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  1. Yes I think we’re done here - our annual Finnbass recruitment drive looks like it’s been a success!
    13 points
  2. Well it was Tuesday actually. I had been fancying a P bass for a while now so popped into Gear4music to check out a Player series P. However they didn't have any on display so I checked on their fancy screen thingy & spotted the Vintera range,mmmm had to check it out. To me it looks beautiful,seems to be very well made,plays & sounds excellent too.(it was also substantially cheaper than the classic 50's P bass they have in stock) Over all I am very happy with it,although I've yet to play it with the band but I'm sure it will be mint 🤣🤣
    11 points
  3. Right this arguing has gone on long enough now. Don't worry chaps, I'll sort it! BREXIT (Thread locked)
    9 points
  4. Seconded. I remember a few years ago reading a scattering of very unpleasant posts about Ped and BC on Finnbass. I'd joined Finnbass because a couple of people I liked had gone over there. I visited on a number of occasions but the traffic was a little slow and threads took time to evolve (which is perfectly understandable and reasonable in a spin-off forum, NOI). It struck me that far from being a cross between TB and The Lord Of The Flies Finnbass was simply a bass forum where 99% of the members seemed entirely normal but a tiny number of them exhibited two striking characteristics. The first was that they were obsessed with BC and the second was that they were horrible c*nts.
    7 points
  5. *silently hands Tim his coat* *points at door*
    6 points
  6. Thought you were going to say earplugs don’t Wok.
    6 points
  7. Can I just put it out there, I'll be in Tesco at Shepton Mallet around about 3.00 pm tomorrow complete with handwritten shopping list.... if anyone wants a photo opportunity with me?
    6 points
  8. @Silvia Bluejay and I just love Trader Joe's in Pasadena. So does Lee Sklar. Guess it's a bassist thing.
    5 points
  9. The one I heard was: Why do elephants paint their balls red? So they can hide in cherry trees. What's the loudest noise in the jungle? Giraffes eating cherries.
    5 points
  10. Blimey. When did I pee on your fireworks, exactly?
    5 points
  11. Free giant chips here, come on down! You just need a ladder to reach the server's shoulder!
    4 points
  12. James Taylor or Jackson Brown if you're into West Coast stuff, Billy Cobham Spectrum if into funky Jazz, Phil Collins , Dolly Parton etc etc. You could listen to 10 albums a day and still be hearing his stuff 3 months later
    4 points
  13. 4 points
  14. Good job I fished this out of your dustbin last year. No, you can't have it back.
    4 points
  15. Here’s some of my stuff (seen be Raggae bass already 🤣)
    3 points
  16. I have no latency issues, in fact I think my fingers cause more latency issues than the wireless unit.
    3 points
  17. 3 points
  18. My wife's just gone to the West Indies Jamaica? No, we've got a villa in Barbados we go to every year but she's gone out early this time because I've got a business presentation in Frankfurt and the nice thing is that the villa pays for itself because we let it out to friends we can trust and the woman who cleans and looks after the keys is an absolute treasure and costs peanuts; mind you, the only problem is there's one couple who go there every June and the husband always has a tendency to slip one or two of the books we leave for guests into his bag and brings them home with him because he says he didn't get around to finishing them and he always claims he'll bring them round to us but he never does and we always say we'll really have to mention this to him but we don't like to cause a scene over a couple of books although the last time he did it he took my copy of Polly Toynbee's book about social capital and a new one would cost £29.99 on Amazon and I just couldn't buy a second-hand copy, that would be simply de trop.
    3 points
  19. Ped as ever a man of supreme patience, helpfullness and wisdom. Well done Sir!
    3 points
  20. I love the little abstract tracks (I'm currently listening to a live bootleg with an improvised interlude). Many years I fell asleep listening to AEnima, after a heavy night in the pub, (-) Ions penetrated my dreams to such an extent I woke up, drenched in sweat, convinced the house was having electrical issues and I ran an flipped the main circuit breaker 😂
    3 points
  21. On the back of your recommendation, I applied to this scheme -- I'm not a pro musician by any stretch, but I thought "ah well, nothing ventured", attached links to yootoob vids and facebook pages etc of my various bands to the application, and they've accepted me. Just waiting for my appointment to be arranged. Thanks for the tip..!
    3 points
  22. I’m a member. But that’s enough about my general persona. I don’t do Farcebook, Twatter, InstantGran, or whatever other antisocial media is out there, so bass forums are my only internet outlet for the general nonsense in my head. I really like Finnbass, found the population there incredibly helpful, funny and met a couple of fine people from there in dodgy car parks (that’s another story though). I like the spit and sawdust back street pub feel to it. I also have visited TB a couple of times and, again, found some helpful info there. I like this place generally too, but this is the only site I’ve got into “arguments“ on, funnily enough never about gear. Once I was accused of lacking a sense of humour and another time my humour being inappropriate. My experience to date is that forums are fine places, but it’s too easy to take what is typed too personally, out of context, or interpret with attritional bias, etc, as I can’t see the face of the person typing so can’t read their intentions. It’s too easy for peeps to get carried away (me included) or type something they wouldn’t necessarily say face to face with someone. I would like to add that mods have been very helpful here ime. I’m still a member. An old wrinkly member.
