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Showing content with the highest reputation on 31/07/19 in all areas

  1. Hardware update, Installed new tailpiece and bridge assembly from Winfield. Looks 1000% better, corrected the string spacing as well.
    7 points
  2. I wanted to just say publicly how much I enjoy this forum. I may not be a very active member at the moment, but I thoroughly enjoy the content on here, and especially the people. Indeed, a huge thank you to forum member Raymundo who, about 18 months ago now, saw my post on here that, due to financial difficulties, I had to sell my beloved Brook acoustic bass. Ray immediately got in touch and offered to lend me an acoustic bass to tide me over. I have just given the bass back to Ray (I still hope to be able to buy back my Brook shortly) but this lovely act of kindness will never be forgotten. I truly think bass players are the loveliest of musicians- humble, extremely musical, empathetic, and without any delusions of grandeur! An example of this is the thread on Depression. Such a thread is unheard of on other forums. Indeed, on a guitar forum I belong to, discussions of people’s mental health is positively frowned upon! The way people help and support each other in that thread is really quite beautiful. Anyway, just wanted to get that all off my chest. Hopefully, at some stage in the next few months I will have my bass back and continue with my project of exploring solo folk bass!! Robbie
    6 points
  3. A lovely and honest OP which I agree with entirely. Having been on other forums I do see BassChat as something of an oasis. Other forums simply aren't as pleasant as here, some of them are positively toxic - anyone been on any sports or fitness websites? Jeez! Well done mods and fellow BC'ers for making this place what it is!
    5 points
  4. Sorry for going slightly off topic here but I have heard that phrase before and can't believe its true. Any sound engineer that uses that excuse has no idea what they are doing...."Ere.... sorry mate you'll have to remove all of your guitarists pedals as I don't know what to do with the output....it's not pure..........and as for yer mate on that there synthy thing-u-majig.....can't he just mime or summat?" 😮😁 As you were....😁
    4 points
  5. I visited an old buddy today. In the early eighties I sold him my first ever bass - a Westone Thunder II. I regretted it ever since, but at least it quickly found it's forever home. Sadly he doesn't play anymore but won't sell it back to me. I visited him today and played it for the first time in 30 odd years! That's him in the pic, not me!
    3 points
  6. Mint condition USA Fender Precision. Virtually unplayed, untouched 'case candy' inluding tools, strap, registration cert, keys to immaculate hard case. Spare pickguard included. Never owned a bass in this condition but it was an impulse purchase. Plays beautifully, I think from the serial number that it is a 2012 model.
    3 points
  7. The PJ pickups still look comically large against the smaller body The smaller, original sized pickups look more natural. It's like the bass version of this:
    3 points
  8. It’s almost essential on a pizza! 😉
    3 points
  9. Striking and imposing, this bass will turn heads. He's correct. I turned my head towards the toilet
    3 points
  10. I think modern amps tend to have a cleaner sound with more headroom and they allow people to hear their flats better than ever - they don't/shouldn't sound just like 'dead' strings, they have a rich and deep sound that is better reproduced by a modern HiFi amp in my experience. I actually find the treble component essential in making a great flat sound because the strings produce some bright clank which gives some definition, if you let it.
    3 points
  11. We approach completion, awaiting the Noll electronics stacked Vol/Vol knob - tonestyler Duo6 for the tone knob is in. No electronics in the normal Jag places, they are dummy plates. Once the stacked knob is in, its popping it all together!
