US with more user friendly bridges....
    2 points
  45. I think you will find most hotels and food outlets match your opinion of Amazon. Not to mention products made in the far east. I know of one national outdoor activity shop that uses zero hours- min wage. You don't know how many high street treat their staff this way. Much of what I buy from Amazon actually comes from independent dealers who use the site as a shop window.
    2 points
  46. What a really odd thing to think. I only play 5 strings. I have played a 6 string live but didn't get on with it. So if you are playing mustang sally, don't you think having a 3 string bass is pretentious? I mean, you don't need more than 2. How about the guitarists, they sure as hell don't need all those strings (ours doesn't!) and don't get me started on keyboard players! But in answer to the question, I play a 5 string because I play a 5 string. If I was playing prog rock or disco or covers, I would be playing a 5 string, because that is what I play.
    1 point
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