    3 points
  23. Isn't that why we have the drunken rambling thread? Unfortunately I can never find it when I'm p@ssed. 😂
    3 points
  24. I'd wager the notion that everyone sometimes acts in bizarre, unusual ways - though admittedly some more than others. People go through many different kinds of stuff in their lives, and most of the time, one can sense those hardships in the background when they post in said ways on any forum.
    3 points
  25. No forum is perfect, that's for sure. No matter where you go, you will find people acting in bizarre, unusual ways. My mind wanders back to that thread about Scott Devine and the OP who seemed to have some bizarre vendetta against him, even making some not-so-subtle aspersions about his decision to make his wife a director in his business. I find Scott's YouTube personality a bit cringey at times but when he takes the mask off he seems like a really sound down to earth bloke. However, no matter what you think of him, he didn't deserve the abuse he got got in that bizarre thread.
    3 points
  26. Check out my porn rig 😋
    2 points
  27. I’ve had the RM500, the PF500 and the Tonehammer. For me the RM has much more warmth and depth to the sound, but also due to the - imo - better eq options it can sharpen up better. That said the Tonehammer is a very old-school sounding amp, and the PF500 delivers classic ampeg tones. My preference is the RM but I’d be happy with the TH or PF, only one I’ve no experience with is the Genz. I also found the Barefaced 210 to be quite relaxed on the top end so would make sure the amp I went for had high and high-mid adjustment.
    2 points
  28. Re. latency - my experience is with IEMs - I notice it, a lot Setup at the time was Smoothound into Helix LT into XR18 mixer into Sennheiser EW300 G3 IEM Tx - very noticeable . Swapped back to my Line 6 XD-V75 wireless and it disappeared. Nothing wrong with the Smoothound setup if you play into a conventional backline (I have none - direct to PA) - as an experiment, swapping to the lower latency setting on the Smoothound yielded a much less stable connection and was practically unusable in gig settings. As with all these things, everyone has different experiences and susceptibilities to latency. And no, I don’t have a lot of time on my hands 😉
    2 points
  29. Sexy and classy. Like me.
    2 points
  30. I should have guessed... it was all far too earnest 🙂
    2 points
  31. Been using mine at rehearsals and gigs and have never noticed any issues with mine at all. The purists will say the latency is an issue but if its a reasonable to small stage and your within normal stage distance from your amp / receiver and i'm talking maybe 3-5m then you'll never notice it. If you are playing large Wembley type stages and you are wandering to the opposite side of the arena stage then maybe you would hear it if really listening to it but your brain would simply adjust your playing to what you are hearing from the rest of the band IMHO. I'm no scientist or expert in anyway whatsoever and can only offer my own opinion. Pretty sure we've already discussed the latency issue on this thread and depending on who you speak to you'll get a different answer. One thing that did come out of the discussion was that if you also use in-ear monitors then latency between bass and then IEM will be more than likely longer and possibly noticeable. My summary is in most normal pub bands its perfect for the job. Dave
    2 points
  32. Then there's: Why do Elephants paint their toenails red? So they can hide in cherry trees Why do ducks have flat feet? So they can stamp out forest fires Why do elephants have flat feet? So they jump out of the cherry trees and stamp out the blazing ducks
    2 points
  33. Reminds me of the old gag: "My dog's got no nose" "How does he smell?" "He can't. He hasn't got a nose. Are you deaf or just stupid?"
    2 points
  34. I’m up the north just at the bottom of Snowdon in the Vale of Clwyd and it’s lovely up here too but more rugged than down south tho...........😀
    2 points
  35. Haven’t read the whole thread, but here is my advice. - Powered speakers, passive desk - 12” tops seem to work best IMO - 800w per top minimum (headroom is key) - If you want to mic bass drum, get at least one sub Si
    2 points
  36. Yep, Dingwall even do a hot rod striped Z2 signature for him, as well as regular signature Zs. He and Tony Levin will still be sessioning happily in another 50 years. Not sure they’ll outlast Keef though...
    2 points
  37. What a cracking colour combo!
    2 points
  38. 'Bassist among the Veg' would have accurately described a couple of bands I've been in. Has Lee since posted about meeting the illustrious HappyJays?
    2 points
  39. With absolutely no offence intended to the inhabitants of the dependent regions the Welsh, the Scots and the Northern Irish I must point out two salient factors: * Mr @Bluewine 's spiritual home is Liverpool, Ingerland * Notwithstanding his inner Scouse the language of Mr Bluewine's comments indicate that he is - in fact - a Cockernee. As support for my dialectological observation I commend to the forum's attention one of his recent posts: " Just done a 8 hour gig at this minging boozer in downtown Milwaukee. We orl tip up and the guvnor says to set up in the garden room away from the bar. Fakkin' muppet! So we goes on, like, and this hen party comes in and some fat munter who's been on the sherberts orl arfternoon goes ar5e over t!t right on our lady singer's mic. So she hauls one off on the munter and orl fakkin' hell breaks loose". Res ipsa loquitur, I think. Our very good friend Mr Bluewine is English.
    2 points
  40. So you're standing by your thread title, literally written, i.e. 'Ear plugs don't work'? OK. Stop using them, and let us know how you get on.
    2 points
  41. I took a detour on my home tonight and dropped in on the Robin. They had another hunt for the cover, and this time, possibly helped by my description, they found it. So all's well that ends well, sort of.
    2 points
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