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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/07/19 in all areas

  1. 7 points
  2. Methinks its about time you othah numbskull's started to respec my noledges. It's diving! Scooby diving! (OK then: AKA Scubaru)
    6 points
  3. Hi folks As you know, items priced at £50 and under are free to post here. Recently we introduced some code that means anything listed under the threshold has to be approved first, because in the past we’ve seen scammers listing basses worth thousands for £1 just so they can avoid paying the fee. The fee protects you as customers - if a seller is dishonest enough to defraud our system we don’t expect them to be great people to deal with. Currently there’s a gap in the code where items posted at exactly £50 are free and may pass by the filter, too. Today I’ve had to stop three idiots trying to evade payment this way. Often people have commented on the thread before I’ve been able to take it down. Could you help out by clicking ‘report post’ instead, so I can get rid? I’ve asked for the gap to be plugged ASAP so hopefully this won’t be for long. Lets try and keep the marketplace free of these types of people please! Cheers ped
    5 points
  4. When I finally amassed enough gear to actually be able to sell some of it, I havered over paying to advertise it here. How much would I have to charge per item to make back my £20. Then I had a bit of a word with myself. Basschat is worth the £20 regardless of whether I buy and sell here. The advice, companionship, inspiration and ideas are worth a sight more in fact.
    5 points
  5. Evening guys and gals, I know it’s rarely suitable in a band situation. I know it’s far from everyone’s cup of tea. I know it’s difficult to eq. I know some people can’t get out of E when they do it but crikey, I love it. I remember when I first slapped a groove and I actually drooled....! I remember coming home with Freaky Styley on vinyl and listening to some of Flea’s maniacal grooves and thinking, “What the Dickens!” My first super slap tone was a Squier jazz bass and a Fender amp which lit up red at the bottom...! Any slap tales out there? What’s your favourite rig/set up? Who sucks, who’s amazing? This YouTube video blew me away back in the day......!
    3 points
  6. When i were a lad we used to 'ave to wash up in't t'horse trough in't market Square. It were al reet unless it were't time for fhather's bath. 3rd o' June every yeer, rain or shine. Pots 'ad to be dun at' toe end. Sorry, Ricky. Had to be done....
    3 points
  7. Like people who put a plastic bowl in the sink
    3 points
  8. Ah well, just goes to show, as I am not that much of an ELP, Crimson, or Gentle Giant fan, but love Yes and Genesis. Have to say criticising either for not having The Funk is a bit like criticising Motorhead for not being Chic. But then pretty much everything you hate about Yes I like. Don’t really get the “folky chord progressions” thing either, but seeing as probably my all-time favourite female singer is Sandy Denny and Martin Simpson is one of my favourite guitarists I suspect our ideas about “folky chord progressions” may be a little different. To be honest, I don’t really hate any music. There’s some I don’t really listen to (reggae, a lot of R&B/soul, blues etc), but nothing I really hate. Except for Simply Red of course, but Mick Hucknall is a given. 😂 EDIT Have just given PHB and SA a listen (I’ve heard all the others and seen Porcupine Tree live) and they’re not my bag. Too rocky for my taste in prog (as are PT) and a bit too miserable-sounding. What I like about Yes and Genesis is they can be really uplifting. I don’t hear that in any of the others, only the sound of depression (which is something I’m all too familiar with). Of course your mileage obviously varies.
    3 points
  9. You see…. all this aoelian and dorian mode malarkey is exactly what passes me by. Oh i'm impressed by you all and a little in awe of your knowledge...just not bothered about joining you. I just listen to the song and play what I hear . If I get it wrong " technically", I don't worry ...it sounds ok to me so I play it that way... Frank Zappa must be turning in his grave!😂
    3 points
  10. ^^^ This. I haven't bought or sold on here, & I can't bear to part with stuff, but BC membership alone is worth the money, as Stewblack says. Will pay subs in the next few days. Thanks Ped 👍
    3 points
  11. Prog-rock yodelling at its finest! I give you...Hocus Pocus...by Focus!
    3 points
  12. Here is my excellent Bass Collection Detroit Precision style bass. It's really lovely in what looks like Old Candy Apple Red. It's a lovely playing and sounding bass and it balances really well on a strap. It has Bass Centre Elite flats on it. It has the chrome covers to go with it and a Guy Lewis hand made Rosewood tug bar. There are no knocks, dings or scratches to the bass. Under the chrome pick up cover there is an additional screw hole that was on it when I got it. You can't see it when the cover is on and hardly when it's off but it is there. I'll put the original chrome control knobs back on. I'm now living in Scorton, North Yorkshire and you are more than welcome to come and have a coffee and collect it. I'm also happy to courier at the buyers expense. Thanks for looking.
