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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/19 in all areas

  1. After having a good nights sleep and on hindsight maybe i shouldn't have reacted the way i did. I have not and will not name and shame for something that appears trivial Like most that have replied we agree this is not nice no matter what the reason and its disappointing when it happens. On the other hand some people have made their point clear that i shouldn't be raising this topic for discussion. Its their right to voice their own opinions on BC whether i agree with them or not. The thread has obviously been a contentious subject and for me justifies posting it. Its created debate without aggression. I'll continue to live my life knowing that when i agree something i'll stand by it.
    9 points
  2. I think this reaction is a bit strong to be honest, I completely understand it’s frustrating, but getting so heated about ‘honour’ and a ‘code of ethics’?! The member probably just thought that they were doing something rash and suddenly wanted to keep the bass, no harm no foul, it happens. If it were me, i’d be understandably sad that I wasn’t getting it, but probably just say “I don’t blame you, looks like a cracker, let me know if you decide to sell again”. That way you’re more likely to get a second shot at it than by somewhat outing them on the forums! 1st world problems and all that. Si
    9 points
  3. Side by side, a new configuration for me. Both cabs have wheels which makes living with them a lot easier.
    5 points
  4. Couple of things i can answer there. I was offered an amp at a price which i agreed then the seller said he'd seen the amp at a lower price and suggested the lower price. I told him i would pay what we agreed on . Answer to your question is YES i did pay what we agreed on initially. That's morals and ethics for you. Its what makes people honest and trustworthy (possibly stupid in some peoples opinions on BC) Old fashioned decency i guess but its what defines a persons character. People on BC can joke all they like about ethics, morals, decency and honesty but i'm happy to be known as someone of good character that can be trusted to do what i say i will. Your last point is YES again. I think if the seller had approached me in a different manner i would have been disappointed but understood where he's coming from and that choice to agree on not proceeding would have been mine and i can tell you now i would have accepted that without issue. I guess that's what this is down to. Its how you present yourself. Some people can do it well while others don't have the ability.
    5 points
  5. +1 The sale isn't done until you've paid for and received the item. This thread isn't about dishonesty, has nothing to do with trust, and is all about the OP's disappointment, which is understandable. I've backed out of one sale half way through, something didn't feel right about it, and had several sellers change their minds mid sale. Someone even remembered, at the very last second (I had my coat on to go to the bank) that he'd forgotten he'd previously promised the amp to someone else!!. I've also been gazumped several times when trying to buy a house. A sale falling through at the last minute can be frustrating, but it's not unusual and is just part of buying and selling.
    5 points
  6. Hi all, For sale is my beloved Gibson EB-3 purchased 2 years ago for £2150 from Andy Baxter Bass in London. Selling because it has now become a back-up, and it deserves more. Huge range of tonal possibilities with the pick-up selector - sounds and plays beautifully. Professionally set up in February for recording, this is a very reliable, rock solid bass, especially considering the age. I would say the condition is good->fair - I have tried to highlight all major dings and wear in the pictures, but it is half a century old, and has clearly been played. The case is not original, but it's vintage and super cool. Looking for £1500 ono - it's a bit of an investment piece that shouldn't lose value. Currently in the market for a tube head and a cab, preferably Ampeg (SVT or V4-B), so would be up for discussing a trade. Based in Brighton, but I can meet in London or surrounding if needs be. Preferably cash on collection/meet, but am open to discussion - just message me with any questions!
    4 points
  7. With heavy heart I have to sell my Limelight, an injector has gone on my vw van and they want loads of cash to fix it! Only done 50,000 miles! This is the only bass of any monetary value I have at the moment. I will be ordering another when funds allow!! This was made as a replica of my own 78 that I used to own. Courier will be around €20.00
    4 points
  8. Saw this on EBay last week, offered a price, and got it. how it survived Hermes delivery only in its original box, with a boxed amp taped to the bottom, I will never know. I guess the courier gods were on my side. I am liking it muchly.