    3 points
  12. Hello y'all. I had a few assemblies already made, usually involving cheap Harley Benton/Stagg/Squier parts. Feeling pretty much secure with this level of craftmanship, I found a Japanese P-bass body, one of the crappy style I like as it has already been stripped, refinished in red NitroCell, used, and then resprayed with Daphne Blue, then played again. The result besing a relic'd Daphné Blue over red with the distinctive crackling of the Nitro finish. I had a very precise idea of the neck and had to buy it from Warmoth, as I wanted a reverse Tele P bass, non maple fretboard. I went a bit over the top as I ordered a Roasted Maple neck, Goncal Alves fretboard, mandolin Stainless Stell frets and Turquoise dots. The big surprise was when I received the neck, as I did not expect such a frivolously figured fretboard... I already had a heavily modified P-Bass assembled from a Harley Benton kit. The aim is to strip the Harley Benton from all the great parts (Hipshot Lollipop Tuners, DiMarzio Model One, Fender CustomShop '59 P Pickup), and install those on the new build, and recycling the HB kit with a Twin EMG P-Bass setup. For Bridges I have two "Epiphone Japan" string-through bridges, both solid brass. Pictures will follow 🙂
    2 points
  13. I'm not trying to rise the dust here, but seem p-basses are getting more famous everyday, and specially flatwound strings. So just wanna know why some people use pbass (or any high-end bass) and flats and then have clean amps and cabs, like Barefaced, Bargantino or Vanderkley. It's like you don't want to hear all those frequencies on your bass, but on you amp it should be crystal clear. I tried flats, wasn't my thing, I have two Barefaced cabs, so I know what they can produce, I have also Fodera MG5, 2x Alembics (Series 1 and Signature Balance K body), Fbass AC5, Moollon B524, Yamaha BB series, Fender jazz bass 1966. I know it's good for certain songs, and it would probably sound better on Ampeg SVT. Just don't know why are people killing their bass sound with flats, specially on high-end basses, and I know it's modern today to sound vintage, but sometimes it's just doesn't sound nice. So just to hear you thought on that. Thanks
    2 points
  14. I’ve been buying gear for 30 years and I’ve found that I’ve been really pleasantly surprised on numerous occasions by budget, non-premium gear and left scratching my head with expensive purchases thinking ‘where’s the legendary big deal I’ve been reading all about’ . Maybe I’m wrong but it seems there’s a little bit of ‘emperors new clothes’ at play with certain brands of gear
    2 points
  15. This thread is useless without pictures. 😉
    2 points
  16. I find the comments here are interesting because I have an Ashdown Toneman 300 with its fifteen inch cone sat on top of a Trace Elliot 18 inch extension cab. I have ONLY ever used this rig in practice at home. I have no tweeters and I use flats for the most part. I turn down the treble and boost the upper mids to get the sound (and feel) that I like best. Then I play to stereo tracks through two Carlsbro Marlin PA150s each with a 200W Celestion wedge. I do not honestly know how good (or bad) it would perform at gig volumes and in a decent space. In my small practice room/workshop it is barely ever above "idling speed" but it makes the tools shake in their hangers on the wall. I like it.
    2 points
  17. Could never get on with flats TBH. I mean that’s what the tone control on your bass is for 😂😂
    2 points
  18. Yay, correct! Pick any prize from the top shelf. 👍
    2 points
  19. "Breaking Into Heaven" by The Stone Roses. Almost missed it but on second listen the telltale fill jumped out at me!
    2 points
  20. The most disappointing basses I ever owned were a Warwick Thumb NT5 and a Modulus Flea bass. Both regarded as great basses and am sure that they are in the right hands but I thought that they were terrible in terms of playability and sound. Conversely my Harley Benton Jazz is worth virtually nothing second hand but is one of, if not the best sounding and playing jazz bass I have ever owned
    2 points
  21. I do all my own fret work. It's not difficult, but you have to have developed the touch through practice. There are loads of youtube videos showing the process so you can see what is involved. A single high fret is relatively simple with minimal tools, but I wouldn't start out on a valuable instrument.
    2 points
  22. Doh! Of course! (Hand slapping forehead emoji)
    2 points
  23. Plus... many PA cabs are designed to be crossed over to subs at a certain frequency. If you want lots of low end they often aren’t designed to do that (but you need less low end than you might think) - one of the reasons you get a lot of people recomending the more expensive speakers is because they will be able to handle more low end.
