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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/07/19 in all areas

  1. That’s not damage, that’s mojo. You know how it works. That brick looks like an original 31 also, they’re quite rare these days. Soon, there’ll be bricks for sale just like it, skilfully “relic’d” by artisan builders, selling for a premium and also not damaged. People will ask “Why don’t you just buy a new brick and damage it yourself through honest wear and tear?” but they just don’t get it.
    7 points
  2. How much does it weigh? Oh, never mind, it's left-handed.
    6 points
  3. Up for sale is Limelight 0222... Mark built this for me last summer and it's a lovely bass! I'm only selling because I've got my eye on something rather old (and expensive), and I've also just become affiliated with Sandberg, so their basses will be covering the more modern side of things for me (and yes, I will be getting a blue one!) Headstock carries his own branding, finish is Lake Placid Blue with a silver base, so is slightly different to vintage fender LPB and shows up really nicely under the lights. Vintage style Jazz bass knobs and wiring (VVT), Aged lightly (to his standards) with a really nice neck finish(38mm Nut). Currently strung with Curt Mangan 45-105s, and weighting in at exactly 4kg. No trades unless by chance you have a Fender Neo 6 or 8x10!
    5 points
  4. I trademarked "The" a while ago. Invoice in the post.
    5 points
  5. I caught Chas out of Chas 'n' Dave* chatting up my missus backstage at a bug jam we were playing. Oi Chas out of Chas N Dave I said, sling your hook. He slunk off to the safety of the executive portacabin. *A comedy trio, a sort of cockney wurzels, inexplicably, if briefly, famous, but mainly only among Spurs fans.
    5 points
  6. Well, all in all it’s just another brick in the wall really.
    4 points
  7. Gonna be a few clunks in this story so I apologise in advance! About three weeks back we were at the Montreux Jazz Festival as support for Sting in this big Stravinski Auditorium place. I was buzzing because a) Montreux! and b) Josh Freese is drumming for Sting at the moment and I'm a big DEVO fan; didn't get to meet Josh in the end but was great to hear them soundcheck. We'd just come offstage and were hanging around waiting for the risers to come down when this tidy American lady in a comedy cowboy hat/camo t-shirt combo starts talking to our singer. Assumed she was one of the promoters and left them to it, but when we came back after loadout our singer sat by herself having a nervous fag break: "She started chatting about the set and I was just doing the usual diplomatic answers cause I really wanted to get to the bar but couldn't help feeling I knew her from somewhere. Then as she walks off one of the management team goes past with a "Hi, Shania!" and I twigged. It was the cowboy hat that did it." All together now: "So you're Shania Twain..."
    4 points
  8. If you chuck it through the window of !0 Downing Street or Buck House, it probably will, for a short time at any rate...
    4 points
  9. It's not really on the same level though? This brick is more akin to the hairnet worn by a lady who worked at a crisp factory that made a bag of ready salted that Jaco once ate. S.P.
    4 points
  10. Kansas- Carry On Wayward Son
    4 points
  11. Hi All It's been a while since I did a thread in real time, so I thought I'd start one for my new build. Especially since it's got some elements I've never done before - LPish, neck angle, scarf joint, set neck - so will shamelessly pump you all for information. My plan is to build a g*itar loosely based on the Gibson ES Les Paul. So it will be LP shaped, chambered, f-holes, probably P90s. Wood wise it will be mostly walnut, with figured walnut veneers front and back, double bound. I'm not looking to do a carved top yet, so it will be flat a bit like a B&G. Like a B&G I'm also thinking of having a slotted headstock and tailpiece. So imagine these two had a love child.... Here's a wood pile, and a neck blank I've already made. I'm trying to use wood that I've accumulated for no particular use, or that is left over from something else. So far I've got: - A one piece walnut body. It's too thin, so I've jointed some ash plates to be glued on front and back, just to bring the body up to 44mm or so. They'll be hidden by the binding & veneer. - Some walnut veneer, for front and back. The body will be double bound, probably in ivoroid. - A 9 piece neck blank - (fake) ebony/maple/sapele. I made this for something else then never used it. I'm a bit in two minds whether to run with this one or to make another one with walnut rather than the sapele. Given everything else is walnut, I think the slightly orangy sapele may clash, colour wise. So if I can nip down to Brooks to buy some rough cut walnut, I may glue up another multi-laminate neck with walnut rather than sapele. Here are the veneer sheets: And doing some very rough layout on the walnut core, just for fun. Thanks for looking!