    4 points
  9. This is another great Jazz bass from my collection. I also have a CS '64 jazz bass for sale here and there's not a huge amount between them. It's a limited edition run (or FSR) in Daphne Blue with matching headstock. There are differing accounts online regarding how limited the run was but from what I can ascertain there were likely 50 for the American market and 50 for the European market, as such, they don't come up for sale that often. This one is in near mint condition, it has not been gigged, only home use. The only (very slight) blemishes are where the chrome covers have been attached as the nitro finish is very light. It has numerous case candy and a rather nice cream G&G case. Pics now added! Weight is 4.05 kg Collection and Trial welcome in Cardiff, UK. I have a feedback thread here on BC.
    4 points
  10. There was a fair bit of messaging and discussion before and after i agreed on the sale and he seemed genuinely keen to sell. Obviously relaxing on holiday allowed him to come to his senses and decide to keep the bass and on hindsight i can understand why. I've calmed down a lot now and can fully appreciate why he wants to keep the bass. As pointed out poor communication has caused me to take the wrong approach in this matter. Had things been done differently i would have been more understanding and simply walked away on reasonably good terms. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. On a positive note we have had some good, friendly debate without the aggression and anger often seen on forums and i guess that's why we all enjoy being here on BC. Things happening outwith our control are more readily accepted in my opinion krispn. Dave
    4 points
  11. I don’t think it’s unreasonable at all, switch it the other way, would you expect him to cancel a holiday he’d already booked because you’d booked a gig. Put that to him, see what his reaction is.
    4 points
  12. There is...or was! I know the statue has been removed a few times due to repairs or what have you. I'm assuming it's still 'all original'. As for who's underneath all that bronze...there was a very well regarded Philo impersonator who's not been seen about Dublin for many, many years......
    4 points
  13. Agreed to buy a bass at sellers asking price plus courier if required from someone on BC but as they were going on holiday we agreed to wait until they return to sort out the details of courier etc. Halfway thru their holiday they withdraw the bass from the sale and send me a message to say they had decided to keep it. Has honesty, trust and word is your bond something that we don't bother with these days. If i agree to sell something to someone then that's a given for me and i can't and won't go back on that deal no matter what. Maybe i'm just old fashioned in that respect. I missed the chance of a very nice Limelight bass because i was waiting for the said bass. Obviously i am very angry and disappointed to say the least and this sounds like a rant but i always thought BC was a safe place to buy gear without issue. Seems i am wrong. Surely you don't advertise an item for sale if you aren't sure. Just me that thinks that way ??? I simply can't be bothered with people that waste my time. Maybe others have some thoughts on this kind of thing. Personally i am pretty p****d off at the moment. Dave
    3 points
  14. I was chatting with Joe Dart over a beer after a recent Vulf show and he said these basses were going to go on general sale in the Fall - which I guess is American for Autumn? He also said that he put some electrical tape over the pole pieces of the pickup as he plays super hard and got a little bit of noise from his fingers tapping on the pickup. I thought it looked like felt actually, neither would affect the magnetic pull anyway. Going by the recent Vulf live videos, he has really worked out his sound and it’s like a Jazz bass bridge pickup solo’ed on steroids! Fat, punchy and warm. Very tempted!