    2 points
  24. I must confess to some apprehension when I heard that Mr Alister Jack would be replacing Mr David Mundell as Minister for Scotland. It's important that he build bridges with the Welsh Secretary Mr Alun Cairns who remains in office.
    2 points
  25. It's just one of those really subjective things where no explanation will help. You don't understand it like I don't understand the perverts who put pineapple on pizza!
    2 points
  26. You got me all excited that my bass had already been Devinely immortalised! The Ken Smith BSR 5TN at 4.40 on Scott's YouTube is indeed close to mine, but not the same. Mine is the slightly smaller bodied BSR 5TNV 'Studio' version (which I suspect may have been a relatively limited release?) Smaller body => has a stacked bass & treble EQ and instead of a side jack socket it has a front jack socket. PS I like the growl of your Pedulla in Scott's review! And I've always been a fan of the Warwick growl (made worse by the fact that there is 5 string neck through Thumb currently in the FS). I suspect that you could well be very bad news for my bank balance and that I should cease all communication with you forthwith 😂
    2 points
  27. Flats are all about the mids, IMO. The head and 2x12 (non-tweeter) cab I use really lets them shine - lots of clarity, far more than just 'thump'.
    2 points
  28. I use flats on my P bass. . . . and I've got a lump of foam under the strings. I happen to like that Duck Dunn, Bob Babbitt, Willie Weeks sound and the music those guys made with that set up. On the other hand I mainly gig my active Jazz bass with zingy rounds. I only own clean sounding amps. Can't stand woolley sounding gear. I think it's possible to like both/all ends of the tone spectrum.
    2 points
  29. I’ve tried flats many times and just can’t get them to work for me, but then I play punk and rock so in general not the right tools for the job. The only time they fitted well for me was in a band where we had 2 basses, I played the lower register with clean flats, Motown type lines, the other bass was higher register with driven rounds, like New Order. Worked well and if I ever play Motown or similar I’ll head back to flats as for me that style of music lends itself to the thud of flats.
    2 points
  30. I realize it's 55 pages. In summary: Yes, people do it and they think it's great. I'm not aware anyone who tried it was unhappy with it and switched back to amp/cab. As for which speaker - what is your situation (band style/line-up and how loud) and budget? Most have gone for 10" or 12" speaker. I recommend RCF. Others get on well with QSC which is similar quality/price. Some are happy with the Headrush 112 which is cheaper - I think the difference with the Alto is that the Alto has a mic preamp? Consider going straight to in-ears instead if that would work in your band
    2 points
  31. That is quite possible. most of the sheds change their suppliers and fail to offer consistency. Most of the staff have no idea what they are selling so asking for help doesn't work. Some things to look for check for at least one good outer veneer with no knots or unfilled holes. Two smooth outer faces is a good sign Check the board itself is entirely flat. Examine the cut edges for any voids, if there are any at the edge you can be sure there are more hidden in the middle. If the edge cuts cleanly that's a good sign.
    2 points
  32. To be printed off and stuck on the wall in our kitchen...or maybe on the wardrobe door next to her shoe collection I've got 4 ('kin amateur eh!) Mike Lull M4V Bass Collection PBass Tanglewood Odyssey Acoustic Bass Maruszczyk Jake 4p 55 basement and 2 guitars
    2 points
  33. Please, nobody mention shims.
    2 points
  34. Lutz are good. We They have an album on Spotify/Apple, called Nowherebound.
    2 points
  35. I think it's cool that people make videos to give their thoughts or share knowledge. But from what I can tell, he just dumps his YouTube links on basschat and never contributes to the forum. For example, in this thread there have been many very good and detailed replies with more information, from people who know what they are talking about, but he does not return to discuss any of it. Something about it seems against the spirit of a forum.