    2 points
  13. Hey Guys, Martin here... Really excited to be opening our all new Sims Bass Shop, we have loads of amazing products to show you guys, but to whet your appetite here is a link to our newly updated website. https://www.sims.guitars/sims-bass-shop-home We will also be releasing a brand new updated version of our Lionheart model, so come down and see what all the noise is about. https://www.sims.guitars/enfield-guitars/lionheart Tea and coffee provided, you may also see the odd bass celebrity lurking about. Cheers M
    2 points
  14. This is the original release and the bass line is exactly as notated in the previous post from Lowdown. A two bar pattern using A and F# notes. No B at all is there?
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Extended E strings for me, a la Kubicki style. Shame to waste the space next to it, so bend well a la Mark King style. 😎
    2 points
  17. You mean you haven’t yet? I assume you bought it yesterday? Being a serial car fettler, with a best mate equally afflicted, our one and only experience of the ‘quality’ of a jag was littered with horrendous stories, and that was one that had been looked after at great expense prior to our time with it. A friend has an XF and apart from being the ugliest car ever to wear the badge, it has spent nearly as much time at the dealer as on his drive. The weird thing is that I would still buy an XJS, but my logic now is to buy the worst, not the best, I can afford. That way it will still be broken most of the time but my bank balance will be considerably healthier.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. “Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.” ― Miles Kington
    2 points
  20. Don't listen to him, Dave. The guy is like quicksand. 😄
    2 points
  21. You probably don't like the other Scooby nickname then: Council Estate Racer. My Scoob' was the wagon version, which my fellow 'Subaru enthusiasts' kindly christened 'The Flying Wardrobe'. 😄
    2 points
  22. Elegance, sophistication and a certain raffishness..... (Disclaimer: i drive a Jag and thus identify with many of it's fine qualities. I also expect to break down (literally and emotionally) by the side of a motorway any day now....)
    2 points
  23. In the 1980s, a couple of girl fans once told me that I looked like (the sadly now deceased) Errol Brown from Hot Chocolate. Despite the fact that I was 20 years younger than Mr Brown, and white skinned, with plenty of hair. Perhaps they were being ironic.
    2 points
  24. The worst thing about time waster is that they want your goods for a ridiculously low price . I’m all for bargaining but some take the P altogether.
    2 points
  25. We run a (pink) plastic bowl in the kitchen sink. It's because we are extremely poor, having only a single sink (and a single drainer, as it goes). There are times when i.e. we might have the bowl with some clean hot washing up water in it, and need to use the gap between the bowl and sink to pour away leftover liquids, or run some cold from the tap - without spoiling the clean hot water in the bowl, see? If we were rich enough to have two sinks, I'd wash up using the 'two sink method'. Which would still leave nowhere for slops etc. Therefore I would need one of those tiny 'swilling sink' thingys in the middle (like a 1/8th scale sink). Three sinks! Mannn, I can only dream of something like that...
    2 points
  26. I'm with you on a lot of these points, 4000. Not really sure how a Stranglers thread became a discussion about the various forms of prog, but I have to jump in as well! I definitely don't hear much of folk in Yes either, but then British folk does happen to be the genre (or tradition, rather) of music I enjoy the most as a whole, so my perception, and definition of folk might be a bit different, more narrow, from others (as an example, my favourite band is Jethro Tull, and while many have applied the label "folk rock" to much of their output, I'd say it's folk-inspired at most - and even then certainly more Celtic than English, and much more apparent in music than in lyrics). I also think medieval bent, as in the case of Gentle Giant, really is something of a compliment rather than something to look past! I do appreciate a good groove but I tend to stay far, far away from one-note funk. I've also had trouble connecting with modern prog bands. Too much of it sounds the same to me; it's often to metal-oriented, and almost always strangely dour, dreary and humourless. I can enjoy a bit of darkness, and certainly some heaviness now and then, but I think prog is best when it's energetic, adventurous and exuberant. I don't have much of a taste for fantasy themes myself, but I do prefer it to brooding self-importance. As an almost-aside, Robert Fripp is very near the top of my list of most pretentious musicians, along with his chum Eno and the No Wave crowd. How do we all feel about Captain Beefheart? In my experience he seems to be one of the biggest unifiers in music. Probably the artist who most attracts punk and prog fans alike. I'm not a regular listener but I do happen to like him, myself, and the attitude is brilliant.
    2 points
  27. Yes. I have both. Both are staying. I’m pretty busy at the moment but will try and write a comparison sometime next week.
    2 points
  28. How unfair of them, don't worry though they're all a*******s b******s f*****g c***s and p****s.
    2 points
  29. I'm not sure that part is quite right (Well, the Bass isn't). I suppose because of the lack of 'E' in that first chord it could just as easily be 'Dsus4/A Bass or, of course, A7sus4 (omit 5). The Bass doesn't play the first down beat of the Bar, so their is no F# Bass in the chord. The second bar there is an F# Bass in the chord. On the PDF sketch score below, from bar 23 onwards, the Guitar parts will explain more what is going on chord wise. Certainly a lot of F# against G happening within the chord(s), along with some lines consisting of 4th's. Quite clever really. This is why @blisters on my fingers isn't hearing a root note (only inversions). Because, maybe there isn't any root note. It's in the Key of D (2 sharps for sure). Plus, I can't here a 'B' note anywhere in the Bass, as in that chart above? I have attached a full PDF sketch score below (from years ago). It's not properly formatted, rests missing, wrong drum notation heads and all in concert etc. But this may help. One In A Lifetime.pdf Plus here is the two bar Bass line (it just sounds like a loop all the way through).