    3 points
  15. Just bought the red guitar - it's so cool. Now need the black and mint bass version :
    3 points
  16. Please don't! This has actually been a fairly interesting and civil thread, and I applaud you for starting it. S.P.
    3 points
  17. I had to back out of a sale on here once. A few years ago. I agreed to sell one of 2 identical cabs I had, as I generally only used one of them regularly and wanted to free up some cash for a double bass repair. Agreed with purchaser to meet up in 8 days time (no money had been exchanged, it was going to be cash on collection). 2 days (note 2 days) after the agreement my gigging cab stopped working mid gig. I couldn’t find the fault but “spare cab” worked fine when I got home. I had another gig the following week. I contacted the other party immediately (5 days before agreed meet up...note, 5 days before)..to regretfully back out of the arrangement as I needed the other cab until I could afford a repair. Apologised profusely and told him how I understood this would be disappointing for him, etc. The other party went mad...sent me threatening messages, contacted mods here to complain of my atrocious behaviour. Then posted on here how angry he was that he had been seriously let down by me, as I had messaged him just as he was about to leave home to pick up the cab! Was he walking? Backwards? Blindfolded? On his hands and knees? ( it was a 45 minute drive). He obviously garnered much support and righteous anger in support of his awful plight. I didn’t bother responding as the poor knob probably hadn’t had a poo for a few days and this had affected his ability to judge time or plan journeys. The abusive messages stopped when I informed him of my job. Suffice to say when I got the cab fixed I didn’t offer it to the constipated one. There are times when circumstances change, and it sounds like you would have been more understanding Dave, if the seller had communicated more effectively? Sadly there are some people you can be as open and honest with but it makes no odds....they’re still not gonna be able to poo. 🤪
    3 points
  18. Hi Dan, I bought this book number of years ago after seeing it recommended on Talkbass: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Conquering-Carpal-Syndrome-Repetitive-Injuries/dp/1572240393/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=conquering+carpal+tunnel+syndrome&qid=1567690797&s=gateway&sr=8-1 It's a book of very gentle stretches, covering the hands and arms but also the whole rest of the body. Although I eventually found that my problems were not carpal tunnel or tendonitis, I have had so much benefit from the stretches in this book and am convinced that it is a big part of the reason why my symptoms have largely stayed away. The stretches are not very intensive, so won't do any harm - they are aimed at increasing circulation and activating the nerves where they might be blocked/pinched. In my case, I found that pain in my wrists and hands was actually to do with tension I held in my shoulders, neck and midriff.
    3 points
  19. Until the cash-bass exchange is done I don't pin my hopes on anything be I the seller or buyer. Don't count your chickens as they say. I get that it's annoying and I'm the same as you Dave, I bought an electric van earlier this year which got me in a panic about the range soon after leaving the deposit, it was the first thing in my life I'd cancelled the order on, normally I'd have sucked it up but I felt even if I lost the deposit my mental health was more important. I sold a few basses this year and one guy was practically as good as a done deal, someone else offered me the cash and I took it as the first buyer went a little quiet on me, many people would have waited a little longer for his reply and I did feel a bit bad, but, four months later he still hasn't replied!
    3 points
  20. If someone told me they were going to throw me a lifebelt after I'd fallen off a pier and didn't... I'd be furious. If someone told me they were going to sell me a bass and didn't... I'd be mildly annoyed.
    3 points
  21. We've all gotta be allowed to change our minds, surely? And particularly if it's done before any cash has changed hands then it seems pretty innocent to me. There are plenty of FS threads where fellow BCers actually question "why are you selling this, you're mad!" etc. and folk do withdraw items from sale. Should the ability to withdraw an item be taken away and once listed we are all forced to sell? Let's turn this around and apply the same rule to our buying products online that are in perfect working order, but that we simply don't like. Should we 'as a matter of honour' not be allowed to return them so we don't disappoint the retailer and knacker their sales margins (which returns have the effect of doing)? Dave I know you're disappointed and also that you're a great BC'er, but I have to agree with Si, Cam, Hiram et al and their sentiment that folk do change their minds and we just need to be grown up about it and move on. Life's too short and there are a zillion other wonderful basses out there with willing sellers who would love to part you from your cash.
    3 points
  22. I would buy the bass that felt good to play and sounded good across many styles, and then I'd EQ to the sound the band needed. If I couldn't get the right sound for a particular genre I'd just buy a pedal. IMO I've seen many basses being used in Metal. These basses are also seen in other genres so I'd guess the "extreme" sounds in certain styles of music would be down to the pedal boards used.
    3 points
  23. As I said earlier my reaction was different from yours but not right or wrong just different. You've every right to your feelings and to voice them. The real positive here is that we can share ideas, experiences and views without resorting to nastiness and name calling.
    3 points
  24. D'uh! Gotta be Darkglass (see Spector basses). Ok sorted - mods please close the thread 😂
    3 points
  25. The dodgy 2 pin "plug" is the 18v adapter, not just a plug, so you can't just cut it off. HB *should* be supplying a UK pin version under EU regs IIRC. Alternatively, there are plenty of these on ebay with a UK PSU for 2/3 the price. The HB one is just a rebadged generic item. I have one after seeing it in the pedal board thread and it does work very well. e.g. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VITOOS-ISO8-Compact-Size-Guitar-Effects-Power-Supply-Power-Pack-Station-8-N0B3/183795792637?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
    3 points
  26. I think I’m with you, Dave. If I promise to do something, i feel honour bound to do it. Maybe that makes us old fashioned. Maybe it means we’re doomed to a life of disappointment. Then again, just about everyone I’ve dealt with on BC has acted with integrity and honesty so maybe I’ve been lucky - but I’d like to think you just had a bad experience that is not the norm for this community. Tell yourself that you may have dodged a bullet this time (who knows what else might have gone wrong when the money got involved) and put it down to experience - I know that doesn’t really help but there’s not a lot else you can do.