    2 points
  36. Until a new band gels by playing several gigs they need to remain focused on their playing. Once a few gigs under their belt they should be able to relax a bit and just enjoy the show. You can rehearse as much as you like in the hope things will always be perfect but its live gigs that really tighten up a band. IMHE. Dave
    2 points
  37. I think the DI out of the stomp is balanced if you use a TRS jack plug. I have a TRS to XLR lead to get a balanced signal to the desk.
    2 points
  38. 2 points
  39. About a year ago I bought a really sexy Yamaha BB735a in sunburst. It is my first 5 string and it's one of my favourite basses of all time. Really comfortable and awesome sounding. I find the bridge pickup a little weak to use it on its own, but mixed with the neck pickup or just the neck... So good. Then, since what I used the most are my 4 string basses, last week I bought a used Yamaha BB734a in black. Just as good as my 735.
    2 points
  40. I’ve recorded in studios where the older experienced engineers didn't ask if the bass was passive or active, they just worked on the signal they got given and made a great job of recording it. Then there are studios where more inexperienced ‘engineers’ got into compressing and adulterating the signal beyond recognition. Because a person says they are a ‘sound engineer’ does not mean they are reliable or experienced enough at getting a good sound.
    2 points
  41. I'm married to the singer. It's like taking a packed lunch to a buffet. 😂
    2 points
  42. I got it home today and it sounds every bit as good as it looks! An absolute masterpiece. I highly recommend a chat with Chris if you are looking for a world class instrument!
    2 points
  43. I'm 65, off topic. I have friends my age that will say, " She approached you to talk and take a selfie and you didn't get her phone number?" No, I didn't. I'm not 18 and I'm there to work not pick up women. I just want to go home. Blue
    2 points
  44. It is very kind of you to thank me in public Robbie, much appreciated. I actually had a brilliant night out in Bath ( it was convenient for Robbie to get to then) when I gave you the bass and loved that old guitar shop you showed me. There was an amazing coincidence when arranging to get my bass back...….. I live in Ilkeston in Derbyshire and with Robbie being near Bournemouth ,finding a mutually convenient meeting place was a problem ( short of me having a night out in Bournemouth but I've been there before 😉 ). I went to Stroud on Friday to see The Achievers (AGAIN @Jack_Stroud_Bass ) and arranged to meet Robbie at the station to get my bass....on Thursday I was chatting to my neighbour and he mentioned that he was going to Bournemouth On Saturday for a holiday...he met Robbie and got my bass saving him a 7 hour round trip...how cool is that? !
    2 points
  45. No I'm jsut siht ta ytping. Actually bad at typing and too lazy to get my reading glasses.
    2 points