    3 points
  12. GODIN Performance Shifter Bass 4 RF Trans Cream High Gloss, another rare instrument ! Asking price : £675 GBP !!! Like new, almost never played. Here are the specifications : Body : Canadian Laurentian basswood Neck : 1 piece hard rock maple bolt-on (6 screws) Fingerboard : Ergocut maple Frets : 20 positions Headstock : 4 in line Pickups : 3 Godin passive single coils alnico with low pull extra-large magnets Preamp : none, passive Controls : volume, 5 ways switch and tone (push-pull for the 6th position, neck pickup only) Bridge : Godin double function (back or front load) Strings spacing at bridge : 19 mm Nut : Tusq Truss rod : one Strings spacing at nut : 10 mm Knobs : original metal Scale : 34" Hardware colour : chrome Finish : high gloss translucid cream Land of craftsmanship : Canada Serial number : 10332118 Year : 2010 (bought new in 2014) Weight : 4 kilos Action : from 1,5 mm under the G string to 2 mm under the E string at 12th position Will come with the original Godin Deluxe gig bag. Non-smoking environment as usual. The 3 pickups coupled to the 5 ways switch and the push-pull offers 6 different tonal configurations. Add the superlative Godin craftsmanship and you get THEversatile bass. Look at the link to see all the possibilities. The bass has been fully set up professionally and will come with all the papers. Link to the Godin Shifter Bass series :http://jedistar.com/images/December2018/2010_shifterbass.pdf What you see is what you get ! Look at the pictures taken under different lights to see the real like new condition. Don't hesitate to ask for more.
    3 points
  13. Yep @AussieBassman you are turn as my appalling grammar suggested!
    3 points
  14. I was going to threaten you with the whole Greek nation taking action....checked the Bank account - we can't afford it. 😢
    3 points
  15. Who's bold enough to trademark "Basschat"? Remember that Ped knows where you live...
    3 points
  16. I've trademarked 'The Greek' ™ You'll be hearing from my leegul team imminently.
    3 points
  17. Pretty much the reaction I got first time out with the P34. Only I replied ‘ cheers, it’s lovely isn’t it. I’ve borrowed it off a mate for a while’. To clarify, my girlfriend is our singer 😏
    3 points
  18. Hrm, where's the advertising standards commission when you need them...
    3 points
  19. Embrace the character that it's created! Add some graphics...hey presto!
    3 points
  20. When we moved into our new house a couple of years ago I got chatting to one of our neighbours about dogs... She's got a couple of wolfhounds. I mentioned I was in a band (as you do!), so we chatted about this for a while then she said she was a keyboard player and used to be in a band. I asked if it was anyone I'd heard of and she said "Jethro Tull". She's full of excellent stories of 70s rock'n'flute excess!
    3 points
  21. I grew up in Yorkshire. I will never have more money than sense😉
    3 points
  22. Whether the setup of the topic was sexist or not, I just don't understand how you people can live in an environment like that? Either having your significant other always question your purchases or having to 'do good' to them to get back into good graces? I understand most of it it's banter and just people funnily ranting without an actual reason, and kinda make into a game (or at least I hope - I can't believe so many couples are like this in here?) My partner of almost 10 years gets all happy and excited when I start going around purchasing a new instrument or whatever else I want to pursue. I'm the same with her, obviously. And she's not a musician, so it's not like 'she understands'. My latest bass purchase was more than 3k. She was pretty much more excited than I was! We both have decent jobs and generally try to take care of not 'splurging' money away. I just find it...odd. I could understand an 18yo who gets to decide whether to buy himself/herself a new bass OR bring his/her partner to their first weekend away, but come on...I'm reading of people here who supposedly have been married decades, and are still trying to sneak 'new stuff' past the partner? How...how does that work? 😮
    3 points
  23. Agreed. Classic P with flats. Chords sound particularly fat and rich. This is the sort of playing you want on a bass/pickup comparison rather than all that show-off slapping la-de-da. Peace Davo
    3 points
  24. Tell ya what, I'll buy it and do you feckers a favour. How's that sound? 😉 I've been ummin' and ahhin' about one of these for years. I've got an ill advised 4x12, I need an I'll advised 100w valve amp in my life! PM on the way...