    3 points
  27. Selling my wonderful F Bass BNF5 Fretless. Compared with the AC5 this model has no chambered body but a second magnetic pickup. This BNF5 has the Ebony bridge which in my ears has a better support for an organic fretless sound than its metal sister. Spec: Ash body, high gloss Maple Neck with Ebony Board, no lines F Bass Pickups with Matching wooden covers F Bass Electronic (V/V/T and 3-Bd. EQ, Passive Mode and Coil-Tap) 34,5“ Scale 19mm Spacing Ebony Bridge F Bass Gigbag Everything in top condition with the following exceptions: on the lower body side there is a 1cm ding (look at the pics) and the electronics cover has some wear from unprofessional opening. The bass is strung with LaBella Black Nylon Flats, providing a wonderful singing tone. SOLD
    2 points
  28. Here is a thing, for anyone who's interested. Over the years I've become a gut purist. I've played nothing but gut G D, and various gut-like combinations on E and A for like, a decade. No mistake I love the tone, and I play lots of Willie Dixon / Larry Taylor (RIP) slappin blues. Even when not slapping, I've got a big plucking bouncing arm waving style that relies on yanking those strings to buggery with my whole arm. But truth be told, I often disappear in the live mix a bit. And I really never record... so pains me to acknowledge I'm probably not getting the best out of those strings, and my prefernce is largely based on principle. So, the other day, in a moment of madness, and in preparation for a BB King Live at the Regal type project, I decided to throw caution to the wind and sling some Spiro weichs on my back-up bass (B+H). I thought I should go for a more modern jazzy sound for a change. After a couple weeks they're just bedding in nicely now. And despite my bias, I'm really digging the novelty of having clarity and growl (acoustic at least). So I'm going to take the bass out for a blues gig this weekend, see how the spiros cut it live and amped. I know they're often accused of disappearing in the mix. And I worry I'll miss that big thump. But maybe I can dial that in with EQ anyway. And I can only imagine they'll cut through more than my trusty Lenzner/Lambert/EP Slap combo. And maybe, as much as it pains me to say, maybe I will actually like it, even in a blues / RnB setting? Hell, I might even get away with a little slapping here and there, if I can tame the clank? I'll let you know. It doesnt end there though. I listened to some clips of EP Weich, and the new Pirastro Perpetuals. And I imagined how they might sound on my vintage plys, Kay and Mortone. Plus, I played a Mortone wearing Innovation Honeys the other day - nice. So I bought a couple of test strings (Perpetual E and EPW A). Considered Velvets for a moment, but I think I'll go all the way. So here I go. OMG am I about to forgo my purist pretensions, and cross over to the bright side? If it means my pianist can actually hear what I'm playing, and I can still get something approaching a nice warm thump, and I dont sound like a car crash with the odd slap ... it makes sense right? Or will realise the madness and go back to guts? Place your bets... Love a bit of string GAS every few years. It's all worth it for the novelty alone. And I'm actually really excited to hear another side to my beloved Mortone and Kay... Carry on.
    2 points
  29. Power Trio... Perhaps not the ideal moment to head for Florida? 😞
    2 points
  30. Just watched an interesting long interview with the Eastwood guy on YT. I suppose the handy thing about the Eastwood Basses is you can cut your Bass strings to length on the many sharp body edges😀
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. Dear Bass friends, holidays are over & I’m back to work... After the EVO-FX5 prototype, here you can see the 1st serial EVO-FX5.... Grain filler was applied ...
    2 points
  33. Yes, before the 735 I tried the 435 (just to see if I could save some bucks). But I felt something with the 735. The neck and the pick ups sounded a little more like the sound in my head. However, I also liked the 435. I wouldn't mind having it in case I need another 5 string bass
    2 points
  34. I would recommend NEVER flexing printed circuit boards, especially relatively old ones, as you can crack the copper tracks and damage previously good solder joints and/or components.