  46. A few more sales/purchases since Apr 2019 so updated list of current 72 basses (with newbies in BOLD ) (PRE-KRAMER) SPECTOR SB-1 USA 1976 (Walnut/Maple) (PRE-KRAMER) SPECTOR NS-2 USA (Cherry Sunburst) (KRAMER) SPECTOR NS-2 USA (Black) (KRAMER) SPECTOR NS-2 USA (Black) (KRAMER) SPECTOR NS-2 USA (Gloss White) (KRAMER) SPECTOR NS-2 USA (Tobacco Sunburst) (KRAMER) SPECTOR NS-2 USA (Red/Black Lava Crackle) - Ex-Barry Dunaway (Yngwie) (KRAMER) SPECTOR NS-2 USA (Red Stain) (KRAMER) SPECTOR NS-2A (Gloss White) (KRAMER) SPECTOR NS-2A (Black) (KRAMER) SPECTOR NS-2A (Black) (KRAMER) SPECTOR NS-2A (Teal) SPECTOR NS-2 USA (Custom Holoflash Black & Abalone) SPECTOR NS-2X USA 'Spectorbird' (Tobacco Sunburst & Abalone) SPECTOR NS-2 Euro CR (Holoflash Black) SPECTOR NS-2 Euro CRFM(Dark Purple Stain) SPECTOR NS-2 Euro CRFM (Plum Stain) SPECTOR NS-2 Euro CRFM (Forest Green) SPECTOR NS-2 Euro LX (Gloss White) SPECTOR NS-2 Euro LX ‘Ian Hill’ (Black) SPECTOR NS-2 Euro LX 'Rachel Bolan' (Black/Silver Sparkle) SPECTOR NS-2 Euro LT (Violet Stain) SPECTOR NS-2 JA-CR Euro RI (Gloss White) SPECTOR NS-2 JA-CR Euro RI (Black) SPECTOR Legend 4X (Holoflash Black) SPECTOR Legend 4X (Black Stain) STUART SPECTOR DESIGN NS-4 Euro (Red Stain) DINGWALL D-Bird (Blue/Purple Colourflip) WAL Mk1 Fretless(Mahogany with Stained Maple facings) WAL Mk1 “Geddy Lee” (Black with Gold Hardware) FENDER Precision ‘70’s Jap RI “Phil Lynott” (Black/Mirror) FENDER Precision ’62 Jap RI (Vintage White/Red Tort) FENDER FSR Precision PJ Deluxe Active (Sea Foam Metallic) 1 of 150 FENDER FSR Precision 70's RI (Nat Ash) FRANKENSTEIN Tele neck/P body '"Billy Sheehan - The Wife" JACKSON "Kip Winger" Sig (Cherry Lacewood) JACKSON TBX-Pro ‘Jacksonbird’ 1 of 56 made (Black) JACKSON Ontario ‘Concert Bass’ (White) HAMER Impact USA (Black & Gold ‘Marble’) HAMER Impact USA (Red) HAMER Scarab USA ‘Rick Savage’ (White) KRAMER Forum I (Flipflop Blue) KRAMER Forum III (Dark Teal) KRAMER Ferrington Electro/Acoustic (Black) ESP The Surveyor 1984 (Blue Stain with Blue fingerboard!) ESP PPJ-160 ‘Masayoshi Yamashita’ Sig Model (White) ESP/Zep-II PPJ-160 ‘Masayoshi Yamashita’ Sig Model (Black) PEAVEY RJ-IV “Randy Jackson” Sig Model (Red Sunburst) PEAVEY RJ-IV “Randy Jackson” Sig Model (Grey/Silverburst) PEAVEY “Rudy Sarzo” Sig Model (Dark Natural) TOKAI ‘Hard Puncher’ P (Black/Mirror) TOKAI Works TW801? (Black) FERNANDES MV-65NS “Nikki Sixx’ Non-Reverse Spectorbird (Black) FERNANDES MV-65NS “Nikki Sixx’ Non-Reverse Spectorbird (Black) FERNANDES MV-65NS “Nikki Sixx’ Non-Reverse Spectorbird (Black) FERNANDES TB Ltd Edition ‘Thunderbird’ (Off-White) FERNANDES PJ-50 Ltd Edition P/J (Red) YAMAHA BB3000 (Black Sparkle) HARTKE XK-4 Active (Black/Chrome) GUILD Pilot (Purple Burst) GUILD Pilot (Red) HAGSTROM Super Swede "Rutger Gunnarsson" (Dark Mahogany) EPIPHONE Thunderbird Vintage Pro (Black) ITALIA Imola GP "Ricky Phillips" (White) HOHNER B2A w/D-Tuner (Black) FELINE/SPECTOR "Gene Simmons SB-1" Copy (Black) FELINE/KRAMER "Gene Simmons Axe" 1980 Hybrid (Black/Silver) PUNISHER "Gene Simmons" Ltd. Edition (Signed/#’d) (Black) AXE "Gene Simmons" Ltd Edt (Signed/#’d) (Black/Silver) CORT “Gene Simmons Axe-2” (Black/Silver) CORT “Punisher GS-2” (Black) STACCATO MG Active (22 of 34 made) (Black/Magnesium Alloy) I also have 10 'guitards'....
    2 points
  47. This is a question all about setup and nothing to do with the bass itself.
    2 points
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