    2 points
  30. Hey Paul @Hobbayne, you've reminded us we have a flagellation emoji! To get back on topic, I do find this kind of posts sexist and boring, if I can be honest with you all. I'm sick to death of people suggesting I buy some new shoes when @Happy Jack succumbs to GAS, even when they know I'm a bass player (I'm not referring to the OP in this case). I'm bored with hearing about wives who appear to be hostile to new purchases. If you've got kids and your wife has a job, chances are she pours all of her income into the family coffers, forgetting about shoes and handbags, so she has all the right to ask about you splashing thousands - or even just hundreds - on bass stuff unless there's a good reason. Usually, all she is asking about is for you to provide that good reason. Nobody is offended by this male-centred banter: we're just bored sh!tless.
    2 points
  31. It used to be every time I got a new DB, Mrs B got a new horse. Things started to get expensive. And smelly.
    2 points
  32. I think that I wouldn't do it if the hanger touched any of the Hipshot assembly.
    2 points
  33. Just as an aside, the 414 I bought has really grown on me: it's much better for my purposes than the 1024x I briefly had, and that P-pup is a belter. I originally bought it for a song, thinking I'd be doing a fair bit of work on it (bridge, nut, tuners, pickup, possibly a John East EQ), but the more I play it, the more I realise it needs nowt*: I put some Elixirs on it (thereby increasing my overall investment by a significant percentage) and it's terrific as a passive P. I was in a similar position back in the day, when the backup to my BB3000A was a boggo BB300, and there'd be gigs when I just wouldn't bother with the posh one... * OK, possibly some Hipshot Ultralights, but that's pretty much window dressing...
    2 points
  34. Shipment delayed Looks like all the new Squiers are held up.I blame Boris.
    2 points
  35. I'd be lying if I didn't say Flea wasn't one of the reasons I picked up a bass in the early 90s. The Blood Sugar Sex Magik album was (and to a degree still is) my bass bible, albeit notable for its lack of slap bass compared to their previous output. Whilst RHCP have completely jumped the shark these days, I'm still a huge fan of their early output and the bass playing on it. Whilst a lot of what he plays isn't that complicated, the speed and energy he plays with made it unlike anything anyone else was doing at the time. Obviously having Chad Smith as your drummer helps a great deal too. I have nothing against slap when it's done well. The problem is that it rarely is! Like a lot of things, it's an easy concept that's hard to master.
    2 points
  36. Whatever else you say about Yes, no one else has produced a catalogue like it. Gates is a massively original work.
    2 points
  37. Or, it’s one of the greatest tracks of all time. 😉😁
    2 points
  38. Thank you Andy for reminding us that not all musicians' wives are idiots. 😎
    2 points
  39. 50 years ago a 4x12 bass cab and 4x12 guitar cab were the same thing. If you run a bass through a 4x12 guitar cab today the result will be the same as running it through a 4x12 bass cab 50 years ago: it won't go as low or as loud as a modern bass 2x12. Next: Why? It's a form factor that hasn't made sense since 50 years ago. If you need more output than what a modern 2x12 can deliver, which isn't likely but that's a different topic, get a pair of 2x12.
    2 points
  40. Yes suction, though I've done it in the past by just sucking through a tube. It gives you a bit more control but a vacuum cleaner which was adjustable would work.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. I did, but the lever protrudes down past the nut position. However, you could face the guitar the other way 'round on the hanger (no good if it's for display, though!).
    1 point
  43. I've got no problem with capes either... I love Parliament! And I've also got no problem with prog - at least in theory. I'm a big fan of Magma, King Crimson and even like ELP's "Pictures at an Exhibition". I can even cope with Gentle Giant despite their medieval bent! As for more modern prog, I'm very happy to listen to Porcupine Tree, Physics House Band, Sky Architect, Liquid Tension Experiment, Mars Volta etc. But I don't like Yes (or Genesis for that matter, but that's a different story); it could be the annoying folky chord progressions, the complete and utter lack of The Funk in any shape or form, the constant stopping and starting in order to fit in yet another fanfare, the fantasy album covers, the screeching vocals or the terrible lyrics. Either way, they're musical hell for me, or perhaps one of the outer circles; the centre is occupied by boy/girl bands and "I sawe a prettye Maide" type folk...
    1 point
  44. As you've been given freedom from thinking it's a few day off from your birth, I suggest you now assume it was born the same exact day you were. In the evening, or course, as if it was born during your morning, the folks in California at the factory wouldn't have been at work yet
    1 point
  45. They were great musicians though, and IMHO had many very well made songs. Also, Jan Akkerman could improvise with relevance to the song in question - nearly as if the improvisation was composed.
    1 point
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