    2 points
  35. Hardly, nowt wrong with decent principles However I was never brought up to do the splits
    2 points
  36. What is the collective noun for 'derrières', anyway? A Basschat of derrières, perhaps?
    2 points
  37. I was just waiting for the location of the inevitable duel! Surely honour demands it!
    2 points
  38. Only had one deal here which gave me any cause for concern and I was warned off by a vigilant fellow member. The mods dealt with the guy, no harm done. The chap who changed his mind and refunded did nothing to put me off trading here with him or anyone else. I can't count all the other hassle free transactions I've enjoyed over the years. This is still a safe place.
    2 points
  39. I'm afraid in spite of what we'd like to think there's just as many unethical people amongst bass players as there is in any walk of life, that's not to say there's a lot, but you don't need many to give everybody a bad name, same with not clearing up dog stinky poo and leaving litter lying around
    2 points
  40. I purchased my modulus from a guy in Italy through BC. Never met him before, but put over £2k in his account hoping a decent bass would turn up. Sure enough it arrived as stated and I’ve been as happy as a pig in 💩 ever since. If you want a bass bad enough you’ll take a bigger risk. Sound the seller out, see the tone and quality of their previous posts etc and good luck. rich
    2 points
  41. Ofc! Who do you think’s under all that bronze, holding the bass!
    2 points
  42. We do something in our jazz standards quartet that really works for us and is part of what makes our band different from a lot of others and the audience loves it. If we are in a club or hall we usually play three sets and between the second and third sets we hand out the play list of about 150 songs that we have in our book. We then play a couple of songs to start the last set and after that we take requests from the list and it is a lot of fun since we get requests for things we rarely play or weren't planning to play at that gig and the audience go home happy because we played their song, win /win as we see it. It has become a bit of a "trademark"of our band and we have played gigs where a small crowd showed up and we play requests from the list for part of all the sets. It keeps us on our toes and everyone goes home talking about the band and our regulars take the list so they can plan for the next time they see us. Of course we update the list periodically as we add or delete songs but that's easy to do. We don't do this at all of our gigs but the smaller clubs and venues where we have a more intimate setting and smaller audience are perfect and it always goes over well. Obviously this won't work for most bands but we have been doing it for 6 or 7 years now and for our type of music and audiences it's great.
    2 points
  43. You could try asking a few amateur porn producers how they manage, as they face a similar challenge.
    2 points
  44. Meanwhile.... the Earth is burning to a crisp, Brexit, god knows how many wars raging as we type, Paedophilia happening on an industrial scale, .... but yeah let's rant about someone having a change of mind on selling a plank of wood.... a bit frustrating... absolutely it is ! Worth ranting publicly about honesty, trust, honour, breaching of contracts, codes of conduct etc etc .... get off the grass!... just as poor form as seller changing their mind ! Punch a wall and move on. 🤪
    2 points
  45. The annoyance and disappointment is certainly justified, but if no money (or bass) has changed hands then there’s really nothing wrong or immoral with the situation. Missing out on the other bass sucks big time - I’m sure a few of us have been there! But we’re all human and we change our minds sometimes.
    2 points
  46. I haven't mentioned any names and i won't but i still stand by how i do business with people. It creates trust. If i make a deal with someone then it stands and maybe its a bit old fashioned but people learn to trust me as my feedback clearly shows. I missed out on another bass because i decided on this one and because i was being helpful in waiting the other bass has now sold too so in my eyes their is harm done. If someone isn't sure about selling their gear they shouldn't advertise it. Dave
    2 points
  47. I'm sorry for your disappointment, but I'd say until the bass is in your hands, don't assume it's going to be yours. If this had happened to me I'd not be wondering what was happening to 'trust', I'd be cursing myself for not going for the other bass. YMMV
    2 points
  48. The above replies are all good. Suppose someone hands you a chart. Your eyes see this: || G | G | G | G | | Gm | Gm | Gm | Gm | | Am7b5 | D7b9 | Bm7b5 | E7b9 | | Am | D7 | G | G || But your brain needs to think like this: || I | I | I | I | | i | i | i | i | | ii7b5 | V7b9 | iii7b5 | VI7b9 | | ii | V7 | I | I ||
    2 points
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