    3 points
  25. I always wanted a 355 but have settled on one of the 1964 reissue ES345s that were among the last models made at the Memphis factory. I've been through a few ES-type guitars including decent quality Japanese Orville, Tokai and Yamaha SA2100 and 2200 models. I'm happy with the Gibson though. It's not the prettiest guitar and there's loads of dirty grain behind the 60s cherry finish. That said, I don't like flamed ESs and I've seen similar heavily grained tops on authentic 60s guitars.
    3 points
  26. Patitucci is also an awesome guy to listen to if his music isn't your cup of tea. I have seen a clinic by him, Brian Blade and Danilo Perez (Fellowship of the Light Trio) a few years ago and JP is a calm, inspiring guy who is excellent in explaining tons of musical ideas and concepts.
    3 points
  27. Naked self promotion I know, but I just did this... https://www.soundonsound.com/people/why-love-fretless-bass Phil
    2 points
  28. Black with tort means a Zodiac BXP. Alder body,rosewood/maple neck 8" radius. Lovely bits of kit. Made in China. "Made in China" is not the usual kiss of death here. When Peavey started sourcing basses from the Far East their top bass designer relocated. The Zodiac had a new body shape and came in 2 flavours. Standard BXP or Dave Ellefson signature model. The Megadeath man thought adding a mirror scratchplate was enough but the marketing folks disagreed. Marketing men won and his Sig bass shipped with the uninspiring Duncan 1/4 pounders. Put Ellefson's neb right out of joint,he later stated the standard pickups were good and the Duncans were only to justify a large price hike 😲 Not sure what else to add. Solid bass, designed to be versatile. Built under the watchful eye of the sorely missed Mike Powers. Cheap as chips. Definitely worth considering should you fancy a PJ.
    2 points
  29. Bob Carruthers. I would have staked my pocket money on it! Google him ...
    2 points
  30. I'm off the trademark "The Beatles", "U2" and "The Rolling Stones"...when their Lawyers see what's going on they'll frighten the B'Jesus out of anybody else thinking about trying this. Wanna mess with the big boys???
    2 points
  31. For many years I worked just off of Oxford St in London and would, on occasion, pop into the musical instrument store situated at that time in the basement of Virgin Megastore. On this particular occasion I popped in as they had a shipment of Spectors arrive which included my custom ordered white Euro. A salesman got it ready for me to demo and I sat there playing and enjoying my new purchase when, shortly after, another salesman approached - commenting positively on my playing and the tone of the bass. We had a nice chat about the bass, rock music etc and I thought he looked kinda familiar. He was middle aged and looked like a genuine classic rocker (different from your usual instrument salesman) so I asked if he played and/or gigged much..... "Yeah, I play guitar..... gig occasionally but not so much at the moment though I was in a big band for a while". "Oh, and who was that" I enquired.... Him: "Have you ever heard of Bad Company?" Turns out it was Dave 'Bucket' Colwell.....
    2 points
  32. Jesus, I hope they're not selling anything from the toilets...
    2 points
  33. When I'm playing bass I always get Suzie Quattro. Largely because she's the only female bass player most punters have heard of. But to be fair I think I do resemble her more than any other bass player. Especially if I've got me leather trousers on. I've also been likened to Diane Keaton on more than one occasion. Though as far as I know she doesn't play bass! 😁
    2 points
  34. I've done numerous deals with Jean-Luc, who perfers to be called Jade, without any problem. Fast communication, very good packing when items were sent, ultra fast payment when he bought me some basses, and even better, a very friendly person when he came home for numerous trades. A true credit to BassChat, and even if he's new here, you can deal in total confidence. He's also a terrific bass and double bass player. 👍 Check this : https://afrolatinvintageorchestraubiq.bandcamp.com/album/last-odyssey
    2 points
  35. Probably wouldn't take much work for someone with the knowledge to re-fret it and if authenticity isn't your thing, find a suitable bridge. The bridge area looks in reasonably straight condition, so no plugging of holes etc.
    2 points
  36. It wasn't. Most (if not all) of what's been written in these posts is just self-depreciating banter, I'm sure most of the commentators are poking fun at themselves more than their partners (using the old 'er indoors" line) and wouldn't have a problem "owning up" to a new purchase. There is however a much darker side, as actually having to hide one's spending can be the type of behaviour exhibited in an abusive relationship (from relate) - https://www.relate.org.uk/relationship-help/help-separation-and-divorce/preventing-harm/abusive-relationships Types of abuse Abuse can be: Physical, with behaviour such as pushing, hitting or throwing things. Verbal, where one partner constantly puts down the other or shouts. Controlling, where one partner exerts control over the other, perhaps sexually or financially. In any relationship, whatever your sexuality, age, income, or background. Its extremely difficult for an abused partner to leave an abusive relationship through fear of (though not limited to) retribution, fear of being alone, commitment to family (kids usually, though also extended family), financial commitment (mortgage etc). Mine too, although I've been in relationships in the past where this wasn't the case.
    2 points
  37. Personal registration plates have absolutely no utility value (arguably less than the brick) yet people pay much more than £350 for some of those....
    2 points
  38. To be fair, it is a collectible. People really don't get it, @Doctor J Doesn't make sense that 'it's damaged whooo and it's 350 quid'. There's people who would pay thousands for something like that. If I were to put on the 'on sale' section here THE (broken) NECK OF THE FIRST EVER P BASS - mind you, it's twisted, unplayable and so forth. I would bet you 10% of the sale price that you'd have people coming in in DROVES to put their hands on a 'useless' piece of history. Peace out
    2 points
  39. I don't have much sense, but luckily I don't have much money either. Limits the damage somewhat!
    2 points
  40. How did you know how drunk I am?!! I'm good for the fee though, and I stand by my mistakes! 😊
    2 points
  41. When I was a teenager, people said I looked like Donny Osmond (who is three weeks younger than me). Later, other people said I looked like Meat Loaf. Then when I was forty or so, it was Jack Nicholson. The most recent comparison was Barry off East Enders (whoever he is/was). It's just been a gradual decline...
    2 points
  42. The folk group I play with had a sort of 'practice in front of an audience' a couple of weeks ago. Turns out I am the biggest show off in the group, getting those watching to join in with my one vocal line and everything! Maybe my idea of being the singer in an Ian Dury tribute isn't so terrible after all.
    2 points
  43. Guitarbuild walnut body arrived today...already tested the colour test strip, only one coat of Tru-Oil, but it'll darken down with a few coats. Neck was as tight as a gnats chuff so had to sand down the edges of the neck very slightly to get it to fit...its just tight now, rather than mega tight...😁 Currently in process of nitro lacquering the face of the headstock pre-decal applying. And looking at this, I'm already convinced, no pickguard...chrome hardware and I might even go to the lengths of a chrome tugbar to finish the look. Last pic, I've applied one coat of Tru-Oil to seal, do another tomorrow before starting the wet sand grain filling.
    2 points
  44. Just wondering what accessories the Fender Custom Shop Sid Vicious P Bass comes with?
    2 points
  45. If I may, sexism works both ways. I've often worked in environments where I've been the only man, and all the women in the room have incessantly slagged "men" (in general) off day after day after day. It was/is thoroughly depressing.
    2 points
  46. I have no possible need of a Scott Dixon case but an awful lot of want.
    1 point
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